Speaker Nancy Pelosi walked out of a meeting during Donald Trump’s meltdown

trump pelosi

Donald Trump posted the above image on his Twitter yesterday with the message “Nervous Nancy’s unhinged meltdown!” As you can see, the photo shows Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi literally standing up to the lunatic president and his henchmen. The backstory on all of this is… well, one of the worst and most remarkable days in politics. Donald Trump has left the Kurds to be slaughtered in Syria. He did this because he’s Putin’s puppet and Turkish president Erdoğan’s puppet. Yesterday, Speaker Pelosi oversaw a vote in the House condemning Trump’s pullout in Syria. The House condemnation passed with broad bipartisan support, 354-60.

Trump also gave an unhinged press conference where he slurred his words and claimed that the Kurds were “no angels.” He also basically repeated talking points from Putin, Assad and Erdogan. In addition to that, he passed out the letter he sent to Erdogan and no one – not the press, not Congressional Republicans, not Democratic leadership – could even believe that it was real. The letter is real. Trump sent it to Erdogan last week. Donald Trump is illiterate and profoundly stupid:

So that’s just some of the stuff that was leading into Trump’s meeting with Congressional leadership yesterday, late afternoon. By most accounts, the meeting started and Trump was already pissing in his pants because of the bipartisan House vote. As Speaker Pelosi was talking, he interrupted her, threw a tantrum and called Pelosi a “third-rate politician.” Pelosi stood up, told him off and walked out. She told reporters outside of the White House that Trump had a “meltdown,” and “we have to pray for his health because this was a very serious meltdown.”

After Pelosi accused Trump of having a meltdown, he got on Twitter and accused Pelosi of having a “meltdown,” because he really is that f–king stupid. YOU’RE THE PUPPET! Remember that? He actually posted that photo as some kind of proof that Speaker Pelosi is NOT a badass.

Trump and Mattarella of Italy Joint Press Conference

Democrats Meet Reporters after Meeting Trump

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Trump’s Twitter.

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132 Responses to “Speaker Nancy Pelosi walked out of a meeting during Donald Trump’s meltdown”

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  1. Sierra says:

    Trump is finished and he knows it, hence his reason for going more mental.

    Even Senate republicans are slowly turning against him.

    He lost so hardcore republican military supporters when he betrayed the allies such as the Kurds.

    As for Nancy, continue to rule those a-holes while wearing those lovely heels.

    • Bella DuPont says:

      I would carefully note down the 60 (presumably all republicans) who did not vote to condemn Trump on this atrocity. I bet they are compromised beyond any hope of repair.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Tusli Gabbard, “Democratic” nominee for president, voted “present”.

      • Jamie says:

        @Tiffany. Gabbard is not the Democratic nominee. No votes have been cast yet.

      • H says:

        Yes who are these 60? It better not be my Senators.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Jamie, yes. I posted before coffee, which is always a risk! She’s a candidate. My apologies.

      • Megan says:

        Gabbard is participating in the primary process. Primary voting determines in the nominee.

      • Dutch says:

        Come on folks let’s read more carefully. Gabbard is a candidate (and polling so low she’s barely that). Also this was a House vote so no Senators were involved.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Dutch and Megan, the correction was made hours ago, but thanks for pointing it out again.

        The main point is that Gabbard is running to be the flag bearer for the Democratic Party, and she doesn’t have the courage to vote for this measure. It should be simple, especially for someone that calls herself a democrat.

    • Lady2Lazy says:

      And that reddish coat she wore after one of his famous Trump Toddler Tantrums! It makes me laugh that Kellayanne Conway stated that Pelosi is intimidated by men! What a laugh!! Kellyanne is delusional but I love that her husband blatantly speaks his mind and tells it like it is in regards to Drump. Maybe Kellyanne was referring to herself 🤣

  2. Joanna says:

    Only one with the courage to stand up to him! Good job Nancy

    • Carol says:

      Right? And she does it so well! The toughest congressperson of the lot.

