HBO drops troll-baity ‘Game of Thrones’ trailer & tons of new ‘GoT’ photos


These photos are your belated Valentine’s Day gift from HBO. Over the past week or so, they’ve released more than a dozen new images from Game of Thrones Season 6. I’m not really sure how to feel about Dany looking so unkempt and worried. I’m not sure how I feel about how Sansa looks sort of knocked up. I do know how to feel about Theon on his knees in front of Sansa – I want Sansa to FINISH HIM! You can see more photos at Game of Thrones’ Twitter here. There are photos of Theon’s sister, because that’s just what we need, right? More f—king Greyjoys. If Season 6 spends a lot of time with the Greyjoys, I will be really upset.

Meanwhile, HBO also dropped this trailer. They are trolling us so hard. I don’t even know what to say or do about it. It’s set in the Hall of Faces, which we saw last year with Arya in Braavos. The camera reveals the faces of… Ned Stark… Catelyn Stark… Robb Stark… then Jon Snow, Dany, Tyrion, Sansa and more. SHUT YOUR FACE, HBO.

Did we talk about how HBO has set the premiere date? Season 6 premieres on April 24th. So… more than two months away. And HBO better give us a better trailer before then.



Photos courtesy of HBO/Game of Thrones.

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44 Responses to “HBO drops troll-baity ‘Game of Thrones’ trailer & tons of new ‘GoT’ photos”

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  1. GlimmerBunny says:

    What, why do you want Sansa to “finish” Theon? Not like he saved her life or anything…


    • Aussie girl says:

      Theon is a sell out and a shell of he’s former self. Oooh Sansa does look a wee bit knocked up, unless she is doing a Miranda Kerr pose.. Someone. Said on Jezebel , when they showed the heads from the hall of faces they should have zoomed in on Jon,have he’s eyes open with them been the colour of a white walkers .

    • LadyMTL says:

      Well, seeing as how Theon also had a hand in destroying her family, Winterfell, and just generally betraying the Starks. I’d love to have Sansa “finish him” too.

      That said, I also really really really hope that she isn’t pregnant with a Bolton-spawn.

      • FF says:

        Erm, the Starks weren’t his family he was a political prisoner who could get executed if his dad stepped out of line. His loyalties were always going to be mixed at best. And Rob’s decisions with Walder Frey brought on the Red Wedding.

        Theon was a confused child playing wargames above his paygrade who got absolutely eviscerated for it. People still wanting him to ‘pay’ have got to be projecting at this point.

    • BangersandMash says:

      Don’t listen to these haters. Yes, Theon is not and angel, and is a backstabber…
      But c’mon lets face it… one look at him and you can see that he got what was coming to him. He really paid for his misdeeds… More so than most other characters in GoT. (Those Boltons really know how to slay)

      Leave my Reek alone. Let him get redemption somehow!!!

      And I agree…. If there is one family I want wiped out… Please let it be the Boltons.

      • FF says:

        I seriously do not get people still wanting Theon to suffer. It’s over, he’s practically a revenant.

        How about wanting the Boltons dead. Or Littlefinger. Or that guy who hosted the Red Wedding… There are worse characters out there capable of screwing more people over. Theon might as well be dead and can’t even contest the right to his own throne.

  2. Betti says:

    *Squeee* I CANNOT WAIT.

    And please HBO – STOP TROLLING US about Jon Snow. We know he’s not dead. And please let Sansa kill Ramsey.


  3. Jenns says:

    I’m alright with more Greyjoys, because that means Euron. I’m excited to see his character this season.

    But enough with the teasers. Give me the trailer!

    • FF says:

      The actor playing Euron is a ringer for Alfie Allen (Theon) so it’s going to be weird if they play up the similarity.

  4. JH says:

    Wait, were those ALL the faces at the end? Whaaaaa?????

  5. mia girl says:

    Wow. Bran Stark has grown!
    He looks *hodorable*

  6. Sayrah says:

    That teaser was so creepy but I can’t wait for season 6. I’m getting depressed thinking Sansa is pregnant with Ramsey’s child, vomit.

