I’m not sure how I feel about Diane Kruger’s Chanel. No, I do know how I feel. I feel… like I absolutely hate it. [LaineyGossip]
Controversial opinion: Jaime King needs to go back to a light blonde. [Go Fug Yourself]
The NYC Taxi Driver calendar is a mess! [Dlisted]
Ian McKellen thinks he looked a bit like Benedict Cumberbatch. [Pajiba]
Pixie Lott’s pink pleather seems… squeaky. [Moe Jackson]
I like Taylor Swift’s ensemble in these photos. [Popoholic]
Chris Pine on the set of Wonder Woman: hot!!! [A Socialite Life]
Justin Bieber thinks you should pay him $2000 for a selfie. [The Blemish]
Jennifer Goodwin & Josh Dallas are expecting baby #2. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Donald Trump has lost weight on the campaign trail. [Wonderwall]
Tinder’s CEO Sean Rad: douchebag or nah? [Jezebel]
I think it’s cute she made her own raincoat out of a clear garbage bag. Clever.
Booooo!! I actually like it. And honestly, I expected far worse. Chanel has some very horrible and nutty dresses out there that makes this look tame.
And I thought it looked soft and fuzzy. Not like a raincoat texture.
I just love it. Diane is ageless. So pretty.
I love the fabric/design, but I wish the zipper was in back.
I’m not a fan of a zipper as part of the design on anything.
Not many people could pull that off, but I think it looks amazing on her. She looks fantastic.
Not so much a pale bird of paradise, as a dead duck. Diane usually has excellent taste, and can wear anything, especially her lovely accessory Joshua, but this is just beyond the pale. A thousand times no!
Also, Sir Ian, you are fab, but no Bendy, a little decorum goes a long way especially when you are pushing 80!
Speaking of Benedict, I was surprised to see him show-up the Zoolander 2 trailer that was just released. He looks hysterical and he gets points for playing that role.
Can’t wait to see this film!
also cannot wait for Zoo 2!
“Sir Ian, you are fab, but no Bendy”
I though in the old photos of Ian he really did look a lot like Bendy. And I am sure Bendy would be flattered by the comparison. Ian is incredibly talented and charming!
Chris Pine is so growing on me. I had a crush on him in Just My Luck then it faded but now it’s coming back strong.
Wonder Woman was one of my favorite comic book superheros. Gal please don’t mess this up. This is a definite must see now that Pine is in it.
I’m not with all that DC versus Marvel but at least DC is making a female superhero movie. They did it with Cat Woman but that was a disaster. I hope WW doesn’t disappoint.
Marvel is making a female superhero movie too – Captain Marvel.
Yes I know but they are late to the game. When people were pushing for a Black Widow movie or another female lead they should have jumped on it.
Basically what I’m saying is that DC beat Marvel to the punch. Marvel has yet to find a female lead to play Captain Marvel for it’s 2018 or 19 release. WW might be gearing up for her sequel (if it does well) while we wait for our first Marvel female lead film.
I’m much more excited about getting a black male lead in comic book movies with black panther than a white woman getting a lead. It’s not like comics or movies in general than have a deattg in white females. Hell an asian male character getting replaced with some white woman is getting praise because omg a woman. I’m much more concerned about the race issue in films since we haven’t had a black LEAD in comics since blade. And as far as that goes dc is ahead marvel even though the diversity in dc has been the supporting cast it’s much better than marvel.
Well Marvel does have a Black male lead with Black Panther. DC had a Black Cat Woman. The F4 Reboot cast a Black Johnny Storm. It’s not a Marvel character since Fox owns the rights but it is the property of Marvel comics.
And yes I can be happy that we are starting to see females Superheroes in the lead roles regardless of color . Does it always have to be well let’s see the Black male superheros first, than females.
Black Widow IMO is an awful character when in a group of “Super” heros or characters with extraordinary abilities. She’s lacking the Super quality.
And regarding Black Panther. The movie will be lacking unless it has a Black Panther as the director to fully highlight the true character!