    • Trashaddict says:

      I am SO IRRITATED that the media keeps giving Trump apologists the last word. Because the last word is often what’s remembered. This BS about things “calming down in the room” after Pelosi left? DId they get any corroboration from the Democrats who supposedly stayed? This woman has more self-control than Donald Has in his bone spurs.

  3. CROWHOOD says:

    I have Never in my life actually felt this way but I genuinely hope he passes away soon. He has lived a long life, it’s time.

    • DaisySharp says:

      Instead, we awake to the news that Elijah Cummings is dead. This devastated me.

      • Erinn says:

        Me too. I’m Canadian, but I’ve been watching so many hearings in the last couple of years. Cummings was an absolute gem of a human and I adored him. I was gutted this morning when a coworker told me he died last night.

      • CariBean says:

        Yes, I was on Twitter and saw he was trending and I thought why him?? He was one of the good ones. ☹️

      • smcollins says:

        As a Marylander the news of Rep. Cummings’ passing really hit me hard. It was such a shock and I still can’t believe it. I’m not really one to wish death upon someone but, DAMN IT, why couldn’t I have woken to the news that it was Trump instead? Like another commenter pointed out, he’s lived a long (albeit trivial & meaningless) life, it wouldn’t be that tragic. In fact, it would be a God send. #sorrynotsorry

        Edited to add: I’m in no way saying his destruction of our country and our place in the world is trivial & meaningless, it means a lot and is bringing huge consequences. I’m speaking more to him as a person and his life pre-POTUS

      • NotSoSocialButterfly says:

        I was left with my mouth agape and tears in my eyes over this news this morning.

      • Traveler says:

        Why are the fates against us?
        We lose a man of honor and integrity but the human detritus that is Drumpf and his minions are all still here to wreak havoc. I certainly hope the pendulum will swing back into balance before it is too late.

      • Carol says:

        Horrible news. Really sad. We need more like him in Congress, not less. Ugh. Cummings represented true American ideals, not Trump.

      • BeanieBean says:

        No! Oh, heck, this is hard to hear.

      • Jaded says:

        Oh no….I’m Canadian but he was a shining light, a beacon in the madness that is the Trump presidency. So sorry my American CBers. This hurts.

      • noway says:

        I sometimes feel the fates are against us too. Another Marylander here, and Elijah Cummings was a great and dedicated statesmen. He was one of the few delegates who lived, slept and still was a dedicated member of the community for the congressional district he represented. Most congressmen move closer to DC during session, but Cummings lived here, and put his office centrally located in Baltimore. He was a good guy, through and through, and even the other side knew this. Yet he dies, but the ones tearing our country apart are still here and in power. I’m not wishing anyone dead, but I’m tired of our good guys gone, while the others are still in power. We lost one of our strongest voices against the craziness.

      • Slacker says:

        I was devastated, he was one of the greats. What a loss to the House. He was a witness on the impeachment inquiry.

      • Trashaddict says:

        Former Washingtonian here. So sorry, Marylanders! You’ve had a great loss. I can only hope someone from his district or Baltimore was inspired by him enough to walk in his footsteps. Don’t give up hope.

    • Sierra says:

      Only good people die young…

    • Fallon says:

      I’m normally very positive and try to maintain a happy mentality, but… I wish this, too. I don’t want him impeached because he’ll never go away and he’ll never shut up. I do actually wish he would just… go. Permanently.

    • heygingersnaps says:

      I’m with you. I wish he were gone and soon, it doesn’t matter how, just that he’d leave earth.
      When that happens, I’ll throw a party!

    • Jerusha says:

      I’m non-religious but I pray for that every day and I want it to be excruciatingly painful.
      Such horrible news about Elijah Cummings. I’m sure trump will say something crass, if he notes it at all.

      • (TheOG)@Jan90067 says:

        A prepared statement was put out, one you *know* the Orange turd didn’t write. And being the stunted, evil 💩 he is, you know he won’t refrain from tweeting about Cummings later on his own.

        Like you, Jerusha, I want it to be excruciating, and I want his suffering equal to that of ALL the people that he’s harmed over his pitifully empty life.

