Cele|bitchy | “The reviews for ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ are increasingly Batfleck-esque” links

“The reviews for ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ are increasingly Batfleck-esque” links


The reviews for X-Men: Apocalypse are terrible. [Buzzfeed]
Art Parkinson (Rickon on GoT) says Shaggydog really is dead. [Mashable]
Naomi Watts wore a onesie at Cannes too. Terrible. [LaineyGossip]
More photos of Prince Harry at the Invictus Games. [Dlisted]
The Affluenza d-bag’s appeal was thrown out. [Starcasm]
Nina Agdal is a smoker, I didn’t know that. [Celebslam]
Rob Kardashian says words about Blac Chyna’s pregnancy. [ICYDK]
Iggy Azalea is being sued for $1.5 million. [The Hollywood Sigh]
Victoria Beckham sheds light on her pre-Cannes rituals. [Seriously OMG WTF]
Ryan Reynolds had fun with the Deadpool Honest Trailer. [IDLY]
Here are photos from the LA premiere of The Nice Guys. [Socialite Life]


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50 Responses to ““The reviews for ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ are increasingly Batfleck-esque” links”

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  1. Tiffany :) says:

    Can I just say how much I dislike George Zimmerman? The man has no soul.

    • lizabeth says:

      Dislike is much too polite. I loathe and detest him, and really hope there are some consequences to his reckless, attention-seeking antics.

      Calling a murder weapon an “American icon” makes me want to vomit.

      Edited to add that the auction didn’t go ahead…

    • Kitten says:

      That dude is pure effin’ garbage. The depressing part is that I know people who went out on a limb to defend that trash heap while gleefully referring to the victim as a thug. Repulsive but the joke is on them now that this dude has very publicly proven what a desperate lowlife piece of crap he is.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      I’m so glad the Smithsonian immediately refuted his lies.

    • THE OG BB says:

      I know there are plenty of pro-Zimmerman people out there who believe he acted in self defense and that Trayvon charged him. I just look at his actions after the fact and see soulless scum. He has no remorse for anything he’s ever done.

      • lilacflowers says:

        I look at his actions the night before and firmly believe that if his girlfriend had not changed her mind and let the police lock him up for beating her, Trayvon would be alive today because Zimmerman would still have be in jail, where he belonged and belongs.

      • Kate says:

        Amen is right. He quickly showed his true colors and he should have been convicted.

    • K2 says:

      Intellectually I deplore violence and believe there should always be a better way.

      Viscerally, if I ever hear that someone has shredded this guy, or blown him to Kingdom come, I will have a little inward fist-pump. I’m not proud of that. But it remains true.

      He is an unrepentant, gloating child-killer. My heart goes out to that young man’s loved ones.

      • Cran says:

        K2 I’m with you. I try to rise above and be a better person but I completely fail with Zimmerman. Violence did not to be the outcome of his encounter with Trayvon. Zimmerman was explicitly told the police were on their way. He CHOSE to escalate the situation when he ignored the authorities and followed Trayvon. That is NOT self defense. He deserves every misery in his life. It is all self created.

      • PrincessMe says:

        Sitting in this corner with you guys.

        I was so happy when I read that the listing was rejected, went and looked up the news and he’s trying to sell it elsewhere now. *sigh*

    • JustCrimmles says:

      😔 There just are no words.

  2. Rachel says:

    No! NOOOO!! Apocalypse sucks?? Shaggydog is really dead?? No to all of it!

    I did believe Shaggydog was really dead, but all those conspiracy theorists had me nurturing that little kernel of hope.

    • Janetdr says:

      I’m still gonna believe Shaggy dog is at least as alive as the former Jon Snow is!

  3. Mia4s says:

    Nah they are almost 30% higher….which tells you how bad B v S reviews were! 😳

    And somehow Alice Through the Looking Glass has worse reviews than either of them. Another strike for Depp?

    • CornyBlue says:

      Its gonna make tons of cash so i doubt Depp would care

    • THE OG BB says:

      Why after six years did they think we needed another Alice movie? The first one was all sorts of messy.

      • missmerry says:

        We also saw Civil War in IMAX and before it they had a trailer for the new Alice movie with Tim Burton opening it with a little blurb talking to the camera, which my husband and I thought was very out-of-character for Burton, he doesn’t seem to sit down and talk about his movies much, much less film a clip of just him talking about the movie before they play the trailer.

        must have to do with money.

      • Lucy2 says:

        It wasn’t great, but it made over $1 billion worldwide, so I’m shocked it took them this long to put together the sequel.

    • Pandora says:

      I doubt it. It’ll make money and he had a well-received film last year anyway.

  4. The Eternal Side-Eye says:

    Maybe it’s just me but I feel like X-Men as a franchise doesn’t know where it’s going.

    They go forward, they go back, they conflate different character’s ages. All fine for the comics but movies are supposed to have some sort of cohesion. Even Deadpool cracked the joke about the timelines being so confusing.

