As I’ve said before, one of the reasons why I don’t get *really* mad about the nepotism-careers of Bella and Gigi Hadid is because I actually, genuinely like both of their looks. We could argue that Gigi sucks as a runway model (it’s true tho), but she’s a great print model, and Bella is good at runway and print modeling. Bella has a darker, witchy vibe and Gigi is sunny and “wholesome” looking. But, as I’ve also said, parts of their looks are somewhat manufactured, especially in Bella’s case. I honestly don’t know if Gigi has had work done, or if she’s Botoxing or whatever. But Bella has definitely had some work done, in my opinion. A nose job, likely some lip enhancements, and possibly some fillers and such. According to their mom Yolanda Hadid though, both of her daughters are completely natural. O RLY?
Bella and Gigi Hadid’s mom, Yolanda, is addressing speculation that her model children have used Botox and fillers. The Hadid matriarch posted a photo of herself in sheer lingerie to Instagram earlier this month, writing, “Living in a body free of breast implants, fillers, botox, extensions, and all the bulls–t I thought I needed in order to keep up with what society conditioned me to believe what a sexy woman should look like until the toxicity of it all almost killed me.”
The post racked up hundreds of thousands of likes, but others questioned her certitude. One commenter in particular wrote, “I agree with you but what about your daughter? Especially Bella? She is beautiful but must use fillers?!” the fan wrote. “And she is in the [modeling] business so how do you rationalize that?”
Hadid, who has documented her long battle with Lyme disease in a book and on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, came back to the platform to clear the air on her children.
“None of my children have never done fillers or Botox or put anything foreign in their bodies,” she wrote back. “They know better after seeing what I went through.”
To be fair, a nose job for Bella wouldn’t have “put anything foreign” into her body. So that speculation can run rampant. I still believe Bella is getting lip plumpers too, but other than that… I don’t know. Am I wrong for buying the idea that Gigi isn’t getting ‘toxed? I think she is pretty natural. I even believe that both young women have natural racks too. Ah, to be in one’s early 20s again and have naturally perky boobs.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid and WENN.
I can’t see how either of them are models. Neither of them are beautiful and you would walk past both of them in the street.
Agreed. I too find them ordinary. Not knocking their looks, but they only whelm me (not overwhelm).
I do think they’re quite beautiful, Gigi in particular is a very pretty girl. But I realised when I saw a picture of her standing with another model- it was Irina Shayk, I’m 99% sure- that there wasn’t that… it factor. Like, obviously Irina is seriously stunning, but it wasn’t just that. Gigi just seemed to sort of… fade into the background next to her. Fade probably isn’t the exact word I want, but it’s the closest I can get, sorry, and hopefully you know what I mean! There was something so striking about Irina, and as pretty as Gigi was and is, there was nothing striking or arresting about her, nothing that compelled the eye to her.
Not being mean, honestly. You can find loads of much more beautiful women in major cities on the streets.
@Louise I get your sentiment but that’s just not true. These are beautiful girls. This level of nitpicking is insane.
@SK I agree with you. Regardless if their good looks came after a bank transfer to a surgeon rather than naturally, they’re good looking. No doubt there are equally cute and cuter women elsewhere, but these two are not plain at all.
I agree with @xdanix. They’re both beautiful. But in a “She’s the most beautiful girl in this town” kind of way. Not a MODEL-Y kind of way. The models I’ve seen in real life are almost like aliens. So tall, lean and striking that they don’t look like regular people. At least that’s my experience.
they are both very beautiful. and the mom is lying about bella.
Uhh what?
Beauty is subjective, I guess, but both of these women are attractive by nearly every standard I can imagine.
I think they’re quite pretty, but perhaps don’t have that “high fashion” look, which tends to be a bit more exotic/unique. I still see them as beautiful girls, though.
I don’t think there are many models who would stand out in the street, without their hair and make-up done if you didn’t know who they were. That’s true of celebrities in general. They’re both naturally very pretty girls and certainly don’t need any work yet. It’s easy to be in your 20’s and talking about how you’ll never do botox or fillers. Try asking that question again in 10 or 15 years time, once things start changing and moving south.
