Cele|bitchy | “Caitlyn Jenner is going to guest-star on the hit show ‘Transparent'” links

“Caitlyn Jenner is going to guest-star on the hit show ‘Transparent'” links


Caitlyn Jenner is going to guest star on Transparent. [Dlisted]
I really, really love Alessia Cara’s voice. She’s lovely. [LaineyGossip]
This is a great coat on Princess Beatrice. [Go Fug Yourself]
The Suicide Squad is going through some reshoots. [The Blemish]
Bella Hadid rocked a one-piece swimsuit this weekend. [Popoholic]
This story about a Real Housewife’s daughter is so disturbing. [Reality Tea]
How did Peter Dinklage do as SNL host? [Pajiba]
Televangelists are worried about your BMs on Judgment Day. [OMG Blog]
Kylie Jenner’s dog chewed on her $400 Fendi purse. [ICYDK]
People should name their babies Chewbacca. [Buzzfeed]
Ivana Trump can’t decide if Donald Trump is a feminist. [Jezebel/Gawker]
Courtney Stodden without makeup. [Starcasm]


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28 Responses to ““Caitlyn Jenner is going to guest-star on the hit show ‘Transparent'” links”

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  1. dbahr says:

    House of Wax would be more suitable.

  2. Original Kay says:

    No thread on Kesha’s Instagram post about Dr Luke?

  3. Lama Bean says:

    Are we sure Courtney Stodden is as young as she claims?

  4. Guesto says:

    A plea for more joyfully intelligent, articulate and thoughtful Lilly Wachowski, and just less… everything…. Caitlin Jenner.

    • manda says:

      yes! Transparent is a good show and I don’t think it needs to have her on it. I don’t care what all she’s been through; I see her and I see “privilege” and “Kardashian.” I haven’t been impressed with anything she’s said.

      • Megan says:

        Everything you said. Putting Caitlin Jenner on this show depresses me to no end. She is vapid and imo undeserving of roles of this type!

      • swak says:

        Can she even act?

      • Kate says:

        To be fair, the show is already about a very, very privileged family. Not Kardashian level privileged, but not that far from it either.

        If not for her politics, Caitlyn totally fits into those characters world.

  5. Sweet&LowDown says:

    The trans community deserves a better role model. This phony will not do!

    • Guesto says:

      Of course it does. And now it has! The wonderfully gutsy and articulate Lilly Wachowski, so let’s hope this site takes that on board and feeds us regular and uplifting, health-giving Lilly-type nourishment, rather than the awful grimness of the ‘vitamin-deficient’ Jenner.

    • Magnoliarose says:

      I agree. I just watched Tangerine recently and there is much to discuss and learn about the Transgendered community. I’m glad we are beginning to understand it more but Cait adds nothing to the conversation. I guess maybe it shows that a jerk is a jerk and gender reassignment doesn’t change that. Maybe we expected more but we aren’t going to get it.

  6. Tash says:

    Joe Medicine Crow died…RIP sir :'(

  7. Tulip says:

    The story about Alexa Curtin is horrible! I’m glad the lawyer got the clause written down for the cops to reveal the real name of the attacker if they uncover it in their investigation. Shady and awful, all of it.

  8. miasys says:

    I don’t have a lot of love for Caitlyn when her mouth is moving…but my goodness, her hair is beautiful.

  9. kat says:

    Another inspirational turn from the woman of the year! Super.

  10. iheartgossip says:

    Well. Don’t need to watch this show any further. Pandering to the lowest of the low.

  11. yep says:

    Transparent? Really?
    Well, Jenner did act her way out of charges for negligent vehicular homicide.

  12. Diana says:

    The Hadid girl is wedgie-ing herself.

  13. Lady D says:

    Heard a joke earlier.
    A blonde, a brunette and a redhead walk into a bar. You’d think one of them would have ducked. 🙂

  14. Dangles says:

    Poor old Caitlyn. The conservatives hate her because she’s transgendered and the liberals hate her because she votes Republican. I feel her pain.

  15. Kelly says:

    I used to really like Demi Lovato, but now… ugh.

    And don’t get me started on Caitlyn. Another Kardashian.

  16. LAK says:

    It’s amazing how quickly she’s transitioned from hero to zero.

  17. Jag says:

    I really hope that Suicide Squad isn’t going through reshoots to give Affleck more screen time just because people said that he did well as Batfleck.

  18. Jayna says:

    I loved Bruce’s last interview as Bruce with Diane Sawyer when he, now she, shared his painful story. I read the Vanity Fair interview. I watched the first episode of I am Cait, or whatever it was called.

    Other than that, I just have zero interest in Caitlyn and her life. She seems to have thrived and is accepted far more than she could ever have dreamed. But basically she’s uninteresting in her wealthy life as a celebrity male who now is transgender. She shops and lives in Malibu and isn’t much deeper than that, but is now able to live the rest of her life in a peace she has never known, more comfortable in her own skin. I’m happy for her. But she offers nothing else of interest for me because she is just an extension of the Kardashian clan even as a woman it turns out..