Duchess Meghan wore Brock Collection & Soia Kyo to Brinsworth House

Meghan Markle shows off growing baby bump while making a visit to the Royal Variety care home

The Duchess of Sussex had an event today! She went to visit the elderly nursing-home residents of Brinsworth House in Twickenham. The residents of the nursing home worked in the British entertainment industry, so I imagine Meghan was sent there because of her Hollywood connections. Brinsworth House is funded by the Royal Variety Charity, and Meghan and Harry attended the big Royal Variety show last month.

For this event, Meghan wore a summery looking dress by Brock Collection, and a grey, belted coat by Soia Kyo. If Kate’s “thing” is “comically large and unnecessary buttons,” Meghan’s “thing” is “wrap dresses and coats that tie like bathrobes.” She’s pregnant, so she probably just wants stuff that’s adjustable. She’s also touching her bump in some of these photos, which I’m sure will make the haters lose their friggin’ minds again.

Here’s a video where you can see Meghan’s dress – it’s short-sleeved and the back is pretty open.

Meghan Markle shows off growing baby bump while making a visit to the Royal Variety care home

Meghan Markle shows off growing baby bump while making a visit to the Royal Variety care home

Meghan Markle shows off growing baby bump while making a visit to the Royal Variety care home

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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187 Responses to “Duchess Meghan wore Brock Collection & Soia Kyo to Brinsworth House”

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  1. OSTONE says:

    She looks beautiful but that dress is fug and is doing her no favors.

    • Aoife says:

      I like the dress and the coat, just think they look a bit odd together and made for different seasons.

      • Hikaru says:

        This. It’s a nice summer dress and it doesn’t go with a winter coat.

      • LahdidahBaby says:

        Yes, Aoife, that was my first impression–a very pretty dress, but jarringly off-season and odd with the heavy winter-weight coat. (I love that coat!) Also, her burgeoning pregnancy-bosom is kind of pressing at the seams and threatening to burst through!

        She does look very pretty just the same, and I love watching the way she communicates with people. She’s so PRESENT, so animated, and so warm. Love that.

      • Ahoyoy says:

        I’m guessing she woke up this morning and nothing fit, from her comments about feeling extra pregnant. This happened to my boss when she was pregnant. She had purchased a few items for later in her pregnancy that she ended up having to wear sooner than she thought. Meghan likely has her wardrobe ordered a season in advance and she assumed that she wouldn’t be this big until spring.

      • LahdidahBaby says:

        Could be, Ahoyoy.

      • Chloe says:

        Those were my exact thoughts too, Ahoyoy! It’s happened to the best of us, haha.

    • chrissyms says:

      The dress has more of a spring summer vibe to it. In color and material. Just looks odd. The coat is wonderful and she is glowing.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        Maybe she’s warm … pregnancy hormones?

      • Lady2Lazy says:

        Pregnancy hormones, I agree! It could be 30F and I was roasting in my skin! I was hot the entire time, and summer but if it’s fits, you wear it!

      • Princessk says:

        In a video she jokes with a lady who shakes her hand and says that Meghan’s hands are so cold, then Meghan says l brought my coat maybe l should have kept it on.

    • Scal says:

      From looking at the pictures inside-a lot of the female staff were either sleeveless or wearing short sleeve dresses indoors. I’m guessing that the building runs warm and they have her a heads up.

    • lisa says:

      The dress is way too tight across the bust, it’s squishing her flat and over the top of the dress. It is way too small. IMO it’s the worst thing I have ever seen her in.

      • Haapa says:

        Agreed. Not to sound like a creep, but she’s grown a lot in the bust with this pregnancy. She’s also carrying the baby rather high, which probably doesn’t help either.

    • emerson says:

      I wore a tank top today because I was so friggin hot and wanted to wanted to wear something comfortable (my husband had me wear my “bathrobe” trench to avoid the strange looks). The very last thing that crossed my mind was if my top was spring/summer/sleepwear because there’s a living breathing creature using my ribs as his personal dancefloor and my bladder as a bed.

      I’m just glad we aren’t playing “Guess the coatdress” Good day

      • Huh says:

        Does your job require you dress impeccably? If so what you’re wearing is scandalous. If not you’re just like the rest of us and can’t really compare you’re attire to what the Duchess is wearing.

      • Sass says:

        “Huh” – scandalous? Unclench your asshole

      • emerson says:

        im·pec·ca·ble (/imˈpekəb(ə)l/
        (of behavior, performance, or appearance) in accordance with the highest standards of propriety; faultless.
        “a man of impeccable character”
        synonyms: flawless, faultless, unblemished, spotless, immaculate, pristine, stainless, perfect, exemplary.

        What you say makes zero sense, just say you don’t like her.

      • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

        Ha ha. Thanks for the laugh and congratulations.

      • Olenna says:

        @Sass, LOL!

        @Emerson, thank you. Transparent is transparent.

    • Shan says:

      Yes, that dress is honestly awful – way too tight, wrinkled, etc. There’s honestly no excuse (including the various pregnancy ones being offered up in the comments here) for her not to have a decent-fitting, comfortable maternity wardrobe for professional appearances, especially given her budget and access. And that isn’t me picking on her – she should have a stylist who is taking care of these things.

