“The preview of the new season of Doctor Who premiered at Comic Con” links

Here’s the trailer for Doctor Who! [Pajiba]
Taylor Swift’s studio style is sort of neo-grunge. [LaineyGossip]
Alice Wetterlund says everyone on Silicon Valley is trash. [Dlisted]
I also don’t know how to feel about Gemma Arterton’s look. [Go Fug Yourself]
It: Chapter 2 preview at Comic Con will apparently be very scary. [Buzzfeed]
It feels like every Real Housewife is selling wine these days. [Reality Tea]
Republican women continue to be the worst. [Jezebel]
Chia Pets are on the come up. [The Blemish]
Samantha Markle wants $1500 per interview. [Wonderwall]

Doctor Who cast at Comic Con 2018

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14 Responses to ““The preview of the new season of Doctor Who premiered at Comic Con” links”

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  1. Cleo17 says:

    I can’t even put into words how excited I am about this season. It has been my little ray of light. Our country is screwed. We have a russian spy as our president. A woman who was light years beyond being prepared for the presidency was beaten by a tangerine toddler. We’re turning into the modern day Gilead.

    But the Doctor is a woman! A woman who is a kickass actress! I’m seeing this at the movie theater. It’s where I watched Day of the Doctor and the season 8 premier. I highly recommend it if you’re a Whovian like me. I will add as an aside that I have never been into a TV show before. I’ve never been part of a fandom. I got sucked into Who when I was going through cancer treatment, and I am now Captain Nerd of the Who brigade. I own a sonic screwdriver. I know mundane Who trivia. I went as 11 for Halloween with my 2-yr-old dressed as a tardis. It is glorious.

    • CarrieBee says:


      I am LOVING her accent!! Is that her natural voice? Northern right? I’m just loving it <3

      • Cleo17 says:

        If you are an alien, how come you sound like you’re from the north?
        Lots of planets have a north! 😀

        I know! I love it that she’s keeping her Yorkshire accent! I wish they had let David Tennant keep his accent!

      • Jerusha says:

        @Cleo17. Great reference to Nine. And I love DT’s accent. Wish he could have used it. Very funny in the episode with Queen Victoria when Rose affects a Scottish accent and Ten shakes his head and goes, No, just no.

  2. Betsy says:

    I can’t watch the trailer right now, but I loved her in Broadchurch. I think I’ll love her here, too.

  3. Shelly says:

    She was Soo good in Broadchurch. Never seemed like she was acting.

  4. Veronica S. says:

    In fairness to the housewives, I really cannot think of anything more on brand for them than selling wine. When I think of those ladies, I think of upper class rich women who are functional alcoholics swanning around in their overwrought ballgowns.

  5. magnoliarose says:

    I have to agree with the others about Broadchurch. She was just so good in it. That was one of my favorite Brit finds and I am sad there won’t be more.

  6. Belluga says:

    Ok, it’s just a short trailer, but she’s bloody nailed it! I can’t wait to see her Doctor properly!

  7. BegoneOrangeCheeto says:

    I want to marry Jodie Whittaker. Just sayin’.

    I’m so excited for this season, I can barely stand it.

  8. Morrissey says:

    Georgia Tennant posted a picture of Jodie and captioned it “Hello Mum”. Love it. When 12 regenerated into Jodie my then-11 year old Whovian started cheering and fist-pumping. We are so excited.

  9. Lady D says:

    and awaaaay we go!! So, so hyped for the Doctor.

  10. Rescue Cat says:

    I hope the next Doctor is an Essex girl.