    • StellainNH says:

      I want that bastard and his henchmen to rot in jail. He want them to feel humiliation and sadness. I want them penniless.

      I am so angry at them for what they have done to this country, how they treated our allies, and how they are destroying our environment.

      Burn them to the ground.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        yeah, I’d probably celebrate if he died, but I’d much prefer to see him and his grifter family in jail, and broke.

      • Noodle says:

        Some of his tax records (business, not personal) were released yesterday, and apparently he’s been keeping two different sets of books and it all looks super suspect. It would be ironic if what took him down was tax fraud. I’ll take it any way – just send all of them to jail.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        Noodle, tax fraud is how they got Capone, and most other mobsters.

        I suspect that, if he escapes being removed from office, tax fraud in NY will be how he gets taken down.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Noodle, tax fraud is what got Spiro Agnew removed as Vice President, leading eventually to President Gerald Ford.

      • (TheOG)@Jan90067 says:

        I hope that takes down his crotch-spawns, incl daughter-wife and Kushner. They all belong in orange jumpsuits for the evil hey’ve promoted/participated in.

      • Nana says:

        Agree with all orange jumpsuit related comments here…. the only other thing that would add to the pleasure is seeing their mug shots – profiles and front on.

    • lucy2 says:

      I agree. I just want it to stop.

    • Raina says:

      See and I hope he rots away in jail. You’re nicer.

    • Raina says:

      I’m honestly surprised the bottom of the letter didn’t write circle one for yes, no or maybe. Dumb brick

      • BeanieBean says:

        Click on the letter & it’ll take you to twitter. One of the responses to this embarrassingly insane document was just that–do you like me, check yes or no. And don’t be a bad guy! I’d enjoy this more if it weren’t reality. That letter…. No words. And did y’all notice that at the table, only trump has no paper in front of him, no pen? Nah, he doesn’t need to write notes or refer to anything, being a stable genius & all.

    • Allergy says:

      No, I want him and his kids jailed for years and years and years.

    • Anna says:

      I don’t. I want to see him live long enough to get impeached. No need to give the Republicans a chance to clean up his image after his death.

    • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

      Normally I’d agree, but our little big man needs consequences. If he dies, he needs to do so for a very, VERY long time. I’d rather him be visited by a long line of inmates holding jars of Vaseline. His cell needs locating under leaking sewage from border public restrooms.

    • 2bounce4u says:

      “Only the good die young” – Billie Joel.

    • No Doubt says:

      I don’t wish death on him, but I will definitely not be sad if he did pass away. I just want him out of office, whether it’s impeachment, resignation or being voted out. Don’t care. He needs to go (along with all of his spineless GOP supporters).

  4. mellie says:

    I’m terrified for our Nation right now. He is unhinged.

  5. DaisySharp says:

    I agree with mellie above, I am terrified. But, I still did enjoy just a little bit, this moron tweeting out an INSTANTLY ICONIC photograph, that our grandchildren will know from their history books, in a massive self-owning. It was really something, I’ll tell ya.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      I think it was Dan Rather who said it will become one of the defining images of his presidency. and that we’d probably have never seen it if HE hadn’t released it.

      this one, and the one of Merkel standing over him, are GOLD.

    • Liz version 700 says:

      Agree on all counts!

  6. Becks1 says:

    nancy made that picture her cover photo on Twitter, it definitely did not have the effect Trump was going for, LOL.

    He is becoming more unhinged every day and at this point I’m really nervous for the country.

  7. Lori says:

    She made that picture her Twitter/FB header image. She is such a badass.

  8. A says:

    And she used that photo as her Twitter cover
    Also, this picture sums it up

    • lucy2 says:

      I noticed that too. Those career military guys have to just be beside themselves. I just hope they are willing to break the chain of command if he tries to do something even worse than he’s done.

  9. Mrs. Smith says:

    Just read the letter. Lays head on desk.

    • Millenial says:

      The first time I saw that letter on a relative’s Facebook and I thought it was from an Onion type website. I really don’t know why that was my first inclination, I should have known it was real.

