Melania Trump went MIA for about two full months just as her husband’s presidential campaign really heated up in the late summer and early fall. Some thought that Donald Trump merely pushed her aside in the wake of her plagiarized RNC speech. Some thought that Melania didn’t want to answer questions about her immigration status in the 1990s. While the campaign insisted that Melania would do a press conference about her immigration history, very little came of it. Melania tweeted a statement from her lawyer about how everything she did re: immigration was completely above-board, although that really did not prove anything. I hoped and expected that journalists were looking into Melania’s mysterious mid-‘90s modeling history, and what do you know? It seems like everything was not above-board. Melania was working in the US without proper visas.
Melania Trump was paid for 10 modeling jobs in the United States worth $20,056 that occurred in the seven weeks before she had legal permission to work in the country, according to detailed accounting ledgers, contracts and related documents from 20 years ago provided to The Associated Press.
The details of Mrs. Trump’s early paid modeling work in the U.S. emerged in the final days of a bitter presidential campaign in which her husband, Donald Trump, has taken a hard line on immigration laws and those who violate them. Trump has proposed broader use of the government’s E-verify system allowing employers to check whether job applicants are authorized to work. He has noted that federal law prohibits illegally paying immigrants. Mrs. Trump, who received a green card in March 2001 and became a U.S. citizen in 2006, has always maintained that she arrived in the country legally and never violated the terms of her immigration status. During the presidential campaign, she has cited her story to defend her husband’s hard line on immigration.
The wife of the GOP presidential nominee, who sometimes worked as a model under just her first name, has said through an attorney that she first came to the U.S. from Slovenia on Aug. 27, 1996, on a B1/B2 visitor visa and then obtained an H-1B work visa on Oct. 18, 1996.
The documents obtained by the AP show she was paid for 10 modeling assignments between Sept. 10 and Oct. 15, during a time when her visa allowed her generally to be in the U.S. and look for work but not perform paid work in the country. The documents examined by the AP indicate that the modeling assignments would have been outside the bounds of her visa. It is highly unlikely that the discovery will affect the citizenship status of Mrs. Trump. The government can seek to revoke the U.S. citizenship of immigrants after the fact in cases when it determines a person willfully misrepresented or concealed facts relevant to his naturalization. But the government effectively does this in only the most egregious cases, such as instances involving terrorism or war crimes.
Personally, I don’t find this to be some huge, major scandal, but that’s probably because I’m quite numb to all of the shenanigans of the Trump campaign. Is it completely and utterly hypocritical in this particular case, given Trump’s violently anti-immigrant rhetoric? For sure. But let’s face it – this was not nearly as bad as Democrats were hoping. She didn’t follow the letter and spirit of the law for a seven-week period in 1996. And you know what? Trump’s supporters (the Deplorables) won’t even care. Because Melania is the “right kind of immigrant,” i.e. she has white skin and she’s attractive.
Here are some photos of Melania and the Orange One in North Carolina on Saturday.
Photos courtesy of Getty.
Deport her to Mexico.
Lol!! Why not Slovenia? I wouldn’t wish Mrs Trump unleashed on anyone
Noooo! we don’t want her back. Don’t say things like that, the simple idea of a Trump somewhere close can cause me terrible nightmares. I would like to ask for a favor as well. PLEASE Don’t proclaim she is from Slovenia (the Russians can have her for all I care), we are not proud of that one and her terrible accent. Like really. Almost everybody speaks English to a certain degree here, but I don’t know one single person with a ridiculous accent like she has. That’s just sad.
Can confirm that her accents is quite weird for someone from Slovenia, or former Yugoslavia in general.
*clapping* BEST
lightpurple I love you
LightPurple for president and no I’m not joking
This sounds like Nigel Farage level of hypocrisy, getting German citizenship to keep a foot in EU whilst the majority of the British citizen body won’t have that right anymore. I agree it’s less scandalous than anything Trump says anyway so it won’t affect his chances after all.
He’s violently anti-immigrant when the immigrant is brown.
Is he, though? It seems to me that he’s strongly in favor of playing on the insecurities of the angriest people in America, but he himself welcomes any cheap labor he can get.
Well his anti-immigrant rhetoric seems to be exclusively about hispanic (non-white) people.
Anti-Muslim, too. Or anyone who appears to be from a predominantly Muslim country.
I’m not disagreeing with you, although he also talks a lot about banning Muslims (which is a religion found across skin colors and nationalities). Reading between the lines, we all know he’s talking about Arab Muslims, but again his rhetoric of hatred is just playing to the basest prejudices in American culture.
The hypocrisy, though, is astounding. His cult-ish followers won’t be bothered one bit that his wife was working without a visa.
He does talk about banning muslim, but you know for damn sure he isn’t talking about white muslims. I would be shocked if he even knew white people could be muslims. He lives and thinks in stereotypes.
If it was Miss Mexico he’d be in favor. I think sexism and misogyny are his deepest rooted prejudices. A lot of the rest is his basest pandering to the most Deplorable amongst the U.S. Population.
You may be giving him too much credit. He has a long history of racism.
“I’ve got black accountants at the Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. No one else.” – Trump
“I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not something they can control.” – Trump
““A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market.” – Trump
Also he was sued by the justice department for discriminating against black tenants.
Oh, and don’t forget about his opinions (to this day!) about the central park 5.
I could go on, but i think you get the picture. He’s not JUST a misogynist, he’s a bigot in just about every sense of the word.
Melly- FYI: The quotes from Trump about black accountants were indirectly attributed to him by someone quoted in the book who was present when he made the comments. So they weren’t caught in audio/video/print interview. But Trump was asked about the book in general and he said it was all essentially true. He didn’t deny any of the indirect quotes. So it seems pretty clear that he did say such things, just in case anybody complains about “hear-say” or he tries to backtrack now. At the time, I don’t think he was shy about expressing such views.