They’re both beautiful, though not necessarily uniquely so. The best example is Bella, who seriously resembles Carla Bruni at the height of her career, so again beautiful but not unique. I think that’s the problem for most people. Had they come up the normal ways within modeling no one would push back against their looks and success. The issue is that nepotism and social media saw them bypass all the normal routes to stardom and it will always be a chink within their armor of success.
They are beautiful, but the problem is they both look mean as snakes — so not very attractive in a human sense.
Im in the minority but I find Bella gorgeous. Extraordinary. I love looking at her.
Um, does she know the “before” pictures of Bella are online to see? She did NOT just grow into that face, she had work done. (It was pretty great work, in my opinion, MUCH better than 90% of the surgery you see celebs get. But I’d bet my arm that that isn’t her natural face.)
Absolutely. It’s very good work that fits the proportions of her face, but it’s work nonetheless. Give your surgeon a little credit, Bella.
Gigi I’m on the fence about; I wouldn’t be surprised if she had some minor tweaks like Botox to lift the brows, but she’s always been very pretty. Nothing structural has changed there.
Yeah, I agree with you about both. (I’d actually LOVE to know the name of Bella’s surgeon, ha! Not that I’m about to run off and get my face changed, and nor would I have the bucket of money I’m sure it cost to do it even if it was on the agenda. But it’s nice to know there’s at least one surgeon out there that can actually do great work rather than the horror shows you so often see people left with, so it’d be nice to know who it was!)
As for Gigi… agreed, nothing too major has changed about her face. I’m actually more on the fence about her… er, rack area, to quote Kaiser 😀 Usually when you lose as dramatic amount of weight as she did that one area doesn’t get to stay the same. But hey, maybe she got lucky! She certainly seems to have been pretty genetically blessed otherwise!
I don’t think Bella’s nose job is very good at all. It’s distracting and looks (to my eyes) like the bridge is collapsing. She’s still very beautiful, but the surgery just seems a but extreme.
Apparently it’s Raj Kanodia – if you look at examples of his work online he seems to have a signature “look”. He also did the used-to-be socialite fashionistas and now socialite DJ twins SimiHaze’s surgery too (although I loved how they looked before).
I think most of her work is great, but Bella’s nose was, at one point, over shortened and the bridge had pretty much disappeared/been over thinned. I think she had a repair to it since because it looks very slightly less thin/pinched now. Unless it’s repaired with filler, but we all know what Yolanda would say about that…
Thanks @s, must have a google!
@xdanix Here’s a couple from his instagram to get you going – Bella clone!
SimiHaze before and afters:
The girls altogether:,0,100,430px
Oh WOW, I totally see what you mean by “signature look”! Thank you so much for going to the trouble of linking me- so interesting to see how similar they are! I wonder does he ever go outside of that? Because I really do think Bella’s work is great work, but if he can only give someone one face, that’s… a little weird, ya know?!
It’s like doping, in my opinion.
bella hadid, julia roberts and halle berry have the best plastic surgery in the biz. i’d bet my ass it is the same guy.
Bella has had VERY extensive work done, Gigi has had some but not to the extent her sister has had. Bella has had nearly as much done as Kylie Jenner has. Come off it, Yolanda, you sound like Christie Brinkley talking about Alexa.
Yeah, I actually believe that Gigi hasn’t really done anything to her face but Bella’s face is so wildly different that it’s hilarious that her mom even said this.
Of course, Khloe, Kylie, and Kim claim they don’t do anything other than fillers and have never had any implants or nose jobs. It’s like they all forget that there’s a million pictures of them that you can compare.
Even from when she first started to get attention in what, 2016? her face has changed drastically and it wasn’t her nose or top lip that changed. She definitely had something done to her cheeks and jaw.
Bella is a rare example of a face made more interesting by plastic surgery. She’s starting to morph again into something increasingly generic, though, so she needs to stop while she’s ahead.
