Donald Trump’s ‘disillusioned’ supporters are turning on him, SAD!

This week in Trump’s America has been awful, like every other week. But this week has seen our baby-fisted emperor try to “pivot.” Pivot away from what, and pivot to what, one might ask. Personally, I believe Trump is pivoting to a warmonger, and it’s partly the media’s fault. Donald Bigly is so dumb and childlike that if you praise him for one thing, he will keep doing it. If you keep telling him he’s “presidential” when he authorizes raids and missile strikes, HE WILL KEEP DOING IT. He will look for reasons to keep killing people. It’s Pavlovian, our emperor’s need for flattery and praise and his willingness to do anything to get it. So no one should be surprised that Donald Bigly is trying to start a nuclear war with North Korea. No one should be surprised that the MOAB (mother of all bombs, because Dr. Strangelove was a documentary) was dropped on Afghanistan. The only surprise here is that it took more than 80 days for Donald Bigly’s pea brain to put all the pieces together, which is “stupid people love a War President.”

Speaking of stupid people, Politico did a lengthy piece about how all of those Trump-voting special snowflakes are super-upset that Donald Bigly doesn’t seem to give a sh-t about them and that Jared Kushner seems to be running things. They were led to believe that Steve Bannon would be running things and they’re really butthurt that Bannon is being phased out. Poor babies. You can read the full Politico piece here.

His supports’ complaints: Their complaints range from Trump’s embrace of an interventionist foreign policy to his less hawkish tone on China to, most recently, his marginalization of his nationalist chief strategist, Steve Bannon. But the crux of their disillusionment, interviews with nearly two dozen Trump loyalists reveal, is a belief that Trump the candidate bears little resemblance to Trump the president. He’s failing, in their view, to deliver on his promise of a transformative “America First” agenda driven by hard-edged populism.

He’s not keeping his word! “Donald Trump dropped an emotional anchor. He captured how Americans feel,” said Tania Vojvodic, a fervent Trump supporter who founded one of his first campaign volunteer networks. “We expect him to keep his word, and right now he’s not keeping his word.” Earlier this week, Vojvodic launched a Facebook group called, “The concerned support base of President Trump,” which quickly drew several dozen sign-ups. She also changed the banner on her Facebook page to a picture of Bannon accompanied by the declaration: “Mr. President: I stand with Steve Bannon.”

You mean Trump will just say whatever? “It was like, here’s the chance to do something different. And that’s why people’s hopes are dashed,” said Lee Stranahan, who, as a former writer at Breitbart News, once worked with Bannon. “There was always the question of, ‘Did he really believe this stuff?’ Apparently, the answer is, ‘Not as much as you’d like.’”

[From Politico]

Jesus take the wheel. These people are only realizing right now that Donald Trump is a bigly-talking snake oil salesman who has few authentic political beliefs and even fewer ethics? As much as I want to laugh at these people, I can’t. They are pathetic, just as pathetic as our emperor.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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191 Responses to “Donald Trump’s ‘disillusioned’ supporters are turning on him, SAD!”

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  1. Maya says:

    For F*ck sake Americans, wake the hell up and remove this manic from the office before his starts a nuclear war that will make Ice Age look like heaven.

    CIA, FBI and the Republican Party will have to be punished for not disclosing the treasonous Trump.

    • Eleonor says:

      Even freaking Nixon looks like a perfectly reasonable man now.

    • Nicole says:

      It feels like they might be close because more info was dropped last night on Russia and the smoking gun is close (or already) at hand. It’s a matter of when

      • Aiobhan Targaryen says:

        Yeah, I think we are close as well. The Guardian posted some very damning info either last night or the night before.

        Problem is: what is going to happen when that evidence comes in? The Rethugs have proven what craven, opportunistic, hateful trash they are. Even with all the evidence in their face, they will do nothing.

      • Esmom says:

        Maybe we’re close, maybe we’re not. It was depressing to read yesterday that British intelligence saw ties between Trump and Russia in 2015! Why that could not somehow be used to derail his campaign is beyond me. I can’t shake the feeling that this thing — Trump as POTUS — could have been avoided had people just stepped the f^ck up instead of sitting back and watching everything unfold like a train wreck.

      • original kay says:


        I was reading on CNN comments about that- people, his supporters, are saying things like “see! he was right, obama did have him wiretapped by the british”


      • Luca76 says:

        I don’t think impeachment will happen until after the Dems take the House unfortunately.

      • Cacec04 says:

        I feel like if the GOP doesn’t respond to removing Trump and most of his administration after all the Russian collusion comes out, we have no choice but to revolt. We take to the streets, we strike, we take shifts doing that. Idk, but it would have to something more extreme than calling our congressman and complaining.

    • cindy says:

      North Korea and nuclear war have been my biggest fears since the world went insane and this angry, petulant, delusional child became president. This is f*ing scary.

      • Giddy says:

        Yes. Because if there is anyone crazier than Bigly Boy, it’s Kim Jong Un. I heard today that he has probably moved underground into luxurious quarters and will stay there through whatever happens. His missiles can’t reach us. (yet) But South Koreans are terrified at the ravings of two madmen. Then there are all the Americans based in South Korea. And Trump talks openly about a preemptive strike! I’m very frightened.

      • jwoolman says:

        China is trying to be the adult restraining Trump, but President Tweeter is still too hyped up on that chocolate cake with his name dribbled on it in frosting to pay any attention. He is such a toddler.

        I hope the South Koreans have enough fallout shelters for everyone. Seoul is awfully close to the potential action.

      • sarah says:

        I am teaching English in China now. I was considering a move to South Korea for a change of scenery (been in China for three years now). But the thought of being that close to Kim Jong Un always convinced me that South Korea was not a place to be right now. He just keeps getting crazier and crazier.

      • erbs says:

        Don’t worry. It’s “saber rattleling.” We certainly aren’t going to have a nookular war with N. Korea. They’re realizing China is on our side – in spite of people from China selling parts to N. Korea. Kim Jong whoever has a good thing going. He’s not going to upset his apple cart.

    • Merritt says:

      The GOP is dragging their feet on impeachment. They don’t want to only president removed from office to be a Republican. Although President Pence won’t be any better. He will just be more polite when stripping away the rights of women and minorities.

      • cr says:

        Currently there’s no actual evidence for impeachment, only an awful lot of ‘coincidences’. That’s not enough for impeachment, even if they were willing. And even during Watergate the Republicans were pretty much in denial until there was too much evidence. And the Republicans were saner then.
        These investigations are much more complex than Watergate’s, and they’re also international, even though some of these have been ongoing for over a year. So I”m not expecting anything much anytime soon.

