Bill Gates: Donald Trump doesn’t know the difference between HPV and HIV

Ready To Beat Malaria London Summit

Bill Gates has a terrifying Donald Trump story. Or should I say, a series of terrifying Trump stories. Bill Gates was one of those “captains of industry” who visited Trump Tower in the weeks following the election. Gates and Trump aren’t social friends or anything, and Gates seems to spend most of his time and energy working with his wife on their foundation, or hanging out with Roger Federer. So it was in that capacity that Gates met with Trump, in the capacity of “Gates has the largest foundation in the world, a foundation that works on health crises and poverty issues around the globe.” Well, in new footage obtained by MSNBC and Chris Hayes, Gates details what happened in that meeting.

Going to Trump Tower: “There was a thing where he and I were at the same place before the election and I avoided him. Then he got elected. So then I went to see him in December. He knew my daughter, Jennifer, because Trump has this horse show thing down in Florida. He went up and talked to Jen and was being super nice. And then around 20 minutes later he flew in on a helicopter to the same place. So clearly he had been driven away and he wanted to make a grand entrance on a helicopter. Anyway, so when I first talked to him it was actually kind of scary how much he knew about my daughter’s appearance. [Gates’ wife] Melinda did not like that too well.”

Gates told Trump about the foundation’s work on an HIV vaccine: “In both of those two meetings he asked me if vaccines weren’t a bad thing because he was considering a commission to look into ill-effects of vaccines. And somebody, Robert Kennedy Jr., was advising him that vaccines were causing bad things and I said, ‘No, that is a dead end, that would be a bad thing, do not do that.’”

HIV and HPV: “Both times he wanted to know the difference between HIV and HPV and so I was able to explain that those are things that are rarely confused with each other.”

Gates says Trump talks about himself in the third person, like Kellan Lutz: “When I walked in his first sentence kind of threw me off. He said, ‘Trump hears that you don’t like what Trump is doing.’ And I thought, ‘Wow, but you are Trump.’”

[From NBC News]

The biggest headline is obviously that Trump doesn’t know the difference between HPV – a common infection that most people don’t know they have until later years – and HIV, the virus which ravaged the gay community in the 1980s and has left millions dead. Trump’s mentor Roy Cohn died of HIV/AIDS, so that makes it especially weird, right? But what really terrifies me is not just that Trump doesn’t know the difference between HPV and HIV, it’s that he’s “heard” that vaccines are bad and that’s all that sticks with him. We live in Idiocracy, only a million times worse. Also: Trump is so gross about daughters.

President Roundtable Discussion on Tax Cuts for Florida Small Businesses

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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102 Responses to “Bill Gates: Donald Trump doesn’t know the difference between HPV and HIV”

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  1. Liz version 700 says:

    He is pathologically incurious. I mean he obviously has a phone with a Twitter account. Has he bothered to learn how to use Google? And the daughter stalking gah!!!!!!!

    • NoShame says:

      None of that surprises me. The stupidity, the creepiness, it’s all on brand for Trump. I did love the helicopter story. Of course he had to make a grand entrance. He has a 1/2 in. penis. I totally enjoyed how Gates, a man who is billions of times richer, smarter and more successful than Trump mocked him for it. He’s probably got dozens of helicopters and he’s never used any of them for something so stupid.

    • Nicole says:

      I have doubts this man can READ so no shocker that he knows less than nothing

      • Liz version 700 says:

        That is a valid point Nicole I HIV is only 3 letters and he couldn’t keep that straight

      • Mmmo says:

        >….” and so I was able to explain that those are things that are rarely confused with each other.”

        I loled. It probably went over his head completely.

  2. Darla says:

    Do you know how sickened the shape of his mouth makes me feel? It looks like an anus but I guess god made it that way as a warning of what’s about to come out of it.

    • Indiana Joanna says:

      Darla, Agree. I can’t look at it. 45’s pursed facial opening is so disturbing, even hideous. But it has been shaped by his venomous, horrible words and disturbing speech pattern.

    • Beth says:

      Looks like deflated pursed fish lips that are being squeezed together from the side. While he’s talking, his mouth looks tiny, when he’s done, it stretches across his ugly face into a yuge shit eating grin. Ugh

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Its the way he talks that grosses me out – the way he purses his lips and sticks them out is just gross. He must think it makes him look smart.

