“Gwyneth Paltrow won’t shut up about her conscious uncoupling” links


Gwyneth Paltrow won’t shut up about conscious uncoupling. [LaineyGossip]
Tyra Banks made the Supermodel Wars all about Tyra. [Dlisted]
That Baltimore cop was found not guilty of Freddie Gray’s murder. [Buzzfeed]
Jamie Lynn Spears says her sister is kicking ass right now. [ICYDK]
Ryan Reynolds steps out in a newsboy cap. [Wonderwall]
No one wants Kylie Jenner to run back to Tyga. [Starcasm]
Pickle brine in a can? Nope. [XOJane]
Did Tara Reid survive the Sharknado? [Seriously OMG WTF]
David Duchovny, London Fog model. [Socialite Life]


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60 Responses to ““Gwyneth Paltrow won’t shut up about her conscious uncoupling” links”

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  1. meme says:

    what is she wearing?

  2. GoOnGirl says:

    What else does she have to comment about?

  3. Kri says:

    She is rapidly becoming a vegan Jen garner.Let it go,Elsa.

  4. jinni says:

    The cheetos in the featured links picture looks like it has cheese covered maggots coming out of them. So gross.

    • Esmom says:

      I honestly cannot think of a more vile product. And it’s depressing to imagine that highly paid corporate execs sat around and came up with the idea. I was lucky enough to be able to leave my corporate job…this reinforces my feeling that companies like this in no way contribute to the greater good.

      Sorry, rant over.

      • Kitten says:

        I know you listen to NPR and podcasts so I’m wondering if you heard the one where they go into the *think room* of people who get paid to create combo sandwiches like the Double Down. It was really depressing to see (hear?) how they target people through clever marketing. That’s 99% of how they sell those gross combo foods…

        I believe it was an ep of This American Life but I listen to so many these days that I get confused.

      • Esmom says:

        Hi Kitten, No, I missed that one but I am off to search, thanks. I’ve had a lot going on so I’ve kinda abandoned my listening habits and my headphones on my runs lately. Time to load up on podcasts again, this weekend will be perfect.

        I worked in advertising agencies for over 20 years so I have actually been complicit in creating ads for products that people don’t need, although not fast food. The worst, I think, were credit cards where my clients basically made money hand over fist by putting people into debt. I don’t know how I did it for so long and so many of my old co-workers happily continue to do so. People gotta make a living, I know. Thankfully I was able to get out and switch to a job I can feel better about.

        I showed the Cheeto mac and cheese thing to my 15 year old son (who actually aspires to be a graphic designer so he may someday be part of the industry also) and the first thing he mentioned was the Double Down as possibly worse. The debate continues…

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Kitten, is it the “Tell Me I’m Fat” episode? I have that downloaded, but haven’t had a chance to listen to it yet.

    • Harryg says:

      Oh yeah they look disgusting!!! And Paltrow, go away already.

  5. minx says:

    Those two pictures of Goop…the smugness is blinding.

    • JenniferJustice says:

      Isn’t it? Like, we’re so lucky to get to hear her thoughts…..barf!

  6. PennyLane says:

    Hmm..Gwyneth’s face is looking much more rounded than it has been in the last few years.

    Well, I’m sure it’s just because of all that healthy eating and lots of fresh green vegetables that her face is looking fuller.

  7. jinglebellsmell says:

    “Gwyneth Paltrow won’t shut up about her…”

    Can pretty much be **ANY** headline!!!

  8. ladyE says:

    To be fair, she was specifically asked about it

    • Don't kill me I'm French says:

      Who cares to be fair here ?

    • Rhiley says:

      I concur. She was asked, and she answered. I think Bethenny Frankel could have taken a few tips from Goop because whenever she could, BF would trash talk her ex left and right in the media and it was very off putting and made me feel bad for her kid because she has to grow up with such a bitter, angry jackass of a mother.

    • Jwoolman says:

      Yes, a more accurate title would be that she keeps being asked about it. Don’t know why people get jumped on for just answering questions. Jump on the interviewer for asking the same question for the millionth time.