      • Luca76 says:

        There’s actually enough for impeachment outside of Russia with his financial misdeeds, profiting in office etc but it’s not going to happen with this House of Representatives. Ironically the Russia stuff isn’t technically an impeachable offense unless they can prove he’s either obstructed justice or made policy while in office .
        I shared this podcast yesterday but will again

        It’s much more informative about what’s actually legally possible in terms of impeachment

      • SusanneToo says:

        Robert Reich breaks it down with four ways to impeach trump:

      • Luca76 says:

        I watched the video and about ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ the crimes of stealing the election occurred prior to his taking office. So it’s not technically impeachable unless they can prove policies he’s done in office were done in aid to Russia . Listen to the podcast if you have time. I really recommend it a Harvard law professor really discusses in non hyperbolic detail the precise legal reasons for impeachment. Emoluments, press, etc .

      • Kelly says:

        @cr Having little evidence and too much “moral” outrage didn’t stop Gingrich and the Republicans from wasting money on impeaching Bill Clinton over lying about Monica Lewinsky. I still get a tiny bit smug when Gingrich and Henry Hyde were just as immoral in their personal lives as Bill Clinton but we didn’t waste taxpayer dollars investigating their sex lives. I do think it’s karma when Dennis Hastert is now a convicted pedophile and Kenneth Starr got fired from Baylor for covering up years of Title IX violations.

        There’s much more concrete and factual evidence about Trump’s tangled web of business interests and his ties to Russia. I’m willing to play the long game and wait until next year for the impeachment hearings, right before the midterms.

      • madonami says:

        There’s not really an evidentiary standard for impeachment, like there is in a regular criminal or civil court. It can be entirely political. You could impeach someone for sneezing with enough votes and political support. But, if we want to have any semblance of a working republic (ha!), with breaking the law in a serious way or serious misconduct as acceptable standards for impeachment, we’re there. We’ve been there. I watch his daily approval numbers on gallup, among republicans. That’s the number that needs to fall out. He’s already at nil with Dems and low with independents. R support has dropped, but still high. Seeing early signs that he’s costing Rs politically – – the KS04 race was close as hell, Georgia 6th is tight, Illinois just tossed a bunch of Rs – – investigations aside, the minute he starts really costing Rs, they’ll turn on him. Russia is a hell of a damn mess and scary thing, but it’s not remotely the only thing that can get him the HELL OUT.

      • madonami says:

        also, yes, you can bring impeachment articles for stuff that’s happened *before* election, before taking office.

      • Neva_D says:

        @Luca76 Thank you for the link to the podcast! I always enjoy podcasts while out running, so I will definitely listen to it! 🙂

      • Luca76 says:

        Great tell me what you think!

      • cr says:

        “There’s much more concrete and factual evidence about Trump’s tangled web of business interests and his ties to Russia. I’m willing to play the long game and wait until next year for the impeachment hearings, right before the midterms.”
        This is more what I meant, we know he’s been impeachable since he took the oath, but this has to be airtight. We’re not the Republicans, impeaching Clinton over lying about his sex life.
        And in this case it’s not just Trump and his cronies, there are probably members of Congress and Republican leadership implicated. This really does need to be above and beyond doubt.

      • jwoolman says:

        I doubt we would be heading toward such a crisis with President Pence. This is all toddler bravado.

      • erbs says:

        They’re doing a great job of that, aren’t they?

    • Famika says:

      I’ll never understand HOW people voted for this man. He seems insane, racist, misogynistic. I still believe Russia-Putin fiddled with the US election.

      Hillary win by 3m or 4million and Trump got just enough in the exact right places he needed…SURE….. I STill think something was done to hamper votes in certain districts.

      He’s now going to possibly get us all in a MESS with his war games. I Can’t stand him.

      • Betsy says:

        Me, too, Famika. Nothing will ever sway me I this belief.

        Although that it was even close enough for them to bump it over? I didn’t think racism was dead before, but I didn’t realize the extent to which it was still entrenched. I legitimately thought that most people, even if they had racist tendencies, did the good thing and tried to move past those. I won’t be fooled again.

      • jwoolman says:

        I realized Trump and/or the Republicans did something to those votes when they sent lawyers to block the recounts donors paid for in three states. If they hadn’t been up to something shady, there would have been no reason to care. Dubya got the US Supreme Court to overturn the Florida Supreme Court’s order to keep doing the manual recount in 2000, and we know from an unofficial continued recount that Gore actually won Florida and therefore won the Presidency. Dubya or his handlers must have known that, and that’s why they were anxious to stop the recount.

      • Keaton says:

        I wish I had recorded the TV news coverage that night because I swear I remember some dude saying that when the votes were coming in in some of those rural districts around the country they were coming in at crazy numbers. The guy said he thought there had to be a problem with those voting machines because (for example) during the 2012 election – the number of people who voted in a district might be (approx) 500 people and in 2016 it was 3000. He was shocked by the numbers. Not quite an order of magnitude higher but something like that. I wrote in a notebook that night “How did Trump get all these racist people to come out of the woodworks and vote for him?” So my impression from the news coverage that night was that he managed to make the voting pie significantly bigger in alot of rural areas and that is what helped him win. It looked really sketchy to me.

        But when I stop and think about the process I find it unlikely there was a conspiracy. Different districts have different systems – some are machines, some are paper ballots. In my district you give the person your name and they see if you are on the list. I just feel like the level of coordination to pull off a conspiracy like this would be incredible. And noone has broken ranks and spilled the beans yet. Coordination is only as successful as the weakest link. This is why I tend to eschew most conspiracy theories perpetrated by both the alt right and alt left. It’s just hard to coordinate something like this unless you can severely limit the number of players involved.

      • Sixer says:

        Here in the UK, further analysis of the Brexit vote shows that significant numbers of people turned out who neither voted in the General Elections of 2010 or 2015 nor intend to vote in the General Election of 2020. It is quite possible that these people are the ones who swung a very narrow victory for Brexit.

        It seems that these people, part of the so-called left behind narrative, are much less disaffected than we realised. When a vote comes along that they believe will actually achieve change, they will take it. Qualitative work with this demographic reveals that most people were quite well aware of the negative consequences of this vote for the country as a whole. But they felt that things couldn’t get any worse for themselves individually so any change, even a conflagration of a change, was their only chance, and if it didn’t work out like that then, well, at least they will have spoiled things for those they perceive as having taken all their security and status away.

        Of course, things can and will get worse for them because of the Brexit they voted for. But that really isn’t the point. You know?

        I don’t know anywhere enough about US politics to even hazard an opinion whether a similar thing happened stateside and that contributed (as well as racism) to all the non-voters suddenly turning out, or whether it’s more likely that there was electoral skulduggery, by Russia or domestics. But y’know. Getting the non-voters out can make a massive difference.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I was reading an article last night that the European intelligence agencies gave the US the heads up in 2015, told them they were extremely concerned. The US investigation didn’t start until over 6 months later.

      They also said in that article that in spring of 2016, the Baltic states told the CIA director they had recordings of “Kremlin” money going into Trump’s campaign funds.

      And yet, in October 2016 the FBI decided it was imperative to publicly state that Clinton was under investigation, but not that Trump was as well.