I love Pine. If I see the film it will be for him. And rumors are already leaking about Gal in her role. Not good.
But it’s almost never female superheroes regardless of color. It’s always a white female that gets praised for being progressive while men and women of color take a back seat while poc have to sit here and politely applaud while being left out because a woman equals diversity to white feminists while poc are ignored. Again, look how erasing an Asian role is being praised because omg tilda swinton girl power. It’s all well and good to go on about oh at least we’re getting a woman when the majority of the time that woman is white and conventionally attractive. And don’t even try and pretend white women and woc are on the same playing field when it comes to roles.
she is lovely but her dress is all kinds of FUG.
It’s every current fashion trend and K*nty Karl rolled them all into one dress:
– formal wear separates
– caplet
– asymmetric hemline
– fluttery sleeves
– crop top
– pale color
– half-back hair with top bun
It’s a mess.
Diane Kruger is one of my favorite style icons, but the dress is terrible,. But hey, she is rocking the dress like Naomi Cambell or Rihanna would wear a potato sack. Still looks good. Do u Diane, you’re fabulous.
It looks like molting maxipads.
Looks like someone to a lawn mower to it.
Molting maxi pads! LOL
I’m amazed at what these design houses get away with.
So when will finally they let Lagerfeld have several seats?
Tinkerbell grew up and went to a Ladies Lunch in the 50s That is what this outfit is
Ha! You have such a great, unique way of putting things QQ.
hmmm, no.
Her forehead is creeping me out. It’s all I see.
I’m bothered and refused to lighten up ot be unbothered with them choosing a conventianally small and petite woman to play athletic Amazon warrior queen Wonder Woman. And Chris Pine is one of the most bland oatmeal dry bread men I’ve ever seen.
Totally with you on them casting a twig to play Wonder Woman. The ONE chance that Hollywood allows for casting an actual athletic, robust, healthy-looking female and…they choose a woman who has a BMI of about 16.
It’s such a coulda-woulda-shoulda situation I can’t even believe it. What a lost opportunity. This could have been huge, and instead it’s meh.
I mean, I still kind of have a girl crush on Linda Hamilton when she was in Terminator 2. Now that was a gorgeous woman!
Right! And I’m a bit of a twig myself but this was a poor cast-she looks more umderwear model than Amazon. I see someone with Serena Williams body type being the wonder woman of the comics and justice league animated movies.
OMG Linda Hamilton! I have a signed poster of her from that movie in my exercise room. Total bad *ss!!
Gal has a BMI of 16? That’s higher than my estimates. That productions were put on hold for both this and BvS until her implants settled warrants side eye. That’s what it takes to be a female superhero? Ugh.
I’m saying Jaime King has never looked better!
I kind of love it too!
Just because the label read Chanel doesn’t make this a dress outside of a 5yr old’s dressing up box.
Gah the part time positions closed so fast…
Diane is usually flawless, but there’s way too much forehead in this instance. I won’t even talk about the “dress”.
Bizarre…? No, I love it!
I have a total crush on Chris Pine, doesn’t matter how oatmeal he can be sometimes! I’m always excited so see him in a new movies!
Project Runway ‘make couture out of bathroom furnishings’ episode. The one with the hot mess from a shower curtain!
That’s what i’m thinking of! I couldn’t remember what the dress reminded me of. Great episode! I love Gunn
I am so sad, The Soup is ending!
Noooo!!! I haven’t watched it since I cancelled cable, but noooo! all the same…
The obviously-uncomfortable shoes and wierd hairdo aren’t helping. Why is Diane Kruger famous, anyway? I’m sure I once knew, but I forgot.
It is bizarre but I don’t totally hate it. There is something kind of catchy about it. When I saw the first picture I thought “oh good Lord, WTF?” But the longer I look at it the more I like it.
I freaking love the NY cabbies calendar. It made me smile.
Shades of Bjork. Maybe she is going to try out for Elsa 2.
She looks like Glenda the good witch had an accident with the shredder.
looks like it was made out of kleenex
Someone actually was able to make Diane Kruger look dumpy. Wow.