Gigi has always been pretty, IMO. She has a gorgeous eye shape that really stands out in photos. Her facial change has mainly been a result of weight loss, but she’s very obviously had her nose done at some point if you look at pictures of her younger. She also did something around her lower eye to get rid of the “puffy” look on the undereye area. (That I’d love to talk to her surgeon about it, lol.) I go back and forth on whether I think she had her breasts done.
Why would Gigi get fillers, her face is sort of bloated as it is. And aren’t fillers for older people anyway??!
Lol Bella changed her face completely but I guess cutting of the nose is the reason, not Botox. And her new face is really beautiful and “modelly” , hands down .
Fillers can rectify facial assymetry, they’re also used for semi permanent contouring – in the right place they can give the illusion of cheekbones and bone structure.
It’s not just for replumping aging faces.
Uh-huh. 🙄
knowing better doesn’t stop you from doing stupid sh(t. Some of these models could have been made in a factory. Remember the glory days when models were super? Kate, Naomi, Cindy, Christie, Elle, Claudia… ah.
Now, sadly, even those beautiful women succumbed under the knife and look plastic and frozen, permanently “chipmunked cheeked, and squinty eyed from being over-filled, shiny from all the botox.
WHY do we let men get away with dictating what is acceptable for US as WE age??? It is VERY rare to see a man butcher himself like this. Or put plastic pecs in his chest, only to have them rupture and cause autoimmune problems.
What if women, ALL OVER THE WORLD, JUST SAID “NO MORE!”…. sigh… its a dream of mine. Enough with men, old, fat, ugly, wrinkly ones at that, telling us that WE have to remain slim, unlined, and lovely. At least they do here in America.
Bella Hadid’s entirw face was designed by surgeons. The Before and After photos don’t lie. Yolanda is doing her daughter dirty by saying such nonsense.
I don’t find Bella beautiful due to her surgeries, her face looks plastic and unnatural looking. Gigi, on the other hand, I find beautiful but not enough to be deemed a supermodel.
Exactly what I came here to say. Bella Hadid is just like Kylie Jenner in that her before and after photos look like entirely different people. Like barely (if at all) resemble each other. Basically, money bought beauty (if you want to call it that). Come ON!!! Their mom is an idiot. Maybe no botox or fillers (yet) but a face that has been basically created in an office and made under the knife.
I find Bella disturbing because I know it’s not her face. It’s freaky.
Yeah, right…
To be fair, Bella had very full lips as a child – there are loads of photos. When she smiles now her lips go thinner like the pics from her teenage years. I think she gets a bit of filler in her upper lip occasionally, but not much and not nearly as much as a lot of other models (Em Rata, Elsa Hosk, etc etc etc). She obviously had a significant nose job; but I honestly have no idea if she’s had other work because her face matured and she lost a lot of weight so it’s hard to say for certain. She and Gigi both lost a lot of weight and improved their styling astronomically (brows, hair, makeup, etc.) and that can make a huge difference. I don’t blame Bella for getting a nose job – I think she was unfavourably compared to her sister all of her life. And we as a society have a gross racialised obsession with small Caucasian noses. When I lived in Jordan all of the wealthy women had nose jobs and razor sharp noses – I find it sad. I think bigger, stronger noses are beautiful and interesting too. So I actually really dislike this tearing down of Bella over her nose job. I think that nose job was a result of a cultural preference for small noses which is racially exclusionary and quite ridiculous.
No one is tearing down Bella over her (multiple) nose jobs. People are making a big deal about her and her mom saying they’ve never done anything to her face when we clearly see the before and after pictures. Why lie about it? If you don’t want to talk about it, then don’t, but don’t lie. She has millions of young fans who believe her and will have a slanted, distorted view of what beauty look like, when both her and her sister have gotten help.
I’m sorry, but that is blatantly untrue. Every single article about Bella on this site has dozens of comments about her nose job that absolutely rip into her.