    • Kitten says:

      It makes me think of my cat’s butthole but honestly, my cat’s butthole is cuter.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        OK, if we’re going to get into it, the vet told us our cat had “very full anal glands” and even that was cuter (if oftimes gassy).

  3. HK9 says:

    Donald Trump doesn’t know the difference between a lot of things but it’s nice that Bill actually hoped he was a regular human on some level. You can tell it took him awhile to realize DT’s mind is the dumpster fire of thought.

  4. kiddo says:

    Being anti-vaccine is insane. It’s appalling to ignore science because you “feel” like it’s wrong, despite facts to the contrary. It’s without logic to cling to a hypothesis when it has been debunked repeatedly because you want to believe you are smarter than professionals in the field. Your theories are NOT as valid as their research. Believing something is NOT the same as proving something. It’s vain and self-important and privileged and irresponsible to flatter yourself with fantasies that suggest otherwise.

    I CANNOT with anti-vax people.

    • lightpurple says:

      Kiddo! Haven’t seen you in forever! *Waves madly! Drinks a Comet Sophie really fast! Rips open a box of Cheese-its!*

      • Esmom says:

        Lol, I didn’t even register that Kiddo was the poster! *Waves and runs back and forth with a giant “welcome back” flag*

      • Kitten says:

        Are we sure it is the same Kiddo of days gone by, though? This person sounds far smarter than the original Kiddo. JKs JKs!!!! 😉

    • Esmom says:

      Yeah, don’t get me started. My son is on the autism spectrum and the debate has been raging at insane levels for way too long. Although I didn’t know Robert Kennedy Jr was anti-vax, not sure I believe that…off to check Google.

      • WendyNerd says:

        There are few things that get me angrier than anti-Baxter’s, including the idea that they’d rather seen children dead from measles than have a child with autism. It’s horrifying.

      • Merritt says:

        RFK Jr is rabid anti-vaxxer.

      • Esmom says:

        Merritt, I had no idea. Sigh.

      • minx says:

        Yes, RFK Jr. is idiotic on this subject.

      • Indiana Joanna says:

        Can’t stand RFK Jr. He is a really toxic, smug person who spouts off while not understanding science and is a chronic cheater with every woman he’s supposedly dating/married to. Very dishonest person. Listening to him is insufferable.

      • Marty says:

        What is really baffling, is they reject legit science of vax for non proven methods of treatment that have not been studied at those doses in children. Some of the bio medical treatments seem scary and dangerous.

    • Elkie says:

      The original anti-vaxxer Andrew Wakefield was struck off the medical register for falsifying his data and performing invasive and unnecessary procedures on children without consent like some 21st century Josef Mengele.

      It cannot be stressed enough how discredited his work has been, and yet idiots like “f***ing moron” Trump still believe it.

      • Izzy says:

        @Elkie THANK YOU. I keep trying to explain this to people who are anti-vaxxers. But they are completely irrational.

    • FLORC says:

      I live in an area that has that mentality. I can only rationalize it like this.
      Most people that believe vaccines are necessary believe it because they’re told so. Facts, timelines, research, studies, etc…
      They do not understand the science behind it. Most wouldn’t understand biology, chemistry, a&p. They believe the sources.

      Antivacc people same paths. They only need to make the association to science and trusted sources. It’s so easy to be a fckg idiot these days. The internet didn’t make us smarter. It made us lazy and easily corruptible.

      Did I rant? This irks me.

    • Veronica S. says:

      Anytime it comes up on my Facebook, it turns into a fight, so I’ve had to learn to ignore those post. Technically, it is worth calling people out on their ignorance, but I’ve gotten tired of being insulted because I have the audacity to have 10+ years of medical experience and a biology degree and know what the f*ck I’m talking about.

    • Merritt says:

      The anti-vaccine movement make me crazy. These people legit don’t understand disease and how it spreads.

