The Duggars tried to dictate interview terms to People Mag, People said ‘no’


This is sort of an insider-y media story, but I found it fascinating. People Magazine has been having a tough time with exclusives lately. People has been, in the past, very attached to certain celebrities, and then when it comes time for those celebrities to give away an exclusive, they don’t go to People Magazine. That happened when Jennifer Aniston got married – how many times in the past decade has People Mag carried water for Aniston? And she wouldn’t even give them one exclusive statement about her wedding! And a similar thing happened with the Duggars – People Mag was patient, they carried water for the Duggar family, they got exclusives, and then, when People Magazine wanted to work with the Duggars on a post-child-molestation cover story for last week’s issue, the Duggars refused to speak directly to People.

The scandal-scarred Duggar family graces the latest cover of People magazine with the headline “Only in People: The Duggars now, life after scandal.” There’s just one problem — the family refused to speak directly to the magazine to avoid being asked about Josh Duggar’s molestation confession, a source close to the magazine tells Confidenti@l.

“They did not want to discuss the scandal, only the future of the family. They wanted to avoid it altogether, which is completely ridiculous,” says our source. “How can they do a cover story and not address the issue at hand?”

We’re told People, which has had a long relationship with the family, approached the Duggars about doing “the first big interview since the confession” and since the TLC show was canceled.

“The Duggars said we would love to, however we will not address Josh’s trouble,” says our source. “People tried to negotiate and eventually played hardball, saying we’re doing the cover with or without you.”

The result was a write-around, with most quotes from a family insider. Making matters worse is that while this week’s magazine is on stands, it leaked that Josh was a member of adult cheating website Ashley Madison, and that his information, like that of many site users, was hacked.

“That may actually work in People’s favor, because if you see that on a newsstand you’ll assume it’s inside the magazine,” laughs our source.

[From The NYDN]

If you read the excerpts from last week’s cover story, it is clear that some family members (Jim-Bob and Jessa?) were speaking to People but didn’t want to be used as a named source. Then, following Josh’s Ashley Madison scandal, People again dominated with insider-y quotes from “sources close to the family” without anyone going on the record as a named source. Still, it’s sort of funny that the Duggars think that even pre-Ashley Madison Hack, they had some kind of right to dictate terms to People Magazine. They really did believe that if they didn’t speak about Josh Duggar molesting his sisters, maybe they could have had a chance to do some kind of “comeback.” Poor Jessa thought that – she was and is so depressed that no one is paying attention to her pregnancy. Oh well.



Photos courtesy of Duggars’ social media, People Magazine.

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77 Responses to “The Duggars tried to dictate interview terms to People Mag, People said ‘no’”

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  1. baby faced killer says:

    Jessa is so gorgeous…

    • BearcatLawyer says:

      Except she often does that weird pouty smirk-smile that makes her look ludicrous. She looks much better when she smiles naturally.

    • Nancy says:

      She is pretty and probably the smartest of the girls. But my goodness she married a 19 year old boy. Another Jim-Bob set up. I watched the show back in the day and always liked Jana, she wasn’t as pretentious as the others. I hope she can manage to escape the compound and get a life of her own. The oldest Bates daughter managed to escape and get married and she had the same role as Jana. Finally, the son, I believe Josiah, who I always suspected was gay, broke off his courtship. Maybe he and the few that aren’t as deep into the madness came somehow manage to get out.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      All I see when I look at her is an abused, brainwashed, attention seeking fraud. I feel sorry for her and despise her at the same time. She loves attention and is willing to minimize child sexual abuse and try to brush her brother’s behavior under the rug so she can remain on TV, spouting hypocrisy and glorifying misogyny. Meanwhile, she knows she’s pretty, and she tries to do this sexy pout while holding guns and cookie batter, all the while bragging about how virtuous she is. I see nothing beautiful in her at all. Maybe there’s a smothered kernel of humanity in there longing to get out, but she looks perfectly happy to be the spokeswoman for an abusive cult to me. As long as she’s on TV.

