Donald Trump served cold fast food to the Clemson Tigers at the White House

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If I had to host a large group of mostly younger dudes for some kind of reception and I was deathly afraid of cooking, I would probably just order up dozens of pizzas and wings and maybe two dozen foot-long sub sandwiches and call it a day. But not Donald Trump. Because of the shutdown, the White House kitchen is not fully staffed, so there wasn’t anyone around to cook anything for the White House reception for the Clemson Tigers. The Clemson Tigers won the NCAA championship, and that’s why they were invited to the White House (despite the fact that most sports teams have spurned WH invites during this administration). So what did Trump do when he learned that he would have to feed a football team and their guests? Did he order Melania to get her lazy trophy-wife ass into the kitchen to make some sandwiches? No, of course not. He had staff go to Burger King, Wendy’s, McDonald’s and Dominos and he served all of that sh-t in the boxes and wrappers from which they came. He did have them “presented” on silver platters though.

President Donald Trump welcomed the NCAA champion Clemson Tigers football team to the White House Monday with a shutdown smorgasbord of fast food offerings he called “great American food,” including piles of pizza and fries and more than 300 burgers.

“Because of the shutdown, as you know, we have the great Clemson team with us, so we went out and ordered American fast food paid for by me,” the president said in the East Room, standing behind a table loaded with offerings from McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King and Dominos served on silver platters, behind a gilded candelabra.

The president’s decision to spring for the event came because much of the residence staff at the White House is furloughed during the shutdown, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement before the event began. Ahead of the event, Trump told reporters he thought the selection would be a success because the team featured “very large people that like eating.”

[From NBC News]

The photos from this event are… interesting, I guess. What I keep thinking about is how McNuggets are good when you first get them, but they suck when they’re cold and they can’t really be reheated. It’s the same for a lot of fast food: Trump served these poor college students cold French fries and cold burgers and cold fish sandwiches. Gross. (Also: no Taco Bell huh.)

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165 Responses to “Donald Trump served cold fast food to the Clemson Tigers at the White House”

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  1. Lightpurple says:

    And he tweeted THIS about it today!

    “Great being with the National Champion Clemson Tigers last night at the White House. Because of the Shutdown I served them massive amounts of Fast Food (I paid), over 1000 hamberders etc. Within one hour, it was all gone. Great guys and big eaters!”

    Yes, he served them HAMBERDERS!

    • Kitten says:

      But with candelabras because, elegance.

      • Swack says:

        And the french fries put in cups with the presidential seal (I assume). French fries are nasty if reheated.

      • RBC says:

        I hope SNL does a skit on this

      • Esmom says:

        And the sauce packets were piled into silver gravy boats. It was surreal. Bigly was so proud of himself. And still so excited to tell us about it again that his spelling is even worse.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Perhaps it was to test whether the players could identify where the fries were from?

        And can you imagine how many people were inconvenienced when the fast food joint they walked into couldn’t serve them because the kitchen was prepping his order?

      • Megan says:

        I guess his hotel a block away could not produce anything from its kitchen.

      • Pandy says:

        I’m hiding my head but I have to say that I really like that they pulled out the good silver to serve the crap food on. It did make it more of an occasion. Now back to hating on him.

      • Liz version 700 says:

        The candelabra is what got me. I mean it is such a huge embarrassing mess, but we have candles lit by butlers to ear you cold fast food in front of…I did really enjoy Butger King’s Snippy tweet about the hamberders

    • Jenns says:

      Maybe “hambergers” is the term for hamburgers that have been left out in the cold for three hours.

      • Megan says:

        The hamberders from Shake Shack are so much better.

      • velourazure says:

        Has there ever been a bigger national embarrassment than this buffoon?

        And Donald didn’t pay for the hamberders, Putin paid because any money Donald has comes straight from Moscow.

      • holly hobby says:

        How much you want to bet he had some staff use the govt purchase card. BS he paid for that shit.

        I guess him and the nuts will boycott Burger King now since the hit back with a tweet.

      • Olenna says:

        Yeah, and maybe he’s just a stupid motherfuker who can’t spell. Every one of his staff who helped set this mess up should feel embarrassed. The shit looks like plastic play food from a Fisher-Price kitchen.

    • Anastasia says:

      Um, last night he said on camera that he served them 300 hamburgers.