Yup I think he only has issues with “brown/black immigrants”. He’s ok with white ones. Hypocritical a$$hole. How he got this far amazes me. How he still has successful businesses amazes me. America what is wrong with you?
All evidence points to him not being as successful in business as he’s like everyone to believe.
Please don’t blame all Americans for what’s happening. Most of us are hard-working and decent people. Most of us are disgusted by Trump. We may not be perfect, but we’re not awful enough to put this man in the most powerful office on the planet. There’s a small segment of our population, mostly uneducated and white, who are frightened by non-white and/or non-christian people. This idea that the “other” is coming to take your job, rape your women, kill your children is (unfortunately) not a new thing.
I highly recommend that people watch the 13th on Netflix, it did an amazing job explaining the history of racism and otherism in America.
I’m not blaming all Americans, but a good amount of them support Trump…enough to make him get this far. That is scary. I don’t know about his businesses, but I do know he’s richer than he deserves.
His supports have chosen the right a**hole. Months ago a report was interviewing people going into a Trump rally and when asked about this they said “she’s the right kind of immigrant even if illegal”.
America is FAR from the only nation in the world to have racist individuals, including those that are in power. This election is a difficult one, but the problems that are happening in the US are far from isolated to our corner of the world. But thanks for your judgement.
Also anti-Semitic.
Also the picture he posted on twitter a few months back claiming Hillary was in the pockets on the big banks with the star of david. And his quote i posted above about only wanting “short guys that wear yarmulkes every day” to count his money. He justifies it by saying his daughter & son in law are jewish, so he can’t be anti-semitic. What a bunch of malarkey.
Have you read today’s news? Trump said Minnesota’s Somali refugees have high unemployment rates and represent “a rich pool of potential recruiting targets for Islamist terror groups.”
He runs like a girl.
Look at the clip of him being ushered off the stage by Secret Service. 🙂
“Personally, I don’t find this to be some huge, major scandal, but that’s probably because I’m quite numb to all of the shenanigans of the Trump campaign.”
That’s the problem. I think we’re all beginning to feel that way. He’s brought the bar so low and has committed so many verbal and physical atrocities, that, nothing he does seems scandalous anymore. Another day; another Trumpism.
His supporters don’t care everything about him because they HATE Hillary Clinton more than all .
I don’t buy that, entirely. There are plenty of people who don’t like HRC, but, are voting for her.
A lot of them (Trumpettes) are just trying to justify their support of Trump. She’s a scapegoat, and, they don’t even know why.
A lot of them are white supremacists who can come out from under their rocks with Trump’s blessings. A lot of them are misogynists who can come out from under their rocks with Trump’s blessings. A lot of them are right-wing nut jobs who care about their guns more than anything else. A lot of them DO hate the Clintons, especially, Hillary…that’s true. A lot of them are all of the above.
The only thing they all have in common is the inability to think. They don’t understand or care about facts. The Republican Party has worked them into a frenzy over the course of 2 decades with lies about the Clintons. I’m not defending all things Clinton, but, HRC is no worse/ducplicitous than any other politician…she’s just worse at hiding it (think about it–that actually makes her less duplicitous).
Impeaching a President for a blow job. C’mon.
@LinaLamont, I think you’re right.
This is not all because of Hillary-hate, but because they want an extra excuse to support racism and sexism.
Lots of these guys feel that anyone not a white male should respect and obey then, even if they have done nothing special in their lives. They hate that people don’t need them and their validation anymore.
Speaking of him being rushed off stage last night, the reason he was rushed off was because someone in the front row was trying to hold up a sign saying “Republicans Against Trump.” Someone else in the audience yelled “gun” and that caused the secret service to take action. Now a couple people in the Trump campaign, including Donald Trump Jr, were retweeting that this was an “assassination attempt”. The guy with the “Republicans Against Trump” sign DID NOT HAVE A GUN OR ANY WEAPON.
I thought they loved guns. Second Amendment! Mandatory carry for everyone over eight years old!
PS. Katie Couric made it clear that it was a disaffected Republican with only a sign.
Saw that on DM also. No gun found – tweeting “assassination attempt” is an attempt to get sympathy for Trump – IMO.
I watched the coverage last night, and it was clearly a heckler.
Let me correct – not Katie, Jane Pauley. Brain in overdrive.
Those “assassination attempt” tweets are more manipulations intended to inflame the HRC haters. Trump probably planted that protester.
@ Size Does Matter
I’ve been thinking the same thing. Since when is it ok to yell “gun” in a crowded rally?? The police AND Secret Service couldn’t find the person who nearly incited a riot?? They seemed over anxious to put the incident to bed. Why? It’s kinda shady. I call bullshit.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump himself plotted this. Hire heckler, hire person to yell “gun”, insist the show must go on which rushed the authorities, hire person to tweet “assassination attempt, order Donald Jr. to retweet it. I just can’t put it past Trump or his lowlife right wing nutbag advisors. We already pretty much know they conspired with megalomaniacal dictator Putin, with alleged rapist and fellow megalomaniac Julian Assange and misogynist haters at the FBI. What’s one more conspiracy at this point? Especially since Trump would be emboldened by the fact that he’s getting away with it.
That said, I still think Hillary will pull it off. We’re having an election watch taco party complete with champagne. I’m gonna pretend the champagne is Trump’s baby-man tears!
Don, Jr is a complete liar and even more of a sociopath than his daddy dearest
Pleez go away all that is trump. Seal it up in a time capsule and let us worry no more!!!