      • Christin says:

        I agree with you. The inside doesn’t match the outside, IMO.

      • bellenola says:

        Yes to all of this.

      • Nancy says:

        That should be on the cover of some magazine “she tries to do this sexy pout while holding guns and cookie batter…” These kids have been brainwashed since birth. She knows nothing else. But on the other, at one point in time they only used the internet for schooling and now Ms. jessa has twitter and an ig….and this was before the marriage. Maybe there is hope for the younger ones after all. We’ll see in twenty years in “Where are they now?”

      • Elleno says:


      • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

        Amen. I don’t see it though, she looks like an average pretty girl. It’s what’s been happening in her family that adds an extra creepy depth not to mention her own ignorance and inner ugliness.

      • BearcatLawyer says:

        Personally I think she has demonstrated time and time again that she is only pretty on the outside. I can’t quite specify why I don’t like her, but there is something about her that makes me feel like she is totally fake and could easily shiv me in the back while smiling innocently to my face.

    • INeedANap says:

      I feel bad for her sisters. I think Jessa’s family and community have valued her over her sisters because of her beauty, because women only have value in their looks and womb. The sisters never even had the opportunity to be “the smart one” or “the athletic one” to Jessa’s “the pretty one”.

      • Mrs Odie says:

        I agree that she’s just a normal pretty teen. I’ve seen plenty of pretty teens. She’s clearly been expecting to become famous for breeding like her prized cow mother. Now she’s mad that she doesn’t get to be a reality tv star for the fruits of her womb? Cry me a river.

  2. Katydid20 says:

    People has really gone downhill as a magazine in the last few years. I used to read it religiously each week but nowadays it’s just full of non stories and not worth even a quick flip through.

    • LB says:

      They’re too afraid to ruffle feathers. I can’t stand US Weekly sometimes but at least they report on actual scandals occasionally instead of just restating what a publicist tells them to.

    • minx says:

      People is a joke.

    • holly hobby says:

      Blame the new managing editor, Jess Cagle (Twitter handle @JessCagle). He was great when he helmed Entertainment Weekly but then he got promoted to People and all he does is suck up to some undeserved celebs (Kelly Rutherford and these clowns).

    • mary simon says:

      People is so bland now. They never break stories anymore and everything they print has already been out on the net days or weeks earlier. It’s just a tool for celebrities to primp and get their spin on things out in print. Barely worth a flip thru – well said, katydid20.

  3. Shambles says:

    Jessa’s eyes creep me out. There’s something so off there. I would say she looks smug, but it’s more than that. It’s almost like she has malice in her eyes. Maybe she’s mad at the world– heaven knows I would be too.

    • Mayamae says:

      She is mean. There was an episode where she chased down Hannie, and physically restrained her to force the five year old to take a nap. I hope the new baby likes naps.

    • Aussie girl says:

      I said this on yesterday’s duggers post, Michelle is the most crazy out of them all. I think behind closed doors that sickly high pitched voice would drop and she could give a good death stare if you pissed her off.

      • Babyswans says:

        I live in town and actually “know” Michelle and Anna. They’ve spoken and visited our MOPS group. I know this probably isn’t going to be very popular, but both are genuinely really sweet and sincere people. I think they are controlled much much more than any of us realize. They aren’t really allowed to think on big topics-they are told what to think and do. I ran into Michelle at a garage sale and didn’t eve recognize her. She is shockingly thin. Her arms are the size of a child. I know people love to hate her, but I truly think she is a product of her religious cult (I know people who have gotten out-it is a cult) and truth be told, I truly feel bad for her. Jim Bob recruited her when she was a teenager and from my understanding, her parents weren’t always present in her life. I don’t think she knew exactly what she was getting into.

      • Pandy says:

        I hear what you’re saying Babyswans – but they are so sanctimonious that I don’t care and am truly enjoying the Duggar Downfall.

      • qwerty says:

        I’d agree she was a victim before she had kids. At this point though she’s the abuser herself.

