Phil Spector’s wigless mugshot posted on The Smoking Gun


He might have almost gotten away with murder, but disgraced record producer Phil Spector wasn’t fooling anyone with his bizarre collection of fake hair. Now that he’s in prison, convicted of murder, Spector had to surrender his toupee. I’m sure that had to take his ego down a few notches. Still, seeing the full extent of Spector’s baldness in all its glory was kind of a shock. A hilarious shock. Thank you, Smoking Gun.

Now that he is a ward of the California state prison system, wig-loving murderer Phil Spector has been forced to return to his au naturel state.

As seen in the below mug shot, the 69-year-old Spector’s dome is no longer covered by one of the fright wigs he wore during his criminal trials (the most recent of which ended in the music producer’s conviction for killing actress Lana Clarkson in February 2003). Spector, who was sentenced last month to 19 years in prison, was photographed after arriving last week at the North Kern State Prison Reception Center in Delano.

[From The Smoking Gun]

Talk about flipping your wig! Sure, the sight of Phil’s big white dome is snort-worthy, but how about that homicidal look on his face? Yikes! Slap a little clown makeup on him and he could pass for Pennywise from Stephen King’s “It.” Way to give me nightmares, Smoking Gun. Anyway, I can’t wait to see this headline: “Phil Spector’s Rectum Destroyed by Gangbangers.” That’s gonna be a sweet day, folks.

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25 Responses to “Phil Spector’s wigless mugshot posted on The Smoking Gun”

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  1. Cinderella says:

    I’m sure his fellow inmates were soooo happy to see him.

  2. Enonymous says:


  3. (The Original) Blondie says:

    Holy Blinding Bald Spot, Batman!

  4. wow says:

    That’s just wrooooooong. He almost resembles a pre-fire “Fire Marshall Bill”

  5. Sauronsarmy says:

    JESUS CHRIST WHY??!! Just when I thought it was safe to sleep again.

  6. Trey says:

    Kill it with fire. It’s the only way to be sure.

  7. LT says:

    Creepy McCreepsville!!

  8. lilly says:

    my precious…

  9. the original kate says:

    wait…those were wigs he was wearing? holy god, who would pay for those?!

  10. voodoobetty says:

    Holy Cryptkeeper Batman!

  11. Caligirl says:

    Ewwwwwwww …. thanks for the nightmares ….

  12. Allie says:

    Yikes! He looks just like the Cryptkeeper!

  13. BlueSkies says:

    Skullet looks to be only around 5′ 2″inches tall.

  14. Brett says:

    “My precioussssssss…”

  15. SimpleSimon says:

    That is a really cheap shot.

    Rape is not a comical issue, it doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve done.

    If you think that prison rape is so hilarious watch yourself some Oz or American History X.

  16. Alecto says:

    All I can say is WOW!!

  17. Lori says:

    Ick Nast! OMG!

  18. voodoobetty says:

    Nope Rape is not a comical issue but its exactly what this piece of human excrement deserves.

  19. Codzilla says:

    LOL @ Trey and Original Kate. Classic.

  20. Magsy says:

    Downright scary. Not so tough now without his firearms!

  21. sarah says:

    I’m surprised the pic isn’t distorted considering how shaky he was at his trial. Serves him right.

  22. Best of British says:


  23. Kristin says:

    Simple Simon- Agree completely. This whole article was disgusting.

  24. Candi says:

    I literally did a scream when I first seen this pic! lol

    Fuck,this dude is not just a creepy sociopath,but an ugly one at that.

    And yes,he was never fooling anyone with those ridiculous wigs he used to wear.


  25. Creepy is right. I guess that is what rock music does to a guy. He won’t be a big shot now will he? I hope he learns his lessons, as all of us must someday do.