Donald Trump has never wanted to visit a combat zone: ‘He’s afraid of those situations’

Trump speaks before departing White House to view wildfire damage in California

Donald Trump is a weak man. He’s a coward. His biggest fears include normal-sized glassware, working a regular eight-hour day, rain, chatty p0rn stars, Robert Mueller, spellcheck, and the United States military. Donald Trump has mocked and insulted gold-star families, and refused to honor veterans. He hates POWs. He didn’t honor a World War I memorial because it was raining. He recently attacked a retired admiral, William McRaven, who was part of the operation to kill Osama Bin Laden. He also refuses to travel to any warzone to visit the troops. It’s become a low-key talking point, even among friendlier conservative commentators, Trump’s refusal to make a trip to Afghanistan or any military base overseas. Well, now sources tell the Washington Post that a trip is possibly in the works, but the baby-fisted coward is still very, very scared.

President Trump has begun telling advisers that he may visit troops in a combat zone for the first time in his presidency, as he has come under increasing scrutiny for his treatment of military affairs and failure to visit service members deployed to Afghanistan or Iraq. Trump has so far declined to visit those combat regions, saying he does not want to associate himself with wars he views as failures, according to current and former advisers, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private conversations. Current advisers said Trump is not expected to visit a war zone during the Thanksgiving break, which he will spend at his Mar-a-Lago golf resort in Florida.

The president has often cast himself as a champion of the Pentagon, invoking the strength and size of the military at his campaign rallies and on Twitter. At the same time, he has frequently criticized U.S. military missions and decisions while personally attacking some former military leaders, contributing to a complicated relationship with the armed forces he commands. Although he signed off on Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’s requests to bolster the American military presence in Afghanistan and Syria and retain the footprint in Iraq, Trump isn’t a fan of U.S. military operations there.

In meetings about a potential visit, he has described the missions in Iraq and Afghanistan as “a total shame,” according to the advisers. He also cited the long flights and potential security risks as reasons he has avoided combat-zone visits, they said.

Trump has spoken privately about his fears over risks to his own life, according to a former senior White House official, who has discussed the issue with the president and spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak candidly about Trump’s concerns.

“He’s never been interested in going,” the official said of Trump visiting troops in a combat zone, citing conversations with the president. “He’s afraid of those situations. He’s afraid people want to kill him.”

[From The Washington Post]

Would you like my contrarian take? I don’t think Trump should visit the troops. Yes, it sucks and yes, HE SUCKS. That’s why I don’t want to see him surrounded by soldiers, pretending to be a He-Man in a warzone. Even if they leave a trail of cheeseburgers for him and get him to pose like a lunatic for a brief moment at some dangerous military outpost, the media will treat it like “he’s finally being presidential, yay.” No – he’s never presidential. I don’t need to see the bargain-basement Bigly propaganda. Besides, if he never visits the troops, that just further underlines the point – that the Republican party is full of sh-t when it comes to “supporting the troops” and “respecting the military.” That’s been the GOP’s propaganda for decades. It’s always been bullsh-t. With Trump, the American public can finally see it for what it is.

President Donald J. Trump Bill Signing

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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81 Responses to “Donald Trump has never wanted to visit a combat zone: ‘He’s afraid of those situations’”

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  1. Clare says:

    Remember when Jared went to visit troops and looked like he was a 13 year old, there to play GI Joe?

    Also his hair might get wet. Can’t have that!

    • Chrissy says:

      Yes. Didn’t he wear a flak jacket over his suit jacket. I bet the troops were snickering behind his back. I know I found it moronic. And he’s supposed to be so smart.

    • Astrid says:

      That was my first thought – Jared in that ridiculous get up

  2. cannibell says:

    “…the Republican party is full of sh-t when it comes to “supporting the troops” and “respecting the military.” That’s been the GOP’s propaganda for decades. It’s always been bullsh-t. With Trump, the American public can finally see it for what it is.”

    Nailed it, Kaiser.

    • BlueSky says:

      Amen, Kaiser! It’s fine to use them as props but they don’t do a lot for vets when it comes to healthcare, mental health, or job opportunities once they leave the military

      • Esmom says:

        This, exactly. It’s beyond heartbreaking and infuriating.

        I also agree with Kaiser that Bigly shouldn’t even bother going on any visits.

      • Robot Dog says:

        Amen to you, too, BlueSky! Republicans aren’t pro-soldier, they’re pro-combat. Soldiers are revered, fetishized and valued when they’re at war, but once they get home, they’re on their own.

        If you replace “at war” with “in the womb” and “get home” with “born,” doesn’t that sound REALLY familiar?

      • Lydia says:

        And they can’t be bothered to visit the troops, or even a cemetery (where there is no actual combat).