  7. CornyBlue says:

    I do not even care that much about Sansa but I just want her to go on a freaking rampage and chop all the men down. How much will she endure??
    Arya looks nice as usual. I hope they resolve Jon Snow is alive or dead within the first episode. His fans are unbearable with their OTT stanning for such a tepid character (on TV)

  8. Nancy says:

    Well Walking Dead made us wait most of the season to find out if Glenn was alive or dead. I believe according to the book Jon Snow is dead, readers correct me……but poetic justice may bring him back. I’m not crazy about the actor portraying him, but Jon Snow brings me to my safe place.

    • lilacflowers says:

      Readers cannot correct you because the published books concluded with Jon being stabbed. Not even Jon’s body lying on the ground but Jon being stabbed – for the Watch.

    • Betti says:

      The book ends in the same way as the show – with Jon being stabbed and left for dead. Its all deliberately ambiguous.

    • mayamae says:

      But my understanding is that Jon’s last word was, “Ghost”, which gives many hope that he warged into him.

      There is a spoiler involving Ghost and it’s driving me crazy. Does no one do spoilers here?

      • M.A.F. says:

        The other books haven’t been published so there is no way in actually knowing what happened to John. Did he warged into Ghost? Who knows, everything is fan theory because the other books haven’t been published. So after Dance with Dragons it’s all a guessing game until Martin decides to stop being an ass and release the books.

        Spare me the creative mind crap too folks. We all know books 6 & 7 could have been out by now.

  9. Soprana says:

    I think/hope HBO is trolling with that pic of Sansa because if it is intended to be a baby bump, it’s the pillowiest ever

  10. Jenns says:

    In regards to Sansa, I’m pretty sure that is the same outfit that she jumped off of the wall from. I can’t see her showing from a pregnancy that soon. I think the “bump” is just the cut of the dress.

    • FF says:

      The ‘bump’ are her keeping her hands warm under the dress. She wouldn’t be showing yet. But is it foreshadowing? Well…

  11. JoJo says:

    Nooooo! I don’t want Sansa to “finish” Theon. And I don’t think she will. He is a weak person but has paid for it somewhat.As crazy as it is, I actually have empathy for Theon. I love his character at this point. I think Sansa will soften toward him, especially since she now knows her brothers are possibly still alive. Jon Snow – it’s a no brainer that he’s alive in some form. It’s why the main white walker dude stared at him as he drifted off in the boat. There are obviously big plans for Jon Snow in the future – in whatever form he takes.

  12. FingerBinger says:

    I don’t know what to make of that trailer.

  13. JeanGrey says:

    Of course we need more Greyjoys. One of them has the horn that can control dragons and all. Oh I can’t wait!

  14. mayamae says:

    Looks like Drogon is so involved with his nap that he hasn’t noticed his mother’s kidnapping. Wake up! The Dothraki are so superstitious I would love to see their reaction to him.

    I’m guessing that Sansa is pregnant, and Ramsay will inadvertently cause her to lose it. Or maybe she’ll lose it when Jon Stark/Targaryen comes to save her.

  15. db says:

    That’s an interesting turn, the faces. I wonder if the show will use that to resolve the Lady Stoneheart hocus pocus?

  16. Jen43 says:

    Who is the dead body Jamie and Tommen are looking at? Is it Margaery?

  17. Talita says:

    Kaiser, I love how pissed you sound here haha Love your writing!

  18. mayamae says:

    Dany’s got that same frightened little girl look she had when the show started. I hate to see it.

  19. Soprana says:

    Evacuate Brienne, Pod, and Sansa. Then the dragons come in and eat everyone else. Then sink Westeros into the Ocean.

  20. Louise177 says:

    I don’t think the faces mean anything. Too many main characters would be dying. It’ s just a teaser to promote the season. Based on the photos Sansa isn’t pregnant, it’s just her arms under her cape.

  21. WendyNerd says:

    Sansa is pregnant. Prediction: Melisandre’s Burn-a-Princess-power-up won’t be enough to bring Jon back, so Sansa’s rape-baby (what with it having King’s Blood thanks to Robb) will be likely be sacrificed.

    And yes, they are spending tons of time with the Greyjoys this season: they’ve cast Euron and Victarion.