Olivia Jade Giannulli was partying this week when her parents were indicted

So far, Olivia Jade Giannulli has not been charged in connection with any of her parents’ many crimes. Personally, I think a legal/criminal case could be made that Olivia Jade was some kind of accessory to fraud, or a co-conspirator, or that she committed fraud herself. Sources close to her have already incriminated her in their rush to throw Lori Loughlin and Mossimo under the bus – “sources” claimed Olivia Jade “wouldn’t have gone along with it if she thought this would happen.” She had knowledge of the crimes, obviously. But, as I said, Olivia hasn’t been charged with anything. So while Olivia’s parents make boneheaded legal decisions which will have them facing 20 years in federal prison, Olivia has been living with her boyfriend and partying.

Out of hiding! Olivia Jade Giannulli reemerged in the public eye over the weekend, a source exclusively reveals to Us Weekly. The social media star, 19, partied with friends in Los Angeles just days before her parents, Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli, rejected a plea deal for their alleged involvement in the nationwide college admissions scandal, dubbed Operation Varsity Blues.

Olivia and her friends “were drinking, laughing and stayed out late,” the insider tells Us of the YouTuber, who has been staying at her boyfriend Jackson Guthy’s Malibu pad while her parents’ legal battle unravels.

A second source previously told Us that the beauty guru is not on speaking terms with Loughlin, 54, or Giannulli, 55, and she “is still very upset” at them. The pair were arrested in March for allegedly paying $500,00 to secure Olivia and her older sister, Bella, 20, admission into the University of Southern California as designated crew team recruits’ although neither girl has experience playing the sport.

[From Us Weekly]

While Lori Loughlin is trying to paint herself as a perfectly churchy and religious mother, her daughter – the recipient of Lori’s fraud – is out there, living with her boyfriend and drinking and partying. This family, my lord. Maybe Olivia Jade thinks that after her parents go to jail, she’ll be able to rebuild her brand:

Olivia Jade is planning a comeback. The 19-year-old influencer, who is the daughter of fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli and “Full House” actress Lori Loughlin — both of whom are charged in the nation’s largest college admissions scandal to date — has resubmitted her trademark application for a beauty line after it was rejected last month due to vague language and improper punctuation.

According to the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, the influencer resubmitted her trademark application on April 1 for “Olivia Jade” and “Olivia Jade Beauty,” which was approved by the USPTO the following day.

The amended trademark applications were updated with commas to separate each product listed and with clarifications to certain descriptions, including “makeup kits,” which are now listed as “comprised of skin moisturizer, primer, facial concealer, foundation, makeup powder, makeup pencils and eye makeup” among other products.

[From WWD]

I still believe that Olivia Jade has the opportunity to turn scandal and crime into a real Kardashian-esque career path, but considering how little she’s done so far, I don’t think she’s really seizing the opportunity. Wait until her folks go to jail and their assets are seized and Olivia Jade actually has to face some financial consequences.

Photos courtesy of Instagram.

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48 Responses to “Olivia Jade Giannulli was partying this week when her parents were indicted”

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  1. Enn says:

    I know far too many spoiled rich brats like her. Girlfriend needs a reality check.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      seriously…I can’t imagine having been given SO MUCH from my parents and being such an entitled, spoiled, privileged little b*tch that I’d be “not speaking” to them because they’re facing federal charges for what they did FOR ME.

      they’re the kind of parents who are SO DESPERATE for their kids to “like” them that they put up with this kind of behavior and continue to spoil the kid and give them whatever they want, even (or ESPECIALLY) when the kid is acting like a brat.

    • Megan says:

      Her parents didn’t do it for her, they did it for themselves. Olivia and her sister wanted to go to ASU and that didn’t give their parents the bragging rights they wanted so they convinced their underage children to break the law. I am sure Lori and Mossimo told them it was legal, everyone does it, etc. Olivia can be a spoiled brat but also be angry that her parents’ actions left her publicly humiliated and destroyed her sponcon career.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        eh, she only had a sponcon career because of her parents and who THEY are.

        not to mention EVERYTHING ELSE she has, all the wealth and privilege and connections…it was all due to her parents.

        so, forgive me if I don’t feel bad for her or if I think she’s treating her parents like an entitled little b*tch. and if she’s out partying, I doubt she’s very humiliated. a humiliated person would lay low or go somewhere where the paps don’t report on your every move.