    • truthSF says:

      I know right. The first 2 started off good, then between Wolverine Origin and First Class, the timelines got all screwy. To say nothing about Days Of Future Past timeline…

      • Veronica says:

        It didn’t help that they basically turned the series into The Wolverine Show due to Hugh Jackman’s star power, which undermined the rest of the cast’s potential. How are we supposed to care about an ensemble cast if nobody else does anything interesting?

    • Sarah says:

      SabreTooth, Emma Frost, “deadpool” – just a few of loads of characters who they’ve reworked and changed for no real reason and haven’t cared at all about continuity. It’s really bad….

  5. CornyBlue says:

    I am gonna still gonna watch it cos i enjoy the cast so much

  6. Lilacflowers says:

    Shaggy dog! No!

  7. Jellybean says:

    That suit looks awful on Oscar.

  8. SugarMalone says:

    I saw X-Men: Apocalypse on Monday morning and I liked it quite a lot, but I accept that I am probably in the minority in this opinion – the X-Men movies are my favourites in the “superhero” genre. The cabal of film blogger boys who were also at the same screening with me were all huddled outside the theatre afterwards discussing their collective outrage.

    I thought it was fun, I was never bored and I especially loved young Nightcrawler and Quicksilver. It was definitely a bit bloated to the expense of some of the characters and their storylines but that didn’t have a negative impact for me.

    • ichsi says:

      What outrage were they discussing exactly? I can’t be bothered to look their whining up because I saw it too and loved it. It’s an entertaining and enjoyable superhero movie that treats the characters I love with respect. Screw the jerks with a blog.

      • SugarMalone says:

        Mainly they thought it was over long, too many characters, that the last act was terrible, blah, blah, blah. I also heard a few say it was confusing, which I didn’t get at all. Unless I’m missing something, I thought it made perfect sense.

        I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it too! I had a ball – I loved what they did with all of the characters we already know and I loved the new (old) additions. I also thought they did a nice job tying it to the first set of films.

      • ichsi says:

        Couldn’t agree more with what you said. I was amazed by how well the many characters were handled actually. Everyone gets to play their part, everyone has a chance to shine. And what was confusing about it? I don’t want to insult anyone’s intelligence or attention span here but yeah…

  9. Josefina says:

    Well, shame the trilogy ended this way. First Class and Days of Future Past were excellent action movies.

  10. Giddy says:

    Tears for Shaggy, but cheers about Ethan Couch, aka the affluenza d-bag. I read somewhere that Couch has the features of someone born with fetal alcohol syndrome. It would not excuse what he did, but I wonder if that is true. I don’t have the knowledge to tell.

  11. OriginallyBlue says:

    It still is rated better than BVS and that made a butt load of money. The reviews i read weren’t terrible, just that there was too much yet not enough going on.

  12. Crys says:

    no threadjacking buuuuuut, CB, you guys covering whats going on with Azaelia Banks and Zayn Malik right now? FYI

    • me says:

      I know I was wondering the same thing. Such a crazy story and no mention of it here.

    • amilu says:

      I had to Google it. She is such a nightmare!

    • Sigh... says:

      And what about when 14 years old actress, Skai Jackson (and her mom), ended up in a back-n-forth with Banks a few days ago?!?

      Putting aside a child approaching an adult on social media, Jackson went allllll of the way in *w/o* being disgusting, racist, homophobic, and/or sexist, unlike Banks (who has even spit out a slur against a woman of her own race in the face of criticism).

      But I thought I saw somewhere that Banks just had her account suspended…?

      • Samtha says:

        OMG, her comments to Skai were completely out of line and disgusting, even for Azealia. Who talks like that to a 14-year-old?!

    • Samtha says:

      If Celebitchy covered all of Azealia Banks’ messiness, she would be the only celebrity featured here. Her BS never ends. I hope her Twitter account stays suspended.

    • Kaiser says:

      Banks is exhausting and she’s an unhinged lunatic. Personally, I’m tired of neverending drama, racism, sexism, homophobia and craziness. I hope people STOP paying attention to her.

    • Veronica says:


  13. JustCrimmles says:

    I was going to yell SHUT YOUR FIBBING LITTLE GOB, RICKON!!! but, uh, I’m on the train. And it’s frowned upon to yell at people. Especially fictional ones.

  14. fee says:

    I don’t believe anything that anyone from the Game of Thrones cast says since they’ve spent almost an entire year trying to convince everyone that John Snow was dead only for the most nonspoiler spoiler *surprise he’s not dead!* moment. I still think that the wolf’s head was much too small to belong to a Direwolf.

  15. Kate says:

    More Oscar Isaac please

  16. LAK says:


  17. RedOnTheHead says:

    Lots of hate on Zimmerman (totally justified) but nothing on the little douchebag affluenza guy? Am I the only one that is just ragey that this guy got such a light sentence for murdering 4 people?