Jessica Biel won’t be ignored, Justin

According to the tabloids, Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel’s relationship has had its far share of ups and downs. In the past year, everything has happened between them, from a reported engagement, to Jessica moving out of the New York apartment they share. Along the way, we heard that Justin’s mother finally approves of Jessica, after much angst and mama’s boy-fretting. Jessica’s dad allegedly threatened Justin, and tried to bribe him into marrying Jessica.

So after all of that drama, this story seems minor in comparison. If there’s any truth to it, it speaks volumes about their relationship. Apparently, Justin hates talking to Jessica when they’re working out together. But he just hates talking to her – he loves talking to other people, and does so, on his Bluetooth. Part of the reason I find this funny is because I’ve always suspected their dynamic as a couple is that Jessica is high-maintenance and hates when Justin pays attention to anyone but her. This story just plays into that image I have of her:

Jessica Biel loves working up a sweat with beau Justin Timberlake – the two regularly jog and hike together near their NYC and LA homes.

But she often feels like a third wheel when the duo get physical, because he refuses to turn off his hands-free Bluetooth headset!

“He just starts talking to people,” says her pal. “It distracts and annoys her.”

When Jessica, 27, complains, Justin, 28, makes a show of turning off the device… but usually turns it on again on the sly.

“It’s like he can’t help it!” says the pal. “She says, ‘How can you concentrate?’ She’s serious about her workouts and wishes he were too. But she doesn’t like it when he ignores her!”

[From Star Magazine, print edition, June 15 2009]

Granted, it’s very rude when someone does that – whether or not you’re working out with someone, or just sitting across the table from them. But the comment “she doesn’t like it when he ignores her” is hilarious. It reminds me of Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction. One day, very soon, Justin is going to come home and find that Jessica has boiled his Bluetooth. She’ll be standing there, in her running shoes, knife in hand, and she’ll say “I won’t be ignored, Justin! Now, let’s go for a run…”

Jessica Biel is shown outside The Late Show on 6/3/09. Credit: She is also shown with Justin at the Costume Institute Gala on 5/3/09. Credit: RAM/Fame Pictures

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15 Responses to “Jessica Biel won’t be ignored, Justin”

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  1. SolitaryAngel says:

    @ Kaiser: No, really he’s ignoring her because she’s just too beautiful when she’s working out, see? (Sorry, but I have to be blunt.)


  2. Candi says:

    Always thought JT and Jessica Biel were an odd couple,so I don’t see this relationship lasting much longer.

    And no offense,but I don’t see why so many men find her attractive,as she’s quite manly looking,especially her upper arms and shoulders.

    It’s nice for a woman to be fit,but she shouldn’t look more fit than her

  3. Pia says:

    Well then I suppose her boyfriend should get more fit. Personally, I like how she takes care of herself and her body in a healthy way and I covet her arms.

  4. ima says:

    I don’t understand all the scrutiny of their relationship. I think if it was as bad as people make it out to be, Justin would have broken up with her a long time ago esp. because she needs him (fame-wise) much more than he needs her.

  5. Cinderella says:

    I’m not feeling the Buddy Holly look on JT. Looks like Sexy left the building.

  6. Victoria says:

    Ive never understood why women are attracted to him!

  7. rbsesq says:

    Pia – Ditto! I actually do have man shoulders and would be ecstatic if I could get the definition she has. I think she’s gorgeous.

    Cinderella – hahahahahahahahaha

  8. Lori says:

    I feel like JT needs to drop Jes and bring some sexy back. He is so blah and boring with her.

    Ick nast Jessica Biel!

  9. Aspen says:

    This is the one who won’t shut up about how beautiful she is and how she can’t get work because she’s too gorgeous and how being so incredibly pretty is such a burden?

    That is her, right?

    Personally, I think she’s got a great body and an average face that can be made classically attractive when she’d done up with heavy makeup in photo shoots…but she’s nothing special to look at in comparison to other celebrity women, and her attitude is pretty freakin’ off-putting.

    She and Justin both seem to think pretty highly of themselves. Marriage between narcissists probably wouldn’t last long.

  10. Anoneemouse says:

    She looks like she is in a perpetual state of annoyance.

  11. j. ferber says:

    Am I the only one to think she is his beard? To me, it’s obvious. No, I don’t know them personally, but there never seems to be any spark between them in their photos and I get the sense they’re not emotionally connected in any way. They’re never interacting, just walking side by side like two zombies on a grim mission to fool the public. Sorta like when I looked at Leonardo DiCaprio and Gisele Bundchen. There’s no joy there.

  12. Kevin says:

    I 2nd that J. Ferber.

  13. paranel says:

    She looks like a man, face and body. What is it that she does again?

  14. Magsy says:

    They just don’t seem like a real couple to me. Look how long he was with Cameron Diaz, and they didn’t seem like a real couple either. I guess she gives him butchness and he gives her girliness.

  15. Tam says:

    I think Justin is very annoying and doesn’t deserve her!