      • Polly says:

        There are photos of it digging into her back it’s so tight. Looks very uncomfortable and not particularly flattering. The coat is nice but I’m sick of the style of shoes which she seems to own in a dozen colours.

      • Princessk says:

        I just love the shoes and l am thinking of buying a pair, but can l really afford them? Good old Meghan has ditched the tights (pantyhose)….lol!

  2. BaronSamedi says:

    I love this outfit to death. And I don’t get the ‘hate’ for the coats? It’s my favorite style of coat too actually. I don’t know what the bathrobe comparison is about really, there are only so many ways to style a coat. Either a belt or buttons and I prefer the belts.

    • Crowhood says:

      THANK YOU. I get the Buttons thing on dresses etc but on a coat- how else are you closing it?! Maybe is because I live In Syracuse so nobody is wearing their coat as a fashion accessory but to me it’s either belt, buttons or zippers and clearly a zipper is a callback to the days of dELiA*s and we can’t be having that

    • Jan90067 says:

      This coat DOES have a button as well (see the button hole and button under her left hand in the last pic). Love the coat; don’t know HOW she can continue to walk in those heels! It’d fall on my face at that point lol.

      As for the dress, it’s pretty, but definitely doesn’t look like a “winter” dress. However, maybe pregnancy hormones make her run “hot”, and lots of places (and esp. one I’d guess for the elderly) do keep the place a bit overheated. I know my 91 yr. old dad, who we used to jokingly say, liked to “live in a meat freezer” , now always is cold, even when it’s pretty mild, and the heat is already set on 75* (23.9c). So it could be that, too.

      • AG-UK says:

        This is England NOTHING is over heated. I turn the heat up my husband comes in turns it down they are use to being cold. I am like the Europeans in my office a scarf around my neck all the time. I am from Texas and I am never warm here rarely. I think it goes back to the days of meter heating and coins. A lot would rather wear tons of jumpers than make it warmer 🙂

  3. Serphina says:

    She looks great. I think the baby will be a boy. Carrying quite high. And i 💜 her shoes!!!! The dress seema a bit summery or more suited for spring. But all in all, appropriate length and she is WORKING! She truly loves being out and doing this so i don’t get all the hate people have for her. Would they rather have a work shy royal and just sit and conplain???? People must just want to be unhappy.

    • Bailie says:

      I LOVE her shoes, her shoe game is mostly great.
      I think SUEDE shoes look more expensive and better quality than straight leather.
      Cheaper shoes almost always look better in suede.
      I don’t really know why.
      The coat is lovely, but the dress looks too tight and a bit off for this time of the year, more like for spring/summer.

    • Nan says:

      1000% AGREE on the high bump = boy! 🙂
      I think the dress is appropriate for warmer weather autumn too but an odd choice for December -? But she looks great regardless and it’s really nice to see her growing bump!

      • Mego says:

        I read carrying high means a girl and low means a girl. It might have more to do with killer abs and a short torso as to how she is carrying. At least she has so far escaped the surrogate/wearing a prothesis conspiracy theories that shrouded Kate’s pregnancies. 😀

  4. Toot says:

    She looks very pretty. Remain unbothered Meghan.

  5. Chaine says:

    So nice to see her in a different color scheme. The grey looks lovely on her. The dress looks like something for warmer weather, though!

  6. Monicack says:

    I wish the coat was the exact same length as the dress. The longer coat stops at an unfortunate place on her legs. Overall however I think this is a fresh, clean look with just enough pattern in the dress to give this a nice pop.

  7. Flying fish says:

    I love the gray palate, but the dress is too tight.

    • HK9 says:

      Yes the dress is too tight. If they let is out ever so slightly it would look much better.

    • Kk2 says:

      Agree. I don’t mind the pattern/look of the dress but it looks too tight. Material is not stretchy enough for maternity. I give pregnant women a pass on this sort of thing though…you’re trying to hit a moving Target with the tailoring. A stretchy material or looser fit is a safer bet though. She looks a little self conscious, probably because of the tightness, which may also be why she commented that she’s looking very pregnant today…

    • Veronica S. says:

      I suspect part of the problem is that the fabric wrinkled while she was sitting, but it’s definitely tight across her breasts. Poor things are trying to escape.

    • molly says:

      Definitely too tight. I hated that about being pregnant. One day everything fit, and the next day the exact same thing would be sausage casing.

      • Lady D says:

        I was wondering too if it fit last week when she tried it on, and then discovered this morning that it had become tight during the week, hence her ‘very pregnant’ comment.

    • minx says:

      Way too tight.

    • Millennial says:

      I really don’t understand why she (and Kate, too) don’t wear more maternity brands. Why the insistence on wearing non-maternity clothes? Kate occasionally wore Seraphine which is perfect for professional looks and is quite a bit more affordable than what Meghan is wearing here. Plus, it would fit.

  8. TeamAwesome says:

    This would be a fabulous patronage for her, and I love that this kind of place exists.

    Why have we gone from that fabulous black dress to this wrinkled looking Pride and Prejudice reject???

  9. manda says:

    I find it so odd that so many people feel like it’s right to criticize a pregnant woman for touching her own bump. I mean, my goodness, how much policing of women’s bodies do we really need??????

