Don Trump Jr. was the absolute worst for Halloween. [Pajiba]
Here’s another horrifying Kevin Spacey story. [Buzzfeed]
Selena Gomez is still wearing some of The Weeknd’s clothes. [LaineyGossip]
Kim Kardashian probably doesn’t use the products she endorses, surprise. [Dlisted]
I can’t pinpoint why I hate Dakota Fanning’s dress. [Go Fug Yourself]
That story about the New Republic publisher is getting a lot worse. [Jezebel]
The Honest Trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming. [Looper]
Do your friends Instagram their food? Get new friends! [The Blemish]
Bethenny Frankel opens up to Andy Cohen. [Reality Tea]
Decorating advice from the Republic of Shiplapia. [Starcasm]
I’m going to take half of Chloe’s candy tonight & give it to some kid who sat at home. It’s never to early to teach her about socialism.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 31, 2017
OMG – the comment about socialism. That’s right kids – sharing and taking care of others is wrong and bad. WTF?
Also, let’s be real – there’s no way a trump kid / relative would be cannon fodder in a conflict. They’d be sending the poor kids to war instead.
Showing himself – like his father – to be an absolute idiot. The schooling he got on that post was amazing.
Trick or treat is free candy, how is that a socialism analogy?
the twitter responses were EPIC.
and double yes to Megan below…THAT is what disrespecting the flag looks like.
He is disrespecting the flag by wearing it as a Halloween costume.
Those poor children-growing up as trumps. All trump children under the age of 12 should be removed from their homes and child abuse charges filed by CPS. Just imagine how their young brains are being rotted. They shouldn’t be turned into monsters like ivanka, Uday and Qusay.
And he tried to make his idiotic point (incorrectly because idiot) having dressed his kids up as soldiers and a policewoman – two professions funded by the taxpayer for the common good!
And as someone commented on his IG, the irony of dressing the grandchildren of a draft dodger as soldiers. And I will add, the insult to public servants using those children as political pawns by someone who has never done a thoughtful or charitable thing in his life.
To be fair, that tweet brought me great joy because on Twitter, people EVISCERATED it with great fiery tongue-lashings of mighty sarcasm.
Dotard Jr:
Remember when you met with Manafort, Jared, and a few Russians about dirt on HRC?
We do. And so does Mueller.
And Don? Did you know a judge has nixed attorney-client privledge on Manafort?
That means Mueller is planning on taking ALL prisoners.
Celebitchy Crew
He doesn’t realize he’s going to be the bigger trophy (to use a deplorable big game hunting analogy), does he?
I never thought I’d say this but the terrifying Trump mask is actually an improvement and he should really consider wearing it full-time.
“Rat-faced” is a descriptive I thought only existed in literature until I saw Donald Jr.
Wish CB would add ‘like’ buttons.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@ Kitty
Let kids be kids. I’m not surprised he made his daughter be a part of a political agenda.
Lock him up and throw away the key. Bring them all down
Stupid comment is stupid – Did his daughter pay for any of that candy? Also, check out J.K. Rowling’s response as it is comedy gold.
Stupid is as stupid does.
LOL of course he doesn’t understand Socialism. What an igonorant POS. His alma mater should void his diploma.
He doesn’t understand socialism and he doesn’t understand how a president’s offspring should conduct himself. And he doesn’t understand basic humanity.
If he just couldn’t resist putting his toddler daughter’s photo out for public consumption, he could have tweeted a nice message about sharing or donating to those less fortunate. But that is just just not in the Trump DNA and it makes my blood boil that anyone thinks anything this family does is even remotely acceptable. GRR.
Jr. just isn’t very clever or funny is he?
What an idiot.
IJ, no he isn’t. As someone said below, he’s representative of a very ugly side of humanity that seems to be growing instead of diminishing. There was a time when behavior like Trump’s (POTUS) would have been utterly shunned but now is applauded and rewarded. It kills me.
