Jeff Bezos & Lauren Sanchez ‘are very much together’ & ‘plan to move in together’

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If you accept Jeff Bezos’ official timeline, even he doesn’t really dispute that he had an affair. He so clearly cheated on his wife, Mackenzie Bezos, with Lauren Sanchez. The official story is that Sanchez and Bezos were friendly neighbors and friends, then suddenly they began an affair late last summer or early fall, exactly as his marriage was falling apart. I tend to believe that their affair began long before that, and that Sanchez absolutely manipulated the situation through a variety of means to get the Bezos marriage to fail, and to “win” herself the richest man in the world. I sort of hate-respect her for that. I mean, she’s clearly terrible, but also… she had big goals, she worked towards them and she got what she wanted. And what she wanted was this:

Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez are still going strong now that their relationship is public.

“They are very much together, and are planning to move in together,” a source tells PEOPLE.

News of the Amazon CEO’s romance with the news anchor and helicopter pilot, 49, first broke in early January after Bezos, 55, announced his divorce from wife MacKenzie after 25 years together in a joint statement on Twitter. Their split is likely to be one of the most expensive ever — since Bezos is the richest man in the world worth an estimated $137 billion.

While Sanchez and Bezos have not been spotted out together since news of their relationship broke, a source told PEOPLE in last week’s issue the new couple is “in constant contact.”

[From People]

Yep. I’m sure they are moving in together. I’m sure that she’s going to enjoy the best condos and mansions in New York, Miami, LA, and wherever else. That was the whole f–king point. Now, from a gossip perspective… I can’t wait to see them at the Oscars. I think I’m more excited to see them at the Oscars than I am to see most of the actual Oscar nominees. Come on, don’t you want to see if Jeff Bezos bought her a new face? LMAO.

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Photos courtesy of Getty.

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42 Responses to “Jeff Bezos & Lauren Sanchez ‘are very much together’ & ‘plan to move in together’”

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  1. Dulce says:

    Are they both cross eyed??, at least.,. Lazy eye!! Yeah, they BOTH have problems with their eyes!! 😯 I’m not making fun of them, just pointing the obvious!! 🙄

  2. Christina says:

    Wonky-eyed lust, lol. He wants excitement nowadays. When you’ve done everything you’ve wanted, and you don’t have to care, excitement matters. He’s got a lot of money that could’ve used to help communities retrain workers, or feed kids, or help with medical care. Concentrating on that stuff isn’t sexy. “Alive girl” allowed for an adrenaline rush. She may fly helicopters and she may travel in moneyed circles, but she is just as much a ho as all of the women who have sex for money. At least prostitution is an honest profession, and I respect prostitutes more than Alive girl.

  3. Aims says:

    This whole situation seems so typical. You have a really successful man how divorces the women who stuck with him during thick and thin. He strikes it rich, leaves his wife for someone more glamorous. The whole thing feels gross too me.

    • sacha says:

      and he will leave her for someone younger in three or five years…

      • Tabitha Stevens says:

        Three to five years? You mean three to five months. He will come to his senses when he finally realizes that she is after money and celebrity.

  4. BigGirl says:

    Plastic surgery is awful. This story is personally messy but the National Enquirer involvement in it makes me very queasy. This does not seem like just gossip but rather manipulation and extortion at the behest if Donal Trump. ..his beef with Amazon’s contract with USPS and Washington Post reporting. This mess feels different.. I can’t with this story

    • Christina says:

      The Trump angle is legit, but so is their horrible behavior. Leave your husband/wife before you start screwing other people. Maybe they had open marriages? It doesn’t sound like it. I’m just sick of men doing this to their wives and girlfriends. Women do it, too, clearly. But this is accepted in our society. “He was unhappy and just couldn’t help himself. He’s a man, you know.” Uh, no.

    • holly hobby says:

      If you don’t give them something to talk about they won’t. So yeah a part of it is the slimey MAGAT machine but he brought this all onto himself.

  5. Lila says:

    Love is surely blind. Hasn’t she been married 3 times. He is a silly man in a midlife crises and she probably in love with his money and power. She probably is hoping for a Amazon prime wedding, delivered as quick as possible

  6. TaniaOG says:

    Sounds like this info is coming out of her camp. It takes a lot of courage to be ruthless and take what isn’t yours. She could teach a university level course on social climbing, my goodness!

  7. Tiffany says:

    Why won’t they let this just die already. It really is a collective shrug and honestly, I am shocked Bezos is going along with this. He does not need it. He can really shut it down if he wants to.