    • Liz version 700 says:

      Could not agree more Manda. If feel like if she is doing the work of growing a person, the rest of the world should back off and let her decide how to be most comfortable.

    • Kitty says:

      That’s one criticism I will never understand. I barely even remember doing it while pregnant, it was just so natural to hold on to this big weight on the front of you, especially when you start to feel the baby move, kick, and hiccup.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      Agree so much. Heck, I wanted to hold my bloated belly before every period.

    • Anastasia says:

      AMEN. Your center of gravity is so off once you really start showing, and I held on to the bottom of my belly a LOT. Also, I had a nine pound baby, so there was a lot to knock me off center!

    • Deedee says:

      Right. It’s not like you can take the bump and put it away. It’s always there and often in the way when you’re trying to live your best life. And it’s a novelty, especially during first pregnancy. Your hands often gravitate to your belly without your even knowing you’re doing it.

    • Starryfish29 says:

      I hate that people feel entitled to have a say in what any woman does with her body. It’s rude, and frankly nobody’s business .

    • Megan says:

      People need to stop policing her body. She can cradle, pat, and rub her bump all she wants.

      But, she does look very pregnant. If she delivers less than 40 weeks from their wedding date, the present smear campaign will look like light ribbing.

    • EllieMichelle says:

      That’s why I had to stop reading Lainey Gossip. I couldn’t take that kind of criticism over something so benign.

  10. AnotherDirtyMartini says:

    I LOVE her shoes!! And lol, I thought the woman was curtsying to kiss her bump.

    • Astrid says:

      me too!

      • gemcat says:

        how weird is it to curtsy to someone married into the royal family anyway, or you know just anyone IN the royal family…the queen is technically my queen too (I’m part Australian) and there’s no way I’d curtsy even for her..what an odd tradition!!

    • Ashby says:

      Excellent shoes, suede slingbacks are always lovely.
      Great coat too, I love the gray.
      Dress is a bit too tight.
      Any woman can touch her baby bump as much as she likes, it’s her business…she is not hurting anybody!

  11. Cidy says:

    I really want her to get her makeup right. Still heavy on the blush and highlighter. Shes gorgeous though, just like Kate – they glow when they’re pregnant! Meg also has a stunning smile.

    The dress is weird. Maybe it’s the length that’s weird to me? I dont know. As always she beautiful though.

  12. Lisa says:

    I like Meghan in these style coats or single breasted button coats. She looks very pretty. Maybe they can stop complaining that she only wears blue but I am sure there will be something else.

  13. Olivegreen says:

    Since we always bring up how much time the Cambridges spend at events it is worth noting that this was a very quick visit. She was there for less than an hour!

    • Betsy says:

      If she does many visits, I’d be fine with the short duration.

      • Royalwatcher says:

        +1 to Betsy. I’ll wait to criticize her until I see how frequently she works and the quality of support in addition to the the visits (like all the behind the scenes visits to Hubb kitchen and her work for the Together cookbook, which has just been shortlisted for an award!!).

        I loved the conversation from today about knowing what it’s like to have a career.

    • Lisa says:

      Well based on her own words on why she chose to visit I suspect this will be something she does regularly in a more private capacity along with publicly. This is something she used to do in L.A. In any case reports are she also.spome to a resident in fluent spanish which I would love to see.

    • Serpentinefire says:

      She’s pregnant so I can understand the short visit. How many events did Kate do while pregnant?

  14. Cee says:

    Ooh that photo of her being curtsied to is going to trigger so many people!

    I bet her Royal Patronage will be this one, or a bigger charity related to theatre and performance.

    • Eliza says:

      Curtseying is triggering to me regardless. I can see a head nod for respect, but a full curtsey or bow? In this day in age no one should have to. No one is that much above you need to lower yourself by half.

      But it is optional, only required for royals to royals. And obviously who ever is chosen to greet a royal patron is probably a royalist who thinks curtseying is charming.

      • Cee says:

        I wouldn’t curtsy to ANYONE, but it is a choice. This woman chose to express her “respect” in this way.
        What I meant is that racist a-holes will be triggered by the image of a white British woman curtsying to a black woman.

    • Louise says:

      Does Meghan refer to herself as a black woman? Odd if she does as she is lighter skinned than many Italians or people of a Greek descent. I get that she has African Heritage but her skin tone is very very light. If I didn’t know her mother I would think she was from Europe. Even her hair is straight.

      • Natalie S says:

        I have very light coloring for my ethnic heritage. Does that mean it would be odd if I did it too?

        The neo-Nazis who called Harry a race traitor certainly seem to think of Meghan as black.

      • Kitty says:

        Megan is black though…just because her skin isn’t really dark doesn’t mean she can’t refer to herself as a black woman. Very strange comment

      • Kittycat says:

        Odd if a black woman refers to herself as black.

      • Amelie says:

        Meghan’s hair wasn’t straight when she was younger. If you look at childhood/teenage pictures of Meghan, her hair texture corresponds to what an African American woman’s would look like so the straight hair you see isn’t her natural hair. But it can be hard to tell sometimes (but I’m white so I think that might be part of the reason why). I think I was really surprised when I found out Rashida Jones was biracial too.

        You can just never assume a person’s background based on their appearance which is what makes this world so interesting.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        Hasn’t she described herself as mixed ‘race?’ I think she wrote about it and described the complexity of that experience.