  9. TG says:

    The injustice surrounding Freddie Gray’s murder is, once again, incomprehensible. Meanwhile, the Dems stage a faux sit in to “reform gun” control. And yes, I am 100% pro gun control/reform, but a terrorist no fly, no buy watch list does absolutely nothing to address the issue except trick uniformed voters that their elected officials are actually doing something about it. We need to get the NRA money out of politics NOW.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I don’t see how you can poo poo the Democrats’ efforts here. Someone is FINALLY making a stand, and your first instinct is to throw shade? I was glad to see them standing up and making a loud declaration. Is it the only thing that needs to be done? No. But at the end of the day, it still makes a lot of sense that someone who is ineligible to fly for fear of terrorist links should also be prevented from buying a lethal weapon.

      • Esmom says:

        I’m with you, Tiffany 🙂

        Change has to start somewhere.

      • Kitten says:


      • Alarmjaguar says:

        @Tiffany, exactly my thoughts

      • TG says:

        As a life-long card-carrying D, I am very much going to criticize them. The legislation would not stop the majority of shooters from buying guns, and it completely removes due process rights to those placed on the discriminatory watch list. MLK, Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali were on the list, as was Nelson Mandela until 2008. So was Rep. John Lewis at one point! Omar Mateen wasn’t on any watch lists. The San Bernardino shooters weren’t on the list. Neither was Jared Loughner, who shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson, AZ, or Newton, Connecticut, shooter Adam Lanza. Dylann Roof, who killed nine African-Americans in a church in Charleston, South Carolina, was also never on a terrorism watch list. Do you see the problem here? There are no clear standards by which to determine who is placed in a database that can be used for discriminatory religious and racial profiling. Can you imagine what Trump would do with that list?

        In 2014, according to Rep. John Lewis., the federal no-fly lists “provides no effective means of redress for unfair or incorrect designations.”

        Staging a sit in to ban assault weapons would be making a stand. Getting the NRA out of politics would be making a stand. Holding the US accountable for being the largest manufacturer of weapons in the wold would be making a stand. This is nothing more than a bi-partisan attention grab during an election year to dupe people thinking that our elected officials are “standing up and making a loud declaration”.

      • Esmom says:

        TG, I don’t disagree, it’s unfortunate that any proposal the Dems come up with is going to be watered down since they, unlike the other party, understand compromise. I don’t like it at all, but I am still behind them because it’s a start. It’s clear to me, at least, that this is going to be a very long road. One sit in, one piece of legislation — of any kind — will not change things overnight.

      • Jwoolman says:

        Senator Ted Kennedy, like quite a few people, was on the no-fly list because of a similarity in names…. Hmmm, I actually do like the idea of not allowing members of Congress have guns! Never mind….

        There need to be better ways to get off the list, though. Maybe issue “I am not a terrorist” cards if you’ve been cleared. Kennedy was blocked from flights repeatedly and had to start all over again. So although it’s not a perfect system, it does make no sense at all to block people from getting on an airplane but then have no problem letting them buy guns. The message seems to be “don’t kill anybody on a plane but feel free to have a go at the rest of us on the ground”.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        “MLK, Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali were on the list”

        The list was started in mid-December of 2001, after the 9/11 attacks. I don’t see how MLK or Malcolm X could have been on the no-fly list.

        As I said before, the sit in will not stop the gun violence issue. It is a complex problem that is going to find solutions in many different areas. The options you suggested (banning assault weapons, getting NRA out of politics, holding US accountable for being largest manufacturer of weapons) do not sound like pragmatic solutions to me, but I agree with the spirit and the intent behind them. For example, “assault” weapons is one category, but it also needs to include various forms of automated rapid fire, large capacity magazines, etc. if such a law regarding categories is going to be effective. Getting the NRA out of politics would be great, but how do you seriously do that just targeting the NRA? Laws would have to be written regarding lobbying in general, and that is a very complicated can of worms because many citizen-driven organizations use lobbying for legitimate causes. Definitely worth pursuing, but complicated.

