Star: Nicole Kidman has a ‘frosty attitude’ while golfing in Nashville


Cold Mountain was on TV a few weeks ago, and I ended up watching the last half. I forgot how good that movie is, how much chemistry Nicole Kidman had with Renee Zellweger and Jude Law, and how beautiful Kidman was then. When did she start messing with her face? It was a several years after that when it started to get noticeable. Then circa 2008-10 was the point of no return, I think. That’s when it wasn’t just “oh, she looks sort of Botoxy” and it became “Jesus, Nicole, stop with the lip injections, fillers and Botox, you look like a marble statue!!”

Anyway, here are some photos of Nicole yesterday in NYC, doing an event for Omega. She’s been one of the faces of the brand for years. In some photos, she looks pretty good. In other photos, you can tell that she’s still got some injectible issues. For what it’s worth, her lips are looking much better, and that helps a lot.

Meanwhile, did you know that Nicole Kidman brings some Icy Bitch Realness with her at all times, even when she’s on a golf course? It’s true! And by “true,” I mean “Star Magazine’s sources claims Nicole is standoffish in Nashville.”

Back off the back nine when you see Nicole Kidman coming! Members of the tony Hillwood Country Club in Nashville aren’t exactly charmed by the actress’ frosty attitude when she hits the links.

“She won’t speak to anyone—it’s like she’s paranoid that people are going to ask for an autograph,” shares a golfer at the club, where Nicole and her husband, Keith Urban, are regulars. “But Hillwood has lots of high-profile members, and she’s the only one who’s so unapproachable.”

Her attitude extends to smitten male club members too! “They can’t stop staring at her. The guys try to chat her up—but no luck,” adds the club member, saying that Nicole’s guard may come down along with her handicap.

“She hasn’t exactly adopted the warm Tennessee attitude. Hopefully that will change once she’s a little more confident with her game,” adds the tipster.

[From Star Magazine]

Nicole has always claimed to be a shy person, and I think that’s probably the case here – she wants to concentrate on golfing, not socializing, and she ends up coming across as stuck-up. Or maybe she really doesn’t want to talk to the peasants. Who knows?



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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30 Responses to “Star: Nicole Kidman has a ‘frosty attitude’ while golfing in Nashville”

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  1. Dancinnancy says:

    Side-eyeing this. Nic has never been anything but kind whenever I or anyone else (that I have spoken to) has encountered her. She is very shy, and people enjoy Nashville because the locals don’t bother them and the paparazzi is almost non-existant. Hillwood is very small pretty limited to neighbors – the people she knows and would regularly encounter. I don’t believe it.

    • ladysussex says:

      Agree with you! Nic loves living in Nashville and she and her husband have chosen to raise their family there. I believe she feels at home there, and probably feels quite comfortable with the other members. IF in fact anyone has complained about her being “icy” towards them (which I doubt), maybe it’s just male admirers? Of course a married woman would keep them at arm’s length.

  2. DianaM says:

    She looks beautiful here, like her old self!

  3. Christine says:

    As a quiet person, I’m often seen as stuck up or rude because I don’t like to engage with others. Not everyone is outgoing and good at chitchat. Or maybe she’s just out having fun and doesn’t want to talk to others? It’s not like golf is a social sport.

    • JenniferJustice says:

      Me too. Couple that with a major resting bitch face and I can’t even recall how many times people (men!) have told me I should be more friendly and smile more. I don’t mean to come off as stand-offish, but I purposely do not give off flirty vibes. It doesn’t mean I’m not approachable; it just means I mean not interested in stroking each others’ egos. And sorry, but if I have to choose between resting bitch face and walking around with a stupid grin on my face, I choose bitch face.

      • msd says:

        Urgh, I hate it when men tell me to smile. It happens with random guys walking past me on the street sometimes. They’d never say that to a man!

        As for the article … sounds like rubbish. The bit I find disturbing though is that it’s saying that if guys stare at you and try to chat you up while you’re doing something else you’re supposed to play along with it or flirt, and if you don’t you’re an ice queen.

  4. Sarah says:

    If she is shy that’s understandable, when I was going though my school years I was very shy and came of standoffish.

    I agree the second pic she looks more like her Far and away days

  5. Alice says:

    If anyone is a golfer, a serious one, you’ll get what I mean about “being in the zone”. It’s impossible to play a good game of golf with distractions or being stressed. Much like a form of meditation, try doing that if people are constantly interrupting you. It would seriously tick me off if people were ignoring golf etiquette (that they expect to be extended to themselves of course) to interrupt my game. She totally gets a pass from me for trying to discourage that sort of inconsideration on the golf course.