        As for straight hair being a sign of being “European…”

        As for straight hair being always naturally straight….

      • jan90067 says:

        I remember the Suits episode that introduced her “father”, (actor Wendell Pierce) and being surprised that he was black. Before that, I hadn’t a clue that Meghan was black. On the show, her father is black and her mother white. From what I remember, she specifically asked that her “parents” on the show be “mixed”.

      • MellyMel says:

        I have the same coloring as Meg and I refer to myself as a black woman, because that’s what I am. Black/mixed race people come in many different shades. Also her natural hair is not straight.

      • incognito08 says:

        Louise, I am an African-American woman and can attest to the varying hues in our color spectrum. Not all have my milk chocolate complexion. We span the darn near milky white to the deepest of ebony complexion. Due to genetics roulette, we don’t necessarily need to have a parent of another race to result in a child with a lighter hue. One of the contributing factors to lighter-hued African Americans is our sad history of lighter hued children being conceived as a result of black women being raped by their slave masters in the antebellum South. There is an extensive history of blacks intentionally marrying and procreating with other lighter-hued blacks to maintain the level of status associated with having lighter skin. Although Meghan classifies herself as mixed-race, she has not shied from her African-American lineage. She has been up-front about her apparently African-American mother. I remember watching a profile on her in the lead up to her wedding. One of Meghan’s African-American studies professors at Northwestern discussed her involvement in activities involving black students. From that, I gathered that she feels a connection and identifies with this segment of population.

      • Cee says:

        She IS black. She herself has referred to herself as black and mixed raced. Just because she can pass for white doesn’t mean anything. We all come in different hues – both black and white people.

        Most importantly, neo nazis, white supremacists and racists see her as black and treat her as such.

      • Louise says:

        Interesting comments. Just honestly wondering then. As to the poster who calls herself a black women – she is mixed race. Would some individuals of mixed race who have light or white skin tone refer to themselves as white and would be offended if someone referred to them as a black woman? Who determines if someone is a black woman if they don’t identify that way? For example I have never heard Meghan for refer to herself as a black woman. I have heard her say she’s mixed race Is it ok to refer to an individual as a black womean if they have never identified that way? And to what extent of mixed race. For example if I was 25% African, 50% Asian and 25% European can I identify as “black” or am I Asian as I have the most of that ethnic origin. It will get more interesting as more DNA tests come out like 23&me.

      • Helen says:

        both halsey and tori kelly have one black parent and as a black woman myself, i would find it legitimately weird if they or other people referred to them as black.

        mixed race or even biracial is one thing. but black? mmmmmmmmmm

      • Helen says:

        excuse me notasugar, i am a human being just as you are and i don’t appreciate being dehumanised as a “troll” simply for making a comment.

      • Lady D says:

        Nota is responding to the original comment Helen, not yours. It just happened to appear under yours.

      • Royalwatcher says:

        @Helen – I am 99.9% sure that notasugar is referring to Louise, whose comments do feel a bit trollish, IMO, because Meghan has talked about her race many times and the information is easily accessible online and probably discussed many times already on this very website. Also, the “I’m just wondering why…” before throwing out a sort of offensive comment feels trollish (again, IMO).

        Louise – people should get to choose how they refer to themselves. I’m biracial (black and white) but also sometimes refer to myself as black, because that is how the world sees me when I leave the house, even though I know other black women have darker skin than mine (and other black women with two black parent have lighter skin than mine!). I believe Meghan has also referred to herself as biracial and also black AND said that she doesn’t mind/care if people refer to her as black.

        It’s like what Obama said (paraphrasing) – he has one white parent but he’s still black enough to be pulled over by the cops. And, as Cee says above, Meghan is black enough for the neo-nazis to want to harm her.

      • Scotchy says:

        Again, as a bi-ethnic woman I personally don’t consider myself a black woman, because I am not, I am a beige woman, but I feel like us mixies and can pick and choose to identify with whatever we want.
        I have said it in another post, but it is very American to have to decide what box you fit in when you are mixed. Not being American I have not had to determine what ethnicity I identify as.
        Other people ask where I am from and assume often that I am part South American, when I am not..
        Honestly as the world turns more and more beige I look forward to this not being a thing. Will it happen in my lifetime? Who knows? But a gal can dream 🙂

      • Knitter says:

        Why is it that I so seldom see comments challenging the racist assumptions behind what it means to be “white” or “black”? If one parent is “black” and one is “white”, the only reason to call the child “black” is because of the racist convention that a certain level of purity is required in order to be considered “white”. If we used blackness, not whiteness, as our standard of purity, having visible European ancestry would mean that you were considered “mixed-race” or “white”.

      • notasugarhere says:

        Yes I was implying Louise is the troll. Thanks for the backup folks 😉

      • MrsBeast says:

        Meghan actually does not refer to herself as a black woman. She has even spoken about feeling neither white OR black. She strongly identifies as biracial, not black. No doubt lots of you will get triggered by my comment but the facts are that Meghan embraces BOTH sides of her heritage.

      • Z says:

        Yes, this. She looks like me and I’m Middle Eastern. When I first saw her pictures, I knew she was mixed with something, but I wouldn’t have guessed she was half black from her hair, skin, and features. Her straight hair also gives the look of ethnic/mixed but not really half black/half white. That adds to Meghan’s ambiguity.