      He literally can’t NOT lie, even about stupid shit.

      • Mel M says:

        Right?? Did they multiply over night then? Also his ranting about the wall and the republicans sticking together BS. That’s not what this was supposed to be about d bag.

    • Diana says:

      Someone mentioned on tv and it’s worth repeating… why didn’t he treat them to a proper meal served and prepared by his hotel staff down the road?

      • Jen says:

        Wondered the same thing-and since he decided not to do that, who brags about “massive amounts of fast food” in 2019? Would’ve loved to know what the guys (and the adult coaching staff) thought when they walked in and saw Donnie’s elegant spread of McDonald’s and crap pizza? This is a child’s idea of a special dinner.

        I know this is superficial, but he is just so….tacky.

      • Jerusha says:

        @Jen. Not superficial at all-it represents trump’s very essence. Born into an incredibly rich family and crass and tacky to the core. We’ve all seen those pictures of their ugly, gold plated trump tower apartment, the one with poor Barron sitting on the stuffed lion-just hideous.
        Contrast this with Barack Obama, middle class family, peripetetic upbringing, partly raised by his grandparents. He is the epitome of grace and class and empathy. The American Tragedy is that 60+ million Americans prefer crass, tacky and cruel.

      • Wilf says:

        Well, to be fair, serving food from Trump Tower would also garner a fair degree of criticism. Don’t get my wrong, I think that he is a moron and an aborhent president/person, but I do think that it would have been a blunder to serve food from his hotel.

      • smcollins says:

        @jen I was reading about this last night and one of the players tweeted something about how the team’s nutritionist was probably having a major fit about it (or something like that). Trump served them up one hell of a cheat day. smh

      • Agirlandherdog says:

        I wondered about that. These guys are basically professional athletes. They’re not typical teenage guys. They don’t eat a bunch of crap. Can you imagine going to the White House and being served a scraggly cheeseburger from McDonalds??

    • Oliviajoy1995 says:

      Thanks for pointing out that you paid you gigantic douchebag. FFS that’s the least you could have done.

    • lucy2 says:

      I’m not shocked by his misspellings anymore, but I am a little surprised, of all words, he couldn’t get “hamburgers” right.

    • jwoolman says:

      It does look like he got them big salads also, though, so he’s not totally hopeless.

      Don’t know why he couldn’t have gotten warmers from the kitchen to keep them all warm (they must have tons) as well as sending people out with good insulated bags to pick up the orders. Those bags really work. I used to walk to a grocery store 2-3 miles away and they kept frozen food cold enough for the walk home.

      “I paid for it” means he intends to let Mexico pay for it.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        yeah, the fast food is bad enough…

        …but he couldn’t even get warming trays?!

        cold fast food is some of the nastiest sh*t you’ll ever find.

    • jan90067 says:

      As if there aren’t great restaurants w/in the radius of the WH that couldn’t cater a decent meal, let alone his own hotel’s restaurant?? These athletes have a *special* dining room, with their meals made with nutritionists and dietitians. And this bloviate proudly serves cold fast food. And BRAGS that he’s “springing for it”. Mhmm… maybe $200, $300 spent, tops, Mr. “Billionaire”?? Wanna be he puts in the expense to be repaid?? Beyond an embarrassment on SO many levels!

      • Lady D says:

        To be clear, I’m not defending IQ45, but a Big Mac goes for $6 around here. An A&W Teen Burger is the same. Looking at almost 2K for just those burgers. (less in US dollars) Not sure about Wendy’s prices, I only ate at one once about 25 years ago.

      • Dr Mrs The Monarch says:

        I feel the same way, Jan. There was plenty of time to hire a professional catering company. This was completely tacky and cheap. It is also his idea of acting “presidential”.

      • nb says:

        Why wouldn’t he order a caterer? Cause he’s cheap!

        Last year for Christmas my small company got Boston Market catered in for 24 people. It was around $800. I guess we should have just gotten a bunch of fast food and put it on silver platters instead.

        Even if the burgers are $6 each or whatever why bother with that when you could pay a few dollars more per person to have a real dinner of healthy hot food provided? Some of these kids must have been so excited to have a ‘fancy’ dinner at the White House and a memory to share with their kids someday only to be served crap they could get on the side of any highway in America.