The Donald was the least flexible, least responsive, least spry “VIP being rushed from possible danger” I have ever seen. I couldn’t tell if he was really that stiff and unresponsive, or if he was a bad actor, unable to convincingly fake being rushed from the stage.
How does a “girl” run? Like Flo Jo? Like Mia Hamm?
How is using sexist rhetoric to diminish Mr. Deplorable any different from his continued sexist yammering? He runs like an uncoordinated, unathletic, overweight Buffon. Not like a girl.
Oh, please. Get a sense of humor/irony…it’s a riff on his misogyny and insecurities …the worst insult you could hurl at him.
And BTW, your examples are WOMEN, not girls.
@LINALAMONT I have an excellent sense of humor. I’m just not into casual sexism.
Girls grow up to become WOMEN when we support an encourage them. Not use the term girl as a perjorative for an over bloated Cheeto.
Please don’t patronize, infantilize, insult WOMEN by calling them girls.
Bashful –
Just sending support your way. Thank you for calling out casual sexism.
Next time you see a little girl run her heart out, are you going to be using “run like a girl” as an insult?
Hear hear, Bashful. Completely agree ❤️
Thank you @BettyRose
Support across the pond too, Bashful.
Play like a girl indeed.
Yeah, you’re okay on this Bashful.
I am with you… Bashful
With you in Canada, bashful.
Here with you also!
I’m with you Bashful
Is she the right kind of immigrant? I mean, her attractivness aside, it’s not like people are really welcoming to folks with heavy Eastern European accents. Or maybe that’s just in Europe, maybe America is different.
No in the US she’s still the right kind of immigrant since many of the Trump supporters themselves are of Eastern or Southern European descent. Us doesn’t have problem with white immigration, even white Latinos are treated much better.
White immigrants are not a problem either in Europe, it’s more to do with nationality than race.
For instance Poles and Romanians are at the top of the hated list in UK, but you would not get many Britons who say they hate the Dutch or Germans (although when they hate on EU citizens they are lumping 27 nationalities together and hate them all by consequence).
That’s what I meant. I would say that, in Europe, ethnicity is maybe more important than race when it comes to who to hate.
Speaking only for post-Brexit Britain, it’s certainly ethnicity fuelling xenophobia.
We’ve got the Islamophobic element, which doesn’t want any refugees because they’re all, as per Trump, about to rape our lovely white women – and surely we know only our own white footballers are allowed to do that because our lovely white women stop being lovely if they sniff alcohol at fifty paces.
And we’ve got the anti-Eastern European element, which thinks evil EU mandarins are directing all the new-accession EU country citizens to come here and steal our jobs and our council houses. Never mind that we haven’t had an industrial policy creating jobs in decades, or that all the council houses were sold to white Britons at a massive discount thirty years ago.
Nobody has a problem with the quarter of a million French people living and working in London!
Last one not true because I saw a couple of comments about getting rid of all the ‘nasty’ French in London, stealing awesome jobs from Brits who are or could be trained at the same level lol
I am of the opinion it’s useless to try and reason with xenophobes because it’s like going in loops, there will be always a nationality, religion or ethnicity to blame…
Can I steal “evil Eu mandarins”? LMAO
Silver – but the weight of the awful doesn’t really apply to the French, does it? Nor to Aussies or Kiwis for that matter. Brexit has just sealed in the stupid and, to be honest, I don’t think it really matters who is the Enemy du Jour – it only matters that SOMEONE is. If, in some future dystopia, we deport all these putative undesirables, all that will happen is that the ire gets turned on someone else – the black British, then the brown British, then the single mothers, then the unemployed, then ad infinitum.
It’s all very “first they came for…” and we just have to hope that there’s a period of madness and after that sanity and calm heads prevail. I’m sure this will happen eventually because the populist mentality is stupid and the ministers in charge of Brexit are fantasists in the middle of a collective delusion of post-colonial melancholia. Reality is a brick wall that will hit both sooner or later. Sooner would be nice so that the lasting damage is minimal and we can approach a future outside the EU with something constructive and sensible.
yep , the same thing for Germany . Good EU immigrants come from the UK , France, BeNeLux, Scandinavia (including Norway ) and Switzerland . Still acceptable immigrants come from Italy , Spain and Portugal . Don’t even try it if you’re living east of us .
She’s certainly not leaning in for *that* kiss, is she?
Can’t say that I blame her but it is part of her job.
Well if Donald loses the election Melania will be ” fired” from her job. She will be the “ex Mrs Trump” by next spring.
Donald will blame everyone around him for losing
RussianBlueCat – totally agree with you. She will be his next victim. Hope she realizes that and is getting together with a good lawyer.
Ugh, yeah, she will take the blame, but I can’t really feel bad for her. I don’t know what kind of life she came from, and I don’t blame her for taking a modelling job where she was probably exploited, underpaid, and lied to about her visa status. But at some point she had to know what kind of monster she had married, and from that point on she’s complicit in all of this.
I just shuddered thinking of the other must preform tasks of her ‘job’. Blech.
Of course it’s her job. Right now she must play the adoring wife to her husband. Who would have told her that she would ever marry a billionaire and possibly become FLOTUS.
I highly doubt that FLOTUS was part of her gold digging game. And yeah, she get walking papers when he loses.
I noticed that, too. I think she is hanging on until he dies…
He’s evil though , he’ll never die .
I just scroll past the pics of Trump. I can’t even with that orange POS anymore. I’ve never had such a physical nauseating reaction to a picture of anyone in my life.
That cat anus mouth *shivers*
He’s so repulsive.