        I’ve seen she refers to herself as biracial, not black – that’s the way many of us Brits see her as well. Everyone I know is sort of neutral, or indifferent – I haven’t heard any outright hate from fellow Brits. Reading the likes of the Daily Mail and the Sun is not the way to gauge a balanced opinion!

      • Z says:

        The Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and the racists of the world have a very stomach churning view… however, I have to say, the normal folks view her as mixed raced aka the fasted growing population in the UK.

    • wisdomheaven says:

      Meghan HAS referred to herself as black and pushed back STRONGLY against people who try to say she isn’t. There is a twitter post she made about that.

      Also, when folks say she doesn’t look black, they show their own ignorance. I knew right away when I saw her that she was half black at least. I have a cousin with two black parents who resembles Meghan strongly including in skin tone. In pictures that have not been heavily edited, she doesn’t look as light skinned either. When folks edit her pics, they really lighten her up. Its a common problem for POC in film actually.

      • Serpentinefire says:

        You can see she had a black parent.

      • Moneypenny says:

        Exactly. Meghan is very obviously biracial. I would’ve believed it if you said both of her parents were black. And I don’t understand how people are saying she can “pass.” No she cannot (not to mention how loaded that is). There are plenty of pictures of her where her skin is darker than this.

        Meghan looks just like my husband and my daughters. He is biracial, I’m black.

      • Cee says:

        @Moneypenny – they mean she has white features ie she could be a very tanned white woman. Therefore she cannot possibly be black or be part of the african american community.

        This is not *my* appreciation, just sharing what others mean when using this phrase.

      • Moneypenny says:

        @Cee I understand what they mean when they use the phrase. I’m agreeing that using the phrase shows a lack of understanding of what black people can look like.

      • Z says:

        WisdomHeaven, I disagree. If you look back at her older pictures, Pre Harry, she’s clearly naturally light skinned. She looks so pretty here. She wouldn’t look “out of place” in the Mediterranean or in the MiddleEast. I don’t believe she could pass for white, but she could pass for many different ethnicities. Meghan even pointed this out herself when she was in Malta.

  15. Jessica says:

    Love the entire outfit, especially the coat.

  16. L84Tea says:

    She looks so fantastic!! Love love love that dress and that coat. I’m not always a fan of her clothes, but this is amazing.

  17. Kittycat says:

    I can see the headlines:
    Meghan breaks protocol by baring back!
    Meghan brings down monarchy for wearing grey!
    Thomas and Pier Morgan beg for fatherly meeting from diva Meghan!

    • Royalwatcher says:

      I’m sure the headlines are coming but the trolls on the KP twitter are already out in full force complaining that she’s a lying diva false duchess with a fake baby bump, and why does she have time for other elderly people but not her own elderly father, blah blah blah crazytalk…

      • Anna says:

        The third headline has already been reported by the DM.

      • Olenna says:

        I’ve read some of those hateful comments on Twitter and, honestly, I believe most of those people who make them have mental health issues. In fact, one of them who used to comment here under multiple names has been relentlessly stalking Meghan fans and repeating the same hateful sh*t over and over again. People like her are so fixated, so obsessed and so cruel that they don’t care how deranged and pathetic they sound when they go after the fans or Meghan.

      • Z says:

        I think certain people take the whole Royal watching thing way too far. They’re public figures so the obsessed ones will always come out of the woodwork, but it is crazy seeing people being unnecessarily cruel & hateful towards the Duchesses over little things. Everything is picked apart, from their clothes to their bodies, to their faces, their personal lives etc. They repeat the same things year after year after year after year after year. Meghan and Harry will have a couple of cute kids and they’ll still be repeating the same ish. Just like W&K being together for so many years, having 3 kids and the same crap is repeated lol.

  18. Lexa says:

    I like the idea of this outfit, and I do like the dress, but it feels a bit off seasonally, and the dress looks tight for where she is in her pregnancy. The fabric must have some give if she’s able to crouch down in it.

  19. teehee says:

    I love this dress 🙂

  20. Lala11_7 says:

    Meghan probably feels like a little bitty furnace right now…so that’s why I’m not surprised by the out of season dress….she looks adorable…but then, she always does to me….

    • Betsy says:

      You’re totally right – I was sitting here shivering at that open back, but nowmthatnyou mention in I recall just how flipping HOT I was all the time I was pregnant.

  21. MaryContrary says:

    I really like her, but that outfit is a miss.

  22. LNG says:

    I LOVE this coat. It looks so cozy and warm. Hate the dress. All of those seams in the front of a maternity dress (combined with that fabric, which puckers) just make it look too tight and fussy. I can’t imagine it is comfortable to wear fabric with no give when pregnant (I wouldn’t know, every stitch of maternity clothing I owned was 100% stretchy, lol). The back of it is super unfortunate and somehow manages to make tiny Meghan look much larger than she is.

    I love this visit. I hadn’t heard of this place before today. I get the impression from that quote that Meghan may have felt that she had to choose between her acting career and children before she met Harry and her life took a different path.

  23. Franny Days says:

    Embrace the maternity dresses, Meghan. You’ll be so happy when you do!!