  10. Amy says:

    I work in an organisation in which we regularly send official letters to Heads of State and other high-level officials…and I can’t even fathom a letter like that being sent. The exclamation marks. The closing “I will call you later”. How could anyone think this is acceptable?!

    • Amy says:

      Also, General Mazloum referred to in the letter is the Syrian Kurdish commander. Who wants to bet that he wasn’t told that the letter he sent to Trump would be passed on to the leader of the country currently bombing him…

      • BeanieBean says:

        Oh, wow, didn’t think of that. My god, not a single country, not a single ally, will trust us again.

  11. Lightpurple says:

    Representative Elijah Cummings died this morning.

    Also yesterday, Trump tried to stage a photo op with the parents of Harry Dunn and Anne Sakoulas, the idiot who killed him and then fled Great Britain, claiming diplomatic immunity, so she wouldn’t have to face charges for killing him. They came to the US to ask Trump to extradite her face charges; instead, he tried to force them into a room with her so he could take pictures.

    Goddess Pelosi is a badass and I suspect calls were made last night to every impeachment inquiry committee member to dot every “I”, cross every “T”, get those witnesses on record, and move this thing along with airtight evidence for vote and then Senate trial. And Pence probably got a call too asking why he hasn’t invoked the 25th.

    • Sierra says:

      Oh no – may this wonderful man rest in peace..

    • Erinn says:

      I truly hope there’s some rallying going on today in Elijah Cummings’ name. Let’s get this shit rolling and really drive it home in his honor Dems!

    • whatWHAT? says:

      what he tried to do to the Dunn’s (it was EXACTLY like some set up they’d have on a reality show for shock purpose/ratings) was DISGUSTING. but that’s all he knows.

      he didn’t think it was a bad idea because he has no humanity, no sympathy, no empathy…he’s just a hollow shell that is only concerned with how people see him.

      • lucy2 says:

        He is truly the worst. Truly. Completely devoid of any common sense, empathy, or intelligence.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      The stunt he pulled with the parents of the deceased and the person who killed him was such a desperate move. He’s taking big risks to get some kind of good press, and that terrifies me. He has no decency or judgement.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I’m very glad the parents of that boy killed didn’t go along with trump’s charade. What a horrible stupid thing to try; they’ve been suffering more than enough already. Just extradite that woman already. That’s what they were there to ask for.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        and 45 pushed them, repeatedly, to meet with her. they had to keep refusing.

        and yes, they DO want to meet her, but they want it to be in the UK, at her trial for manslaughter.

    • Becks1 says:

      I don’t know who remembers this, but there was a large house fire in Baltimore a few years back (made international news) where several kids died – I think 6? The mom of those kids worked for Cummings for years and apparently he was amazing during that time (I know her superficially). I have another friend who worked for him for several years and never had a bad word for him, as a boss and as a representative.

      We really did lose someone special today.

  12. heygingersnaps says:

    He is one deranged, heartless and incompetent man who managed to get in the white house.

    • Allergy says:

      And everyone with even a half a brain cell knew this before the election. I have never hated anyone more.

      • Lady D says:

        I felt so bad for the grieving parents going through the worst hell on earth and having to deal with that feckless moron and his buffoonery. How did he put that? Just meet her and you will heal. I bet it meant less than nothing to him whether they heal or not, so he felt nothing looking at their naked grief, nothing. I hate him so bad. I had to stop reading about him for a couple of months, the helpless rage he was (and is) making me feel was harming my mental health. I feel so sorry for so many Americans, not to mention whole countries that are suffering and dying because of him. I want him in the Hague, and I want them to apply the death penalty after the trial.

  13. Tw says:

    Nancy Pelosi standing up in that room full of men and calmly declining to engage with a treasonous POS is ICONIC

    • Patrizio says:

      Love it- that will be an iconic photo from her political life. That worm calling her third-rate, the absolute gall of him. Elijah Cummings death is a real tragedy, I hope he did not suffer. He was truly a great man.

  14. SM says:

    This is infuriating. That effing moron (the republican doormat at the end of the video): get the woman out of the room and you can get the ape to come down a bit. Seriously? Why not get the one who is interrupting is non cooperative and harmful to everyone else in the room to actually out of the building ?

