– Furious Octo-Mom Consulting Lawyer Over Octo-Mom:The Musical. You should just see those angry little collagen lips all puffed up in dramatic hysterics [Radar Online]
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This woman is sooo ridiculas. I find it funny that she got upset that the musical was going to “parady” her when radar online constantly makes fun of her and puts her in a bad light. For instance the ugly still showing her ridiculasly blown up over inflated lips when the video stopped.
The evil beet link needs to be fixed.
Oh look! Another way for her to get more money towards surgery.
Oops I mean her kids.
Damn! She needs to sue whoever gave her that ridiculous mouth and forget about the musical.
If she wins (HA), she should use the money to downgrade those enormous flappers she calls lips.
GOSH! The still shot they have on the web site of her lips(?) look like a hybrid cross of a baboons a$$ and the joker!
That is so hawt! I would pay millions for that face!
And that voice of hers makes me want to rip my ears off and throw them into a garbage disposal. What is she? 16?
@OrangeJulius, you are always hilarious!!!
her mouth and that damn voice..I can’t..
I saw a video where she said she would have to move to a new home in 2 yrs once the kids get bigger..
must be nice
i don’t like her but this seems warranted… i mean, she should at least get a cut.
From what I was told TLC turned DOWN Octo-mom (she went to them). So why does she keep saying she’s exploited?
**High-five to TLC by the way for having some standards.
Does she EVER take care of her kids? They are supposedly following her every move, yet all the seem to film is her giving interviews to them.
Does anyone else think that she keeps punching herself in the mouth to keep her lips swollen like that? Does she think that is attractive?
Hey how about really lookimg at the headerpic? Totally crazy right??
This could be a funny musical, but they need to know the true story behind the dad…they should at least pay NS for creative consulting. She will squeal like a pig if she gets paid for it.
What does she expect? She wanted to be exploited? Hey…not everything is going to be positively your way.
Holding those babies like that doesn’t look comfortable for them.
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