      • Famika says:

        That’s why I hope we can get Impeachment Hearings against him. This all needs to come out and be in the headlines for months, for the public to take it in. He needs to be Impeached.

      • Betsy says:

        The one comfort in the phrase that we didn’t start investigating till late is: how would anyone know? The FBI investigation wasn’t confirmed until, what, a month ago? They could have been gathering evidence.

      • Mltpsych says:

        This just makes me so angry I don’t even know what to do

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Betsy, I hope they were gathering evidence, but it seems the intelligence agencies of our allies were concerned with the lack of US action. They thought they were handing over bombshells, and it was met with what seemed to be a tepid response from US intelligence. These are countries we share information with, so they should have been in the loop.

    • Sarah says:

      Amen!! And what is horrible about his supporters are that they are angry he isn’t being cruel ENOUGH to their fellow Americans, even themselves. Like, get rid of my healthcare, dude, cause ‘murica first!!!
      God help us all. If he doesn’t stroke out or get impeached, he WILL kill millions. I am sure those in the US will be pretty safe from the consequences, as usual, which makes dropping bombs a “glorious site.” I really despise many of my clueless, heartless fellow Americans.

    • cynic says:

      Unfortunately, we Americans can’t do much other than protest, go to Town Halls, and/or write letters, etc. The Republicans control the Senate and House, and they don’t care what Trump does as long as they can go through with the agenda of visciousness.

      • erbs says:

        Because stupid people voted against their own best interest. That’s why they fit the definition of stupid.

    • raincoaster says:

      The first step is for the people he used to get pissed off at him. The second step is for them to start shooting at him. Wait for it.

    • naomipaige says:


  2. Lightpurple says:

    A man who needs to drop the Mother of All Bombs is letting the world know that the Viagra prescription just isn’t working. The next time Voldemort wants to bomb something, Princess Nagini should straddle it and ride it to its destination, just like Dr Strangelove

  3. third ginger says:

    Taking a chance can be a fine thing. Cut your hair. Buy that outrageous dress. Go on a date with the shy guy in the coffee shop. But God help us, people took a chance on a man who has no knowledge of foreign policy, domestic policy, or government itself.

    • Esmom says:

      Yeah, Trump couldn’t even pass a basic government course or high school constitution test. Nor could many of the people who voted for him, I’d wager. I can’t even begin to describe my despair about this.

      • SusanneToo says:

        I’ve said many times that I could stand in the middle of a Mall, have 100 people take the Citizenship test, and I’d be surprised if ten could pass it. That’s what we’ve come to.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Given that the Speaker of the House doesn’t seem to know what the Hyde Amendment is, I think ignorance of the Constitution and the laws arising under is rampant in the GOP leadership.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        How about that congressman who insists he’s not paid by taxpayers…that he’s in office as a “service.” The arrogance is dangerous; the dumbness is offensive.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      third ginger, I love this post.

  4. Lolo86lf says:

    Payback is coming for those people who voted for Trump. Very soon they will realize their mistake, and I will not even pretend to be sorry. I will enjoy watching them regret and squirm when Donald Trump get us in World War III. Trump supporters are still in the ‘rationalizing’ stage and they are making excuses for Trump’s awful decisions. The honeymoon is ending soon with Trump and his supporters and I am enjoying it.

    • sarri says:

      I hope his supporters are ready to go to war.

      • Chrissy says:

        …because God knows his sons won’t be suiting up .

      • sarri says:


        They’re busy shooting poor animals in Africa.

      • Sarah says:

        They had better be, because my sons and daughter will NEVER fight for this a$$hole. I live on 40 acres and I will make them move back here and put up our own HUGE wall.

      • Kelly says:

        Most of his supporters wouldn’t be able to pass the Army’s physical fitness test.

        My sister’s first job out of grad school after getting a master’s in public health was working for the Army’s Public Health division outside of Washington DC. She specializes in STDs but helped author reports for physical fitness standards. Needless to say, her first reaction after he was elected was we are all so screwed if the draft is reinstated. The STD rates in many of the areas that went for Trump are higher than the national average in part because sex ed in so much of the US isn’t taught very well.

    • naomipaige says:

      Agreed! +++++++++++++++++++++++1

  5. Tiffany27 says:

    I just………… we’re not going to make it are we?

    • Darkladi says:

      No. We’re not. I’m sorry. Hug your loved ones.

    • Shambles says:

      Yes, we are. I refuse to drown myself in negativity. Maybe I’m naive, but I believe we’ll make it through this. We’ll never be the same country again, but I refuse to die for this man. I just won’t do it.

      • Tate says:

        I am trying to stay there with you @shambles. We can’t give up.

      • swak says:

        Also with you Shambles.

      • Ain'tNoTelling says:

        Shambles, I’m very late for the party here, but I agree with you on that we CAN make it through this. Will we? I think it is possible.

        Bannon is the first order of business. He HAS to go away. All the way, away. Whether Trump voters want to recognize how important this is, or isn’t, it is important that we do. We a a chance with Bannon out of the way, and we also have tons of work to do between now and 2018.

    • Nicole says:

      A lot of us won’t. And if you live on the west coast….start building that bunker

      • H says:

        Actually, I believe Guam, Hawaii and our bases in Japan (the North Koreans hate the Japanese) are most vulnerable to attack by that nut in North Korea. That’s not much of a reassurance, but…let’s hope the Chinese can intervene in this mess and save us all. They seem to be the only ones who can stop Kim Jun at this point as Trump isn’t going to blink (the idiot). Even Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis realized what nuclear weapons could ruin our planet and stepped back. Kim and Trump are narcissist megalomaniacs who have no such self-control.

        I told a friend last night who lives near D.C. that I loved her and hoped we would wake up tomorrow (today). I’ve haven’t been this afraid since I was a teenager in the 1980’s after watching “The Day After.” Nuclear war benefits no one. No one. And I say this as a Gulf War vet.

      • jwoolman says:

        H-you’re right, but South Korea will also be at risk from any off-course missiles (which will backfire bigly on North Korea).

        I’m hoping China can restrain these two toddlers. I suspect the people in charge there are much less naive about the effects of the nukes. Hope so at least.

        It does seem rather arrogant for us to act all huffy about other countries building nukes when we have such a big stockpile ourselves and keep aiming them at other people. We should offer to decrease our stocks in exchange for North Korea and anybody else decreasing theirs and stopping testing. What makes anybody think we are so wise that we can be trusted with nuclear weapons? We’ve not only used them against two cities, several Presidents have threatened non-nuclear states with them.

    • pru says:

      I think we will be forever changed. I know that I will appreciate democracy, and it’s fragility, more now.

    • Christin says:

      We have survived a great deal of dangerous stupidity that is now just a bad memory (Bushes, Palin, etc.).

      Here’s hoping that Orange, Drunk Uncle and the shady bunch, the Kids by Three Wives, Eddie and Yertle all go the same way.