    • LadyMTL says:

      I don’t know if I’d go as far as to say that she has malice in her eyes, but she for sure can look off-putting sometimes. Maybe it’s a combination of stress and always trying to “follow the rules” even if it’s practically impossible (i.e. molested by her brother but she has to smile and pretend like everything is fiiiiine) that shows itself in her face? Goodness knows I probably would look bizarre too, if I had that kind of a life.

      • Wren says:

        I think you’re closer to the truth. She’s messed up for sure, how could she not be? Yet she does act in ways that are malicious and hateful. She’s the “pretty one” and she knows it, she enjoys the attention she gets from that and plays it up. I don’t know how to feel about her. On one hand, she happily (or at least resolutely) carries on spouting the ideals and furthering the aims of her cult, on the other hand, she is a brainwashed, highly repressed young woman brought up to truly believe she’s a second-class citizen.

      • zinjojo says:

        I think it’s rage that gets turned inward because there’s no other outlet, she’s clueless but she doesn’t seem dumb (even though I disagree with everything she says or believes). She’s been raised in a cult, with her wackadoo parents, to whom she is naturally bonded and loves, brainwashing her with crazy beliefs about religion, sexuality, relationships, misogyny — and molested by her older brother. What a recipe for disaster!

        I think she was trying to escape in some way when she married, even though they’re now dependent on her family since neither she or her husband have any type of education or job skills, and now a baby on the way. I feel so bad for these kids — and the army of kids they’ll all birth.

    • holly hobby says:

      She would be a mean girl in real life. I think she knows she’s pretty so she’s smug.

    • lisa says:

      from some angles she’s really pretty, from others i just see a skull

      • Dorky says:

        I always see the skull, TOO! I don’t think she’s pretty; something about her smug mouth makes her face fug.

  4. Lilacflowers says:

    Could Squirrel only remember her children’s names if they had name tags? Is that why Jessa is wearing that “Mrs. Seewald” apron and Jill had her name on her clothes and her baby’s name on is clothes when she posted the first pictures of her kid?

    • BearcatLawyer says:

      I assumed they were all so tired of looking after Squirrel’s brood that they had things monogrammed so they remembered!

    • rianic says:

      That’s a Southern thing – monogram and personalize everything

  5. Yeses says:

    Jesse’s eyes give me the feeling of someone indoctrinated into a certain way of thinking, a little crazy, a little repressed anger, all the lights are on but quite possibly no one is home…Josh Duggar’s wife has the same eyes.

    • Betti says:

      With Jessa the lights r on but do we want to see the crazy that lives in there.

      Girl has a bitchy vibe to her and could turn nasty if she doesn’t get what she wants. In this case she’s pissed no one is paying her any attention. She’s the pretty princess victim here people.

      • Yeses says:

        Jessa* ..sorry about that typo.

        Hmm maybe in her case, all the lights are on but way too many people are home…at the same time, fighting for attention and the limelight…

  6. Betti says:


    Falleth from grace = loseth the of PR power


  7. lucy2 says:

    Good, maybe now People will stop featuring them all together, or at least stop writing fluffy positive pieces about them.

  8. NewWester says:

    I get a feeling that People will start playing hardball towards the Duggers. They might be sitting on a big story and it will come out soon. I am thinking it will involve Jim Bob

    • Lady D says:

      People is a sad joke of a magazine. They parrot what the stars want you to think, and now they are going to pretend they’re an actual hard edge news magazine that prints the real story? It is to laugh.

  9. Lara K says:

    Maybe they finally realize that no matter what they say they are screwed. Nobody is going to believe anything positive out of that family any more.

    And while I feel for the girls, who are after all his victims, they have drunk the koolaid for so long that nothing seems to be enough to make them break rank.

    I had high hopes for Jana to take this opportunity to leave, but I guess that’s not happening.