        They’re cowards.

      • Beer&Crumpets says:

        Kind of how they’re super pro-fetus but could not give one shit about the baby/child/teenager/ adult that fetus eventually becomes.

      • Lilly says:

        So true and I think many are indoctrinated in a way to love baby-fisted coward. I have a nephew who left the military just in the past year and is a big supporter. He’s the only family member with this POV and the only one who’s ghosted me. But, I’d still do anything for him and figure there will be a day when he gets it, I hope. It really did show me the culture of the military and how you need to alter yourself to get by.

    • manda says:

      I guess I’m too cynical, but I just feel like most people already do see it for what it is, but the ones that don’t and that need to won’t ever see anything that he does as bad. It’s so weird. Like, I really liked Obama, but I could criticize him. These Trumpers find absolutely nothing wrong with ANYTHING he does. I used to think that they would come around, but with all the stuff that continues to happen, and no change, I’ve given up hope on them. I really fear for the future of our country but I hope we can get through this

      • Kristen820 says:

        You could criticize Obama because you’re an adult, Manda. You recognize the difference between admiration and idolization. That difference is rational thought and objectivity…

      • Lydia says:

        @Manda, there are some people who can’t stand it when anybody who is not an old white man gets power.

        The biggest problem is that a lot of people don’t vote that also lose a lot when the GOP is in power.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Did you see that they are already pulling troops from the border, even though the caravan hasn’t reached the border yet?

      Trump used the troops for political gain. Took them away from their families, made them live in terrible conditions, wasted hundreds of millions of dollars, all for show.

  3. Mar says:

    Also, water is wet. 🙄. What a pathetic old man.

  4. Elisabeth says:

    5 deferments

    • Nancy says:

      FIVE when all of the other guys of his generation were enlisting or getting drafted to a war in a country most hadn’t heard of before. He was definitely the Fortunate Son. He has no regard for patriotism or the men/woman who sacrifice their lives for our country. Perfect example, John McCain. It sickens me when he does his little game of respect the flag and calls out the football players for taking a knee. He could care less, it’s all part of his plan. Just like the Caravan he tweeted about 45 times before the midterms and seemed to forget about after. He is a coward, a pathetic excuse of a man.

      • Darla says:

        Didn’t Cheney also have 5 deferments?

      • Nancy says:

        Dick Cheney, Mitt Romney, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly and of course trump are all draft dodgers. I guess at the time, if you had the money, mom and dad sent you to college to get out of the service, which of course means they were afraid to go to war. All the asshats named above are draft dodgers who now wave the flag in our face as though they truly are patriots, yet ran like hell to get out of serving their country.

      • Darla says:

        Nancy, I didn’t know about Romney. But yeah, I remember the chicken hawks from the W years. Well stated btw.

      • Jerusha says:

        @Darla. Romney’s excuse was that he was doing Mormon missionary duty overseas. In PARIS, for crying out loud!!

    • Jerusha says:

      Years ago the NH Gazette published the Chickenhawk Hall of Shame. I can no longer find that online, but here is a listing from that Hall. Notice the overwhelming number of Republicans. The original posting listed their excuses for avoiding the draft. Rush Limbaugh, for instance, had ‘anal polyps.’ Seems appropriate for such an asshole. Others had ‘bad knees’ even though they continued to play football in college.

  5. Zee says:

    Soldiers have it tough enough as it is, no need to make it worse by sending President Baby Hands. I’m pretty sure it would fall under cruel and unusual punishment to do so.

  6. CATAYLOR says:

    Best part of this article? Comparing the “natural” color of his tiny hands to the orangish hue of his ogre like face.

  7. grabbyhands says:

    Obama wears a tan suit and no flag pin: TREASON! Why does he hate America and the troops and constantly bring dishonor to our country? Which he wasn’t even born in??

    45 mocks POWs, Gold Star families, cuts vet benefits and refuses to visit WWI memorial, tomb of Unknown Soldier or go to see troops: Why don’t YOU go if you’re so brave! Those places are dangerous for the president! It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t like vets!

    • Kitten says:

      It’s just fucking infuriating, isn’t it?

    • Isabelle says:

      His hard core followers are cultists and their true nature was exposed when they were dragging Obama for small things. They have always been awful people, are still awful people and they finally got vote in someone that represents them fully. Trump is their true dark heart its why he can do no wrong in their eyes.

    • TheOtherSam says:

      Don’t forget insulting the Navy SEALS just this past week. And his constant belittling of the late John McCain, a war hero who spent years in enemy prison camp, saying he ‘liked people who weren’t captured’. Sick.

    • Nic919 says:

      It shows the power of white supremacy that he is still in office. He is all the worst characteristics of the worst presidents ever wrapped into to one plus an extra amount of stupidity , laziness and criminality. The GOP could have shut this many times already. That they didn’t shows their craven nature and why that party should be destroyed.