    • Trashaddict says:

      Yes, my point exactly. Who was that buffoon? Please get him out of politics or he’ll be the next Republican poster child.

  15. Louisa says:

    I’m terrified for our country at this point. Those generals and other so called leaders sitting with Trump looking ashamed and embarrassed need to speak out and DO something. I don’t get it. How can one completely incompetent, petulant man-child hold so much over them.

    • Chaine says:

      That’s the problem with the military, everything is about chain of command and following orders without questioning. He is the commander-in-chief.Don’t count on them to save us.

    • holly hobby says:

      Kevin Mccarthy was there and he had his head down. Then he goes to a presser and says Nancy is unhinged? Kevin’s balls must be nonexistent because he is sad. CA do better.

      • What. . .now? says:

        CA has some great reps like Pelosi, Schiff, Harris, Lieu and then we have some of the worst like McCarthy, Nunes, Issa, rohrabacher . . .gah!

  16. Anna says:

    I just read on the BBC website that the Turkey president simply threw it in the bin.

    • DaisySharp says:

      I’ve no doubt. Trump is a joke to them. If Putin and Erdogan’s phone calls are ever taped and released, we are really going to understand just what a laughingstock trump, and by extension, america, is.

    • Trashaddict says:

      I knew there was a reason I like BBC news…

  17. aang says:

    I teach English to international university students studying in the US. I often use trump’s tweets and speeches as examples of what not to do. This letter will make it into a future lesson.

  18. Lady says:

    Sometimes, when I’m having a bad day at work, I think of Nancy. She’s got to get up every day and deal with this asshole. My work problems are nothing compared to hers.

  19. Nicegirl says:

    I stan Nancy so hard now.

    • lucy2 says:

      Like anyone, she’s not perfect, but man has she played that idiot perfectly. Coming out there and “praying for his health due to his meltdown” is genius.

  20. Christin says:

    She said he called her a “third-grade” politician, which I can completely believe.

    I wish they would stop talking about praying about his health, as if there is nothing else to do. If this were a CEO of any decent sized corporation, they would have been dismissed the first week (if not day).

    • holly hobby says:

      That was a backhanded way to infuriate him. You know Nancy got under his skin. I liked how she was smirking throughout Steny & Chuck’s presser.

  21. Veronica S says:

    It honestly makes me sick to my stomach to think of the long term ramifications of his tenure in office. We’re going to be paying for this a long time.

  22. Lizzie says:

    her statement….”we have to pray for his health…”- i gagged. i love this bitch.

  23. BlueSky says:

    Someone on this site recommended the podcast “Bag Man” by Rachel Maddow. It’s about the resignation of VP Spiro Agnew in 1973. I highly recommend listening to it. It’s history repeating itself.

  24. Mr. Trump and his family will become increasingly arrogant, angry and or obtuse. Sickening and sad to watch, but it has to happen and it will. I hope we can change things soon….so many are trying and thanks to all here for that. So saddened to hear of Mr. Cummings passing. He was an amazing man and he will be sorely missed. Love to his loved ones. Tough times, here is to better ones ahead for us.

  25. Leah says:

    Small but important correction: Trump called Pelosi a “third-GRADE politician.” Because in all ways that actually count, the man is a total, complete idiot.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Huh. He can’t even summon up the appropriate words for insults anymore. Somebody on this website mentioned how he’s losing his vocabulary & how that’s a sign of something — dementia, maybe? It’s quite noticeable any more.

    • Liz version 700 says:

      More and more he reminds me of my Dad as he lost his words during the progress of Alzheimer’s as he lost his words he would say the kids of things Trump says. The main difference was that my dad was a gentle soul and was sweet and kind as he regressed. Trumps crazy and evil is all that is left when you take away his words.

    • Valerie says:

      I know people say we should stay away from armchair diagnoses, but I don’t think you have to be a healthcare professional to know something is up with him. He should be out of office on that basis alone.