        Trump is a disgusting piece of human trash.

      • kacy says:

        He only bought 300 hamburgers. He later inflated it to 1,000 because he that it would get him points…

      • jwoolman says:

        Omigosh. I think I even heard him say hamberder at one point in the speech lesson.

        All I could think of was Wimpy’s classic offer: “I would gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today”.

    • BeanieBean says:

      What gets me is he keeps saying, ‘because of the shutdown’, but he doesn’t finish the thought. It should be, ‘Because of the shutdown I caused, our kitchen staff is furloughed & I cannot provide the meal you deserve, so I sent out for fast food.’

      • Trashaddict says:

        It’s fun to watch the bureaucratic branch of government play “natural consequences” with this looney, just like you do when your child insists on going out in 10 degree weather with no coat. “But I’m co-o-o-l-d!” Shoulda thoughta that!
        Hey Big D, you wanted a shut down, well no travels to Mar-a-Lago for golf for YOU, and you can forget the damn chef! We’re on furlough, so we might not be able to clean your toilets either.

  2. Nev says:

    Honestly who cares. Shouldn’t be going there anyways.

    • Anna says:

      Agreed. They should’ve refused to go. Don’t legitimize the racist in chief more than he already is.

      • Olenna says:

        Ditto. That ODB is tacky and racist AF, but it’s not hard to imagine that some of the players felt intimidated or pressured to be “team players” and not stand his azz up.

  3. OriginalLala says:

    those pictures…I can’t even….the photo of him under Lincoln portrait looking like a smug, deranged dictator hurts my soul.

    • Lady2Lazy says:

      He is the epitome of class and style as he ruins our country, citizens, environment and our world standing….I am embarrassed to say I am an American.

  4. RBC says:

    Is the White House having problems with its furnace? Why is he wearing a overcoat indoors during the lunch?
    I wonder who got the leftovers?🤔🤔

    • Anastasia says:

      On Twitter, someone referred to it as a Lane Bryant trench coat, and I died.

    • Lightpurple says:

      The coat hides the blubber. He realized that even though he was going to be with big people, he referred to their size numerous times, he would still look obese in comparison because a big champion football player is in much better shape than an obese 73 year old.

    • Another Anne says:

      You know, Melania wore a coat during her tour of the “redrum” Christmas trees too. Maybe it’s time to pay the heating bill?

    • jwoolman says:

      Probably didn’t pay the heating bill. The White House water bill is overdue also, generating some snark from the Water utility.

    • Anastasia says:

      I found out why. He greeted the coaches as they came in, then bolted. Didn’t even greet the players or hang around to talk to them. He was about to leave, so he just kept his coat on. #Klassy

  5. Incredulous says:

    Donnie gonna build a fortress wall out of all that stuff in the White House.

  6. Toot says:

    He really isn’t worth a damn.

    Trump Tower Hotel in DC could have catered for the team, and had nice hot food, since this piece of crap said he paid for it.

    • ByTheSea says:

      He’s still trying to pretend that he’s divested himself of any involvement with his properties, though…

    • Christin says:

      Wonder where HE is eating during this shutdown? Billing catering expenses to the nearby hotel (and making money in the process)?

      • Salted Watermelon says:

        He’s eating hamberders. And is probably quite happy about it, considering his love of fast food.

  7. Lila says:

    Cold, cheap, crappy fast food served to champions on honored White House dinnerware .A perfect metaphor for this pathetic administration. I just want Trump and his sycophants to go away.

  8. Becks1 says:

    So, I think this is bizarre and insulting, but honestly probably not as insulting as we think it is. I mean, this is the food that Trump eats. He LOVES fast food. This was probably his idea of heaven.

    • Darla says:


    • Kitten says:

      Exactly. I think I’d rather have this garbage than an overdone steak with ketchup. But yes, this is Trump’s idea of delicious.

    • Esmerelda says:

      Yeah… and the “presented on a silver tray” thing is so absurd it’s actually funny. Like something from a middle class housewife handbook written in the 50s…
      In light of this success I think this should be the menu for each and every guest: Putin, Merkel, the Saudis… cold fast food on silver trays for all!

      • CoffeePot says:

        I feel like it is a rip off of the first Kingsman movie, where the gouche-rich villain did the same damn thing.