    • Megan says:

      Some days I just want to ignore the news and spend my time posting pics of my cat to Instagram.

      • GingerCrunch says:

        I’m edging closer to this reality, but since I have young adult children I am keeping one eye open.

      • jwoolman says:

        Years ago when I was working on nuke issues, I rather startled a colleague when I said I wasn’t really doing it for humans (being rather disgusted with my own species by then), but for the cats and other animals that were also at risk from such weapons…

    • Lightpurple says:

      I have family in Hawaii. Very frightened for them.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        I know folks with family in Korea. Can’t imagine their level of anxiety.

    • Sarah says:

      Yes, we are. Keep putting pressure on your own Congressman. Donate to Ossoff, the GA Dem who is running for the seat. The vote is Tuesday. PLEASE, make sure every Dem and sane Independent is registered for 2018, and drive them to the polls if you have to. If we take back the House, which I’m pretty sure we are going to do, we start impeachment proceedings Jan. 2, 2019. But we have to work really, really hard.

  6. Kyra says:

    “We expect him to keep his word”.


    Goddammit these people are idiots.

    • Chrissy says:

      How can they expect a pathological liar to keep his word? It’s so sad when people only hear what they want to hear and none of it is based on reality. I guess seeing him on The Apprentice all those years is all it took for them to vote for the Orange Menace as their President. Low-Information voters only have themselves to blame.

    • Tiffany says:

      Yes, Kyra. Racist voters expected him, another racist to keep his word. White people thought they for some reason were immune.

  7. Shambles says:

    The people who voted for this man are ignorant, ridiculous, and stupid, and I will make no apologies for that. They can go f*ck themselves for what they did to this country, because they’ve made us into a joke in a matter of months. They can go down with their president, and they deserve to.

    • Bonehead says:

      I don’t know anyone that voted for Trump that isn’t still 100% confident in their vote. He’s no longer letting ISIS walk all over us. He’s dropping well-deserved bombs to protect us and get rid of the damn problem. Trump may not be trained as a politician, may not have the celebrity finess of Obama, but other countries are now thinking twice about messing with us.

      • Shambles says:

        No, other countries laugh when officials from the US try to give ethics seminars because we can’t even get our own president to pretend to be ethical. We are an international joke. Dropping bombs like candy does not make us more safe. It makes us a target. Nice screen name, though.

      • cr says:

        Ah, so dropping MOAB and killing maybe a few dozen ISIS members is going to get rid of the problem.
        Good to know.

      • Olenna says:


      • Esmom says:

        Yeah, the comment I keep seeing is “Trump has done more in a couple months than Obama did his entire two terms.” Blindly, stubbornly putting party over country no matter what sh$t Trump unleashes.

        Weirdly, these same people seem to be on United’s side in their assault debacle. I’m beginning to think they simply refuse to agree with anything decent compassionate or reasonable. Sign of weakness or something. It’s fascinating and horrifying.

      • Kitten says:

        ISIS issued an official statement calling our POTUS an “idiot”. I didn’t get the impression that they were particularly scared.

        All that Trump is accomplishing is ramping up anti-American centiment among Islamic terrorists. He is handing them ISIS recruiting material on a silver platter. And that’s to say nothing about the new generation of homegrown terrorists that he’s inspiring.

      • Kyra says:

        Trump’s £50 million air strike on Syria featured a less than 40 % target-hit rate, rendered the airport unusable for less than 24 hours and killed three times more soldiers fighting on our side (18) than Assad’s (6). His big bomb killed a few dozen ISIS soldiers in a country where ISIS is a minor distraction, whilst serving as the perfect terrorists recruitment tool.

        The monthly rate of civilian casualties has also tripled under Trump – 1400 last month in Iraq & Syria. By I guess since they weren’t gassed with Sarin they’re somehow less dead? We’ll just call them “collateral damage” instead of “God’s beautiful babies” and their deaths become magically justifiable…

      • SusanneToo says:

        I think the leaders of all other countries are laughing at trump and us. I think they all have a secret email circle and they exchange cartoons and say, “Can you believe this sh1t???!!!”

      • Zan says:

        Trump’s lack of knowledge of nearly everything involved in this job–history, policy, and diplomacy–makes him a malleable target for others to use. Many times, we have seen how the last person to talk to him about a subject significantly influences him. Bannon figured this out during the campaign and foreign leaders know it now, too.
        This is not leadership. This is not Presidential. This is frightening.

      • Merritt says:

        North Korea is being even more belligerent since Trump has started with the hawkish stuff. And ISIS doesn’t work that way, this will bolster their recruiting.

      • Esmom says:

        Zan, you’re exactly right. He truly is an empty vessel.

      • Shambles says:


        They’re quite literally laughing at us.

        When a US expert on government ethics tried to give an anti-corruption seminar to visiting foreign government officials, they literally laughed at her.

      • MaybeTomorrow says:

        I didn’t vote for him, but I know several people who did and they are doubling down on their support. They like several of his actions — ala the mother of all bombs — and dismiss his reversals of attitudes (Chinese manipulation of currency statements) as rigeur to the process of getting elected. Mostly I think they are just enjoying the $hit storm that liberals are tying themselves up in.

      • Original T.C. says:

        Oh please, we dropped a bomb in Afghanistan when Bush was in power-16 years later, the war still goes on. Did air strikes in Syrian, and was given the middle finger by Russia and blocked again by Russia in the United Nations. The president of China ate chocolate cake with Trump and easily manipulated him, now China is his BFF. According to news reports, at the moment Trump is considered the biggest joke of the week by the Chinese.

        So now Trump is trying to start major military actions on THREE fronts, a 5 year old can tell you it will not end well. Let’s wait and see how scared North Korea is when they match crazy with more crazy.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        He’s doing major military efforts in Syria, Afghanistan and near North Korea. He doesn’t have the intelligence and skill to handle all of these maneuvers at once. He is so clearly in over his head.

        People loved the Iraq war too….in the beginning. When we advanced quicker than anyone thought possible. But then reality set in about the consequences of and reactions to those military efforts and we are STILL paying the price. Short term gain perhaps, long term problems.

      • JaneFr says:

        Others country are NOT now thinking twice about messing with US. They – we – are only wondering whether left to your proud and owned stupidity you will end America’s influence and security first ( You know, becoming ISIS and N-Korea and China main target) or drag everyone into WWWIII first.

      • Sarah says:

        Other countries respected us under Obama; now, they may fear our arsenal, but they certainly do NOT respect us. They think we are nuts. And I agree.
        Respect from 100 million dollars of missiles hitting an empty airstrip? After Trump the Idiot warned them? We dropped our biggest bomb and killed 16 people??? We killed lots of kids in Mosul in the past two months and a dozen in the Yemen raid.
        Respect??? HAHAHAHAH!! I die.