  6. Faithmobile says:

    Can you be frosty while golfing in 100% humidity? I have golfed in nashville in the summertime. What’s the opposite of awesome…oh I know, it’s lame.

  7. Shambles says:

    Honest question: could it be that she just comes off as cold because years of not being able to move her face have frozen her empathy as well?

    • Neah23 says:

      As funny as that is it could very well be the case. She might have just gotten an injection on Botox and was unable to move her face.

      While I think she looks good in these pictures above you can tell that the top half of her face is frozen.

  8. Lindy79 says:

    I never got snooty vibes from her, quiet yes but not snooty. Especially after seeing the Tonight Show interview and her 70 Questions Vogue interview, she came across as lovely and genuine in that.

  9. Heather says:

    LOL, it’s funny how entitled males who are golf course employees get all of a sudden when a woman is attractive.

    • Carol says:

      Exactly, Heather! The source even says they are all staring at her and when one of them tries to chat her up, the married woman doesn’t seem interested in engaging with the random stalker. Shocking! It must be because Nicole is rude rather than the men are creepy.

      • JenniferJustice says:

        This a thousand times!

        Earlier this summer, I was walking the track across from my house and it was the ONE time I had to run a quick errand to the ATM to get money for my son to go to the fair impromtu with the neighbors, and didn’t have time to change first. I went it to the convenience store, used the ATM and walked out. There was some crusty dude waiting by my car to tell me the shirt I was wearing was “my color”. Really! He waited by my car to tell me that. And guys wonder why some of us are pretty much mute around them. Can’t imagine the illusions he’d have had if I’d dared smile or act cute. Gross!

      • I Choose Me says:

        Thank you! IMO that report is complete bullshite. Nicole is known to be shy. And she’s there to golf not chat with every Tom Dick and Harry who thinks they’re owed her attention.

  10. BlueNailsBetty says:

    Or maybe she’s tired of the men staring and trying to chat with her. Maybe she’s not there to help some bored rich guys cheat on their wives. Maybe she just wants to play some damn golf.

  11. Anna says:

    These stories are so annoying. Why should anyone – celebrity or otherwise – be expected to be “friendly” all the time? People should be polite and considerate of others, but are not required to engage in friendly banter with everyone they come across. And I say this as a pretty friendly person who actually enjoys talking to people (even strangers).

  12. meme says:

    wow…she looks like her old self in these pics. Reminds me of her in The Others.

  13. FingerBinger says:

    I get tired of these stories. People encounter a celebrity and always expect to be entertained.

    • hogtowngooner says:

      Right? I imagine it must be exhausting to be expected to be “on” all the time. While I don’t condone outright rudeness to fans like some celebrities do, I can appreciate that they deserve to be left alone when they’re not working (ie, filming or promoting). Imagine having a really crappy day and then having a total stranger basically demand your attention and if you’re even slightly rude it’s all over the interwebz for people to call you a spoiled bitch or something.

      I’d have to really, REALLY want to talk to a celebrity to bother them when they’re just living their life and even then it would be a simple “Hey, I’m sorry to bother you but I just wanted to say that I really admire your work” or something like that.

    • HelOnEarth says:

      Couldn’t agree more. If I see someone famous and we lock eyes, I just smile and move on. They don’t owe me so much as a “hello”. Everyone is entitled to a day off/down time and a private life.

    • I Choose Me says:

      Too right FingerBinger. So sick of fan entitlement.

  14. Ariel says:

    Leave the girl alone and let her golf.
    Otherwise, I just hated Cold Mountain. Totally hated it with a passion.
    It pains me that Renee Z won her Oscar for that shitty movie, when she probably should have won for Chicago instead.

    • Jayna says:

      Huh? You hated that movie with a passion? I really loved it. But I get hating a movie with a passion that others love. I feel that way about The English Patient. I detest that movie. It started off good and just deteriorated.

  15. Tara says:

    People need to stop taking these stories so seriously. Just about every celebrity has a story like that out about them. The media likes to blow up the ones involving actresses because the actors can get away with being jerks and get seen as complex artists. People expect actresses to constantly hav a smile plastered on their faces and act like everyone’s best friend. Nicole Kidman comes across stand offish because of her reserved personality. Get over it.

  16. babs says:

    She’s super nice. She came in to the health club where I work and everyone loved her.