  9. Chef Grace says:

    Trying to make himself look like a martyr. Look at me I am running the show all alone type b.s.
    He no doubt ate the leftover grease bombs.
    Hope he gets dysentery.

    • Esmom says:

      Running the show all alone when it comes to serving food to a football team. Not so much when it comes to any of the million actual issues we’re facing.

    • hunter says:

      IF they had truly wanted, and I argued this on another site too, you guys KNOW Melania and her social secretary (okay, Melania’s social secretary…) could have made a magic five course formal meal happen in six hours or less.

      Women could have made this happen **if they [Trump] had wanted to**.

      But no. He wanted to treat those guys poorly as a publicity prop

  10. Jennifer says:

    Wow that is so tacky, no class at all! WheN it comes to Trump though, it’s not surprising.

  11. Doodle says:

    Imagine telling your grandkids someday that you were invited to go to the whitehouse and meet the president, and they served you a Big Mac. The same thing you can buy down the street. Pathetic.

    • CL says:

      Not only that, but a COLD Big Mac.

    • dlc says:

      Actually, that was the one positive I thought of…man, those players are going to have a story to tell their kids! The crazy president who served them cold fast food in the white house!

  12. TheBees says:

    I inability to stick to any given subject is so annoying. How and you honor the Clemson Tigers if you are talking about border control and walls?

    • Swack says:

      He always does the same thing. When addressing the troops he ranted on the wall and border control. He has one mind set and thinks he’s always at some type of rally.

  13. Notyouraveragehousewife says:

    So tacky. So gross. The food must have been so cold and stale. With all that money at his disposal, this is what he gave them? Ugh. He is such an embarrassment! Yet he thinks this is the coolest thing in the world.

  14. tifzlan says:

    The fact that there are tweets of “He paid for it HIMSELF!” like this is impressive…. couldn’t even get PREMIUM fast food like Shake Shack or Five Guys or some shit? LOL.

    • Cookie says:

      All presidents have to pay for their own meals and dinner parties.
      Of course he would go the cheapest route

    • GreenTurtle says:

      Yeah, Five Guys, Shake Shack, and Chik Fil-A are quite close. Mmmm….Shake Shack //drools over bowl of Special K//

  15. BlueSky says:

    This is my alma mater so this pissed me off. I sent this to my former roommate and she said “He wants 5B for a wall but can’t serve shrimp and steak for the National Champions?” He served the food he wanted because he thinks everyone is low class like him. He thought he was doing them a favor.These athletes eat at a private dining hall and they have nutritionists and dieticians. The food at that hall is better than the cold burgers they got at the White House. As someone on Twitter wrote “Alabama is the real winner tonight”

    • Esmom says:

      Seriously. What a joke and a slap to the athletes. I saw a photo of them hovering around the table sort of hesitantly, looking like wtaf? So embarrassing.

      But the deplorables love how much it triggered us snowflakes! Anything to own the libs. Smh.

      • lucy2 says:

        I saw some video of it where one of the guys says “I thought it was a joke”. How embarrassing.

    • jwoolman says:

      I was wondering about that being football food nowadays. For the crowd, yes. For the players – I think they are much more conscious of performance being linked to nutrition these days.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      It really is so insulting to the players. How many times will they get to go to the White House, or win a championship?

      If he really wanted to serve them pizza and burgers, at least feed them GOOD quality burgers and pizza! They probably all had stomach aches after this, especially if they have been using dieticians and nutritionists. I feel for them. He totally ruined their celebration and made it cheap and tacky.

    • Kelly says:

      As someone who follows both college sports, including football and basketball, and politics with equal interest, my first reaction was that the Clemson nutritional and diet team would not be pleased about them being served cheap and unhealthy fast food. It’s likely they get a cheat day to eat something outside of their diet, but it seems wasteful to use that on cold fries and burgers.

      I have to give both the Clemson players and coaches a lot of credit for being so gracious and such good guests in all of this. The whole thing was insulting towards the players and their accomplishments this year.

      It’s likely that whoever wins the men’s basketball championship won’t visit the White House this year. Both North Carolina and Villanova which won the last two years didn’t go.

  16. Christin says:

    If Ricky Bobby became President, this would make perfect sense…

    • Sue Denim says:

      Great comment!… Help me Tom Cruise!

      • Christin says:

        So many great lines from that movie.