  8. Val says:

    Remember when he said he’d run into a shooting unarmed to save the kids?


  9. Veronica S. says:

    That’s a pretty normal human reaction to a war zone, but he likes to play the tough guy, so he can eat the criticism for being a POS.

    • Esmom says:

      Of course but I feel like most normal people know it (and other risks) comes with the territory as POTUS. If all he wanted to do was hang out at Mar A Lago he should. not. have. signed. up. for. this. What a farce.

      • Christin says:

        Why couldn’t he have just gone on to start a TV network? I will never forget the look on his face the night he “won” the job.

      • Kitten says:

        Right. I’m sure Obama wasn’t looking forward to visiting combat zones, knowing that it IS dangerous but also knowing that a lot of soldiers didn’t like his administration or Obama himself. It’s never fun, but it’s part of the Commander-In-Chief’s responsibility. These troops deserve to know that their President acknowledges their sacrifice and there really is no substitute for a presidential appearance in terms of helping soldiers’ morale.

      • Veronica S. says:

        Nah, I agree. That was sort of what I was getting at – if you want the job, be prepared for the executive responsibility that comes with it.

  10. Digital Unicorn says:

    This does not surprise anyone, Cadet Bonespurs is a massive orange coward. Maybe if he was promoted a Bigly military parade he might go but he won’t. He’d look like the Whitney chicken sh!t he is next to serving men and women.

    He has a pathetic fear of being outside the US that predates his Presidency. He’s just a sad little man who things he’s a tough guy hero in the movies. He looked pathetic when he was in California last week visiting the fires, he was more orange than the fire and am sure all the hot air that he expelled on,y made things worse.

    All I want for Christmas is his arrest.

  11. PlayItAgain says:

    Part of the reason he always stays at his own properties (besides bilking the government coffers), is because he has a compulsive need to stay in his comfort zone. His clubs and hotels are familiar to him. I can’t think of a bigger opposite to his comfort zone than a military zone.

    The man is afraid of stairs without railings—he’s not going to go someplace where somebody could “accidentally” shoot him.

    • Darla says:

      I fell down the stairs once, about 5 years ago, and broke my tibia and let me tell you that was no fun. And I don’t like stairs without railings since. But I am not a coward. He is.

    • Swack says:

      He would have more protection there as opposed to here. The first hint of trouble and they would have him safely out if there. If inwere him I would be worried more that some nut job here would shoot me. He has many times where he has SS protection but it’s more relaxed, i.e. when he’s golfing.

  12. LA Native says:

    I just have to say if my eyes looked like his and I got pulled over by a cop, I would be poked and prodded and thrown under the jail because I look wasted.

  13. Darla says:

    I saw someone on twitter say he can’t go because there’s a 20% chance of rain. I laughed.

    But yeah, he’s a coward. You know what I think is worse? He cannot stand that there are people who aren’t cowards. So he has to demean and insult them. He demeans and insults military men all of the time. It started with McCain but it did not end with him.

    What a small, small man.

  14. Snowflake says:

    This Presidency has really shown me how much white privilege i have and that all the criticism of Hillary/Obama is really because of their gender/race. No way to deny it anymore, they would have had a fit if either of those two did half the stuff Trump has done. I’m disappointed in our government too. On some level, i thought even Republicans would save us if the shit got too bad. I was wrong. Our system of checks/balances is a joke.

    • Darla says:

      I thought that too Snowflake. My biggest shock, I guess, was that there are no heroes nor even any patriots in today’s republican party. But then I got over my shock and now i just take it for granted. You know what though, I never should have gotten over that shock. It should still shock me, every single day.

  15. minx says:

    He won’t even go places in the US where he thinks he’ll be booed, so no wonder he’s frightened of a war zone.

  16. Who ARE these people? says:

    If he thinks the wars are failures he can bring the troops home any time.

  17. AnotherDirtyMartini says:

    Remember this ? 😂😂😂😂😂 this is our brave dude who would run unarmed into a school after a shooter. Yeah, right. His response is hilarious

  18. Q T Hush says:

    Republicans pay for war with the lives of sons and daughters of the Democrats. Poor people go to combat and rich ones go to college. The Rethugs way for too long in this country. VOTE them out!!!

  19. Jerusha says:

    “He’s never been interested in going,” the official said of Trump visiting troops in a combat zone, citing conversations with the president. “He’s afraid of those situations. He’s afraid people want to kill him.”
    Not only in combat zones, I’m certain.

    And yesterday, President Dumbass persistently called the town of Paradise, Pleasure.–what-a-name-Pleasure–right-now-500872352.html

  20. Gigi La Moore says:

    He couldn’t even make it to Arlington, so this is not surprising.