      • JTS says:

        Where I live just had an outbreak of measles. All because of this. sigh

      • Liz version 700 says:

        My mother who used to be a smart rational person is on a crusade against vaccines. I just stared at her stunned as she told me that in her day they did fine with out vaccines she survived whooping cough. I argued with her for an hour about the fact that so many kids did not survive these diseases. She has “educated” herself via Facebook on these subjects b/c everything on Facebook is true. Two things have increased life expectancy in the last 75 years, maternal prenatal care and vaccines and these folks want to knock one of those out because of a discredited study. It makes me insane.

    • Dr Mrs The Monarch says:

      ITA! I just can’t with anti-vaxxers and with people who give me the line “I just don’t like the schedule they use; it is too many needles, too soon”. One of my neighbours gave me that guff a couple of months before her child was hospitalized with measles.

      Also appalling is a President who doesn’t believe in vaccines and doesn’t know the differences between STIs. This man regularly has unprotected sex with prostitutes and porn stars and can’t tell the difference between those two professions either. Now we wait for “blood-test-gate”.

      • Kate says:

        “too many needles, too soon” – rage! My daughter got chicken pox 1 month before she would have been vaccinated for it. I would (and I’m sure she would) have rather her had 2 seconds of stinging pain and 30 seconds of crying than 2 weeks of itching. And that’s probably the most minor and relatively harmless of the diseases they are vaccinated against! I don’t. get. it.

    • Ladykeller says:

      Let’s be honest, vaccines do have a risk and they are not 100%safe. I just took my youngest for his 6 month shots yesterday. There are dangers and possible side effects, that being said I will take my chances with vaccines. EVEN IF vaccines did actually cause autism I would still take the risk of a live autistic child than lose my kid to diphtheria or whooping cough.

      In the province I’m in (Canadian here) there was a public warning about a student in public school who had diphtheria. These diseases are not totally eradicated and there is a reason why we still vaccinate against these things.

    • Nicole (the Cdn One) says:

      Vaccines are the development in modern medicine that has saved the most lives. The facts are uncontroverted. Sadly “herd” immunity is key to keeping highly contagious and deadly diseases away from the most vulnerable (infants and immunocompromised) and we are losing that in certain pockets of society through the spread of false and misleading information and the willingness of people to believe it. This false narrative needs to be continually and loudly called out for the bullshit that it is.

  5. LAK says:

    Bill Gates’s foundation though……🤔

  6. RBC says:

    Everyday I learn someone more gross about this man. How much worse will it get?

  7. Elkie says:

    In the movie President Camacho recruits the smartest man in the country to his administration, makes policy decisions based on sound scientific evidence and steps aside when he realises that there is a better man to lead the country.

    Idiocracy would be an UPGRADE right now!

    Also, as 19 women have so far pointed out – Trump doesn’t know the difference between “yes” and “no”. I am not surprised that medical acronyms escape him….

  8. Lala says:

    If I was Bill Gates…I would have let putrid Trump know to keep “My daughter’s name out of your mouth…” there is something TRULY wrong with that……entity…

    • justcrimmles says:

      Entity! 😂😭😭😭

      It’s clear he sees women in only two ways, set decoration that he thinks he’s free to do with as he pleases, and the rest are pigs/dogs/wholly unworthy of his gaze and time. Meanwhile he looks like a canned ham who wished really hard to become a real boy. Porknocchio.

  9. lightpurple says:

    On another Trump related topic, I am infuriated that my tax dollars were wasted yesterday in making a video of White House staff, including the President and Vice President, debating Laurel v Yanny. Granted, that’s a half hour in which they weren’t destroying the country but that not one of them had the presence of mind to say, this is a waste of money to try to make us look human when we should be, you know, actually working, is beyond exasperating.

    • Esmom says:

      I was floored by that nonsense, too. Jon Lovett had some good tweets about it, along the lines of you know they want so badly just to be a normal WH staff that can straddle both the big, important issues and also have fun with the cultural stuff but they just can’t.

    • Rapunzel says:

      Any humanity in that video was destroyed by Bigly’s appearance at the end. No Donald it is not cute that you thought covfefe was a word.

    • Beth says:

      Of course pain in the ass Suckabee used it as a way to call CNN “fake news.”

      • lightpurple says:

        That infuriated me too. Keep stomping on the Constitution and using my tax dollars to do it.