        The “fancy dinner” scene was not my favorite scene, but it fits this perfectly. Zero is the wife who “slaved for hours” for the fast food and pizza spread.

      • GreenTurtle says:

        I love that movie. It’s so underrated.

  17. Anna says:

    He is the kind of host who would cook or at least order a meal that HE LIKE, and doesn’t even consider the people coming. He is that host – a selfish one.
    I hate fast food to the point if I get a whiff of the smell I would vomit outright. I would find this so insulting and would leave instantly.

  18. Lizzie says:

    if i could i would eat fast food three times a day. these pictures are basically what my version of heaven looks like and STILL….this is some tacky ass shit…

    • jwoolman says:

      Yeah. Pizza and French fries actually sound appealing to me also, if they’re vegetarian. I think Burger King fries are and definitely there are vegetarian pizza options from Dominos. Their basic cheese doesn’t even use animal rennet, although others depend on the source. I actually like Domino’s pizza.

      At least the pizza is good cold.

  19. Ellie says:

    “We did not know pizza was American.” – Italy

    “And we did not know French fries were American.” – Belgium

  20. PlayItAgain says:

    And you know this was his idea, too. Another pathetic stunt to try to blame Democrats for his shutdown. He welcomed the coaches in front of the cameras and then bailed when they let the rest of the team in.

    He could have had a local small restaurant cater it—some place that may be hurting now due to the shutdown. That would have been a better message. It’s good that he paid for it, I guess. It’s just amazing how he still manages to shoot himself in the foot, even with the simplest things.

    • Kitten says:

      “He welcomed the coaches in front of the cameras and then bailed when they let the rest of the team in.”

      You knew he would do that. On one hand I think that he feels that the players are beneath him. On the other hand, I think that he’s socially awkward and easily intimidated in social situations. He wouldn’t know how to talk to an athlete because he doesn’t actually care about sports–or anything–other than himself. He doesn’t seem capable of holding a casual conversation with a college athlete and probably feels uncomfortable because he didn’t watch the game. After all, he only watches Fox News all day.

      • PlayItAgain says:


      • Lorelei says:

        He left when the athletes came in?!! FFS he is so useless.

      • Tiffany says:

        Honestly, it is not like he can name one of those young athletes who played the greatest game of their young careers. Nope, even flashcards would not help because:

        Dexter Lawrence- should be in jail.
        Austin Bryant- black kid who looks like a grown man. Why isn’t he in jail.
        Justyn Ross- how did he pass the background check to come here.

        You see where I am going with this.

      • Lady D says:

        The team should have arrived in a semi truck. He’d happily talk to them if it meant he could play with the steering wheel.

      • Jerusha says:

        The players are the winners-not having to interact with that garbage bag of a human.

      • Christin says:

        A longtime SEC sportscaster has a daily TV show, and he broadcast live feed from this event.

        Apparently Bigly was saying some extra ridiculous things and repeatedly babbling the school’s name. The normally calm and collected sportscaster was baffled by how Bigly did not seem to know very basic things.

    • Lightpurple says:

      He could have had a local pizza place cater and serve decent pizza. DC may be outside the Northeast pizza heaven but you can still get decent pizza there and support small business in doing so, instead of cardboard with sauce put together by Bain Capital. Although I suppose we should be happy it is no longer owned by Tom Monaghan, a supporter of Operation Rescue.

    • jwoolman says:

      Trump has a long-standing habit of saying he pays for stuff and then never doing it. It is reasonable to be skeptical of his claim until someone with a consistent relationship with the truth confirms it.

  21. grabbyhands says:

    Tacky and crass as hell, but not a surprise.

    I mean, why bother to send money to local caterers who would probably love the business right now when you can make an empty gesture and get cold fast food from huge chain restaurants and then brag about how you paid for all this AMERICAN food??

    Clemson should have held on to their dignity and declined the invitation.

  22. Eric says:

    Classless *president serves cold and limp “hamberders” to National Championship Clemson Tigers. Served with a side of “smocking” hot covfefe and greasy fries.

    Only in Nambia!

  23. Beth says:

    He just assumed all these college guys would love to gobble up this unhealthy fast food. Athletes sometimes like to eat healthy food, and they deserved to have real food when eating in the WH after winning the championship, not being served soggy, cold, greasy junk food on silver platters. U bum, Trump.