  2. Snazzy says:

    Like mother like daughter
    Also, the bronzer she is wearing in that first photo is horrid

    • maisie says:

      Exactly. She learned her “values” and “morality” from dear old mom. I also find it interesting that a 19-year-old is running around drinking in LA clubs & restaurants – those places must not care about losing their liquor licenses. When I worked in restaurants with full bars, we lived in fear of undercover CA agents just looking for “laxity” in whom bars chose to serve.

  3. Karen2 says:

    Actually the whole family is currently more entertaining than the whole KKlan. Imagine if (like OJ) the mom gets off. Imagine!!!

    But I see the dad has been almost invisible. He understands.

  4. Catwoman says:

    She looks vapid AF.

    • BchyYogi says:

      Seems to prove children reflect their parents most intrinsic values & in this case it’s apparently cold heartless capitalism over empathy & loyalty.

  5. Christin says:

    She’s just seeing impact to dollar signs.

    Will one of her makeup kits be called “Candle Face”? Because her face looks like shiny wax in that first photo.

    • Amy Tennant says:


      There’s no way she can claim to be ignorant of the scheme after she posed for the crew pictures and said “there’s no way she would have gone along with it if.” I want her to face some sort of consequence. And not just kicked out of the school she didn’t want to go to anyway. Just like her mom, she is completely without regret or shame. Although it’s clear it wasn’t her idea at least.

    • Kitten says:

      I will never understand how some young women think that this much makeup look good. What a waste of a young, fresh face–to cover it in all that gunk SMDH.

      • ChillyWilly says:

        I know! Their skin will never look better than it does at this age and they are all covering it with 10 lbs of makeup. They all look like porn stars.

      • Amy Tennant says:

        Without all the makeup and filters, the truth would show that she is just a pretty girl. And there is a girl just as pretty on the cheerleading squad and homecoming court at every high school in the nation.

      • Megan says:

        @Kitten THIS! Three inches of make up is taking away one of her best beauty assets.

      • T1000 says:

        Seriously! In that top picture she looks like a machine or something. And that highlighter is especially out of control!

    • Christin says:

      @Amy – I hope she has a reckoning as well, since she has apparently avoided “real life” problems. Her mother seems almost as clueless, which is interesting for a woman in her mid-50s. Rich or poor, life has usually dealt most people a few humbling blows by age 50.

      @Kitten – I completely agree. Her skin looks clear. It probably won’t stay that way if she keeps using that much stuff.

  6. Lila says:

    Their family seems sorta shitty.

  7. Dee says:

    Is it just me, or does she always look kind of dirty? Like greasy and grimey? Even her coat in that insane bottom picture (ahhh, CFCs!) looks stained and dirty. Can’t imagine her as an “influencer”. As much as I hate the Kardashians, at least they are attractive.

    • WineGrrl says:

      She’s not even spraying that on her hair… which looks like she was “dragged through a bush backwards,” (as my grandmother used to say).

      • Zwella Ingrid says:

        lol on dragged through the bush backwards @WineGrrl!! That is my new favorite saying!

      • Redgrl says:

        @winegrrl – ah, my British grandmother used
        to say that (dragged through a bush backwards) My mum still does!

  8. Gurl says:

    I thought Sephora and Tresseme dropped her? What’s going on?

  9. me says:

    I think this girl is used to having people tell her what to do. On her own she is probably lost. Just like Kim and her sisters would have been lost without Kris Jenner.

  10. Lady Luna says:

    How shallow and ungrateful is this little girl! Imagine going to jail for someone who’s ready to throw you under the bus? But then again, they raised her, smh.