    • Mayamae says:

      Many (including me) think that Jana feels guilt because she’s the only older sister not molested. She also probably took a lot of blame for not protecting her younger sisters. I now believe Jana will never leave because she won’t leave her younger siblings in the care of her parents. She and Jill were the true mothers in that house.

    • Sam says:

      Jana won’t leave. I think Jana feels a strong sense of duty towards the younger children. You have to remember that the Duggars basically hand down their children to the oldest daughters to raise. Jana probably feels less like a sister to them and more like a mother.

    • Betti says:

      The older girls, Jessa in particular, and the parents all drunk deeply from the cup of celebrity and they can’t let that go, they are addicted to it. They will always crave the press attention.

      Jill had enough sense to distance herself and her family from the show, press and the rest of the Duggar clan when the peado story broke. If anyone has a chance of having some sort of public profile after this has all died down it’s her.

  10. Starrywonder says:

    Good. People have some dang integrity and stop reporting on these people in a favorable light. Heck I may start buying you again if you stop blowing smoke about Kelly Rutherford and her nonsense.

  11. K says:

    I’m sorry but on the sides of this cover are actual celebrities- Jennifer Anniston who just got married and Frank Gifford who is a legend in his field and married to kathie lee oh yeah and just DIED, and the cover went to a bunch of nobodies? And people wonders why they aren’t getting the exclusive anymore. If I was an A list star or dead legend and I got side panel so some child molesting reality stars could have the cover yeah they’d be dead to me too.

    • NewWester says:

      Remember when Lauren Bacall’s death was pushed to the side in favor of one of the Dugger daughters? That was just so wrong

      • K says:

        No but that is a disgrace. I don’t pay attention to people magazine really anymore but my
        Lord it’s Lauren Bacall.

      • holly hobby says:

        And to think People used to do beautiful dead celeb tributes! I mean the deceased got the cover alone. I think Robin Williams was the last one to get one? I definitely remember Elizabeth Taylor’s!

    • DianaM. says:

      Jennifer Aniston got People cover last week, just after her wedding.

    • Joan says:

      Frank got a ton of bad press for his cheating scandal back in the 90s. In fact, it’s one of the first things that comes to my mind when I hear/read his name. Same as Marv Albert. They are skilled in their field but their very public screw-ups cost them dearly.
      It doesn’t suprise me that he specifically didn’t get the cover but another Duggar one … puh-lease.

      • K says:

        Doesn’t matter they are actual accomplished people, they did something of merit in their field and when they die they deserve a cover over reality stars who frankly have contributed nothing to society or any field. Seriously what have the drugggers done other then breed like farm animals?

        I’m not saying either of the side bars should have gotten the main cover but they certain deserved it over the drugggers they are real celebrities.

    • meme says:

      People is a joke. Between the Duggars and the Kumtrashians, they have forgotten their are real celebrities with talent who deserve covers. Remember when People used to feature heartwarming stories about people who overcame tragedy or disabilities and stuff like that? Now it’s just another tabloid.

    • jugstorecowboy says:

      Completely with you, K. I used to buy weekly magazines pretty frequently as a “guilty pleasure” for the gym or the lactation lounge, but since reality “stars” have gone from half-page blurbs here and there to the feature most of the time, I quit. They bore me. And in the case of the Duggars, disgust me.

  12. Hahaha says:

    Who did they think they were Brangelina? But then I think these people could have had People mag over for their “wedding” photo shoot and sold more mags then King and kween of Hollywood did..hahhahahaha

  13. grabbyhands says:

    Awww, poor People-they spent so much time being Duggar birth cult apologists and enablers and now their pet monster has turned on them. While it is laughable that the Duggars thought they could call the shots about what could be said in the interview (although they probably shouldn’t worry since there any number of conservative leaning rags that would LOVE to let them dictate an interview), it is hard for me to feel sorry for a magazine that soft balled to them for so long.

    Don’t feel too bad, People! I’m sure Kelly Rutherford still has tons to say about how her AMERICAN children have been kidnapped, traumatized, basically arrested, held hostage..enter hyperbolic term here….