“I think that nose job was a result of a cultural preference for small noses which is racially exclusionary and quite ridiculous.” – which she is selling right now as a fashion model. She is basically a walking, talking billboard for the racially exclusionary and quite ridiculous small noses. She is promoting the very thing as she is all over social media and the fashion industry as a recognised beauty.
Okay, so here we have a very young woman who was derided as ugly all her life while her small-nosed sister was celebrated as beautiful – a child model. She gets a nose job and suddenly she’s material for a model too and is praised for her beauty. I do not blame her for that. That is the fault of society as a whole and our twisted beauty ideals. Blaming her for having low self esteem and bowing to beauty ideals and norms in order to be accepted on a level with her sister is ridiculous.
I agree. Weight loss and makeup can make a huge difference. The only thing that pops out to me as obvious is her nose, and that doesn’t count as “putting something foreign in your body so no lies as far as I can see. They are young so they have that advantage. Plus money to take care of their skin and hire the best to make them look amazing. There are makeup artist that can make themselves look like a different person so I’m inclined to believe them.
Well, Yolanda knows how to generate press.
I literally have zero time for whatever Yolanda is peddling now. This is a woman who told her teenage daughter not to eat cake in order to mind her weight. This is a woman who on the one hand is telling us your body is beautiful as it is, while show casing it in skimpy lingerie. I don’t have a problem with women wearing whatever the f they want – but her words and actions don’t (and have never) added up.
Now she wants us to believe her daughters (esp Bella) came by their looks naturally? Ok.
I don’t understand why Yolanda even wrote this – we all have eyes. Bella’s face is totally different and not in a “lost puppy fat” kind of way. I don’t know why celebrities don’t just cop to plastics and injectables. We know they use them!
I don’t know either, other than they know it will bring attention.
Come off it, Yolanda.
Just Wow ~
She looked like the (very striking) Bosnian actress Amila Terzimehic before.
She could have modeled with her real face and been an interesting model, a bit like Erin O’Connor. It’s not like she was ugly.
And with dad’s money she could have skipped the whole modeling thing and started her own fashion line or something, if she so loves fashion. I just don’t get it – must you be a model?
Naw, they didn’t use botox or fillers-they just did plastic surgery.
Did Yolanda have the implants removed due to “breast implant illness”? I’m hearing a lot about that lately and it’s pretty scary.
I think so. My friend had that and it left her pretty ill. She removed them and she feels much better. There’s also a specific cancer that is implant related: breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma
The thing people don’t often know about nose jobs like the one Bella received is that it can change your upper lip when you have fuller lips to begin with. That’s what happened to Bella. She doesn’t fill them she overlines a lot with makeup but the distinct slightly bigger than lower upper lip isometimes comes from surgery on nose.
I say this bc I had the same thing happen when I had a septorhinoplasty. And I actually get mistaken for Bella all the time weirdly.
She also has subtle filler, too.
Gigi’s shoot for Stewart Weisman was the first time I ‘got it’ as far as her modeling goes.
Absolutely stunning.
Bella ordered a Carla Bruni last year. It’s incredible how these celebs test our eyes and intelligence when they deny clear surgery and fillers.
Its beyond me how the Fashion world lost the plot with hiring these celebrity offsprings.
I think they are both beautiful and I also think Bella has had good work. Gigi…I think she has refined her face and has had lesser work than Bella. Round faces don’t get good angles (in modelling). Good work.
This is complete horse shit. They us botox GMAFB.
Even if they do use filler and botox….who cares. They make their money from looks, so they do what they have to do to make a living.
This is super random, especially because being attractive isn’t a skill, but I’ve always felt natural looks should be a requirement for models. Like somehow these girls with extensive plastic surgery are cheating those naturally beautiful ones. Idk.
I do too. Doping.
Girl, please. We literally watched their faces transform over the last few years. Fillers and Botox I can buy avoiding because of their age, but they have clearly gone under the knife repeatedly.
I think GIgi is very cute. Bella, I can’t unsee her nose jobs.