      • Cranberry says:


        How many new recruits have joined up with ISIS and other anti-US groups since Trump’s election and his “Alt-Right: Muslims are the enemy” regime began? A lot more than 16 I’ll bet.

        No doubt Trump supports don’t truly care cause they ration pres cheeto will keep the US safe by denying foreigners entrance. But what about our allies and countries vulnerable to destabilization? Even if Trump supporters don’t care about non US lives, all his belligerent actions will have serious negative long term effects on US to say nothing of homegrown terrorists.
        It’s just adding more chaos to an already out of control disaster. It’s not a real plan.

  8. PunkyMomma says:

    Morning Joe/MSNBC is reporting that Cheeto Mussolini was not the person who gave the order or authorization to drop MOAB. He apparently has delegated some of the decision making regaring such actions to his Generals.

    • Lightpurple says:

      CNN was reporting that yesterday afternoon. It came out of Spicer’s presser. There is nothing but chaos. And that scum Paul Ryan is too busy pretending the Hyde Amendment doesn’t exist and celebrating his efforts to deprive women of healthcare to do his job and remove the traitors from the White House.

      • lem says:

        I have little doubt that Trump told his generals to use the most theatrical munitions in their control. He may not have said “Use the MOAB” but he sure as shit made it known that he needed another “beautiful display of our weaponry” so he had praise to jerk off to last night.

      • PunkyMomma says:

        Oh don’t get me started on the Planned Parenthood order – ‘effin Orange Coward signs that order behind closed doors, and sneaks his marmalade a$$ down to his Palm Beach P*ssy Palace. 👿

        My blood pressure is in the danger levels already.

    • swak says:

      Whether he ordered the dropping or not, he sure is taking credit for it. Also, what bothers me is that people who did not vote him are praising him for dropping the bombs. Said it once and will continue to say it, USA should not be the police of the world.

      • JaneFr says:

        I do not know if The USA should be the police of the world, that’s for Americans to decide, but as a rest-of-the wordler, I can and will keep on saying that they should not be police, judge and executioner.

  9. grabbyhands says:

    I don’t know which is worse-that they REALLY thought he was in any way presidential and committed to his cause and not just a lying man child who would say anything (and has basically proven over and over that he would say anything) in order to get voted and be praised or that they’re legit pissed that a WHITE NATIONALIST is no longer currying favor with 45.

    His sudden “pivot” brings me no comfort because instead of supposedly saner voices having more influence, it is just making his manic dick swinging to other unhinged lunatics (looking at you, North Korea) worse.

  10. RussianBlueCat says:

    Trump wants to show the world he is in charge. The skits on SNL must have really got under his skin( lets face it he has no sense of humour), defeat of the rollback of Obamacare and the investigation into his ties with Russia is putting him in a corner. The military actions in Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan are just warming up exercises to a showdown with North Korea.

    • Megan says:

      I think he has chosen North Korea as his target because he thinks Kim Jung Un will be the easiest target to bully into submission. For all his bluster on ISIS, it is a large and diffuse entity. He managed to hit one out-post, but going all in on ISIS would require a massive ground force covering an enormous region. He’ll never get the big victory he wants with ISIS. Hopefully China can calm down NK before Trump gets us all killed.

  11. Escondista says:

    As far as I can tell, it’s a small sect of the alt right that’s upset. He could do almost anything and the dingus, blue collar, “everyday Americans” who voted for him will defend him. The confirmation bias is strong with these ones.

    • Onerous says:

      Exactly. My in laws are still ALL IN for Trump. Should make for an interesting (and by interesting I mean tense) Easter.

  12. Aiobhan Targaryen says:

    Congratulations “real Americans” you all got played. We told you who he was and you chose to be selfish, small minded fools. You got what you wanted, now deal with it. It might not be that long since PP is going away (maternal mortality rates will rise, others won’t have healthcare because the GOP and Dump want to repeal and leave people to die… and they don’t care that that is their plan. No clean drinking water. Big pharma pill pushing will get worse. And those Dump supporters will be suffering right along with everyone else.

    Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Sticks out my tongue and laughs for a full two minutes. Then goes back to work.

  13. sarri says:

    There are many who are disappointed that he doesn’t keep his “America first” promise. Delusional idiots.

  14. justcrimmles says:

    I’d laugh if it all wasn’t so damn terrifying.

    • Tate says:

      I know. I just want to send a big f-you to everyone that voted for this unstable monster. That makes me feel better for a half a second but then I remember that we are all going down. Even if we didn’t vote for him.

    • Beth says:

      A little laugh is better than a cry. I laughed at the panic and fear on my friends face last night when I told her about the bomb. I asked why the hell she thought voting for Trump was a smart thing to do. She was crying and said she couldn’t believe it was happening. Hope this feels like a huge smack in the face to his supporters. Scary for everyone. Worse for those of us saw how bad he really is and tried to warn them

  15. Kitten says:

    Seriously? This Trumpster woman is upset because she feels like Bannon isn’t getting strong representation in the White House? She and other Trumpsters are upset because they aren’t getting what they wanted? What the f*ck do these people think Conservative policy is, exactly?

    WaPo recently had a short opinion piece that said it best: these are the same policies that Trump has been implicitly about all along. “Health care? Destroy it. Tax reform? The rich need more massive tax cuts. Climate? Destroy it. Money in politics? Open the spillway. Voting rights? Throttle them.” And on and on.

    And THIS lady has the nerve to bitch about Trump not supporting Bannon? He made it possible for Steve Bannon to do the one thing he wanted to do: defund every government agency we have in place to protect us. He’s a self-proclaimed Leninist who wanted to “deconstruct” Washington. He got his wish.
    So boo-f*cking-hoo, Trumpsters. You didn’t get your wall or your Muslim ban or whatever other shiny object Trump promised you, but you did get the total destruction of democracy and the rollback of all the social progress you people are so afraid of. You got an unprecedented slashing of domestic programs and you’re STILL not happy? F*ck off or accept that this is what Republican policy is, THIS is what you voted for.

    This is quite literally the most conservative Cabinet of the Modern Era. If you’re not happy with that, then maybe you’re not a conservative.

  16. Onerous says:

    Massive Ordinance Air Blast. Mother of All Bombs is a nickname. Also – permission to use at will was given under Obama. I am sickened by the whole thing, and am devastated by Trump’s election and presidency. But to pretend this wouldn’t have happened under Obama is a reach.

    • cr says:

      According to Ben Rhodes, no it wasn’t. And even if it was, MOAB wasn’t used under Obama.

    • Lightpurple says:

      But it didn’t happen under Obama and the situation in Afghanistan has not changed so drastically within the last three months to support your claim.

    • jwoolman says:

      It really is suspicious that they used it now and not earlier. The signs from the White House are pretty clearly “bomb bomb bomb” with no consequences. They might have had to offer more explanation under Obama, especially if civilians were killed or injured.

