Donald Trump wanted to detonate nuclear bombs inside of hurricanes

G7 leaders and guests pose for family photo at G7 summit in Biarritz

Donald and Melania Trump arrived at the G7 summit in Biarritz, France on Friday. It feels like Emmanuel Macron has been hosting a lot of world-leadership gatherings, right? Maybe I’m hallucinating that, but it really does feel like half of all of the summits and conferences these days are in France. Anyway, Macron was the host this year and the Trumps came and it was a disaster. I’ve honestly been avoiding the headlines because, truly, how many “Idiot Abroad” stories am I supposed to write? Trust me when I say Donald Trump brings great shame on America.

Every year at the G7/G8 summits, they do a big “class photo,” one for the leaders and one for the leaders and their spouses. It’s supposed to be a light, fun thing. Trump looked like he was sexually assaulting all the women though. Angela Merkel looked appalled that Trump went in for a cheek-kiss. Brigitte Macron had to kiss that bloated orange face. *blech*

In the midst of all the terrible headlines from the G7, most of them involving Trump’s “trade war” with China, the actual worst headline didn’t have anything to do with the summit. Apparently, Donald Trump is truly so stupid that he sat there in White House meetings and briefings and suggested that the military should just detonate nuclear weapons INSIDE OF HURRICANES. To get hurricanes off their path of destruction, and to create a nuclear holocaust inside of a hurricane which is barreling towards land. MY GOD.

As for Melania – or Fauxlania, who knows which one showed up to the summit – she wore some clothes and they were expensive. Tom & Lorenzo refuse to cover Melania’s fashion (they called her Eva Braun once) but I don’t mind posting some fashion photos and just phoning the rest in. The cream dress is Gucci, the yellow dress is Calvin Klein. It costs a lot of money to look this cheap and dated.

G7 leaders and guests pose for family photo at G7 summit in Biarritz

G7 leaders and guests pose for family photo at G7 summit in Biarritz

Donald Trump and Melania Trump arrive at Biarritz airport to attend the G7 summit

French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife, First Lady Brigitte Macron at the reception for the G7 summit in Biarritz

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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73 Responses to “Donald Trump wanted to detonate nuclear bombs inside of hurricanes”

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  1. 10KTurtle says:

    Melania’s kidneys must be hurting in that last pic because it looks like she’s having trouble standing up straight.

  2. RoyalBlue says:

    Not today Satan. Not today.

  3. Anna says:

    Sure, why not? And while we at it let throw one in a tornado or perhaps during a thunder storm.

  4. Tiffany says:

    ARMS !!! ARMS !!!! She is exposing her arms !!!

    • Mel M says:

      Right??? Also just saw that he skipped the climate summit due to “scheduling conflicts”. GIVE ME A FREAKIN BREAK!!! I can’t take this on a Monday morning.

      • Swack says:

        Those scheduling conflicts were meetings with Germany and India yet Merkel and Modi showed up to the climate summit.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        I’ve heard three different excuses for him missing that event.

        1) he was meeting with German and India (as noted above); BS, because both of those leaders were at the climate meeting

        2) scheduling conflict (more BS as no major meetings like this are scheduled to overlap)


        3) he missed it because he thought it was later in the day (BS because these things are scheduled WAY in advance and he has handlers to make sure he knows when meetings are AND there are Summit officials who notify each country’s leader/handler when they are to begin.)

        he skipped it, because he doesn’t care about climate change and he knew that he’d look foolish as he doesn’t understand JACK SH*T about the environment and climate (hence, dropping a nuke into a hurricane).

    • Myrtle says:

      That’s what I was thinking! And also, how much classier Brigitte looks.

    • Joanna Jackson says:

      A SLEEVELESS DRESS AND NO BRA?!! I try to go on the DM and post that at least a couple of times. The lack of reaction by white people to the same things they screamed at Obama for, shows me it WAS about his race. I’m so disappointed by my race, I didn’t realize there were so many racist people. Course not, I’m white! What racism do I experience? Slim to none. POC otoh, frequently. I didn’t realize how racist my race is until I started seeing a POC. I grew up in all white areas so I had never witnessed it in action. Seeing my POC husband experience it is hard. So hard.

