The FBI is allegedly expanding their investigation into Brett Kavanaugh

U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh testifies at Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington

I can barely keep up with all of the minute-by-minute updates of the FBI’s investigation into Brett Kavanaugh. Either the FBI is talking to everyone or no one. Either the FBI has free rein to talk to everybody, or they’re being limited by shadowy White House figures. Either the FBI investigation is merely a political cover for Senate Republicans, or the FBI already has a mountain of dirt on Kavanaugh. Take your pick. CNN reports this morning that the FBI is actually expanding their investigation, so I guess that’s the latest version. Meanwhile, Debbie Ramirez is the woman who said that Kavanaugh exposed himself to her while he was drunk, when they were both students at Yale. Ramirez’s lawyer tweeted this yesterday:

Debbie Ramirez spoke to the FBI for over two hours this past Sunday. It was a detailed and productive interview, and the agents were clearly motivated to investigate the matter in any way they were permitted. Ms. Ramirez identified a number of witnesses, and at the end of the interview, her lawyers provided the FBI the names and known contact information of additional witnesses (totaling more than 20) who may have corroborating information. Although we do not know the status of the investigation, we are not aware of the FBI affirmatively reaching out to any of those witnesses. Though we appreciated the agents who responded on Sunday, we have great concern that the FBI is not conducting—or not being permitted to conduct—a serious investigation.

[From John Clune’s Twitter]

It’s worrying. Michael Avenatti still says that the FBI hasn’t spoken to his client, Julie Swetnick, but Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham have released a letter with unsubstantiated claims that Swetnick is a sl-t.

But besides all that, there’s a mountain of evidence that Kavanaugh blatantly lied and committed perjury under oath. He lied about his excessive drinking, and apparently Mark Judge called Holton-Arms students “hosebags.”

I’m not even going to make any predictions at this point. It’s a mess.

U.S. Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh pauses as he testifies before a Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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65 Responses to “The FBI is allegedly expanding their investigation into Brett Kavanaugh”

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  1. Abby says:

    I just don’t understand why republicans are dying on this hill. SURELY there’s some other qualified person to be a nominee????

    • Jan90067 says:

      He has been groomed for this. They want HIM in for specific views. Not only about Dump not being able to be indicted, but a case up in the SC now about states not being able to go after someone on charges after a presidential pardon. You KNOW they’re all dirty as mud, between illegal campaign financing, Russian and NRA $$$$$ etc. He would be their get out of jail free card.

      • Abby says:

        that is interesting. I know a lot of people voted for trump solely because he’d be nominating SC judges and they felt it was important to get conservatives in that position. But seriously. Even if the investigation doesn’t find anything else, he seems to have disqualified himself with all his shenanigans, not even counting Blasey. FIND SOMEONE ELSE FOR GOD’s SAKE.

      • BCity says:

        Also he’s easy to control, because GOD KNOWS what they have on this guy. Like, I dunno, $200k worth of baseball tickets *cough cough*. Just for context, that’s what my brother-in-law, an actual professional ticket broker, spends on tickets so I can’t imagine how a fake-ass judge got his hands on that many. Things that make you go hmmmmm…

      • Tiffany :) says:

        All their scurrying is for naught when it comes to the pardon laws. Mueller has intentionally left out charges, so that if they get Trump pardons on the current charges, they can then be tried on new and separate charges at the state level. Accepting a pardon means you admit guilt, so that could be used against them on the separate state level charges.

        It’d still be horrific if he was confirmed, but Mueller seems to have good back up plans in place. Trump is predictable.

      • jwoolman says:

        BCity- I wonder if those huge ticket expenses were part of a money laundering scheme? Is it ever done that way? Curiouser and curiouser.

        They really need to dig deeper into his financial transactions. Something seems very off.

      • BCity says:

        @Jwoolman Same! There’s a -.02% chance he bought those tickets from the Nationals directly, so they probably came from a third party broker. That is still supremely odd. The most generous explanation I can think of is that he was fronting the cost for someone else who didn’t have the credit. That’s still odd, because if that were true, that person didn’t pay him until right before the confirmation hearings. Hmmmm. Just spitballing here obviously, but I wouldn’t be shocked if this had something to do with paying off a sports betting debt.