He’s the most repulsive. The cat anus mouth, that disgusting orange wrinkled skin, the awful combover, and his baby groper hands.
He’s holding her hand so she can’t escape.
I wouldn’t care except the hypocrisy is astounding.
There are so many times where I felt like the hypocrisy of Trump was just flooring. I think i’m numb to it at this point. I just expect it. Like OF COURSE Melania came & worked here without a visa. OF COURSE the Trump campaign lied about it. OF COURSE Trump got endorsed by the KKK. OF COURSE Trump doesn’t release his tax returns. OF COURSE Trump mocked a disabled reporter. OF COURSE Trump thinks he’s entitled to grab women by their pussy. OF COURSE Trump thinks other nations should have nuclear weapons. OF COURSE Trump thinks our intelligence officers are liars. OF COURSE Trump has a bromance with Putin. OF COURSE Trump’s policies (the limited ones he has) disproportionately benefit the wealthiest people.
Hillary’s email though…
Please America DO THE RIGHT THING.
I feel exactly the same way.
Especially the last line.
I agree with you completely but this is so problematic. I feel like in a way he gets a free pass. HRC held to a completely different standard. We don’t expect anything from Trump, not even basic human decency.
I know, sigh. I seriously started to lose my s%^t a couple days ago. I’m headed out shortly to a get out the vote event for HRC, trying to make sure no one skips out on voting. We all need to do our part to keep Trump out of the White House.
Trump gets a free pass all the time. I don’t know if any of you are fans of Bill Maher, but his segment about false equivalency is such a big problem this election. It’s around 3:30, but the whole thing is worth watching.
Think of a story that Wall Street Journal (!) came out with this weekend than is hardly getting any discussion: the National Enquirer tabloid which is owned by a Trump friend and is heavily Pro-Trump bought the rights to former Playboy model Karen McDougal’s exclusive story that she had a 10 month affair with Trump circa 2006. And then once the exclusive was purchased, killed the story (which they legally could do). Interesting that this affair as well as his assault of the People magazine reporter and the Billy Bush pussy incident all occurred when Melania Trump was pregnant.
But yah, Hillary emailed her personal aide so lock both those women up.
It really is.
Considering what a hot, explosive mess Trump is, HRC should be creaming his clock in the polls — but she’s not. So either (1) America is filled with more ignorant bigots than we ever dreamed possible, or (2) America hates HRC with a ferocity that no one ever dreamed possible.
Either way, I think I may vote early Tuesday, then call in sick and spend the day in bed with the covers over my head, shivering in fear for the future of our country.
He speaks/appeals to the worst in people. Water seeks its own level. Deplorables united.
The people that are voting for Johnson or Stein legitimately don’t like HRC. But the people that are voting for Trump are generally doing so because of his stance toward brown people. They’ve been given permission to dislike Muslims and immigrants – and it’s scary to look at Trump’s supporters and know how many people here in the US feel this way.
I believe Trump voters tend to blame someone else for their own dissatisfaction, rather than themselves.
This precisely. Hold me, guys, I’m scared.
It’s not JUST the stance against brown people though. In my Midwestern US state for instance I know many who are voting for Trump because he is “pro life” and will supposedly appoint anti choice Supreme Court justices. We can’t ignore that for some people this is pretty much the ONLY issue they care about, even though Roe v Wade happened over 40 years and several Republican presidencies ago and no Republican president has managed to “overturn” it.
You’re right, there is a segment that will vote solely on that issue (Though god forbid that they focus their energy on preventing those pregnancies in the first place). However, I will point this out: while republicans have been focusing on that ultra conservative faction for a while, they’re actually not nearly large enough to get someone even nominated for president (see Cruz, Ted and Huckabee, Mike) let alone actually elected.
Let’s not forget that misogyny is endemic to the party and Drumf and his fanatical followers.
May all ladies understand that they have far more in common, than the silliness of skin color… We are women – and care most for the young, and the survival of loving; aside from $$$. Even if we are denigrated, by containing raw emotion: May We Channel It.
Sounding like a prayer…that is, expressing the reality of our compassion, and moral indignation.
For anyone feeling discouraged, check out Propane Jane:
OMG!!!! You mean somebody involved with trump did something illegal?? My swan. Where are my smelling salts? This is a dealbreaker!! #nastyfamily #bunchof thieves #lyingpunks #orangeturd
I just can not believe that anyone in the Trump family would do something wrong then lie about it. They are such honest and noble people.
Noble people. LOL
According to the commercial. Anybody seen it? Ivanka talking about her warm and kind-hearted father? 🙄
@kitten. Google donald and ivanka trump images. Photos with his tiny hands on her stomach, rearend, just barely under breast, sitting on his lap. Real warm, yeah.
In one season, working all day in the fields, an undocumented migrant farm worker might make half of she made for 10 modeling jobs. That’s not counting all other exploitation they face beyond low wages and body-wearing labor as well as the ever-looming threat of ending up in an inhumane US deportation facility. Beyond legal status, this is a story about privilege. Modeling and fashion is one area that regularly flaunts immigration and labor laws but you don’t see models demonized by the public and terrorized by gov agencies like the people who pick the food we eat. Poor people are such easier targets, huh? It is hard to love this country somedays.
Well said.
If you or anyone else feels hopeless some days, volunteer somewhere. It may not seem like it, but there is so much good in this country. Trump, and people like him, are the minority. Most people are good and decent. I HAVE to believe this. Donating your time to a good cause can help put everything in perspective. Volunteering at my local animal shelter has been the only thing keeping me from losing my F’ing mind. How can I be mad when I have puppies and kittens (of all ages) to care for and play with?!
Aw that’s such a great idea. Also why my FB feed is primarily kitties, puppies and other animal videos these days.