        The no-fly list gun restriction is such a tiny, little step. That is why it is so outrageous that Congress won’t make it happen. The VAST majority of Americans do not think that if a person is on the no-fly list that they should be allowed to buy a gun. An “attention grab”? Yes, they are drawing attention to this issue, and it is about time that someone pointed out how even the most agreed upon regulations of gun ownership can’t get through congress. The no-fly list issue is the canary in the goldmine and these representatives are shining a light on it.

      • TG says:

        I honestly cannot understand how we’ve gotten to the point where we will literally give everything up; our safety, our dignity, our humanity, all under the guise that this is “progress”. John Lewis endorses a candidate who lets (barely former) NRA lobbyists raise money for her. That is a serious conflict of interest.
        But whatever. Carry on.

      • TG says:

        @Tiffany, your post came thru after I posted my response.

        Sorry I should have clarified, MLK, Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali were on the terror watch list. Interesting that you brought up the origins of the no-fly list tho, because prior to 911, there was something like 16 people on the “no transport” list. Now theres over 80,000, some of them very young children. But I think you’re missing the point that the no-fly list, and the terror watch list, unfairly discriminate and target certain groups of (mostly non-white) people, as well as giving the FBI way too much power with deciding who is “safe” or not. I can see your point about not letting guns into the hands of potential terrorists, but as I’ve painfully tried to illustrate, what constitutes a potential terrorist? Especially when we can’t even properly identify the homegrown terrorists within our own country.

        There are no pragmatic solutions if you want to end gun violence in America. Australia implemented a buy-back program, why can’t we? (No need to parse either, when I write assault weapon, I mean any semi-automatic weapon that’s capable of causing mass casualty.) I don’t care if it’s complicated getting the NRA out, it needs to be done NOW because the Dems cannot claim to be pro-gun control while taking money from the NRA. End of.

        I guess I’m happy that the Dems are shining a light on the canary, because I can see the transparency so much clearer now.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        No, I get it that minorities are more likely to be incorrectly placed on the terror watch list. That isn’t a good thing at all, and there needs to be a process of recourse. From what I have read, they are using online activity to determine who a potential terrorist. If a person watches or spreads terrorism propaganda videos, they get looked at more thoroughly. I don’t have a problem with that. If a person is on the list for legitimate reasons, it is not logical to allow them to buy lethal weapons. Similarly, if they tried to buy thousands of pounds of fertilizer, I hope they would be stopped as well.

        I do think there are pragmatic solutions to lessen the amount of gun violence in America. They will probably have to be implemented in piecemeal fashion because Congress is not intended to make radical changes overnight. I think making it mandatory for states to report violence criminals to the background check database is a good place to start. Restrictions on weapons that have rapid fire and large magazines. Regulating gun ownership similar to that of cars, with regular ability testing, storage standards, insurance standards, and liability if your weapon is used inappropriately.

        I detest the NRA, but I don’t see how the government could pass a law that would target them individually. That just doesn’t sound possible to me. Instead, I think that sensible gun owners (there are a lot of them) need to realize how extreme the organization is and call them out for not representing the average gun owner. It is the American people who give the NRA power, by blindly voting according to the voting guides they send out. Ultimately, it is citizens who give the NRA power.

  10. Kerry says:

    To be fair, she was asked about it. She didn’t simply bring it up/offer it as a topic of conversation.

  11. Bitchy architect says:

    Is that Gwyneth or Kirsten Dunst’s mom? What is up with her face ? Looks like someone over did it at the filler counter.

  12. JRenee says:


  13. Tris says:

    Does this woman not understand basic hair care? She needs a serious cream rinse!

  14. Trashaddict says:

    What Gwinnie should seriously consider is unconscious coupling. It’s MUCH more fun.

  15. Dinah says:

    Paltrow on her first life-after-death encounter: “God, it was so nice of Me to finally meet with You, personally and in Our Godlike ways.”

  16. AnotherDirtyMartini says:

    goops face is full, bloated. She must have had fillers or some type of procedure .