  17. Carmen says:

    Don’t you believe it. The more he f*cks up, the more the yahoos who support him worship him. Donnie can do no wrong.

  18. pru says:

    I have to keep reminding myself that his supporters are in the minority. It’s hard.

  19. Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

    As a Brit I feel ur pain. We have the same idiots who voted for Brexit getting their knickers in a twist at the thought of not controlling our borders as it came out this week that stopping free movement from the EU will take years to work through and plus the EU are not Budging on the issue of ‘if u want tot trade with us you have to allow freedom of movement’ , what form that will take who knows. But we need unskilled workers something these twits fail to understand.

    Rant over.

    • Elisa the I. says:

      It boogles my mind that Brexiters seriously believe(d) they would keep all the perks of trading with the EU but get rid of EU workers. Bubble-living and shame on lying politicians!

      • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

        A lot of Brexiters don’t differentiate from EU and non-EU migrants, they are all the same under their eyes. They don’t understand that its actually really hard for people outside the EU to come to live and work in the UK, thanks to Theresa May when she was Home Sec. They all want the same points based system that’s used in Australia, which from what I understand doesn’t really work.

        Lets not forget the part the right wing media played, rags like the Fail promoted those lies causing hysterics over the issue to the point that thats was the only reason that people gave who voted to leave. The media coverage played to their prejudices.

        When you look at the numbers 72% voted in the referendum with about 38% of that voting to leave. So when you look at the numbers it was a minority that put us in this situation. So the talk about it being the will of the majority is BS.

    • JaneFr says:

      I’m french so of course I have my opinion on brexit but still…
      How can anyone sane actually believed that UK would be able to quit EU and keep it’s perts ? Do british men in midlife crisis ask for divorce and expect their futur ex / former wife to keep on giving it up ? Seriously ?

      • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

        No one with a brain cell believed this plus the leave voters didn’t really care beyond the hysteria surrounding borders/immigration. The politicians didn’t do anything to educate the electorate on what the harsh reality of a Brexit would be, partly because the didn’t know and partly because they never thought it would happen. The Leave campaign said that the UK could cherry pick and the leave voters lapped it up.

  20. MunichGirl says:

    I don’t know when it’ll happen but I really think some bombs will be dropped on America – thanks to Drumpf.

  21. K says:

    They’re upset because he’s not as sincerely committed to their toxic goals as they thought? Did they miss the interview from a decade ago where he lauded Hillary Clinton to the skies? It’s freely available on Youtube.

  22. Nicole says:

    Someone should also take his twitter account because NK is going to bomb the shit out of us because of it.

  23. Christin says:

    Kaine (Hillary’s VP candidate) is in SW Virginia, trying to help miners’ and opiod issues. He did a very good live TV interview (cannot locate a link) with the local affiliate yesterday.

    I checked the FB comments related to his two-day visit, and they were 99 percent negative. ‘Carpetbagger!’ ‘Go away with Hillary!’ Just childish, pathetic attitudes, when he is actively pushing legislation to help people in that area. It is mind-boggling. So many programs are on the line that people depend upon, yet they seem blind to it.

    • pru says:

      Hearing his supporters say things like that has made me realized that Republicans think that liberals/liberalism is the real enemy. And they will kill themselves before giving up the fight.

      • Christin says:

        Yes. There is a segment that are truly too far gone. I shudder to think it is really 30 or more percent of the population.

        Several comments call Kaine a ‘hypocrite’, question how he’s changing his tune and they don’t trust him. Yet look at the person/party they seem to support without question!

      • Megan says:

        This goes back to my point about defunding public education. Americans are losing their critical thinking skills. They are attracted to strongmen who speak to their personal fears and insecurities without possessing the skills to determine if said strongmen are full of crap.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        The working class used to see through things better.

      • Andrea says:

        My entire extended family finds me to be a lazy person for being liberal and educated. I was shirked for going to graduate school rather than having 2 full time jobs working minimum wage. This is the divide in America now—educated versus not and I can assure you I am not the one who looks down on them, quite the opposite, I am looked at as not a normal person for wanting to better myself. The main reason for this is deep insecurity. These people can’t understand my vocabulary and therefore, want to make me feel lesser than so they feel better about themselves. I no longer hang out with most of my extended family now.

  24. SusanneToo says:

    GPS coordinates for Mar a Lago 26.6771° N, 80.0370° W. Just a helpful hint, NK. You’re welcome.

  25. why? says:

    The press has created a monster. It seems like the spin that the press is putting on Trump gets worse every day. Now they want us to believe that Trump had no idea that the bomb was being dropped yesterday? In addition to leaking negative stories about Bannon and positive stories about her father and herself, Ivanka’s job in the WH is using the press to normalize her father. By the looks of it, she is succeeding. This is scary.

    Every week Trump is going to drop a bomb on someone just so that the press can call him “presidential”, pat him on the back, and distract from whatever negative press he is getting!

    Why is Trump claiming that he didn’t give the orders to drop the bomb yesterday? Most of all, why is the press even asking whether or not Trump knew about the bomb being dropped. He is the President, how doesn’t he not know? Every statement that comes from Trump’s administration just makes him look unprepared to be President. Trump said during his campaign that he was going to bomb ISIS, so there should not be any speculation by the press whether or not Trump gave the orders. Trump gave the orders. We know that he gave the orders because last week, dropping bombs on Syria resulted in the press giving Trump positive feedback with Dan Rather and others criticizing the press for praising Trump for dropping bombs. I don’t what know was more disturbing, Ivanka and her brother bragging about how it was Ivanka’s idea to drop the bombs(and then Eric bragging about his father can’t have ties to Russia since he bombed Russia’s BFF Syria) or Trump bragging about how he was eating a nice slice of chocolate cake when he told Xi Jinping that he sent 59 missiles to Syria.

    • why? says:

      Don’t forget that behind closed doors and as the press is focused praising Trump for dropping these bombs, Trump is also signing orders to take away regulations that were put in place to protect us. He took away regulations for banks, loan companies, and companies dumping their waste in our waters. All of the orders that Obama put in place to protect women, LBGTQ, and Planned Parenthood have been reversed by Trump. Sessions is working to make sure that police departments don’t have any checks and balances and threatening to take money from those cities who act as sanctuary cities . The guy ahead of the EPA lifted regulations on a harmful pesticide. Trump is threatening to purposely make Obamacare fail by withholding funds. Trump is destabilizing us. When because in his first 100 days he has done so many things to harm us? While all of the policy he has made public has failed, all of the things that Trump has signed in private are succeeding. As SNL stated, it just takes one GOP member to stand up to Trump. The people who have the power to stop Trump are just sitting there letting him sign all of these orders that only benefit his rich friends.

    • jwoolman says:

      Trump also insisted in a recent interview that all 59 missiles hit, 100% accurate, isn’t that amazing. But I’ve been hearing that much less than half actually hit the airbase. So Trump is counting anything as a hit if it hit the ground somewhere. He probably doesn’t know anything about those particular weapons.