Cute animal videos are the best cure for a frazzled mind
Completely with you on giving time. Whenever I feel sad sack I know I can get out by helping another person, or animal. I write grants for nonprofits, currently for a horse rescue. It’s the best. Well, no, the grantwriting kind of sucks, but the horses and ponies (and one giant mule) are the best.
Kids and I watched cats vs cucumbers today. Fine viewing.
She is white and attractive, those are not the immigrants the “deplorabes” care about. You know, the brown, hard-working immigrants. Those are the ones they hate but love employing for the low wages.
One would think more tolerance and understanding would be apparent. Yet one of his surrogates melted down last night when asked about this story and why there wasn’t more tolerance of similar situations. She denied the allegations of the story, then admitted she hadn’t read it.
Love this — from Doonesbury’s Blowback (comments) page:
“I’m a psychologist, but not a clinician, so diagnosing Donald Trump is beyond my competence — but let me try. Trump’s behavior shows clear sociopathy as well as flaming narcissism, but he lacks the superficial charm characteristic of these disorders and has no sense of humor. He seems to have no empathy, but also no sense of self. My people use the concept of “theory of mind” to explain our ability to see ourselves as well as others, and assume it is part of human genetic endowment. I think fetal Donald Trump was somewhere else the day that got handed out.”
Nailed it!
The surge in early Latino voting for Hillary is a beautiful thing to see. Trump has really hurt his party in that regard by his rhetoric during the campaign and it is showing now at the polls.
Maybe there will be a surge in early voting by immigrant European models for Trump. Melania can lead the charge.
The Republicans have known for many years that they cannot recapture the presidency without appealing to another group outside of white men – and latinos have been identified as the group that closest shares the same value system. But in practice, it goes so far from one of their favorite talking points to whip up the base, illegal immigration, that by pandering to the folks that are already going to vote for them they alienate everyone else.
All that said, the Republican Party folks are horrified by Trump. Which is why only the dregs of their party are supporting him – Giuliani, Christie, the creepy FL governor.
I’m so tired of Rudy Giuliani I want to throw something at my tv. His bragging about knowing ahead of time about Comey’s announcement, then walking it back was disgusting.
Word. I cannot stand Giuliani and I hope people remember what a sniveling little bootlicker he’s shown himself to be.
I’m proud of my people! Some members of my family are voting for the first time and of course is for Hillary. Latinos (and all minorities) have to make a strong statement to politicians. They have to take us seriously as an important group within the country, and understand that we need to be respected and treated as equals. And the best way to shake things up and give a clear “hey, we are here!” is to be a key piece is Hillary’s victory.
p.d.: I also want you to know that election day, will be almost as nerve-wracking in Mexico. People here are really nervous over the possibility of the fat cheeto winning. So we will be watching too.
Thanks Saks, I hope the result is right for everyone. No one should be POTUS that has so little respect for a wide range of people.
Glad the AP got the receipts to prove what I and many other immigration lawyers have been saying for months. Now let’s pray someone finds out how she really got her green card. While it would not be impossible for a supermodel to get an EB11 immigrant visa as an alien of extraordinary ability, Melania was far from the top tier in those days. My guess is that there is a hidden U.S. citizen ex-husband who has been paid off by the Donald.
I was seriously debating making a comment but I just have to so here goes. I am an undocumented Hispanic person. I was brought here when I was five years old by my parents who were seeking a better future for their family. I grew up loving this great nation and being extremely proud to live here. In my mind I was a citizen without doubt. I saw my parents go to work every single day for ten, twelve hours and come home tired as hell. Never did I hear them complain about their jobs. As I grew older I began to notice the stares, the name calling, the hatred. I learned that although I loved this country, it did not love me. And that hurt. My family has tried for years to become legal, even going as far as paying lawyers. But every single time our hopes, our dreams get shut down. I am married to a citizen now and we are trying to fix my status. It’s so hard and expensive for people like us who do not make enough money. I worry a lot about the outcome of this election mainly because I have a child. I worry about being separated from my son every single day. I worry when we go out that we will be attacked because we have gotten some hateful stares and because a man that we know got attacked just last week while holding his child. I hate that cheeto has made it okay for these things to happen.
I’m so sorry that has happened to you and your family.
Thank you for writing this.
Moved, just really moved by your story. ❤️
“I learned that although I loved this country, it did not love me.”
My heart broke when I read this. I can’t imagine what you and your family are going through. I’m sending all my good vibes to you today.
Clumsyme, I’m sorry you have to live that way. I hope your future is bright and secure.
Donald really needs to pay for the turmoil he has created with his foul racism. He needs to be brought to account for the strife and fear he’s engendered in so many.
Lets hope this turns out for the better. Im afraid for my family too, not for deportation but for the xenophobia (they live in a red state). It really touched me what you wrote about loving your country but realizing the sentiment doesn’t go both ways, because my younger cousin feels the same way (she loves the US and Mexico, but she feels the rejection over there and sometimes is difficult for her to connect with us as she doesn’t live here. So at times she feels like she lacks an identity).
I’m sending you a lot of good wishes from Mexico, and I really hope you can fix all that soon!
Thank you guys for your kind words! @SAKS I’m actually from Mexico too! Guadalajara to be exact.
ETA: My husband is voting for HRC!
I truly regret that this cheeto has fanned the flames of hatred. Most of us are not far removed immigrants, be it one to ten generations back.
How any decent human being can vote for such a crude, hate-fueled candidate is beyond me.