    • Beth says:

      Lindsey Graham is making a fool of himself by refusing to stop supporting Kavanaugh. If his bff, John McCain was still alive, he would probably try to knock some sense into Lindsey

      • Esmom says:

        No kidding, his choosing this hill to die on is just crazytown. Many of his longtime colleagues seem to think it’s way out of character, too.

      • Jan90067 says:

        He’s coming up for reelection in 2020, so he’s probably showing what a good “Red” he is (both politically and from Russian $$$$$- $800K that we know about *so far*). This most likely is why he’s been so rabid. If you look at his vids/speeches from the campaign, he only had nasty (albeit true!) things to say about Dump and his capabilities/mentality; now, he can’t praise his new messiah highly enough. Truly makes you want to vomit.

    • Cate says:

      The reason for ramming of Kavanaugh to SCJ on next month’s SCOTUS docket is Gamble vs US. No 17-646. This is what the rush is about. Yes, they want him to overturn Roe, yes they want him to drag us all back, but they need him seated for October to rule on that specific case. At stakes is the “separate sovereigns” exception to double jeopardy. If he (and the other 4 conservative judges) vote to overrule it, people given presidential pardons for federal crimes cannot be tried for that crime at the state level. Trump can pardon the lot of them and they have nothing to fear from state’s attorneys.

      ***September 4, 2008, pleading guilty, Gomez is convicted in state court for second degree robbery. April 28, 2016, he is also charged with possessing a firearm as a felon in violation of a federal statute, 18 U.S.C. 922 (g). May 27, 2016, a month later the Alabama state court convicted Gomez of being a prohibited person in possession of a firearm under Ala. Code Ann. Sec. 13 A-11-72. The 2016 convictions in state and federal court were based upon the “same incident.” Gomez has since been trying to dismiss the federal indictment. For Gomez to prevail, the Court would have to overturn standing law that dates back to 1959.

      So, Senator Orrin Hatch (R) of Utah, submits an Amicus brief and advocates that the Court grant Gomez’s request, “overrul[ing] the dual sovereignty doctrine in the double jeopardy context,” arguably to help 45 and his bed-fellows. Hatch’s brief is dated September 11, 2018.

      • ChillyWilly says:

        @ Kate: Thanks for that info. It makes total sense.

      • Sunnydaze says:

        Dear god. this is effing awful. Thank you so much for that info!

      • Tiffany :) says:

        “people given presidential pardons for federal crimes cannot be tried for that crime at the state level.”

        Key phrase is “for THAT crime at the state level”. It would only apply to the crimes they were pardoned for. Mueller isn’t charging everyone for all of the crimes they committed…he is refraining from charging for some crimes at the state level. It isn’t double jeopardy if they are different charges. If they get pardoned for federal crimes, Mueller can have separate charges filed at the state level.

    • Ramona Q. says:

      John Oliver said it perfectly: The republicans want BK as a spiteful F you to democrats and a big F you to women. Plus BK is guy Trump wants because BK has said that sitting presidents cannot be indicted. The Republicans know they have to push for BK if they don’t want Trump to put them on his naughty list.

    • Caracastle says:

      I still am ticked off at all those people who sat in their hands and did not vote. Obama warned us, Michelle warned us, Hillary warned us that the SUPREME COURT was in jeopardy , therefore our hard fought freedoms for the 1960’s , 70’s, 80’s, 90’s.. Eg; schools, desegration, , voting rights, Equal Opportunity rights, Minority protections, Women rights, Abortion Rights,s LGBQT rights ,children rights ,many more rights and protections for the vulnerable in society were all in danger…but many stayed home did not vote or threw their votes to some candidate not even in the running….so here we are..
      This Supreme Court choice could change out laws for the next 40’50 years for the worst!

  2. Chaine says:

    My prediction: regardless of what the FBI finds, Republicans will fall in line and confirm this guy.

    • Meowuirose says:

      Of course they will. Frankly, its foolish to think otherwise.

    • Lightpurple says:

      He’ll be on the Court by next week. And I can’t believe I’m saying this but at that point we need to hope that John Roberts is a decent human and puts this filth under a tight check.

    • Ramona Q. says:

      If he’s confirmed, women need to set D.C. on fire. Gas cans, lighter fluid, Molotov cocktails, blow torches.

      • Sutcliffe says:

        I am surprised that we haven’t seen more comments like this. I don’t advocate violence, but I also know that it is inevitable when people are treated thus. Are people afraid to say it? Because surely it is not unpopular sentiment.