  26. IlsaLund says:

    The American media is once again aiding and abetting Trump just like during the campaign. Cheering him on and congratulating him on his “decisiveness” in taking military action. It’s been a great few weeks of foreign policy!!! I guess they all love to see the big bad U.S. drop bombs everywhere. And to drop a single bomb that cost $16 million dollars? Gawd, this country’s priorities are screwed! Defund Planned Parenthood, destroy healthcare, defund Meals on Wheels, NPR & CPB… one needs that. But by all means continue to fund an overbloated military industrial complex so corporations can continue to get rich building weapons of death and destruction.

    • Christin says:

      Several media outlets are being complicit. They search for any little thing to praise, and completely fall for the distractions. I guess ratings rule.

    • Christin says:

      Sorry – duplicate post.

  27. SusanneToo says:

    He could invite Kin Jong-Un to MAL and poison him by serving him food from MAL’s kitchen.

  28. Luca76 says:

    He’s a scam artist plain and simple. A big old demoguague.

  29. SusanneToo says:

    This is the pertinent sentence in The New Yorker article below. trump is a loose cannon.
    “What’s most worrisome about Trump is what’s been worrisome all along: that he doesn’t think through the consequences of what he says and does, and that he acts without a glimmer of consistency, or guiding principle”

  30. SusanneToo says:

    And, in another contemptuous display of utter disregard for our tax dollars, melania and barron took a seperate plane to MAL for the weekend. Their rancid marriage will bankrupt us eventually.

  31. Eric says:

    That creep who is running a country–you know the one with the bad hair and petulant child aura who thinks he’s a dictator and supreme ruler–is gonna start a nuclear war. And the other guy is Kim Jong Un.


    Sorry world.

    • B n A fn says:

      I was watching CNN this morning. One of the reporter asked DT yesterday, “Did you authorized the mission?”. DT replied “aha everyone knows what happens…”. He did not reply yes or no. I took his answer meaning I told the military to do what they wants to do. Then he went on talking, at one point saying, “I authorized MY military…” I was shocked, I did not know the military belonged to him, I thought they were our military, just saying. Later one talking head mentioned if they starts a nuclear war over 20millions will be killed and the NK already have their bunkers build already. We on the other hand have nothing. I’m sure DT, his family have a bunker to go to. In other words we will be all up s$$&@ creek, just saying.

      • Lightpurple says:

        There are bunkers under the Capitol and the White House. If an attack occurs while Drumpf is in Florida, they’ll put him on Air Force One with an escort of military jets and fly him around like they did with Bush.

        Tom Daschle is my hero for refusing to go to the bunker during the 9/11 attacks because if his constituents weren’t protected, he shouldn’t be either.

      • SusanneToo says:

        @Lightpurple. If trump were on the Titanic he’d be the first on a lifeboat. A man with a spine of Jello.

      • B n A fn says:

        @susanne Too: do you watch Morning Joe? I have to stop watching him. He is flipping and flopping like his BFF/DT. DT is doing everything in his power to distract us from his involvement with Russia and Putin during the election. I have a feeling the CIA and FBI is getting close and he’s panacking, so bumbs away. DT does not care about the people he’s threatening to cut off aid to the poor so the Dems will come to the table and work out compromise to health insurance. I hope the Dems give him the middle finger.

      • swak says:


      • SusanneToo says:

        No, I don’t watch MJ. If I hear of something interesting, I’ll check out a video, but can’t take a large dose of him.

    • jwoolman says:

      I want to put both of them in a lockdown preschool. Preferably on the moon.

  32. Mata says:

    I realized the tide was turning last night when I was at the grocery store and saw the National Enquirer cover at the checkout. They know their demographic and up until now had been pandering to the “Hillary/Obama are evil and Trump is our savior” crowd.

    Last night, the only headline involving Trump dealt with the possibility of his people revealing Trump’s shady dealings.

    Who would have thought a pathologically dishonest narcissist would turn out to be a pathologically dishonest narcissist?

  33. robyn says:

    So-called president Trump handed over the military decisions to the Generals he said he was smarter than. If they screw up, Trump doesn’t want to be charged with war crimes but when they “do good” he can lap up the credit.

    Trump’s bullying combined with weaseling out of things knows no bounds and has been unleashed onto the world, thanks to his loathsome hypocritical supporters who ignored and continue to ignore all the disgusting things about Trump.

    I have not a bit of sympathy for Trump supporters whatsoever. And with the exception of a few, the media must stop normalizing a man who perhaps worked with Russia to get elected. You don’t love America or democracy if you don’t care about that.

    • corporate stepsister says:

      I don’t blame Putin for playing Trump like a violin since any leader who wants to make sure his country is tops or secure is going to engage in all sorts of skullduggery to get as much leverage and leeway as they can. What Trump has done is allowed Putin to have leverage over him (Trump) and by proxy over the United States government, which is leading to control over the United States of America. If Trump has engaged in election fraud and has in fact been letting Putin make decisions over how the nation is run, this is technically treason. Putin is looking after Russia and for that I admire him. I am disgusted with how Trump has allowed for Putin and frankly this isn’t something small, it should be investigated to the best of our ability.

  34. corporate stepsister says:

    Zero support from me.

    A lot of people voted for Trump as a means of expressing their frustration over issues like:

    1. Poor people existing; for some reason, the mainstream middle class think that poor people should be bullied and abused and mocked into becoming middle class through things like hard work and being middle class, as if poor people don’t already have enough problems in their life like addiction or coming from abusive home environments that mark them for life.

    2. The disabled; in their deranged selfish minds, the disabled are not actually handicapped, just not being smart or innovative enough to overcome their disabilities and become successful.

    3. People on welfare; their favorite scapegoat for the nation’s financial problems and the main dumping ground for the problems of the nation. Welfare would be scrapped by Trump supporters since in the view of the selfish mainstream, people on welfare party all day and night and pump out kids nonstop like the Duggars, only with the Duggars it’s okay because the Duggars are middle class and Christian.

    4. Non-Western European countries; Since these countries don’t adhere to Western rules and don’t do what the Western nations say, this makes them evil, the preferable label being Communist or something that can be used to dislike the country in question.

    Trump supporters thought Trump would enable them to lead a life where htey don’t have to change with changing times and Trump would make it okay to not think ahead or take others outside the mainstream into consideration. Zero pity from me, we know why they elected him and it wasn’t for the betterment of the nation or the betterment of anyone outside of their precious bubble.

    • Angela82 says:


      • corporate stepsister says:

        Thank you. I’ve been so fed up with how the mainstream middle class in this country seem to believe that it’s everyone else’s fault that times are hard. Maybe if those dick-bags in the mainstream didn’t max out their credit cards and take out massive loans to pay for their McMansions, the debt wouldn’t be so bad. God forbid they downscale their expectations and God forbid they actually pay back the debt they created for themselves.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      Also: “political correctness,” i.e. not being able to insult people anymore for looking different, not being able to make fun of anyone they felt like making fun on.