As a board certified immigration lawyer, I sincerely hope you have competent, knowledgeable legal representation. While not foolproof, any halfway decent lawyer will be a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association ( Also check your state bar association or legal specialization organization. In Texas, where I live, the Texas Board of Legal Specialization ( certifies lawyers as specialists in various fields. If you make less than 300% of the U.S. Poverty Guidelines, you may qualify for free or reduced fee assistance from charitable organizations accredited by the Board of Immigration Appeals. You can find the current list of approved organizations – as well as a list of all lawyers in the US who have been suspended or barred from practicing immigration law – by visiting the EOIR website at Good luck to you and your family.
@BearCatlawyer thank you for the advice. I didn’t even know it was possible to get assistance. We went to a lawyer who was charging us an arm and a leg. We are currently looking for other options so this helps out a ton.
Bearcat, you rock.
^^This right here is why I love CB.
Your story is so powerful. Thank you for sharing it. I hope you speak up more- you have a message people in the US need to hear.
Thanks for the bit of hope today.
if they keep digging they will reveal much worse. like her “job” when she met him. he really enjoyed parties with “models”. #orangeshudders
not that it will matter one bit to his supporters, even the evangelicals because lalalalalala i can’t hear you lalalalala Hilary is the devil lalalalala.
the best part of trumpageddon is how much havoc he has wreaked upon the Republican Party. they have been falling apart for a while and Drumpf getting the nomination was proof of how fractured the party is. but his campaign has pushed the party beyond repair.
The Democratic Party has slowly been morphing into socially liberal republicans and as long as they stay open to minority groups they will continue to expand and suck up all the alienated republicans along the way
-despite all the republican tactics to rezone and disenfranchise voters. they have been working furiously to purge voter roles and prevent minorities from voting at all because they can’t win anymore without cheating.
they are flailing and failing. republican voters aren’t being represented by people that care about them in any capacity outside of their votes.
the world is changing and like it or not, candidates that support equality for everyone are going to keep winning.
white male privilege is no longer a guarantee of success in politics now.
*thanks god*
She’ll be glad when this is over.
So clueless is she.
She probably thinks Pennsylvania is where the White House is.
They’ve got some balls calling Hillary corrupt.
The son-in-law’s family is one of the firm’s major clients. Connecting the dots as to why he’s so personally invested becomes a lot clearer.
The modeling agencies even the big ones bring these models to the US and work them but they take a huge chunk of the change. They charge them for the apartment almost 1200 while they are roommates with several other models they get advance for food transportation cell phones they owe out the gate I never believed she didn’t get paid of course they get a pass that is where immigration should really investigate is these agencies they’ve been hoodwinking them for years.
I just saw a guy with a Hillary tshirt on. Yay!
Ha! I saw a guy with his daughter wearing matching Nasty Woman shirts and it was the best and brightest part of my day.
Oh thats awesome
I love it!
#NastyMenVoteForHillary #NastyMenSupportNastyWomen
I am going to hell for this, but I saw the funniest meme the other day:
Gays for Hillary
Just this once we’re choosing the p*ssy over a big d*ick
The tagline of Gays for Hillary is AWESOME!
Lol these are so great 😃
The B1/B2 visa is grouped together, however, the B1 denotes a temporary business visa and B2 is a visitor visa. The B1 visa allows business activities of a commercial or professional nature. There are specifications for the B1 visa that may require a work authorization document.
See the U.S. Immigration and Citizenship Services (USCIS) website for more information about the B1 temporary business visa:
Was Melania here on a B1 temporary business visa and did she have a work authorization document? Or was she here on a B2 visitor visa which does not permit the individual to work?
She was here on neither. She entered the US using the Visa Waiver Pilot Program (which has evolved into ESTA). Regardless, whether she was admitted as a WT (tourist) or WB (business visitor), neither category would have allowed her to work as a model for compensation in the US. Neither the B-1 nor the B-2 would have allowed this either. There is a special category of H-1Bs for models, which is what she should have gotten before accepting any paid work in the US.
Essentially Melania committed immigration fraud. No wonder she has been incognito during the campaign. Trump’s lawyers and PR must have thought “out of sight, out of mind.” Except the public isn’t that foolish.
This article nails it:
What about the reports of Chelsea using Clinton Foundation money for her wedding???
What about it?
Sources? Something other than Breitbart? Some reputable news organization?
All the foundation’s filings and about 30 years of Clinton tax returns are available for the public to see. If you have the line and numerical figures to back this up, show them.
In better news the FBI now sez WHOOPS –there is absolutely NOTHING new in those emails that rudy worked so hard to get out…
Why would she even bother? It’s not as though her parents are poor. Why would she steal money from a charity for her wedding? You really have to think through the motivation for such claims, especially if they come from Breitbart or Fox News.
I read an incredibly vague article with a misleading headline. As others have said, the 990s are public record.
But if she bought a 6-foot portrait of herself or paid personal legal bills with foundation funds (not just a salary), do tell.
It’s been three hours. Still searching for those sources, dom?
I think the sole source for that is a Wikileaks release of John Podesta emails that today included one from 2011ish where Doug Band innuendoed that Chelsea used CF money to fund her wedding and lifestyle.
Doug Band is the guy Chelsea pushed out of CF because she felt he was besmirching it by using it as a moneymaking scheme for his Teneo consulting business. Past emails released have included Doug referring to Chelsea as a “spoiled brat kid” so I’m not accepting another angry Doug Band email as evidence of anything. He appears quite shady and it’s actually a credit to Chelsea that he got dumped from the foundation.
Chelsea is not running for President. And where are these reports?
You are obviously one of the Trump trolls on the site. What about Trump taking millions in government subsidies and then bankrupting his businesses four times? When it comes to embezzlement, Trump wins hands down, wedding dress or no wedding dress. Get a clue!
