Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost made their first official coupled-up appearance at the Museum Gala last night. [LaineyGossip]
Paul Ryan is a dumpster fire of a human being. [Pajiba]
This blind item is really depressing and sad. [Dlisted]
Elle France put an old photo of Meghan Markle on their cover. [Go Fug Yourself]
This story about author Emma Cline really upsets me. [Jezebel]
Iranian teenager got multiple surgeries to look like Angelina Jolie. [The Blemish]
Every time I see photos of Demi Rose, I do think she’s a Kardashian. [Moe Jackson]
Teresa Giudice’s father has been hospitalized. [Reality Tea]
A new report says Charlottesville police made huge mistakes when dealing with the neo-Nazi rallies over the summer. [Buzzfeed]
Bette Midler was assaulted by Geraldo Rivera. [OMG Blog]
Scarlett Johannson is one of the few celebrities whose dating life interest me. Mostly because she’s like me and doesn’t seem to have a type. When I look back on any of my romantic interests the only common thread is that they were interested me too. LOL
I don’t know, I think Ryan Reynolds, her French ex and Jost all have the same brunet Neanderthal frat boy look…
Add Josh Hartnett to the list.
her DATING LIFE doesnt seem interesting to me ,its sth i would never show interest in ,you just said that the only common thread is you were so interested too , i guess you know better
SJ’s picker is so broken.
Why, what’s wrong with him?
I actually think his picker is broken. He’s highly educated (Harvard) and she’s an uneducated actress and doesn’t seem like the brightest candle on the cake. I mean there must be a reason Ryan Reynolds dated her. He doesn’t seem like the guy who can handle a smart woman.
“she’s an uneducated actress and doesn’t seem like the brightest candle on the cake.”
Don’t tell her that! ScarJo has always come off in interviews like she thinks she’s brilliant and she wants everyone else to think so, too. I personally can’t stand SJ because she comes across as so damn pompous and self-important in interviews. I find her very boring and overrated.
I also get the feeling in her interviews that she thinks she’s better than everyone else. And yes, she seems boring.
That girl is a teenager!! Who the hell allowed that to happen to her? Where are the adults? JFC!
You’re talking about the Angelina Jolie ‘look alike’?
That is absolutely awful. She looks like she is the undead. I can’t believe a parent would allow their child to that to themselves. Breaks my heart. 🙁
Yes, it’s absolutely ghoulish! Somebody allowed the first PS, but then, 49 more times!!!???
Very sad and shocking. I can’t be sure of course but she appears to be anorexic – she’s dangerously thin and just doesn’t look healthy, her skin is greyish
Everything about that poor girl is heartbreaking. In those pictures she doesn’t even look alive …
I don’t like how that article was making fun of this poor girl. She is seriously suffering from some sort of extreme dysmorphic disorder and the ‘doctors’ that did this to her need their licenses revoked. She’s a child for crying out loud. Shame on all the adults that allowed this to happen. My heart bleeds for her as she will likely grow to regret this for the rest of her life if she even survives her clearly severe eating disorder. 🙁
Are we sure this is not photoshop? I can’t even this is just horrible, I blame her parents and the doctors who did this to her.
I’m pretty sure it’s all prosthetics, if you look further into her account she looks pretty normal. I can’t believe this is being posted as truth when there’s absolutely no proof.
They look like brother and sister to me! That being said, this is my favorite of her boyfriends ever!
That surgery girl is just heard breaking, wtf. The doctors should have their hands broken.
I find Jost to be such a vanilla biscuit but there is something about his goofy smile that tingles me. Watching Weekend Update Sunday am with bong and cup of coffee makes my day.
Colin looks like he could be the nerdy/awkward brother of footballer Olivier Giroud XD
I was so creeped out when I saw that because for some inexplicable reason, I had a dream about Colin and Scarlett last night … they were riding tricycles…
Comment of the day!
Oddly that girl does sorta look like Angelina somehow … as a Tim Burton drawing or something.
Goodness gracious that surgery is absolutely horrifying and not safe for life! Eye bleach please! What unscrupulous doctor in his right mind would do that???
Are we sure about surgery girl? She’s definitely had surgeries – no question about that – but her photos on Instagram look different photo to photo. In some of them, it appears she’s wearing makeup or using a filter to enhance the weirdness. And then in a recent video she posted, her nose looks normal and not the twisted, flippy thing it’s doing in others. Prosthetics maybe? I’m just wondering if someone came across her pics and created a false news story around them.
Totally. If you watch her videos on IG, she looks VASTLY different than the smudged Photoshopped photos. She’s still plumped and tweaked to distraction, but she looks human.
In some of her photos, I swear I can see a strip of tape on her nose.
Yeah, all she’s actually had done is bad lip fillers and what looks like a couple of nose jobs. She looks fake, but ‘normal’ fake.
The crazy huge lips, the messed up nose, the zombie look…it’s all just photoshop, makeup and tape.
Yes. Sure she had plastic surgery, but the weird looking photos are altered. I also read that she might be up to 29.
What unholy surgeon did that girl use??! Plucked right out of the 666 phone book or what?
I’m praying this is prosthetic and a teenage girl’s to be “look at me look at me!” moment and not something carved in stone.
‘cuse me I need to drown my eyes in Holy water.
So I’m here with a very superficial and unimportant observation/question. Is it just me or does anyone else think that at some point Scarlett had some breast implants removed? (Hey–I said it was unimportant and superficial! I just remember her being way more busty at some point.)
And in other news, GO MUELLER! 🙂
Breast tissue changes as we age, and she has also had a child.
Not sure if you’ll see this cause it’s much later on now but after your milk supply dries up, your breasts can end up smaller than they were pre baby. All of my friends have had it happen and my OB said it’s very common (and not to be sad if/when it happens to me in the next few months 😭)
very true! imagine a balloon that’s been filled with air and then deflates. after i was done breastfeeding, i was left with two limp, deflated balloons ;(
My boobs got bigger and then shrunk but are still bigger than pre children.
Course I’m also about 15 lbs heavier too 😂
My very busty friend lost most of her boobs after her first child, and the sag was shocking. She was a petite, slender girl with great big boobs, natural. I was stunned the first time I saw her in a bathing suit after birth with barely anything compared to before. Then she showed them to me to prove how bad the sagging was because she had had large boobs. What she had left looked like pancake boobs, as she called them, because they hung so much. She started wearing a push-up bra. She was never attached to her boobs, so it didn’t seem to phase her. My sister’s neighbor, who loved her natural big boobs, wasn’t vain about anything else, lost them down to about a small B after her third pregnancy. It bothered her.
It almost terrified me from ever being pregnant. I liked my perky boobs. LOL But then I never had boobs the size of her, so relaxed.
Lord what on earth does she see in him??????
I just really wish she’d grow out her hair. It’s not working for her anymore.
Steve Inskeep I love you for being a true journalist! Keep making them squirm!