    • boredblond says:

      True..and the list of what he’s afraid of is soooo long, he’s afraid of his own shadow. Evidently his cowardice and belittling of the armed services doesn’t bother military families who vote for him and his cronies, so go figure.

  21. Christine says:

    One of my husband’s long-time friends is ex-Marine and after leaving became a huge Republican and subsequently a Trump supporter. The friend in question came over to our house a couple weeks ago and this topic actually came up. He defended Trump not going to combat zones, because it’s such a hassle for the soldiers and blah blah. Which I understand, but then he went on about how much he respects Trump for NOT going. So there you go. A Republican twisting this into something positive. I just… can’t.

  22. prissa says:

    THAT PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Keep ’em coming Kaiser! Your choice of pics are HILARIOUS!!!!!!!

  23. Karen2 says:

    …fyi nothing wrong with being scared in a combat zone…some of the letters postumusly published by soldiers kia show that they too were scared & went anyway…sometimes this site goes too far with its sneering…

    • Jerusha says:

      President Scared Shitless would not be on the front lines. Please don’t compare Cadet Bonespurs Five Deferments to real soldiers who did their duty, scared or not. And do you think BHO and every other president who visited combat zones was not nervous? And what about the many entertainers who went to combat zones during WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, etc.? But, yeah, I’ve no doubt that. Bob Hope, Marilyn Monroe, Marlene Dietrich, Ann-Margaret, Robin Williams, et al were braver than trump. He’s a pathetic POS.

    • Kitten says:

      Oh FFS. The man is surrounded by Secret Service–the most highly trained federal law enforcement agency–and rides in state-of-the-art bulletproof vehicles. He literally has the BEST security that money can buy but he’s afraid of going where soldiers AND journalists go on a daily basis?
      And honestly, he’s much more at risk on our own soil than he is in a combat zone.

      The truth is that he’s just a big f*cking baby and a lazy-ass coward to boot.

      Cute of you to try to gin up sympathy though. Try another site maybe.

  24. adastraperaspera says:

    Donald Trump is a coward, born of a coward, who was sired by yet another coward. His sons are following in the dastardly tradition of turning tail and running away from duty. A venal family of mental and physical weaklings, lacking any moral compass whatsoever.

  25. AppleTartin says:

    To be fair, bone spurs go back in his family 150 years. They have never actually been to a war zone. Maybe Trumpy Bear can go in his place. He seems braver.

  26. Marjorie says:

    I like listening to Lt. Col. (ret.) Senator Tammy Duckworth, war hero, talk about this, she was on CNN the other night reaming him out. Gives me hope.

    This coward just issued a statement saying he will support the Saudis in the Khashoggi killing, and is now doing the turkey pardon live on TV. I need a drink, it’s all too much.

    • Kitten says:

      His *official statement* on the matter was just so boring; so predictable. Blame the victim (“Muslim Brotherhood”), cast doubt on the perpetrator (“maybe he did and maybe he didn’t”), distract with a shiny object for his racist, hate-filled Deplorables (“Iran supports Hezbollah, chants ‘death to America’ “).
      Yawn. Same f*cking playbook every damn time. It’s the winning formula with his psychotic base so why change it?

  27. Lilybugg says:

    I would think that another factor to why he doesn’t want to be seen going to the Middle East and supporting the troops there would be the fact that he wants to stay on the good side of certain groups in the area for personal and business reasons, groups that may be at odds with the US military presence in the area. Just my take.

  28. hogtowngooner says:

    Because I’m a glutton for punishment, every time this twit does something offensive (so, daily), I imagine “how would this have gone if Obama had done the same thing?” And it usually amounts to: Fox News doing wall-to-wall coverage of how ‘disrespectful to the troops’ he was being, GOP politicians grandstanding on the floors of the House and the Senate, immediate calls for Obama’s resignation, instant investigations, NYT/WaPo think pieces on how the Democrats are in deep trouble because of it, yadda yadda yadda.

    Instead, we get shrugs, and maybe some mealy-mouthed tweets. It’s really quite amazing.

  29. Olga says:

    Sorry, I have to leave it here:

    #rakeamericagreatagain is trending in EU and it’s just priceless

  30. holly hobby says:

    Why does he look like a porcine in every picture he takes. He has the nerve to criticize how women look.

    • Cal says:

      And always as though in ten seconds he’ll expire from an apoplexy! Look…..his head is about to burst!

  31. bacondonut says:

    where do you guys find these hilarious pics of him? his mouth always resembles the puckered nether regions of the anal kind and he always, always looks like that off kilter, half plucked, shrieking chicken from Moana – except that animated chicken was truly intended for comedic value