Unfit for twitter, but fit for the Oval Office. What a world.
Breaking news that FBI says no evidence of criminality on Clinton’s part in Weiner emails. Not so crooked Hillary. Hope it’s a boost.
Probably not for the deplorables and Susan Sarandon. Maybe for people with sense.
Thanks for heads up. The reputable sources are all carrying it now.
YES! I SAW IT ON CNN! New emails cleared – mostly duplicates and personal.
Oh, is the FBI credible again??
Oh, I do believe that lots of people at the FBI do their jobs in the right way and be impartial in elections.
What happened last week was not the fault of all people in the FBI.
No, the FBI director was wrong for commenting on it in July and was wrong for commenting on the case 9 days ago. FBI should not comment on a case unless charges are being filed. No matter what you think of Hillary, she’s an American citizen and the FBI should have treated her case the same way they treat all other cases. Politicizing the FBI is wrong.
Dom, shouldn’t you be looking for that info about Chelsea’s wedding?
Good! They had to finish this research before the elections if they wanted to remain to be seen as impartial in the future.
I don’t know if they will be seen as impartial again. The damage to Clintons campaign is done. There is no correcting that. I just hope this motivates people to go out in droves to vote for Hillary.
The FBI probe into Clinton’s emails and clearing her twice. Why did the FBI create a major hoopla to disrupt her campaign?
It’s no coincidence that the news was released on a Sunday, AFTER the morning political and news shows were over. All calculated to get the least amount of coverage and traction.
There is still a chance that the space aliens will step in and take Trump to the probing station in the sky.
Ouch! 😬😬😁😁😩😩
A girl can hope. I’ll buy some tic tack for the aliens.
Aliens will move on Trump like a bitch. When aliens see something orange they have to probe it, they just can’t help themselves. And when you’re an extraterrestrial, they let you do it.
I think Trump has visited the probing station in the sky already. I believe he is a frequent visitor
Read it couple of days ago, she married a Hispanic American in NY to get her papers
Looking forward to this being over. I’ve seen enough: semantics, cognitive dissonance, mental gymnastics, and hypocrisy from the major parties and their supporters to last a life time.
This is an opinion piece…. I am not for either of them. But I am definitely not going to just read this placated and partisan driven trash piece on Melania because she is the LEAST of our concerns here. geeeez…. Did you forget that she’s just a puppet? There is wayyyyyy more nasty pedophile dirt coming out about the Clinton foundation every day. It’s not from Trumps camp, it’s a FACT and it’s from the FBI. Its no JOKE> HRC is in deep shit. Why is Celebitchy defending her like her poop doesn’t stink? Talk about fashion or something…. politics doesn’t work well for you here. Sorry. Just saying…. No hard feelings.
LOL you said poop
Hey, you doody-head jerkface, we need to focus on the issues. Like HRC being involved in a pedophile ring. It has to be true, the FBI says so!
(Hope you read my sillyness and snark)
Aw you’re ignorance is adorable. Thankfully you won’t be voting in our election.
Melly: I really enjoy reading your posts. 🙂
Let me guess. Such viewing with alarm about the Foundation is coming from unnamed sources “in the FBI” and reported by Fox News and Breitbart.
Meanwhile, the named source Comey just wrote another letter to Congress completely clearing Hillary’s damn e-mails on Weiner’s laptop…. They completed their review and there was nothing there, just duplicates of what they already saw and personal messages. Which we knew would be the case, since Hillary and her people had immediately called for prioritizing the review before the election. They knew there was nothing to worry about in that batch of damn e-mails.
So when do we hear the retraction from the viewing with alarm folks on that one?
You’re totally right. It’s not like millions and millions of dollars and YEARS have been spent investigating every angle possible on the Clintons. Oh wait.
But isn’t Trump the one that’s actually being investigated for child rape?
I’m going to have some nice red wine on Tuesday when Trump loses.
The hell with wine, I’m having tequilla.
Kind of wish I could join you in the mind-erasing…I’m taking the day for self care on wednesday. Catch up on sleep, take a walk in my non-nuked neighborhood, enjoy the gorgeous weather. Love on a horse or a puppy.
if the Greens can get 5% of the vote I’ll drink to that. STEIN 2016!
Let’s hope Trump doesn’t win by 5% if that happens. Not much green then.
I told my boss that if (HEAVEN FORBID) Trump gets elected, I’m calling in sick on Wednesday. Or possibly for the rest of my life.
Wow! You tore up a woman who is not running for president. Please respect some boundaries.
Why don’t you look at Hillary Clinton, who should have put her feet up while drinking a glass of lemonade several years ago, and chilled. She is very dangerous, ladies, but we can’t convince those who refuse to see.
The hypocrisy is strong on your side. Trump and Melania make immigration a pinnacle issue of the campaign, lie about her status, threaten to sue publications because they were telling the truth and yet no one is allowed to question her status. That’s right, it’s Hillary’s fault that Melania lied, applied for her visa under false pretense and for all of Trump’s hissy fits. LOL.
EM : My side? I am a mother of 4 whose husband of 27 years is in the early stages of a terminal brain disease called frontotemporal dementia, which is woefully underdiagnosed, and is usually laughed off as an exciting mide-life crisis.
They are people in their prime – business owners and even chancellors. The disease brings chaos to families, employees and even countries.
It is somewhat juvenile to claim that I have a “side” when what I really have is a mission. I want all the money we spend on war, and the fortune we spend on the stealth agreements to allow tax breaks to corporations to be spent on us.
Senator Sanders agreed.