  8. PhillyGal says:

    When supposedly smart men think with their male appendage …

  9. OriginalLala says:

    So much plastic surgery, so many fillers..Sanchez is clearly a beautiful woman who didn’t need a fraction of the work she’s had

  10. Jennifer says:

    Lauren Sanchez wants you to know they’re very much together and planning on moving in together lol.

  11. reg says:

    in famous line by Kyney West, “I ain’t sayin’ she’s a gold digger”

  12. JRenee says:

    With as much $$$ as he has, why does any of this need to be leaked? He could have bought several places and moved in with her already. She’s the leak and he hasn’t plugged the leak…messy

  13. Beth says:

    Not all love or marriages last forever, and if Bezos and his wife weren’t happy together anymore after 25 years and then a trial separation, getting divorced and moving on is no different than others do. This story will drag on and on forever just because of their wealth and Trump hating him

    • Ader says:


    • Christina says:

      Yes, Beth. It happens all the time. Same crap, different day. They are still horrible people.

      • Tuntmore says:

        They’re not horrible people just for making human mistakes and bad choices. Distasteful and misguided, yes — but there are actual terrible, deliberately cruel people in the world who actively hate and hurt others. It’s needlessly harsh to judge people making “normal” (i.e., common) human mistakes as horrible. We all will need some understanding, tolerance, and compassion at some point when we make our own mistakes. We fear being defined by our mistakes.

        If the person isn’t actively cruel (like an abuser, a rapist, a white supremacist, etc.), I think it’s important to separate the behavior from the person. People are quick to judge, and judge harshly. It’s good for the soul to just step back from that and really look at things, slow down our thinking, ask what it says about ourselves.

        Also, you tend to do unto others as you do unto yourself. Usually people need to give *themselves* far more compassion and understanding and far less judgment, too. The saying “you’re your own worst critic” is painfully true, and most people need to go a lot easier on themselves. Life is really scary and hard, and we all make mistakes.

  14. Other Renee says:

    He’ll get tired of her quickly and start chasing after more high profile women just to feed his massive ego. Then the current ho will be a laughing stock.

  15. me says:

    How is it that the under-side /interior of her lips is plump? I don’t get this look. She has two lumps sitting on each side of her top lip.

    • Elisa says:

      Maybe it’s an implant? IMO it looks gross… I don’t get women like her who find this attractive.

    • Sarah says:

      The lips freak me out. It is like they go inside her mouth. The way she smiles reminds me of bugs bunny.

    • ladytron2000 says:

      Overfilled to the extreme. In other shots of her, you can see it’s even worse!

  16. Kells-bells says:


  17. Amelie says:

    Well after the divorce settlement happens (which could take years), not sure he really will be the richest man in the world but I doubt Lauren really cares. She bagged herself a billionaire! And I dunno if I see these two lasting. We don’t really know Bezos’s taste in women though it does seem both Mackenzie and Lauren seem like smart, talented women. I wouldn’t be surprised if it all fell apart in less than 2 years. Anyways best of luck to my former overlord haha (I used to work for the big A).

  18. Mee says:

    Lmao she needs to write a book called “how to use your snatch to social climb”. It’s not hard to make men like this fall for you. Just tell ‘me how great they are all day.
    Anyway, this will end quickly and disastrously gloriously

  19. Dttimes2 says:

    C’mon you guys this true love – really just like Cinderella and her prince. Im sure she would love him just as much as if he were poor 😏

    Yah not so much eh….better get her a less hot bodyguard there Jeffie- rumour shes hitting it on the side

  20. Meg says:

    honestly if they do appear at the Oscars for a couple roll out that will be in poor taste-the focus should be on highlighting the work done by that industry-the art. but these people don’t seem to be beneath that. And again, look at the cannes film festival-that is all corporate now and people without films even in the festival get more attention than the actual art.

  21. Nacho_friend says:

    Looks Like she had the same lip injections as Nicole Kidman. Or they used the same surgeon. She is still wonk eyed though heh heh

  22. Reece says:

    I don’t understand how a local news woman was a neighbor of the Bezos’s. Not even one of the national channel local “newsies”. She is lo-cal. lol Or am I years behind?

  23. Barbara Owens-DeWitt says:

    Reece, the husband is a Hollywood agent-a mere millionaire. Sanchez clearly was looking for a bald, bug eyed billionaire who without his $ couldn’t get laid in a whorehouse with a fistful of $50’s. They are both just gross.

  24. intheknow says:

    Her Joker smile freaks me right out. Can you imagine that face and those lips leaning in to kiss you?


    • Lindy says:

      That’s what it is–the Joker!! Oh my gosh, I’ve been trying to figure out who she reminds me of and you’re exactly right. I can’t unsee it now!

      And I just kind of find this whole thing sordid and sad and stupid. Sanchez and Bezos are both so terrible.