      • corporate stepsister says:

        Exactly. The era of being able to go gaily through life is ending and of course, the mainstream middle class is frightened about losing a way of life they’ve taken for granted for a very long time. Instead of being made to bend over for the mainstream, people outside of it are finding out that they have a right to make their own life for themselves and don’t exist to be a mere rung in someone’s ladder. A lot of spoiled middle class kids with an entitlement complex are facing a world that will require them to think instead of just mess around and actually make real concrete realistic plans instead of just kill time until the next stage of life.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Or not being able to deny jobs or promotions based upon race, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation because doing so is against the law.

  35. Diane says:

    So his support base is upset that he isn’t letting Bannon continue his racist nihilistic burning of this country at a faster pace basically. Ugh, these people.

  36. Jessica says:

    What did the brain-dead druggies expect? An honourable man? Someone who happily courted their racist, misogynistic, white supremacist vote was never going to be a decent, honourable, trustworthy politician.

    • corporate stepsister says:

      They wanted someone who would enable them to avoid taking responsibility for the direction of their lives and country. They wanted Trump to provide excitement and drama and wanted a hot First Lady and wanted someone who would create a bugaboo of a phantom menace so they could stoke their persecution complex. because as we all know, the mainstream middle class is a perpetual target from the forces of Communism/Islamism/Socialism and thus need to be protected at all costs. If there is no enemy, there is no drama and no feeling of being a target of evil persecutors. If there’s no evil persecutor, the middle class is not a victim.

  37. Beth says:

    This is what happens when suckers believe a Twitter addicted, imature, clueless con man who knows absolutely nothing about running the country. The Trump supporters should be hanging their heads in shame for enabling us to be in such danger

    • corporate stepsister says:

      Trump supporters thought Trump would do so much, but since he’s a Republican, i’s just fine that he’s filling his Cabinet with cronies, violating the anti-nepotism laws, and of course, using the government to run the country instead of pushing Americans to make more decisions on their own and be more involved in their government processes and workings. Trump supporters are as reliant on the government as they claim Democrats (and evil poor people) are.

  38. liz says:

    Tania Vojvodic? Sounds like a Putin-bot

    • jwoolman says:

      Nah, Americans have loads of names like that. Not all of us have Anglo-Saxon roots.

      Isn’t even a name of Russian origin.

  39. mew says:

    Ever since he won the elections I have been waiting for the day when he starts WW3. Maybe very soon…

    • Sharon says:

      Ditto. This was always my biggest fear with Trump being elected. Forget all the other damage he can do, to healthcare, education, women’s rights etc. Those things are reversible. But blowing humanity and planet earth to smithereens? This was never a man who could be trusted with the nuclear codes, or with international diplomacy, or even for that matter, with control over environmental protections. This is so frustrating to watch, to feel so utterly powerless to stop this, to protect the future of humankind from this madman (and the ones he’s up against too).

    • SusanneToo says:

      When I finished high school in ’62 I thought I was done with duck and cover and kiss your a$$ goodbye. I guess donnie missed those drills in his posh little private schools.

  40. wolfpup says:

    Donald has destabilized the world within months. The little Kim Jong in Korea is not different than the Donald. The biggest threat is politics.

    Ladies, if your want your 18 – 26-year-old babies to stay alive, ..and live without PTSD – Stop This! It’s not about male aggrandizement – it is about women, men, and children, suffering.

    Why don’t we see their bombs, the “mother or father of all bombs”, just as simply disgusting?! How can we participate as a nation???:

    There is no excuse for this tragedy.

    • corporate stepsister says:

      It won’t be mainstream middle class kids being shipped off, it’ll be the usual blue collar working class/redneck hills cannon fodder. Or minorities who see the military as the only way out of poverty and social isolation.

    • robyn says:

      Einstein said, “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

  41. minx says:

    I feel sickened every day by this guy.

  42. Suzanne says:

    All I’m willing to comment on at this point is…how poorly he looks in that photo of him at the top of the article. He’s all puffy in the face…drawn and very tired looking. The office of President is already taking its toll on a 70 yr old man. I voted for this man…only because the alternative was much worse…but lately I’m finding it hard to watch him. He continues to criticize the previous administration at every opportunity…and pat himself on the back. He needs to TALK less and focus more on becoming more presidential. Good luck and please don’t get us into another world war…Mr. President.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Yes, a competent, qualified woman who had devoted her life to fighting for the rights of women and children and who had experience and knowledge of: healthcare, environmental issues, diplomacy, military actions, and the US Senate would have been so much worse. Whatever made you think he would stop criticizing the previous administration or patting himself on the back? Self-aggrandizement has been his way of life. He can’t become more presidential because he is clueless as to what that even means

    • SusanneToo says:

      You apparently have very poor reasoning skills if you couldn’t look at the entirety of this man’s life and see what a lying, thieving conman he was and would continue to be. “The alternative was much worse.” Hahahahaha. Only if you were gullible enough to lap up the crap from Fox and its ilk and not bother to do any research of your own. You helped create this disaster. Sorry, but when the hurt gets passed out I hope you get your share.

    • B n A fn says:

      Susanne, you are joking,, right? You could not be serious saying you voted for DT because the alternative was much worse. Where have you been living? I hope you are happy with your vote. I go back to Pres Johnson’s days and have never been so scared of a president, Dem or Rep. I was reading that psychologists are seeing more anxious patients than ever before, because no one knows where dtstands on anything. There will be marches. All over the country today, hope they are well attended to send a message to DT and the spineless republicans that most of the people are not going to take his bs anymore. Btw, Hillary received more than 3 million votes than DT so we have a say what he’s doing and we disagree with him.

  43. Tate says:

    OMFG… that anyone can spew the non-sense that the alternative to trump was much worse…. with all that trump is doing to destroy us all is….. f@cking crazy!

    I hope your vote for Trump hits you in the ass hard. 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼

  44. jana says:

    Nutjobs are running the world now…Trump, Putin, Assad, Kim…the one thing they all have in common is insanity.

  45. demented says:

    “They are pathetic, just as pathetic as our emperor.”

    Sounds like every deluded person who buys into the political claims of either party. What’s more pathetic than getting hopped up every four years, insisting that THIS one is telling the truth, THIS one will make things better, and lashing out at anyone who says otherwise?

    Although in an odd way, they’re less pathetic than the Democrats were over the last few years. Yeah, they were bamboozled by a con man and voted for all the wrong reasons. But at least they admit he’s letting them down, not just whining that he’s a saintly savior thwarted by the eeeeeeevil other party, and it isn’t his fault that he keeps screwing up. The denial was sickening.

  46. heather says:

    I don’t think they are turning on him as much as they are the frustrated voting block who always votes for “change” and now that’s he’s in office, he’s the thing they’d most like to change.