While I sympathize with your personal situation, especially since I had an aunt pass away from brain disease 3 years ago, but Sanders is not the Democratic nominee. Hillary is most definitely not more dangerous than Donald nor does he get a free pass on his wife’s immigration status after condemning and lying about entire groups of immigrants.
I’m sorry for what your husband and you are going through.
You’re totally right. The person who’s been spending decades fighting for better, more affordable healthcare is totally the wrong choice here.
So dangerous, right???
@ Rose of Sharon: I sympathize with the pain you must be going through due to your husband’s tragic diagnosis.
With all due respect, however, your sad personal circumstances are no argument at all for the supposed “danger” of Hillary Clinton.
I wish you well.
How is she dangerous? Please explain.
“She is very dangerous, ladies, but we can’t convince those who refuse to see.”
Sure. Whatever. She has my vote.
Now that it seems like a HRC victory is the most likely outcome, can you HRC supporters tell me what you expect her to achieve in her first term of office?
Prepare yourself: She is going to lose.
Thanks for the heads up. 🙄🙄
Easier to say what she won’t do! Won’t throw the entire government into chaos due to an utter lack of experience, won’t cause WWIII due to a thin-skinned temperament and the misguided notion that nuclear weapons would/should be used against terrorists, won’t sexually assault anyone… oh, the list of things she WON’T do goes on and on!
Yes, I’ve heard all that through out the campaign but I’m genuinely interested in hearing what her supporters are expecting her to achieve in her first term.
The answer to your question is on her website, as are all of her policy proposals. She has done her homework, and more: further, she Is working for the common man, for the 30 years she has been in the public eye. She is both an idealist, and a realist. I have watched her being shredded by men for years, for being idealist, in my view; for sincere wishing good upon Us. She is a tough bitch to endure!!! – and that’s what makes her a realist.
I’m sure she’s made plenty of promises but in your own words what do you HRC supporters think she’ll actually achieve in her first term of office?
If she blocks Paul Ryan’s proposals to rip apart Medicare and Social Security and the Affordable Care Act by using her veto power; then she will have achieved much.
I’m expecting her to be a decent president. Much of the rest is down to the composition of the Senate and House, and events outside her control.
I expect her to be such a nasty woman and a bad bitch mom. Day 1.
Thank you, jc:
But I am more concerned about Germany right now. Chancellor Angela Merkel should undergo a mental status exam, followed by a MRI and PET scan.
We also have a suspicion that former President George W. Bush may be in the mid stage of FTD. We read journalists’ reports who claimed he was very well spoken while he was governor of Texas.
We all know some of his decisions were terrible, and then when he floated down on a battleship dressed as a fighter, our fears were confirmed. He took up painting because his brain is trying to compensate.
This horrific disease is very common. It strikes down people in their prime.
One last comment: We are pretty sure Former Secretary of State has some sort of frontal lobe dysfunction because of her bad judgment, exhaustion, hair-trigger anger, and hyper-startle reflex. She should see a neurologist.
Well I’m pretty sure she saw neurologists — probably really good neurologists–after her 2012 concussion, but thanks for your concern for HRC.
It’s not nice to diagnose people with brain damage on the internet BTW, but everything you’ve seen with Donald Trump makes you feel good about his neurological function, hmm?
My father suffered two neurological diseases, and as his caregiver, I saw up close the effects. I remain active in helping others with similar diseases. Yet I would not attempt to label (basically diagnose) anyone else, ever. For one thing, I would not wish such health issues on anyone.
I sincerely hope you didn’t begin posting just to loop back to claiming one candidate may be ill. If so, be aware that there are those questioning the other candidate’s psychological fitness.
“We …” Who is this “we?”
Eh, what? Who do you think you are? I’m no fan of Merkel but I’m sure her brain’s fine. I highly doubt you’re competent enough to comment on her health.
Tourmaline: Why do you end your comment with “hmm?” I’ve seen that by people who try to be curt and dismissive, and who don’t wish to know.
You said you are pretty sure she’s seen a neurologist after her 2012 concussion. I am sure she did, too, but what caused her to fall that gave her the concussion? They won’t reveal the reason to you.
It’s not your fault that you don’t understand @Tourmaline’s comment. Russians tend not to understand American sarcasm. HRC has discussed the fact that she saw a neurologist. She also released medical information, unlike Donald Trump, so we can make an informed decision. She tripped and hit her head, what else do you need to know? What else does the public need to know? Why don’t you apply that need for information to the Trump campaign?
Molly: Did you really accuse me of being a Russian spy – me – a suburban Heartland Matron? This site has gone off the rails. I am out, but before I go, I want to say that it’s very Interesting you should bring up sarcasm.
People with frontal lobe dysfunction don’t get sarcasm nor understand metaphor. They would rather watch slapstick “Three Stooges,” like we did when we were 7, than watch, for example, Jerry Seinfeld or Bill Maher. They are so smart in the early stage, but they don’t know what you mean if you tell them something was “like night or day.”
Ask Ms. Clinton to draw a clock. Have fun in your bubble, Celebitches.
Omg. You definitely showed yourself to not be an America. Who the hell calls themselves a “suburban heartland Matron” lol. And you’re not going to convince anyone on here that Hillary has something that you are widely speculating about. People here are more intelligent then to believe your nonsense.
One more time, want to understand why Melania is with Donald? Look at her parents.
@RoseofSharon. And I am the mother of one whose husband of 46 years died in 2011 after a 12 year battle with early onset Alzheimer’s. I’ve been there. It sounds like you’re undergoing a lot of stress given the odd statements you’ve made. Try to get some help. Good luck.
That is a very compassionate response.
Taking a job from our hard-working American gold-diggers!
Melania can’t get far enough away from Donald in those photos above.
Attractive? I think she’s scary-looking.