      • Sojaschnitzel says:

        Same here. I had no idea how racist germany and my family in particular is until I started to date a turkish guy. I hate people.

  5. Darla says:

    Did you see the pics of Melania drooling all over Trudeau? She looked like she had just stuffed her panties in his suit pocket, and was whispering into his ear “teel me how you think they smell”.

    • Esmom says:

      Yes! I just posted a link below. It’s hard to believe it’s even real, but I think it is.

    • StarGreek says:

      That was awful, yuck!

    • Jerusha says:

      I imagine ivanka hates melania even more than ever. Justin didn’t let her closer than a foot to him.

      • Lightpurple says:

        And where is Nagini? This is what she lives for but she has been silent on social media and appears in none of the pictures while Jared has been visible. Did Macron shame her into lying low by releasing that video of Lagarde’s epic eye roll?

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      OMG those shots are amazing, such is the power of The Trudeau that he can make a stepford wife show some real emotion.

      And am with Jerusha, Ivanka is going to be spitting nails at her step mother over these shots.

      • Nic919 says:

        Apparently there is another set of photos where she is greeting Trudeau in Toronto and she shows emotion there too. I believe it was for the Invictus Games opening ceremony.

    • Angela82 says:

      The French first lady had the best expression.

  6. paranormalgirl says:

    Just when you think this man can’t possible be more stupid. He’s truly an overachiever in the world of stupidity.

  7. ccsays says:

    It’s terrifying how much of a hard on Trump has for detonating a nuclear bomb at literally *any* opportunity. How many times do you reckon they’ve had to talk him out of it since 2016?

    • 10KTurtle says:

      Someone said, “We want to take guns away from the mentally ill, but we give this guy the nuclear launch codes??” Wtf

  8. ME says:

    Is kissing each other on the cheek really necessary? Does he kiss the men like that too? Imagine those lips coming at you ! Ughh.

  9. Erinn says:

    I’d love to know what it’s like to be able to say the most idiotic things without anyone around you telling you you’re a complete idiot.

    It must be a real rush to be a less than mediocre white dude.

    • ME says:

      Why is Trump so protected? I just don’t get it. This dude can literally say and do anything and there are zero repercussions. What about all those women who said he harassed them? That just disappeared didn’t it?

    • My3cents says:

      I think it ends around preschool and starts again when you’re in an assisted living facility.

  10. Digital Unicorn says:

    OMG imagine THAT kissy face coming toward you, forget Pennywise KissyFace Trump is the new monster of nightmares. Also Brigitte Macron is almost the same colour as Dump.

  11. Kitten says:

    The dude is effin bonkers SMDH.

    • Tiffany says:

      What more can we say at this point.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      He is clearly incredibly stupid but I have recently realised that his outrageous behaviour is fuelled by absolute terror. He is terrified of not being re-elected, he knows the min he walks out of the White House as a citizen he and his family will be up to his eye balls in indictments for tax fraud, obstruction of justice, etc… The Trump name will be mud and thats what terrifies him the most.

      • Kitten says:

        Yep and this is why we should all be prepared for him to do anythng and everything in his power to remain in office.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        So true, Kitten and Digital Unicorn. He’s terrified, and that makes him more dangerous than he has ever been.

  12. Goldengirlslover34 says:

    I swear this was a plot of one of these dumb scy-fy channel movies? Sharknado? I need to ask my husband because for some reason I remember someone suggesting or even throwing a bomb in the middle of the storm to kill the sharknado?!

  13. Jerusha says:

    donnie may be thinking about bombs, but I know what melania’s thinking about. Watch out for your StepDaughterWife.

  14. agnes says:

    The picture with him an Merkel is priceless.

    He seems to start kissing preparations a kilometer in advance.

  15. Jerusha says:

    Living on the Gulf Coast, I know hurricanes, but I think they’re preferable to a cloud of nuclear dust. Marginally.

  16. Chaine says:

    Honestly I love the yellow dress but it looks like something you’d wear to a beach party at a resort not a meeting of world leaders. The cream dress is terribly matronly, too old for her and does look like a costume from Dynasty.