    • Lory says:

      Exactly, they raised her and she is their punishment. Some people say they only did what they did because they love her but if they had really loved her in an honest way they would have raised her to work for something worthwhile. Instead they raised a kid who went along with a scheme because she didn’t even want to fill out her own admissions form only to throw them under the bus when it went south. Partying while there is a real chance your parents are going to jail is as cold as it is the result of their pandering.

    • Some chick says:

      They should have thought of that before they nixed ASU.

      ASU is a perfectly good school, which would have accepted her for reals.

      No sympathy from me. I can even understand her being mad at them over it. She should not have gone along. But she is 19. They are supposed to be the adults.

  11. Kitten says:

    Breaking News: Terrible Family Does More Terrible Things.

  12. lucy2 says:

    Lousy parents produced a lousy kid. Shocker.

  13. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    And the silly 19yo acts like a silly 19yo.

  14. Jen says:

    Every time I see her, I want to smack the smug off her face.

  15. kim says:

    I can’t hate on stupid when it’s Oliviarious LMAO!! She isn’t that bright and I just see her in 5 years dating older men because she has no money, education or hussle.

    • Original T.C. says:

      In some way maybe her parents saw that she lacked the skills or intelligence to make it on her own in life and wanted her connections and degree from USC to open doors. I can just see her selling every part of herself to the highest bidder if her parents are in prison and she has no access to their assets. Or as you said finding an older guy (young guys have too many options of girls their age). Plus she’s going to lose any “friends” from her social circle when she can’t afford their lifestyle anymore.

  16. Sassy says:

    She is mad at her parents for ruining her “brand” and her influencer business, but not upset that they are facing prison for their misguided attempt to elevate her? She is selfish, spoi led, vapid, self involved, and narcissistic. They raised her terribly! All that money and they churned out veruca salt.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      this. EVERYTHING she has is because of them. she should be a little bit more concerned (even if she just pretends to be) about their fate. she sounds like an ungrateful little witch. that’s what happens when you spoil your kids, and CONTINUE to spoil them even when they behave poorly. as I said earlier, these are parents that want their kids to “like” them, at any cost, even the cost of raising a self-sufficient, non self-absorbed, thoughtful child.

      yeah, your kids like you (for what you can give or do for them) but they wind up being a terrible person.

    • Some chick says:

      Ahahahahaha, Veruca Salt! Totally!!!

  17. Sassy says:

    She’s even wearing a coat that looks like the one veruca wore to the chocolate factory!! “I’ve got 3 others at home!”

  18. JRenee says:

    I understand that she was raised by her parents who did commit crimes, however there are young adults like her who are vapid, narcissistic, media hungry who were raised by law abiding, principled parents. A lot of folks are into image over substance and that doesn’t always fall at a parent’s feet.
    I wouldn’t buy any of her products ever.
    She is behaving horribly.

  19. Lynnie says:

    She can fully rebrand and bounce back if she wants to. The American public has shown time and time again that they love a good sob/redemption story, and giving 2nd chances. As long as she plays her cards right I can fully see her sponcon career being rebuilt.

    Before I knew who she was I was interested in buying her highlighting palette cuz it looked like it would be amazing on dark skin tones (which is interesting since she’s light). I hope Sephora re-releases it under their collection.

  20. Diane says:

    How is this princess going to like it when mom and dad go to prison and the money dries up?

  21. T says:

    Why have there been no charges of fraud brought against the daughters? They KNEW they were being represented falsely as crew team members. I am not saying every child knew of the illegal activity of the parents, but these 2 did. Because they are young, white and beautiful, they get to run around free and pampered? Disgusting.

    • Sojaschnitzel says:

      well first of all I wouldn’t call her beautiful. She looks like an alien with all that makeup. Secondly, the answer is in your own statement: because they are young. I don’t know how old they were when the paperwork and fake photos went down, but they were children.

  22. ikki says:

    hope she fails – utterly. this family is so resistant to learning from this whole debacle. well life goes in spirals.. so if they didn’t get it this time, they’ll surely go through something similar and much worse than this.