    • me says:

      I have athlete friends that can certainly gorge on a pizza to themselves after burning like a thousand calories after a training session but generally they eat very healthy – like body builders.

      Fast food is barely socially acceptable these days.

    • Castle Toz says:

      I keep coming back to this idea. Not all these players are on scholarship, they can afford this food on their own dime. A Big Mac is a Tuesday in the off season while waiting for your summer job to pay you. This is one of the rare chances they have in college to eat filet mignon, foie gras, lobster or other fancy things they can’t usually afford. Also: highly trained athletes should not be eating this shit and if you haven’t had fast food in a long time it will A) taste like chemical crap and B) probably make you sick.

  24. Anastasia says:

    Yes, elite athletes at the top of their game, who probably eat very well, LOVE to get all dressed up in a suit, fly to DC, and be served cold Filet O Fish.

    Honestly, it must have felt downright insulting. The White House silver gravy boats to hold MCNUGGET SAUCES.

    He has a hotel with a restaurant in it right there in DC. He could have EASILY asked them to cater. I get the feeling no one even planned for this until the last minute.

    I mean, they could get that greasy shit any time they want! A dinner at the WH is supposed to be different, nice. I know it’s just one thing, and far from the worst thing he’s ever done, it just…it made me feel so embarrassed. Obama would have been dragged for YEARS if he had pulled this shit. Keep it klassy, Drump.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Their nice suits kind of break my heart. They went all out for this, they are showing respect. He couldn’t be bothered to show respect to them. Sigh.

  25. Laughysaphy says:

    No Chick-fil-A?! Maybe this will be the thing that finally pushes the Evangelicals out of his base.

    • noway says:

      Best comment!!!! I think you are right, cause the only fast food I see kids eat around here is Chick-fil-A, and I’m not even in the Evangelical core area. Horrors when will the right realize Trump’s just a carpet bagging yankee and the non patriotic President Bone Spur.

  26. Frida_K says:

    I saw a clip of the guys selecting their “dinner” choices and one held up a red and white package as though it were a dead rat he’d found under his bed: gingerly, and with revulsion.

    Same clip: I heard one say, “I thought this was a joke!” like he thought someone told him that they were going to be getting cold junk food and he thought they were punking him, but no, it was what they were getting.

    I also read a tweet about the candelabra-lighting guy’s crotch being rubbed onto one of the piles of boxes (and that one is accurate–some of the angles of the picture, above, showing the guy lighting the candles, are indeed icky).

    He’s pure trash. No manners. No empathy. No respect for guests, no respect for this country. Trash.

    I hope he gets thrown out soon.

  27. Ms. says:

    Because caterers are shut down too? Ugh. I can’t be the only one who thought this was racist as hell. Feeding fast food to a team of mostly young black men. Barf.

    • noway says:

      He’s racist, but this isn’t about that. He’d do this to a bunch of white kids too. He’s just crass, and this is his favorite foods. I’m pissed at the medical community, and feel a bit duped. With his diet and weight why doesn’t he have more health problems. I mean he looks like a heart attack waiting to happen.

      • Original Jenns says:

        No, I think not only is this completely classless and rude and demeaning, I 100 percent think his racism is showing. I can guarantee that if a hockey team (of which you mostly see white players) showed up for a banquet, they would not be getting cold Wendys. This was Trump’s way of being cheap (if he can’t find a way to get out of paying for it all together), of getting a dig in at the Democrats (it’s their fault the kitchen isn’t open), and of showing contempt for athletes (football teams often have many athletes of color). Hes a POS.

        This is such an embarrassment on all fronts.

      • Kitten says:

        I don’t know…I’m not one that needs even a second of convincing that he’s racist but I’m not sure this is an example of that…and I actually DO think if it had been white hockey players he would have fed them fast food.

        Keep in mind that a lot of this is about optics: the government is shut down and people REALLY don’t want to see the executive branch spending money on anything right now. The POTUS isn’t going to host a fancy, three-course dinner in the Oval while there are Fed employees who are worrying about where their next meal is coming from. Now, I’m sure it was his people who told him to do this, because we all know that Trump would never have the self-awareness to see how it would look.