    • Kitten says:

      Are you serious? FFS I’m glad I missed that nonsense. I really cannot stand when these monsters try to be “cute”. They’re not fooling anyone–their utter soullessness always bleeds through.

  10. Esmom says:

    So how long before the deplorables and the GOP try to discredit everything Bill Gates has ever done?

    • Kitten says:

      Check his Twitter. The angry MAGATs are already there crying about how low Bill is for “repeating a private conversation”. These people have to be the most delicate, fragile snowflakes the world has ever seen.

  11. TheOriginalMia says:

    This surprises no one. He’s an idiot.

  12. Apalapa says:

    the daughter part is awful.

  13. Indiana Joanna says:

    It is satisfying that some people are willing to confirm and give details about 45’s bizarre ignorance and creepiness. The stories about his driving up and then returning in a helicopter is spot on. Also his creepy knowledge about Gate’s daughter’s appearance.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Another example of him treating the presidency like a TV reality show – he thinks this is nothing but an opportunity to behave like an Emperor with the sheeple bowing down to kiss his tiny feet.

  14. SM says:

    Is that a surprise? He does not know the difference between rule of law and authoritarism, between his tweets amd journalist, between flirting and sexual assault, should I go on?
    On a side note – I am sure I speak for majority here when I say each picture of this scumbag makes me sick. Why not put kittens and puppies in post about this freak to save is all some additional stress?

  15. Elisabeth says:

    I’m sure Trump will try to bad mouth Gates now. I would certainly not want Trump to remark on my daughter’s appearance….ever

  16. Rapunzel says:

    In other news, DT is set to ban federally funded family planning clinics from discussing abortion or sharing space with abortion providers. Because apparently medical professionals shouldn’t be allowed to discuss a completely legal procedure.

    • Kitten says:

      *punches wall*

    • Abbess Tansy says:

      This administration continues to disgust me, b**stards. MY body, my choice.

      • Trashaddict says:

        Please, please, please give to Planned Parenthood. If there was any time to give, it’s now.

    • boredblond says:

      Just saw this on msnbc..disgusted but not surprised. Of course the old men that are his cronies will continue to pay for their mistresses’ abortions and poor women will be denied health care

    • Veronica S. says:


    • Lindy says:

      How is this even allowed?!?! Roe v Wade is the law of the land. Though the strategy of using state legislation to push back women’s reproductive autonomy has been pretty wildly successful for years now. So distressing. 🙁

      • Trashaddict says:

        They’re planning to load the judiciary with sympathetic judges who will overturn it, and keep pushing “test cases” through. So anybody who’s forgotten the gains your mamas and grandmas made for you through Women’s Lib: you’re going to have to start the fight again.

  17. Beth says:

    With all of the sleeping around, and only having unprotected sex Trump has,I’m willing to bet he has HPV. He said making sure he didn’t get an STD while sleeping around while always at the clubs in the 70’s was his own war

    • Lucy says:

      Agreed. (Although 75% of the sexually active population has HPV at any given moment… ) I bet he has all of the terrible strands.

  18. Giddy says:

    I saw the Bill Gates comments on MSNBC last night and pictured Bigly erupting like the Hawaiian volcano. I wish Gates would recruit his fellow billionaires to sit around making disparaging comments about Trump and dying laughing. Trump would lose whatever passes for his mind.

    • Esmom says:

      I like that idea, lol. I’d love to hear what, say, Warren Buffett has to say about Bigly.

    • Dr Mrs The Monarch says:

      It would be great. The cherry on top would be if they turned the tables, sunk to his level and said Ivanka looks hideous.

  19. Abbess Tansy says:

    I just can’t with anti-vaccine people. They are literally putting lives at risk, particularly those who are immuno-compromised due to cancer and other diseases. I’ve seen it before. Wakefield did so much damage, I wish we could have deported him back to where he came from.
    45’s mouth is gross and that turkey neck, gobble gobble.

  20. Svea says:

    Considering how much our President likes to ride bareback with strange, he better figure out what HIV and HPV are.

  21. S says:

    There’s no one who lived through the 1980s as an adult, particularly an adult in New York City, that doesn’t know what HIV is.

