Cele|bitchy | Geri Halliwell Dating Billionaire

Geri Halliwell Dating Billionaire

Geri Halliwell is reportedly dating Russian billionaire Evgeny Lebedev. But rest assured, he’s a billionaire in pounds, not just rubles.

Actually Evgeny Lebedev is only heir to his father’s fortune, his father being described in some papers as being an academic. Like any of us ever got rich pursuing academia. He wealth comes from shares in some very sucessful companies, such as airline Aeroflot.

Anyway, enough bitterness about my student loan. Evgeny Lebedev and Geri Halliwell were seen leaving a London club holding hands, and talking in whispers.

Then when they took to the dancefloor, he grabbed her bum and whispered in her ear: “Are you wearing a thong, darling?” Cheeky!

Our spy reveals: “They looked very much together all night and were whispering in each other’s ears. Geri seemed totally besotted with him and kept touching his arm. And it looked like the feeling was very much mutual.”


Geri is said to be desperate to have another child, a sibling for one-year-old Bluebell. Geri stopped seeing Bluebell’s father, Sacha Gervasi, during her pregnancy, and they have no more contact.

There are pictures of Geri and Evgeny leaving the london club together. Fortunately she’s gotten rid of the awful hair she had for the Spice Girls reunion press conference. I wonder if the Girls get competitive about their boyfriends? Would Geri’s heir outrank Victoria’s soccer player? Certainly they’re both an improvement on Eddie Murphy.

A spokesperson for Evgeny Lebedev declined to comment on his private life.

Picture note by Celebitchy: Here are Geri and Evengy on 7/11/07 outside the Summer Party at Serpentine Gallery in London. Thanks to WENN for these photos.

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