  24. light says:

    I love the whole look. For those complaining about the dress… pregnant women stay hot 🥵

  25. kellybean says:

    Is it weird that I am glad that she is still not wearing stockings or pantyhose? I love that she is still doing a bare leg. I hate hose too, Megan!

  26. Amelie says:

    I want to like this dress but I’m distracted by the wrinkles but maybe it’s just a dress that easily wrinkles. But it’s not a winter dress and maybe it’s not as cold in London, I dunno. But that is definitely a spring/summer dress and looks so out of place. The coat and the shoes are great. I’ve noticed Meghan can sometimes dress off season… and for all I know maybe she’s running hot with her pregnancy but it’s an odd choice.

    But I think the point of this visit is so great, Meghan connecting with people who had similar careers in the arts to her own.

  27. Who ARE These People? says:

    This is the best thing she can do, isn’t it? Just be out and about, meeting and greeting a wide variety of Brits, winning them over one visit at a time. She can build up a lot of goodwill this way.

    • Royalwatcher says:

      Yep. And the comments of the people who were running it and the home residents are very positive!

      “Meghan was so chatty with all of them. She made an effort to actually in every room to say hello to absolutely everyone. It made their Christmas, it brought smiles to their faces.”- Giles Cooper, Chairman of the Royal Variety Charity

      I really hope the queen gives this patronage over to Meghan. Especially since Meghan said that she visited a similar home many times in LA. Seems like an amazing match and everyone there seemed to love her!

    • Jumpingthesnark says:

      Megan is smart. With her visits and work she builds a lot of goodwill for herself, and the BRF. Of course the Queen and Charles Have welcomed her into the family. They take the long view, which is survival of the BRF. It won’t survive without public goodwill, and she works hard at this and is very good at it, as are they. Unfortunately, William/Kate and the courtiers get caught up with racism/ personal jealousies/ arcane points of protocol that not even the Queen cares about anymore , and are too dense to see the big picture.

  28. SlightlyAnonny says:

    If I were petty, and am not, I would reread comments on other articles on royal-adjacent women and corellate them to Meghan. I personally remember making a comment that a pregnant Pippa Midds needed to give her bra a good hoink (which, she did) and women came out of the woodwork to scream about daring to comment on the clothes of a pregnant woman, they are untouchable! I thought it was nonsense then and I think it’s nonsense now but it would be interesting to see how many of these commentators who couldn’t bear to hear fashion advice on Pips are now free flowing with the criticisms of Meg. Funny that.

    • notasugarhere says:

      Pippa is not royal nor is the rest of Clan Middleton.

    • Z says:

      I don’t see many criticisms of Meghan here though? People are saying the dress looks tight and it does. It is off season because this dress would look better during the Spring/Summer. I read that Meghan preferred loose clothing which is why she was always wearing very loose fitting clothing before but I’m not so sure that’s true. During pregnancy, loose fitted clothes would be much more comfortable. As for the bra point, people here have commented on Meghan’s boobs in this dress, they’re spilling out over the top a bit. It looks very tight all over. You can still like the person and think their outfit is not great, it’s the OTT comments which are worrying.

  29. Mantovana says:

    What a strange choice to wear this dress that’s soooo tight and showing all that skin from behind to go visit elderly people. The curtseying in 2018 is truly embarrassing.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      Older adults have surely seen some skin in their lifetimes. It’s likely they know what pregnant women look like, too. Retirees who worked in showbiz, actually what have they NOT seen?

      As for the curtsey, I’d assumed that woman was playing around — at least I hope so! It doesn’t mean Meghan asked for it or expected it. If the woman was serious, well, it probably meant something to her. She can dine out on that story for a while.

    • Tina says:

      Do a google image search for Theresa May curtsying if you want to truly cringe.

    • notasugarhere says:

      Try looking back at historic fashion of the 30s, 40s, 50s. What Meghan is wearing is fine.

    • Princessk says:

      It’s all about tradition and history, and happens all over the world.

  30. Becks1 says:

    I think she looks nice, the dress is a bit summer-y but I don’t mind it. I also don’t mind her coats because I think she wears coats as coats, not coat dresses. We are so used to seeing Kate in coatdresses that an actual winter coat seems off. And yes, Meghan does go for a bit oversized with her coats, but not extremely so.

  31. Anitas says:

    Her face is beautiful, but her outfit looks she remembered she had an event going on at the last minute so she threw her coat on and ran out of the house.

  32. Deedee says:

    Just noticed that she actually took off her coat off inside instead of wearing the coat around like she’s ready to leave at any moment.

  33. lizziebee says:

    As a Kate fan I’m really disappointed that we’ve not seen Kate out and about this week…really thought she’d have at least one engagement..so fair play to Meghan, out and about in our awful weather..even if her visit was only a short one. It would seem as if the Sussexes are putting the Cambridges work (or lack of it) ethic to shame..

    • Erinn says:

      It’s only Tuesday.

    • hot says:

      The cambridges have 3 children. I’m sure they have more christmasy family stuff to do, like most parents, specially with 2 kids in school.

      • Tina says:

        Ah yes, because most parents are absolutely given the week before Christmas off to do shopping, go to nativity plays, and such. It’s widely recognised by employers.