I’m so sick of people shaming Botox. I get a little sprinkle here and there and I’m tired of feeling guilty about it. My doctor is really conservative in how much she administers. It smooths out my forehead lines and makes me feel better about my self as I approach 40. Feminism is about choice, but people seem uncomfortable with women having a choice in how they age. I live in Dallas, so I see the occasional bad Botox job — and I get why that looks ridiculous — but I have no problem with the Hadids getting a little touch up here and there. Fin.
I don’t think there’s any shame in these procedures. I don’t see anyone here shaming their natural faces or features like nose. I think they dislike that celebs like to claim they don’t do such procedures. We get it, they need to look good. But don’t need to claim it’s all natural. I think these procedures are fantastic actually (when done well and in moderation). You do you Kristen, it’s your money and your doctor is good, don’t bother about the negativity.
The only person who is shaming Botox here is Yolanda Hadid
I was talking about Yolanda and society’s attitudes toward aging, in general. Not anyone here.
It’s because women are supposed to be effortlessly beautiful, that’s why. We’re not allowed to age, much less age comfortably, because that removes the lustre of us existing as sexual objects. We’re just supposed to stand around looking pretty, not talk about the hours of exercise, restricted eating, plastic surgery, airbrushing, facial products, or makeup that goes into looking the part of a model.
Feminism is not about choice. It’s about the liberation of women from patriarchy. You are of course free to do whatever you like with your body and whether you feel guilty about it or not is also up to you. But it has absolute nothing to do with feminism.
Bella showed a Carla Bruni picture to her surgeon, that’s how she got her face. She looks exactly like her. Stop lying girl oh my god.
I don’t see why people always want to brag about not getting any fillers/botox/plastic surgery. like you deserve some award for not doing it. to each their own. i totally get the desire to do it (as a woman in my 30s and seeing signs of aging start to appear), but also get the desire to let things remain natural!
to each their own!
I do not know it care if either Gigi or Bella have had work done. They say they haven’t and that is good enough for me. I do care that they are both really hard working, professional and very kind people who do a ton of charity work. Gigi does a lot of work with UNICEF in particular. I think the world is better with these two women in it.
She sounds delusional, sorry. Bella obviously had extensive plastic surgery and there are tons of before-after pictures online.
Gigi looks quite natural, I found her better-looking before the weight-loss, though.
“None of my children have never done fillers”
The Freudian double-negative slip that tells the true. Bella is a plastic surgery work of art and I mean that as a compliment.
This is hilarious! Good catch. So Yolanda isn’t lying. All of her children always use fillers.
I actually think Gigi might be all–natural. She has lost an enormous amount of weight since she was younger, but the thinning of her face is the only change I can see in her features.
Bella’s nose job is just awful and distracting. I actually think it’s one of the worst celebrity nose jobs I have ever seen. The top photo changes her entire face because of the way her eyebrows are drawn, giving the appearance that her whole face has been pulled in a face-lift. That said, I am not sure she isn’t full of fillers. Her lips and cheeks look very injected.
On theskincareedit you can find Before and After analysis of both sisters and Bella definitely had some work done. Gigi is either natural (just thinner face due to weight loss) or her work was very subtle
There’s also the notable distinction between botox/fillers (which is not needed in one’s early 20’s) and plastic surgery. It’s notable that she didn’t mention, specifically, plastic surgery, I think.
Bella is stunning. She has definitely gone under the knife for a few things, but she had a great surgeon. Gigi is cute & sometimes very pretty too.
Neither of them has any movements on the forehead and they don’t have much mime either. And somebody is seriously trying to tell us there was no Bo-to involved?
And there were fillers AND surgery. Their lips are far too defined and too pneumatic/plump.
It’s obvious that Bella’s face has had extensive plastic surgery. Why is she lying?
It’s disturbing that people think either of them have had no Botox, it suggests we have completely forgotten what faces actually look like and how they move. They both get ‘toxed on the regular, it’s as plain as day.