      • Karen says:

        I would not be surprised. It is disgraceful how the Republicans view and treat women.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I saw this on another site and thought it was great!

        “Kavanaugh is going to get confirmed, we all know that. A lot of women will be very angry. Some might even take to the streets. But this won’t be the tipping point. There won’t be a tipping point, there never is. There will just be the subterranean lava flow of women’s anger – slow, blistering, savage and inexorable. We’ll go to bed angry, we’ll get up angry, we’ll drink our coffee and fix the kids’ breakfasts angrily, we’ll drive thru car line and to work angry, our male colleagues will ask each other if we’re on the rag, we’ll eat silent lunches with rage and we’ll pick up groceries on the way home with vengeance on our hearts. We’ll kiss our partners and our kids goodnight wrathfully. We’ll cry hot, silently screaming tears in the middle of brushing our teeth. We’ll go to bed angry. We’ll get up angry…

        Nothing will seem to change for you. But the mother of a 32 year old man will suddenly snap at him to “Grow up!” when he complains that he’s pretty sick of frozen dinners lately. That quiet chick 3 cubicles down will show up out of nowhere and tell a gathering of dudebros that she’ll report them to HR if they don’t shut up. They’ll call her a bitch under their breath as she turns around, but she won’t care. The teenage daughter will ask her dad if he’d still find it funny if she was the punchline in his favorite joke. He’ll scold her for talking back and look at his wife, who will look back and say nothing. Another daughter will say nothing to her father – ever again.

        The anger will shift, seismic but unseen. Before the lava used to burn us to ash on the inside. It’s bubbling over now. Enough of us have ripped open our bodies to let the boiling soil of our lives out that the heat itself causes fires. Sure, you can put one or two out at a time. A single flame is easy to catch. But the lava is elemental and everywhere. Kavanaugh will be confirmed. And in less than a generation he’ll be a petrified ash fossil, frozen in a rictus of agony in the new Pompeii. Nothing will seem to have changed, until it’s too late. The lava of our anger is going to cover the earth and bury you.”
        -Audra Alexander

      • Sandra says:

        Agreed. I am done being civil.

  3. Maya says:

    I give up on predictions because at this rate, evil aka white men still win in America…

    My wish is that McConnell schedules a vote but Brett doesn’t get confirmed.

    That would help get rid of the Republicans and payback for Garland.

    • Beth says:

      If they vote but Kavanaugh doesn’t get confirmed, Lindsey Graham says Trump should just nominate Kavanaugh again

      • Maya says:

        Won’t they have to go through the whole process again then? The Republicans don’t have time for that especially if Democrats gets both houses.

      • Rapunzel says:

        I saw that. Graham should be ashamed. It would be such a waste of taxpayer money to renominate a failed candidate.

      • Giddy says:

        Lindsey Graham is so busy bending over to kiss Trump’s ring that he might get self-induced scoliosis. If McCain was here I like to think he would kick LG’s ass.

    • Veronica S. says:

      It’ll come down to whether Flake, Collin, or Murkowski want to prove they have any modicum of self-respect and integrity, tbh.

      • Esmom says:

        Agreed. And not that it will happen but I’d love to think another Republican might do the right thing for once.

  4. aang says:

    Nothing in my experience tells me that rich white men are ever held accountable. I am not hopeful this will be the exception. Pod Save America discusses the idea of Democrats adding members to the court next time they are in power, worth a listen.

    • Darla says:

      They did discuss that? I hope that idea is mainstreaming. IMO it’s our only way out.

      • Kitten says:

        I would suggest you read Medhi Hassan’s piece in The Intercept on this very topic. Very thoughtful.

        I completely agree that our nine judge/lifetime appointee system is insane and it’s worth investigating the idea of dismantling it entirely or even putting a cap on the number of years that a justice can serve. But the problem with this idea of Dems adding two judges is then when the GOP gains control a few years down the road (because historically, that is what happens) then who’s to stop them from adding two judges of their own? Then back and forth as the Supreme Court becomes politically weaponized to further the agenda of each party. In that sense, packing the court a dangerous precedent to set.

        Remember all those executive orders that Obama signed? You always have to think about what will happen when the Rethuglicans are back in power. We need to preserve our institutions the best that we can and not leave an openings for them to walk back all the progress we make, like Trump automatically reversing every EO Obama ever signed.