  34. Brandy Alexander says:

    I wish she would find a different pair of shoes. I’m sick of these same shoes in different colors, they’ve gotten very boring.

    • Sam says:

      @ Brandy Alexander : I feel the opposite, I love these shoes, but I always love slingbacks and suede shoes. I prefer suede leather shoes over just leather shoes. Even cheaper shoes look much better in suede. But the dress looks too tight and more springy than winterish. The coat is lovely, great colour.

      • Brandy Alexander says:

        @Sam, It’s not that I don’t like the shoes, it just she never wears anything different. I just want her to change it up a little. Also, I don’t think they’re slingbacks. They look like the have a back and cutouts at the sides to me.

    • Princessk says:

      I love sling backs and l adore these shoes.

    • Z says:

      I have a similar pair in 2 different colours – they aren’t slingbacks. Aquazzura cut out heels are gorgeous.

  35. realitycheck says:

    She is so cute, i love watching her.

  36. Starryfish29 says:

    I like the dress, and LOVE the coat. The dress looks to have grayish/lavender undertones that go nicely with the coat. Wouldn’t have gone with those beige shoes though. More importantly she looks healthy and happy, and seems have really engaged well with the residents.

  37. Arpeggi says:

    I was coming here to see how the heck could a pregnant lady fit in a Soia Kyo jacket because those are made extremely snug. I’m a size 10/12 and I can’t fit in their largest size (at least I didn’t last time I tried).
    So now I get it: the trick is to never try to close the coat to pretend it fits!

    • Moneypenny says:

      Oh yes, when you’re pregnant you do that. I didn’t want to buy maternity coats, so toward the end, I just wore them open.

      • Arpeggi says:

        There are maternity coat extensions, but they require a zipper. It’s kind of like a triangle that you wear down (while you’re preggo) or up (once you have the kid, to carry it inside your jacket). They are super convenient! You sort of have to close your coat during a Canadian winter, no matter how pregnant you are.

      • Moneypenny says:

        Nice! I was able to close my coats in winter, thankfully. It was only my spring trenches, etc. that I couldn’t button :).

      • Princessk says:

        When l was pregnant l still wore my trench but buttoned it the wrong way to give me more room….l looked awful 😂

  38. aquarius64 says:

    I like that Meghan was out on this engagement after the smears and the Toxic Dad interview. She is showing she won’t hide from the haters. The curtsy was icing on the cake, though not required.

  39. KatieBo says:

    That coat is great. The thing is, I’m not sure she’s the fashion plate everyone expected her to be and they’re constantly trying to shoe-horn her into being one. Her clothes are all okay? It’s not actually important that she be an amazing dresser- stop screaming it into the void…

    • Carey says:

      I agree, if you look at her pre-Royal style it wasn’t anything amazing. Having said that, she could use some help from a real stylist, not her bestie playing at being a stylist. She keeps wearing looks that are ill-fitting or out of season. It’s a shame to have easily fixed problems with her clothing distract from her beauty.

    • Moneypenny says:

      I think we all just want her to dress like her character in Suits, but I agree–I’ve never seen her in anything pre-Harry that was that great.

  40. C. Remm says:

    No, she was invited because she mentioned at another event that she used to visit elderly nursing homes of actors in LA. The dress is really lovely. The sleeves are made with such refinement.

  41. Helen says:

    is there a clear guideline on the site where i can be directed to posting/moderating rules. i’d appreciate some help with that to better understand, gracias merci thank you

    • Lady D says:

      The info is at the bottom of this comment section, or up at the top in the right hand corner is a link that says Contact. It will probably answer your questions. You can also email the site writers.

  42. Iris says:

    Love the coat, dress and makeup. Her makeup is dramatically improved recently. I don’t consider a single arm draping to be bump cradling. It needs to be two handed to veer into tacky territory.

  43. Guest says:

    Dress is ugly, dont like it. Really like the coat though and the rest of her looks amazing.

    Also, touch your belly Meghan! Hahahahhahahahahahahahaha. Make them seethe 🤣

  44. Vanessa says:

    @ Royal watcher it’s amazing how every time there is always a comment about Meghan doesn’t call herself black or looks black enough so their for the press negative she getting is not based on racism at all. When in fact if people bother to use google they would know that Meghan in 2015 published a articles in Ellen talking about her black ancestry and talked about being proud to be descendent of slaves all this is available online . Meghan hasn’t never deny being black she not hiding her black roots it’s clearly as Day that she mixed with black Ifather don’t why it’s so important to some people to tries to downplay Meghan heritage so much . And continually to try to put it out there that Meghan doesn’t identify as black woman Fyi black people come in all shades To dark skinned to light skinned. Two Black people can have a baby who comes out looking like Meghan and if anyone who is mixed with both black and white went to identify as biracial or just black that their personal choices. I’m also so fed up with that narrative that the moment a black woman straight her hair she trying to identify with Europe standard of beauty when in reality woman are allowed to do whatever the hell the want with the hair . Enough with the police of black woman

  45. Barbara Davis says:

    I think she looks wonderful in gray and hope to see it more often. I’m personally not keen on a heavy winter coat and suede shoes with bare legs. Especially paired with a super summery dress that is ill fitting and wrinkled. Love to see her get some good advice. She is lovely and maybe just needs to tweak a few things re: clothing pairing and tailoring. But in the realm of important things, this is not!