  17. Ela says:

    Oh, so the hurricanes start in Africa and as they move across the Atlantic, he wants to nuke it. Oh, I think we know exactly where the nuking will take place. As an African, I can’t tell you how infuriating this is and also a bit scary. No one seems willing to put a check on any of his hare brained schemes, so why not this? In the last week, I actually read article on seemingly legitimate sites making the case for buying Greenland. What is going on, America????

    • ME says:

      Yeah he’ll “nuke” a hurricane while accidentally nuking all of the African continent and just tweet “oops my bad”. He’s a moron, a racist, a sexist piece of garbage. I hate how America has no issue with nuclear weapons UNLESS a country they don’t like has them. They want to disarm other countries from having nukes but America is perfectly fine to have them, with a psycho leader at that !

      • Nic919 says:

        I think the implication is that if the nuke took out Puerto Rico he would be okay with that collateral damage. I’m not sure if he is smart enough to have considered that. It’s just idiotic and another sign that the 25th amendment needs to be applied. It’s so disgusting that the GOP have let this crazy man get away with all that he has. That party needs to be destroyed forever. Mitch McConnell is as much of a traitor as dump is as this point. I cannot understand how anyone can support him or the GOP, So when I see polls giving him close to 40% support I am just amazed. Only the rich 1% benefit from all this so that’s how much support there should be.

  18. Busyann says:

    Not to give any credit to this dummy, but there are some scientific theories apparently that look into using nuclear weapons on hurricanes. I didnt know that until a panelist mentioned that on MSNBC over the weekend. I didnt even bother to listen to the whole thing because, sure, that sounds like a great idea, instead of just letting the storm do its thing and die out.

    • Algernon says:

      There has been some research into it, but it always comes to the same conclusion. Whatever could be achieved by doing it, is vastly outweighed by nuclear fallout. It’s a “technically could work, totally not worth it” problem.

    • Jerusha says:

      I’ve experienced many, many hurricanes in my 53 years in Mobile, Camille and Katrina among them. It would be lovely if there were a way to disrupt and dissipate the winds before they gather force, but I doubt a nuclear explosion is the way to do it. Sometimes the cure kills the patient.

  19. Cee says:

    I can’t stand Macron and his problematic wife. So the Macron-Trump photos are really lovely on a Monday morning.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      There are a few b!tchy comments on Twitter saying they should swap wives. I was also reading reports that Brigitte had been at a clinic a few weeks to get some sort of facial cosmetic surgery, I got the impression she was being trolled by the French press as she didn’t look any different to me. Her skin is really bad (the sun damage is very obvious) and it does look like she wears a wig or maybe it just how her hair is styled.

  20. JennyJenny says:

    I swear, when I opened this story, at first glance I thought that the big orange blob was kissing Lena Dunham!

  21. MS says:

    Mother of God! He’s gone completely batshit!!!

  22. Lily says:

    I want to talk about Melania kissing Trudeau trending lol

  23. Sue Denim says:

    I just watched a doc about the Cuban missile crisis, how much rested on the judgment of a few people — Kennedy, Kruschev, but also a relatively low level guy in the Soviet military who held off on launching a nuclear missile despite orders. How narrowly we escaped true nuclear holocaust because of the wisdom and communication skills of a few. This doofus in power, well it is funny how absolutely stupid he is but also terrifying… esp given all of the insane science deniers he surrounds himself with…

  24. Sue Denim says:

    Also — do we really think there is a Fauxlania?

  25. My3cents says:

    Idiot abroad – preschool edition.

  26. Valerie says:

    Eww, his stupid butthole lips.

  27. pitch says:

    Oh Angie, I´m sorry.

  28. Judy says:

    I want to talk about Melania kissing Trudeau trending lol

  29. Judy says:

    how to move the one person with trump

  30. Ruyana says:

    Why does he always pooch his lips into that ugly butthole shape when he goes in for a kiss? That is the ugliest thing to have to look at.

  31. Jen says:

    Meanwhile, he apparently damaged the Queen’s lawn with his helicopters:

    Not quite as much damage as a nuclear bomb would do inside a hurricane, mind you.