  14. Nancy says:

    This story isn’t shocking, only to those who assume this family lives in the same reality as most of us do. For them to scrutinize their husband, son, brother is almost like admitting he is the monster that he is. They do their best with bible quotes and their own interpretation of the verse. These once camera shy girls were looking as though they coveted the money and fame that came with this reality tv show. Maybe it was a “blessing” in disguise to bring them back to earth to live quietly amongst the townspeople of AZ. I imagine Jim Bob is the one hit the hardest…in the pocket. He made a fortune pimping out the courtships, weddings, babies…oh JB they used to love you but it’s all over now.

  15. Vampi says:

    People and every other magazine need to play hardball and just say NO! Full stop.
    This family belongs to a dangerous cult that abuses all it’s women and blames children when they are victimized.
    No more Duggars, People Mag. No more cults.

  16. kri says:

    The Downfall of the Fundamentalist Flowers in the Attic first family is epic, and proves that God has a sense of humor, and a low fu#kery tolerance level.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Yeah. I don’t actually believe God intervenes in human life, but if there was ever a good reason to make an exception, the Duggars would qualify. I can see God saying, “Seriously? That basketball head Jim-Bob and his road-kill headed wife claim they’re speaking for me? I. Don’t. Think. So.”

      • kri says:

        Basketball head and road-kill head are making me grin, GNAT. She has destroyed many things, has Mrs. Duggar. And one minor one is my love and nostalgia for Aussie Sprunch Spray and Aqua Net(aka Aqua Death). Cause let me tell you youngins…they were they KEY to 90’s mall hair. That evil b!tch.

      • Pinetree13 says:

        GNAT that makes so much more sense than all the religions say that god does intervene…

  17. Cara says:

    I thought vanity was a sin????

    These gross people love attention SO damn much. And money…

    And we have somehow made people famous whose only claim to fame is irresponsible procreation.

    Let me say right now: you could not possibly actively and positively parent that many children. No God I would care to believe in would want that for a child.

    • Pinetree13 says:

      My parents both come from large families and they totally agree. You don’t get enough nuturing, support or attention when youre part of a huge brood.

  18. Kelly says:

    This a petty side issue, but I am highly uncomfortable with the fact that they all look SO MUCH ALIKE. I’m not just talking about the siblings, but the chosen ones as well.

    Same, face, same structure, same eyes, same hair. Couldn’t the mix it with a blonde or some black hair?

    • . says:

      ….or red hair…..hehe….

    • Christina says:

      I literally came here to say the exact same thing. I cannot tell the wife and the sisters apart. Is that Josh’s wife on the cover? The other one looks like the p o r n star he hooked up with. I mean I know they’re all different people… But not really :-/

  19. DEB says:


  20. Lady D says:

    Those two girls went from a household of 21 to a household of two. Two. What I want to know is, did they embrace the silence or did it drive them nuts?

  21. Lisa says:

    PEOPLE is disgusting for their sympathetic headlines. I have no sympathy for Josh, only his victims.

  22. Nanea says:

    If only PEOPLE had said “no” to any and all Duggars right at the start, before they did the first of all their editorials.

  23. Elisha says:

    I said it before, I’ll say it again. People has been doing a strange amount of coverage of non-famous Duggar hanger-on Cousin Amy. Amy is trying to be a country singer and is a first cousin to the Duggar children. Her last name is Duggar, her moms last name. Amy isn’t even a member of the church, so I doubt she’s *that* close to the Duggar family. People has had coverage of her engagement photo shoot, what is on her wedding registry, and then miraculously had quotes from a “Duggar insider” right around the same time frame. Mark my words, Amy Duggar is People’s Duggar source more often than not.

    Amy’s only on my radar because I read some gossip somewhere about how her fiancé is throwing fits over TLC halting talks on a possible wedding special in the wake of the Duggar cancelation. Plus Amy posted an address on IG for people to send wedding cards “or whatever [cash and gifts].”