  46. Helen says:

    the subtle blank yous to the courtiers are *chef’s kiss*. henry didn’t properly represent his viperous family and all their related behaviors/restraints to meghan.

    the day she turns her back on them and burns the monarchy down as diana attempted to do for the way they treated her – revenge, finally, for all the people of color oppressed by that rotten, patriarchical institution.

    now *that* is a game change i am excited as heck for!! save your child from that fire pit, girl!!

    • Z says:

      ‘revenge, finally, for all the people of color oppressed by that rotten, patriarchical institution.’
      If Meghan really thought this, I don’t think she would have married into the British Royal Family, IMO. We all know what The Firm and the institution as a whole represents to us POC. Sadly, if she did try and shake things up, things wouldn’t go down too well for her. Harry is one of them, he will always have his white privilege and family in his corner, Meghan won’t.

  47. Dee Kay says:

    I like her fashion choices here, but more than that, I love the way she comports herself with the elderly and the staff people. She’s gracious and has a smile for everyone and makes conversation easily, not like it’s her job but it’s her pleasure to do so. She’s got brilliant instincts for these types of meet-and-greet visits.

  48. Mego says:

    She looks really beautiful and as far as I am concerned she can wear Summery dresses in December if that is what she is comfortable wearing. I enjoy the lighter colous on her too.

  49. Katebush says:

    I think the dress is pretty although I hate the wrinkles. im surpised that no one has commented on the Jane Austen-style neckline and sleeves. I feel like this dress would have been called frumpy and old fashioned if it was worn by Kate.

    • Weaver says:

      The square neckline and sleeves are actually right on trend. Her dress looks like something from Reformation — a very popular clothing company among all the social media style influencers

      • Katebush says:

        I like the style; my point is that when Kate where’s something similar it’s called frumpy (like the green polka dot ress she wore last week which is actually very trend but was met with howls of derision on this site).

    • Z says:

      Yeah, Kate’s “granny/frumpy” choices are all bang on trend. Everyone is wearing that style right now so I get what you mean, Katebush.

  50. LW says:

    I feel for her, I’m a similar height and build and carried my first son just like she seems to be. By month 8 it felt like he was trying to escape upwards through my rib cage! It’s hard to dress a super high bump like that too because it’s just awkward! I love her hair and her coat here!

  51. Knitter says:

    Looks like a bathrobe over a nightgown (IMHO).

  52. KatV says:

    She looks just fine for a pregnant lady. Hell, she’s in heels. I just don’t think she cares that much for fashion as people would like her to.

    • Z says:

      She does wear couture so I do think she cares about fashion. She doesn’t get it right all the time – she could use help from a professional British stylist.

  53. A says:

    She looks great. I like the dress a lot. It’s a bit tight on her, but I’m not gonna fault her for it because I guess being pregnant effs up your sizing a lot. But I like the combo of her dress plus the coat, and I’m in love with the way she wears coats to be honest. There’s just something gorgeous and casual about it and I know it annoys other people but I like it.

  54. eboni says:

    I always assumed she was mixed when she first appeared on Suits. I initially thought she was mixed with Filipino as i have a co worker who is .He hair looks relaxed!
    Most importantly the people who hate her don’t care how ‘light’ she is she is black to them!

  55. Feeshalori says:

    She looks lovely and blooming. I’m not crazy about the beige shoes and clutch with the gray, but that’s a minor quibble. I saw a small clip of her entering the building and looking quickly over to smile at either the crowds or the photographers. If the latter, she’s certainly gracious enough to give them the money shot despite the vile way she’s been treated in the media. Keeping her chin up and classy all the way.

  56. belle says:

    I think Meghan needs a better stylist. This look is all over the place.

  57. Natalie S says:

    There’s some kind of weird backstory with the clothes. I don’t know if Jessica Mulroney is just doing Meghan wrong or what the story is but I don’t know how a woman with Meghan’s background suddenly has a problem with her clothes fitting. And this was an issue before her pregnancy was showing.

    • Z says:

      Meghan was styled by a professional for yearssss – I don’t get it either. The tailoring and fit are slightly off with a lot of her clothes. She shouldn’t be having these types of clothing problems. Meghan and Jess are BFF soo I don’t think she’s doing her wrong but she isn’t with Meghan every week laying out her clothes and seeing how things fit etc. A good stylist picks out pieces which flatter your body type. If Meghan doesn’t know, she has the resources to hire someone to nudge her in the right direction.

  58. PrincessK says:

    More important than her clothes was what she did when she was there. By all accounts she went around and showed interest in everything and everybody, leaving both residents and staff very pleased.

    I read that Meghan conversed with a resident who was a former flamenco dancer and told the lady about her life, her acting, and much more, in FLUENT Spanish and with NO ACCENT. No wonder the people at the Palace are running scared about this very accomplished woman, they don’t know how to handle a woman who is smarter and brighter than all of them. Didn’t they say that when Meghan sits down at a table with members of the RF, its as if she has a bigger IQ than all of them put together.

    I think the mole in the Palace could be Nanny Maria who doesn’t want another fluent Spanish speaker in KP.😎😆

  59. Little Red says:

    A seventeen minute long video of her visit.