And I’m not sure if I feel better or worse as I learn more about just how much technology and social media has had a hand in all this. Something has got to change, at least on the social media/fake news front or we are truly doomed.
He doesn’t understand the difference between “to” and “too”
He’s just as bad with words as Princess. Junior obviously doesn’t know what the word “socialism ” means. I thought this family all went to Ivy League schools and had great education.
It’s not Junior’s fault! His grotesque father has “all the best words” — not him.
Prison for Trump and his family? I don’t doubt Russia would kill to maintain their puppet Trump in office for the long haul. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Russia stealthfully was behind sending a message from supposedly a terror group the day before Halloween and the NY horror on the chance that a random “believer” would actually act. Anything to distract from Mueller.
My first thought yesterday was “What a distraction. Hmmm.”
Trump, his offspring, and all of his sycophantic supporters need to be shamed, shunned and ridiculed for the rest of their days. That he is the SON of the sitting POTUS, and is clueless enough to put this out there, probably cackling at his wit, and yet the whole lot of them are not run out of DC and society, speaks volumes about the level of ignorance, selfishness and mean-spiritedness that infects the US right now.
Appalled. Horrified. Dejected. But not surprised. Sadly, never surprised these days…
Isn’t he also the son of a sitting POTUS who said a sitting Congresswoman looked like a stripper with her cowboy hat on? There is no bar too low for these cretins.
I’m glad he’s so incredibly stupid though, should make it easier to indict him. He left quite the email trail.
I agree with your sentiments exactly.
It saddens me that this beautiful little girl is probably currently receiving the conditioning that will ensure she grows up onto a cold eyed, heartless, unfeeling, merciless, sociopathic woman.
I’ve come to understand that this is not even really about Trump anymore. This has revealed that there is a subsection of society which somehow, has become this disconnected from the idea of shared humanity. Selfishness and cruelty seems to be the shared trait within this group and it looks like the infection is spreading, not abating.
So so so true. Sad. But true.
Makes me that much more determined to live my best life. One of purpose, hard work, compassion, good morals, principals and raising my children to know the same. It’s a burden we all must bear, these days.
My brain cannot compute. His comment is absolute rubbish. I really didn’t understand what he was saying. Oh my, where was he when they were handing out common sense?
I hope that people are ready now to listen to non-industry victims re: Spacey. He is notorious among restaurant and bar staff in the L.A. area for being extremely predatory. And you will definitely get fired if you upset him by saying no or complaining to your boss.
oh god, my eyes..all the bleach in the world won’t be able to help. is that a$$wipe flexing and sucking it in? that whole outline of his offensive and disrespectful costume is just gross!
Unfortunately, one of the Screen Junkies (guys behind Honest Trailers) is yet another who’s facing accusations of harassment and assault. WE CAN’T HAVE ANYTHING NICE because of handsy jerks at any level, can we? I adore Honest Trailers.
I will say that the other main guy at Screen Junkies has expressed his belief in and support for the women and seems to be honestly shocked and upset.
Wow. What a moron. The Twittermoron apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Way to teach your daughter kindness, charity and sharing with others.
Look at his poor little daughter looking up at him dressed like a creepier and plastic version of her grandfather in the first photo. Poor kid probably had nightmares.
Dakota’s dress, if it was all just solid pink fabric it would be fine. That see through at the skirt and sleeves is throwing it off.
He really should stop with the Twitter. He is not as smart and nimble with words. Twitterverse hit back hard. Oh well it made me laugh.
How horrible to use your kids like this. They didn’t even have a say in their costumes. Halloween is for kids, not for an idiot to use them for what he thought was a brilliant dig and tweet it to the world. Ugh.
My god I just read the Kevin Spacey story. I am so disgusted
Almost afraid to ask, but what is Mrs. Jr. dressed as?
I hate that both my name and my brothers names are Trump kids names AND a Kardashian Couple’s names. Ew.