  26. Jerusha says:

    Kurdish Journalist, his wife and infant son assassinated yesterday. Their blood is on the hands of every Republican and every one of their sick supporters.

    • ChillyWilly says:

      It’s all so horrifying. Trump knew this would happen. That juvenile, bullshit letter to Erdogan is for show. He couldn’t care less about the Kurds being slaughtered.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      That is so heartbreaking! I wish it was getting more attention. Thank you for posting.

  27. Liz version 700 says:

    It was nice if Trump to tweet out the picture that will probably define Pelosi’s entire legacy for her. That picture my God the men who know better bowing their heads in unconscious shame…the lone woman stand up against Trump and his cronies wow….

  28. Insomniac says:

    I saw that Trump letter on Twitter last night and honest-to-God thought it was a joke. I can’t believe it was real! We are in so, so, SO much trouble.

    • Liz version 700 says:

      That letter was like a letter to the editor by a 6 year old after 10 candy bars heaven help us

  29. Jerusha says:

    Breaking news!! Next G-7 to be held at trump doral. To all other G-7 leaders- BOYCOTT!!! Please, please show 🍊💩 just what you think of him and of us for not storming the WH and dragging him out kicking and screaming.

    • What. . .now? says:

      Seriously, they should all just flat-out REFUSE to go! Just say no! Why should they go? It’s not like he’ll listen to anything they say anyway and he’ll just make shit up. Miami, in the summer, in a “resort” (coughcough) that’s had numerous problems with BEDBUGS. A gross violation of the office of president, but then again, just another day for that buffoon.

  30. Valerie says:

    The man is bloody unhinged. I know someone like him, who projects everything they do onto anyone around them. Whatever they do or think becomes something they can accuse you of doing, whether there’s proof or not. If you defend yourself or dispute it, they just go harder. It’s sickening enough when it comes from someone who’s powerless, but to see it from Trump? And to see his dumbass followers pick up and run with something just because it came from him? Vile.

  31. Savannah says:

    What is going on with all the white old men in all the photos? Ugh

  32. Mel says:

    I believe that the person in the WH is functionally illiterate. I think he has some form of dyslexia and instead of helping him, his parents just paid for him to keep going forward. I’d sort of feel sorry for him if he wasn’t the dregs of humanity.

  33. Marzipan says:

    Hi, I´ve been reading “Celebitchy” for quite a long time and wanted to join the discussion, too. I´m from Germany, so please be gentle with my mistakes, as English isn´t my Mother tongue. 🙂
    When Trump became President, I had just watched a documentary about him and his family. After he was elected, I couldn´t believe America (or at least half of the voters?) had decided to trust this man with their fate, so to speak, and I got this feeling of impending doom…I was in the U.S once when I was young, my Uncle lives there, so I was always interested in what´s going on “over there”.
    I remember getting into a discussion with a co-worker that turned ugly when I said I thought that Trump wasn´t an adequate person for that job. That he lacked the intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, humility and integrity to be a good president, to bear the huge responsibility, not misuse his power and make the right decisions. That guy attacked me in front of other collegues and tried to make me look like an idiot.

    It didn´t take long until my worst fears became reality. Whenever I watch/read/hear the news, there is something Trump did or said that is just so wrong, stupid, cruel, embarassing or dangerous, it´s unbelievable.
    And it´s not only about being ridiculous, he also has the power to start wars, ruin the country and destroy people´s lives. It scares me. I´m over fifty, and I fear for our children´s and grandchildren´s future. Everybody who is interested in politics and knows about history can´t ignore the signs. There are so many problems to solve and crisises to overcome, not only in America, so this world doesn´t need angry, narcisstic leaders who make it all worse.

    I also want you to know that here in Germany people sympathize with you folks, the daily fear of “what will he say or do today that could drag this country into a complete desaster?” We haven´t forgotten what America has done for us after WWII. I still remember vividly how thankful my grandparents were when you helped us to rebuild our country… I hope and pray that things will miraculously change for the better.

    • DaisySharp1 says:

      What a lovely and thoughtful post, thank you.