    • Louisa says:

      aang – Can you explain what you mean by adding members to the court. Do you mean that the Dems could add 2 seats to make it 11 on the court and a 6-5 dem majority? Is that allowed?

      • Esmom says:

        The number of justices is not set by the Constitution. The Supreme Court has varied in number from 5 to 10, I believe. The pod is definitely worth a listen.

      • Chickadee says:

        It’s called “packing the court” and was originally proposed (but never implemented) by FDR. The president can propose to increase the number of justices but Congress must approve — which obviously won’t happen with Trump and a Republican controlled Congress. So, everyone vote! Note to Texans: the last day to register is October 9th. 2nd Note: Go Beto!!!

      • Louisa says:

        Thanks! I had no idea this could be done. So there is still a tiny glimmer of hope then….

      • Dara says:

        Realistically, this will never happen. The fluctuations in size were mainly in the late 1700’s and early 1800’s. Honestly, I think it’s a horrible precedent and opens the door for either political party to simply add justices on a whim whenever they have a majority. No bueno.

    • Sunnydaze says:

      It’s a futile wish, but I so hope someday soon we will have people in power that will look back on this disgrace of a president and try to fix all the holes that led us down this path. For example, stop with the Electoral College. Just stop it. Figure it the eff out and stop this lunacy. Second, #termlimitsforALL. Third, all politicians must be able to pass a citizenship test. That absolutely includes the President. Fourth, there should never be a party in control of all three branches of government – that’s how we lose on checks and balances. I’m about as liberal as one can get, but even I know absolute power absolutely corrupts and I don’t think for a second human beings are above getting greedy, even when it’s your own party. And finally, declare National Voting Day a national, federal holiday with same-day registration. I mean, can’t we just try for ONE of those things on the list????

    • Caracastle says:

      Obama warned us, Hillary warned us, Miichelle warned us….Many People sat on their hands and didn’t vote
      I will never get over begging some people to vote to avoid this, and them telling me I was exaggerating , now those same people get it
      The problem is Trump is also stacking the States Courts with extreme a conservative judges,so we are screwed over on the local levels … It’s a night mare

  5. Digital Unicorn says:

    Dr Ford’s lawyer is also saying that the FBI has yet to interview her. I’ll bet my last dollar that they have not yet interviewed Mark Judge, nor do they intent to.

    I think having Avenatti as her lawyer was potentially a bad move by Swetnick – GOP and Trump hate him and are going out of their way to keep him out of this. She is another credible woman who also has witnesses that can back her up.

    There is also evidence that Kav was texting his friends about Ramirez’s claims before it the story broke, which proves he lied as he said in his sworn testimony that the first he heard about it was when it broke on the news.

    I agree that the sexual assault and drunk allegations won’t get him, but his lying under oath will.

    • Millenial says:

      Yeah, I can barely keep up with the competing and contradictory stories on this FBI investigation. They haven’t interviewed Ford, but they plan to do a thorough investigation? The can follow any leads they find, but the White House is limiting the scope of the investigation? The investigation might be over as soon as last night? What is going on?!

      I think there’s a deliberate disinformation campaign about this investigation so no one really knows what happened/what was investigated.

      • Swack says:

        Also read last night that they think the investigation will be wrapped up by today.

      • Lady D says:

        The NYT is reporting it will end before Friday:
        “Senate Republican leaders pressed on Tuesday to wrap up the confirmation of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, seizing on word from the F.B.I. that it would complete its investigation into allegations of sexual assault and sexual misconduct as early as Wednesday.
        “We’ll have an F.B.I. report this week, and we’ll have a vote this week,” an emphatic Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, told reporters after the Republicans’ weekly policy luncheon.”

    • Louisa says:

      I agree about wishing Swetnick had gone with another lawyer. With all his talk of running in 2020 and his constant TV appearances he’s lost all credibility.

    • Jan90067 says:

      The FBI did interview Judge (

      They have NOT interview Avenatti’s client, Jill Swetnick. THIS I don’t understand.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I also think they need to interview Judge’s old girlfriend, who said he confessed to participating in a gang r*** with Brett and felt guilty about it. She submitted an affidavit I believe, but I could be wrong. The ex girlfriend’s story seems to verify Swetnick’s story, or at least confirm that they committed such horrific acts.

    • jwoolman says:

      It’s possible that the FBI feels their previous interview with Ford was sufficiently detailed. If they have the names of the people she suggested to interview, it makes sense to focus on that list.