        Additionally, the dude LIVES for fast food and probably thinks that it’s impervious to class or race. Like, in his mind fast food is a *classic American meal* that people of all races/creeds/religions enjoy equally.

        But more than that, I just think he had to keep this meal an economical one, what with the government shutdown and all. It was a big show for him and one that he was very proud of: “Look at me! I’m keeping up appearances during the shutdown AND I’m giving a shout-out to American companies. Bonus: I make myself appear like an Every Man instead of a Rich Elite to my batshit-crazy base”.

        Truth be told, he probably didn’t think for a second whether these young men would actually WANT to eat this because everything is all about him. He didn’t care, as long as he thinks that it sends the right message to his base.

  28. MD says:

    Cringe-worthy and so embarrassing. An insult to these champions. Sigh.

  29. me says:

    I see that and I think food hangover. Those poor boys probably all felt sick to their stomachs after gorging on that crap.

    What is he thinking?

    • Lightpurple says:

      Three of my cousins played college football. These guys are huge but pay more attention to their diets than any other people I know. One of them posted the picture of Trump and the table last night with a caption that half the team would be up all night sick.

  30. Jamielle says:

    My most fervent hope is that this monster… this absurd, narcissistic, grotesque, malignant squatter in OUR White House, will ultimately suffer humiliations galore. Indictments. Scorn. Public ridicule. Personal bankruptcy. Divorce. Loss of family. Impeachment. Prison. If he is found guilty of treason, I believe the penalty is execution?

  31. Tw says:

    Garbage served on fine china is kind of a metaphor for this presidency, no?

  32. ariel says:

    Funniest thing is, he probably didn’t pay for it “himself”. He probably used “charity” money or other White House presidential discretionary funds. You know he did.
    I have no evidence of this, it just seems so on brand for this racist dirtbag.

  33. Chloe says:

    I thought he was rich.

  34. Jerusha says:

    He paid for it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He doesn’t pay for anything unless it’s with money stolen from charity or donor funds. Hope you enjoyed feeding the team MAGAt suckers. Being in Alabama , this embarrassment of a shitshow makes it worthwhile losing to avoid this mess.

  35. CooCooCatchoo says:

    These kids deserved better than junk. There are a million decent restaurants in DC who would have happily catered this event. Hell, even The Olive Garden would have been better than this crap. Trump could have and should have gone the extra mile. But he’s lazy, cheap and tacky.

  36. sassafras says:

    If the WH chefs/ staff are furloughed then who at the WH decanted nugget sauce and fries into the silver and the paper cups (????). Who cleaned that shit up? Is Sarah Huckabee doing this? Ridiculous that a purported “billionaire” couldn’t arrange an actual catering job.

    Also… ALL the Presidents’ meals in the WH are paid for by him/ her, so don’t for a second believe he had his credit card out for something “special.” This just went into his usual WH fast food account.

  37. MattyLove says:

    But did he have to show his ID when he paid for them? That’s the real question 😉

  38. noway says:

    What winning team is going to want to come now? If you are a trained athlete you’ll have to eat first. I see he just got himself out of another thing to do.

  39. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    When I think I can’t be any more embarrassed, he pulls something else out of his ass. Fast food? Fast food. At the White House. As an honorary meal. Fast food actually carted in from fast food restaurants with some dude in a suit lighting candleabras. I swear to God I’m watching Idiocracy…do the chairs have toilet seats? Does he serve Burger King at his hotel? My brain is fast fried, I can’t process food this.

    • Eden75 says:

      Idiocracy is so very appropriate right now.

      I keep waiting to see if the Presidential limo will have the hood ornament replaced with a dildo. It would give a whole new meaning to it’s nickname, The Beast…..

  40. JCan says:

    It bears mentioning that in his introduction he also made a blatantly sexist “joke” about the first lady and “second lady” (some have wondered whether that referred to Karen Pence or Ivanka) making them salads because the kitchen isn’t staffed. He’s such a misogynist no one even covers it anymore.

    • Jerusha says:

      In his mind ivanka is first lady and melania/melanie is second. Second for the time being, at least. As soon as he’s out she’ll split. Obviously got a renegotiated prenup to persuade her to engage in those cringy hand holding photo ops.

    • Cal says:

      Absolutely…….and the observation that only chicks willingly eat salads anyway (or vibes to that effect)
      Best fun is indeed speculatiing re whom he had in mind as First and Second Lady when he spewed that out!