    • What. . .now? says:

      First of all, your English is fantastic. Have you read the President’s letter to Erdogan? He is an illiterate fool who went to the BEST schools here, so. . .ya, never be embarrassed by your language skills.

      I hope your workmate is also embarrassed by what sounds like his endorsement of our crazy, foul-mouthed, lying fool of a president.

      Everyday is a nightmare of frustration. He should never have been president for this long–but it seems our Congress only cares about power and money and they stand behind that fool and endorse his every word as if he is actually worth listening to. It’s incredible how partisan it is and how they REFUSE to see reality and REFUSE to put this country over their political party and their own wallets and their craven desire for power.

      My hope is that with this Ukraine and Turkey debacle that cracks are forming and that some sort of Justice will be done. We cannot continue like this as a country, and if the Republican Senate won’t pull their lips from his extra large behind, I don’t know what’s gonna happen.

      Thank you for your insight and your input, it’s always nice to get insight and opinions from outside of this country.

    • Some chick says:

      What a lovely post. Thank you.

      It was actually slightly under half of the people (who bothered to vote) who chose this fool, but the way the system works here, his forces managed to game it. Hillary got over 50% of the vote. Even with gerrymandering. But they managed to get the “electoral college” and squeaked him in. (Which is before you even look at the fake news – ACTUAL fake news! And Putin.)

      I too saw all of this coming. Back in 2016 I was sobbing to my therapist (THANKS, OBAMA!) about how they were going to attempt to steal our healthcare, SNAP, and just generally abuse immigrants and women and poor folks. She was all, “oh, it might not be that bad.”) But, it IS That Bad. Every single f’n day, it is. (I wasn’t even imaginative enough to predict kids in cages, but, yeah.)

      Anyway, thank you for your kind words. I really hope we can get through this and that there will be a new dawn on the other side. And then we can go back to debating Who Wore It Best. 😉

      • Betsy says:

        To your last point: I hope so too but I think one of the lessons we need to take from this debacle is that nationally, our balance between crap media and good media, uninvolved and involved, not voting and voting needs never to be like this again. For every poor single mother who rides the bus home and is barely eking out an existence and has good reason to wish to mentally check out with idiotic tv, there is a woman to whom everything is given and she checks out “to destress” but never checks back in. We can’t do that anymore.

  34. adastraperaspera says:

    Speaker Pelosi has my total support. I am in awe of her focus and energy. She is facing down the worst threat to our republic since the civil war and providing a quality of leadership that is at a presidential level (as fitting for the head of a co-equal brand of government). In addition, she’s doing all this at 79 years of age–making clear that ageism is not something we should be toying with in our selection of a Democratic presidential candidate.

  35. CairinaCat says:

    I commented on the orange turds latest Twitter post to please eat a lot more Big Macs.

  36. Bobby the K says:

    Off topic, but I wish the Dems were more
    pro-actve and assertive like this during the Cheney/Bush years. They seemed to kind of roll over, considering what was going on.

  37. Le4Frimaire says:

    The fact that anyone can still support this orange stain on the presidency is shameful and incomprehensible. To betray our national security to appease Putin and give Erdogan the Kurds is so corrupt and immoral, and reeks of treason. Who exactly does he serve? He drags the country lower and lower, and the GOP is cowed and complicit. He should be impeached and his bridging family sent packing. So proud of Pelosi, who also happens to be my congresswoman.

  38. whybother says:

    my jaw is on the floor
    how can something like that actually allow to exist?
    i’m sorry america but wtf?
    you guys are beyond help and good faith at this point
    i understand every country rife with stupid politicians but the high-level government officials are there to minimize the stupidity
    in this case, to make sure it didnt happen
    wtf wtf wtf

  39. No Doubt says:

    Pelosi is a national treasure. I’m so glad she has a level head and doesn’t take anyone’s crap.

  40. Tosca says:

    There aren’t enough women in that room!! We can’t lose sight of that fact, either.

  41. Tom Pickles says:

    Nancy is crazy as a loon too many unreported TIA’s. The Democratic Party is in total Socialist Police State meltdown