      But if they are intending to wrap this up early, that’s a disturbing sign that they were indeed very limited by the White House.

  6. Rapunzel says:

    If he gets on, the next President will be Dem, and get a Dem Congress. Then add two seats and neutralize this douche.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      If he gets on, voting rights can be further undermined and Trump can get a 2nd term.

  7. grabbyhands says:

    Honestly, all this news does is depress me because none of it is going to change the fact that they’re going to confirm him. They don’t care about public reaction because they don’t have to., and they know it. They know once this goes through, they’re in an even more powerful position that they are now, regardless of what happens at the mid-terms.

    • AnotherDirtyMartini says:

      Me too, Grabbyhands. I think we all need to descend upon D.C. with torches and pitchforks. 😞

  8. boredblond says:

    It seems like the press is doing the real investigation, or at least expanding beyond what’s been ordered by the WH ..not that blissfully ignorant repubs are going to read any of it.

    • notasugarhere says:

      They aren’t blissfully ignorant. They are fully aware and complicit.

      • Bella DuPont says:

        Thank you, @Notasugarhere

        This is what i keep saying…..these guys aren’t ignorant and they’re not stupid. They KNOW and understand all the evil that’s being perpetuated on their behalf. They just don’t give a shit, as long as it’s to their benefit.

        They’ll take whatever fig leaf is offered and continue playing dumb. But make no mistake…..they *KNOW*.

  9. tw says:

    Confirmation or not, it won’t end there. Too much outrage and dirt on this guy. It will keep coming out and he will be disgraced. Dems will follow up, no matter how long it takes.

    • notasugarhere says:

      With the key cases coming up, it won’t matter. Drumpf gets freed from being tried at all, all cronies get a walk on state vs. federal charges because he’ll pardon them, Roe v Wade is overturned, and Repubs win in a walk in fall 2018 and nationwide 2020. That’s how big this is. Hell, they’ll introduce and pass a bill welcoming open election tampering and allowing foreign interests to donate as much money as they want to any campaign. Many many politicians are dirty with Russian money.

    • B n A fn says:

      Anyone noticed that in the letter “Bart” wrote to his buddies about the rules for their party he mentioned “they get the beds” why were they talking about beds? So Dr Ford mentioned him being drunk with his Friend Judge, they pushed her in a room and in the bed. This was a different day, but her story is matching up with the kind of boys they were. Don the Con is mad because her story is matching up. His lying story is falling apart. So what is Don the Con going to do, he mock to person whose story is ringing truthful.

      • jwoolman says:

        I think Kavanaugh and Judge were planning a Devil’s Triangle with Ford, but forgot that a girl who isn’t drunk might actually effectively object. That’s likely why Judge got on the bed and inadvertently provided an opportunity for her escape.

        Devil’s Triangle is not a drinking game. It’s a threesome, two guys and a woman. Preferably a very drunk or drugged woman…

  10. Lila says:

    CNN is reporting this morning, that the FBI might be wrapping up their investigation this morning.

  11. Greta G. says:

    This is all so horrifyingly real. I want to be informed, but it’s overwhelming. IT (IQ45)
    must not be allowed to pardon his family & swamp creatures. I had no idea that Gamble vs US. NO 17- 646 was such a massively, epoch-making case coming before the Supreme Court. It’s no wonder that IT wants
    BK on the Supreme Court by October. The pervasive corruption of IT knows no bounds.
    It is paramount that we do resist, and keep informed, (even when it’s painful & soul wrenching) and do everything in our power to stop this madness.

  12. jwoolman says:

    Are they sure they can count on all Democrats to vote no? And are there any other Republicans wavering?

    Will there be any chance for discussion on the floor of the Senate, or is Mitch going to ram it through again without letting anybody think about things and see the FBI report?

  13. L says:

    That ketterer letter put me in a rage. The way it’s being presented as meaningful information, the way the writer acts as if he’s holding on to something huge that’s toying with his conscience (oh please!). Most of all though, it demonstrates a complete lack of awareness about the different ways trauma can manifest. If what was described in the letter actually transpired, it in no way means that Swetnick was not gang raped. In fact, it makes me think she was.

    It’s really become clear to me in the last few months Just how easy rich white men have it. They don’t even need to be intelligent to get positions of power. They don’t need to think before they speak, have good reasoning skills, logic or empathy. They don’t need to know about the topic they speak of. Unbelievable.