    Given what we (unfortunately) know of Trump’s sexual history and behavior 🤮 the odds that he actually HAS/is carrying HPV are extraordinarily high.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      Glad you brought this up, this is my wacko theory, that Trump carries or at least was exposed to HPV and is such an idiot that he keeps trying to confirm that he’s not carrying HIV, because lord knows he was probably exposed to it at one or multiple times. Why didn’t he check with Dr Bornstein, or was that in the records his thugs hustled out of the doctor’s office?

    • Lilly says:

      My thought too.

  22. Eric says:

    Mueller is completing his Rube Goldberg contraption of laundering, conspiracy, computer crimes, treason, and collusion with anchor arms of Gates, Flynn, Papadopolous, and Cohen holding it up.

    The ball that will traverse the contraption will end up in Emperor Zero’s tiny assmouth and we all hope he chokes.

  23. Jan says:

    Bill Gates is now even more awesome in my book than he was before! He knows Emporer Tiny Hands and his minions will come for him but he said this stuff anyway!

  24. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    I wish I had a comment. I’ve passed through the halls of hell a million times reading this administration’s tripe and assface’s monolithic stupidity…there’s simply nothing left. I need some movement, some traction, something that demonstrates that capable and professional adults are shoving children out of the way and taking the wheel. I’m not seeing it.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      I need to see a call and response on a general strike.

      • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

        Something! Anything instead of a complicit Congress not willing to rock the sinking ship! They’re all just sitting on their hands, mouths zipped like obedient pre-schoolers. Pre-schoolers aren’t obedient! Shake the damn tree!

  25. Philo says:

    Just looked up Jennifer Gates – yup- I totally can imagine that creep perving on her. Can you just imagine having this man start talking about your young daughter’s appearance? Surely Bill was passing the buck a bit onto his wife in a cowardly way. You mean it didn’t bother him at all? I somehow doubt that.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      It bothered him, that was clear. It was just that Melinda appeared to hear it first-hand — straight from the horse’s mouth, you might say — and then told her husband.

  26. Incredulous says:

    “I was able to explain that those are things that are rarely confused with each other.”

    Bill, that is a God-tier put down.

    • Christin says:

      Excellent shade, and it’s stating the obvious. A supposedly worldly, age 70-plus man doesn’t know this?

      I’m actually not completely surprised he wouldn’t know about his lawyer’s illness. Once Roy could not be of benefit anymore, he was probably discarded with no interest or sympathy for his health issues.

  27. Beth says:

    RIP to the 8 school shooting victims in Texas this morning. Time to hear something more being done to keep our country safe. Enough of just hearing “thoughts and prayers, ” and “God bless “

  28. Berry says:

    I am surprised that Gates didn’t tell Trump that his comments about his daughter were creepy.

  29. PassTheCovfefe says:

    Trump, to Gates, in my mind: “I get infections on my wang every now and then….Dr. Bornstein gave me a cream – it usually goes away after a couple of days………hookers……….whatta gonna do…….”

    Gates – blank stare…………

  30. Boopy says:

    I agree trump is an idiot but let’s not downplay the seriousness of HPV as just some “infection”. Often, it leads to cervical cancer which is deadly.

    • Angela82 says:

      Yes and sadly men are as likely to get it as women but they rarely have health effects. They are merely carriers and its scary bc they don’t even know they have it.

  31. Sayrah says:

    There are so many things about this encounter that are disturbing. I just can’t with trump anymore.

  32. artistsnow says:

    This is beyond appalling and not at all surprising.

  33. Mi'smom says:

    Has he even made a statement about the horror that is happening in Hawaii right now? Of course not. He doesn’t think that Hawaii is even a state because how could it be because President Obama grew up there and he isn’t a US citizen.

    • Trashaddict says:

      Actually he did declare it a disaster area on May 12. It probably wasn’t his own idea. So it took him 9 days to declare it a disaster area, based on news web postings I’ve seen. Puerto Rico he declared a disaster the day of. Of course, declaring things doesn’t take too much effort. I wish that man would just go away so I can stop looking at white men with the evil eye.

  34. Rebecca says:

    Yes he does. He’s lying. He must have one or the other by now.