  41. Nancy says:

    You are what you eat. #swine

  42. Shelley says:

    I thought this was hysterical.

  43. mitikko says:

    This is ridiculous and yet, wouldn’t it be the kind of thing that pleases his base?
    As in, “Look, he’s one of us eating junk food. He knows what the everyday man likes, not that fancy schmancy tuff the Obama probably served.”
    I’m afraid he’s actually gained points with his followers.

    • Original Jenns says:

      Oh, totally! His base is eating this up literally. “He’s no snob, he doesn’t need to be all fancy and put on airs, yeah, sports players love all that food because they’re real men, like him!” Ugh

    • Kitten says:

      Absolutely. This.

  44. Original Jenns says:

    I’ve seen tweets comparing this to Idiocracy (Chris Evans actually said “Brawny is what plants crave”), and also Talledaga Nights (sweet baby Jesus). It made me laugh over the complete mind bafflingness of it all. And then someone tweeted that if Obama had done something like this, Fox News might have actually called him the N word on air. And then I was depressed again because it’s true.

  45. chloe says:

    If he wanted to serve them Hamburgers and fries and pay for it himself, why didn’t he hire his white house staff that is currently being furloughed right now to come in and cook for the team, I’m sure they could use the money.

  46. Jerusha says:

    NBC News tweet
    “The president provided the team with a fast-food feast, which he said he paid for himself.”

    Love the shade in this tweet-“which he said” he paid for himself. They don’t believe him anymore than we do.

    For daily glorious shade, follow Pete Souza’s IG. Everyday he has an Obama photo that contradicts whatever idiocy trump committed the day before.

  47. paddingtonjr says:

    But..but..they put the sauce packets in silver gravy boats and the fries in cups! Classy! Seriously, this is wrong on so many levels. I worked in a law firm near the WH; there are a number of restaurants within walking distance that would have been thrilled to put together a simple, elegant luncheon for them. These athletes have won the National Title, the most important game at their level and were invited to meet the president at a reception at the White House, this is not a Pop Warner team going out for pizza after a regular season victory. Know your audience and at least pretend to care about your invited guests.

  48. phlyfiremama says:

    As if NCAA players aren’t already screwed enough by the outrageous rules around their playing college athletics!! Good grief.

  49. tai says:

    Did you hear? Canadian Air Traffic Controllers across Canada having been buying pizzas for their American Counterparts across the border who have to work despite not being paid. Love it. Great comradeship and once, again Canadians are being so nice.

  50. FredsMother says:

    How have the mighty fallen…. Lol. Cackling like a witch on a broom… Flying over the White House. What indiass has happened to America. I… I just… I have no further words.

  51. HeyThere! says:

    You are the POTUS, was there not a nice restaurant you could have catered your ever?!?!?! Omg! Catered food is a least served hot! This is hilarious and awful. I’m not above fast food but cold fast food NOPE. Invited to the White House for cold fast food?? Double NOPE.

  52. MrsK says:

    Does he seriously think that a group of athletes as rigorously-trained as these are “large” because they eat fast food? smh

    Donald, you were the only fatass in that room.

  53. Betsy says:

    This didn’t hurt in the same way that some Trumpistanish things – kids in cages – for example, but something about this hurt. Was it that the dignity that has been present in every White House save this was mud wrestled to the floor and fed dog food? Was it that it wasn’t just undignified but was poor hospitality and bragging about it as if it were true hospitality? It was just low and mean and horrifying.

  54. Baltimom says:

    Remember when the Trumpettes said the Obamas were trashy because they’re black? And yet their adored leader is serving fast food to a group of honorees. I guess we should breath a sigh of relief that he didn’t do this for a State Dinner.

  55. whybother says:

    and he looks damn proud about his fast foods display too, which is crazy
    this man is so cheap, it makes me feels filthy rich

  56. Suz says:

    When I saw the pic of him in front of the smorgasbord of crap, I thought, “Eat it all, Cheeto, and let the cholesterol do it’s work.”

  57. Beer&Crumpets says:

    I will never understand why any of this ever happened, or how the people in charge of us- of our government- who we elected and trusted to care for us and look out for our interests- how they allow this nightmare to continue.

    What the actual fuck, y’all?