“Alec & Hilaria Baldwin say they’re trying for another baby” links

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Alec & Hilaria Baldwin stepped out for the first time since she had her second miscarriage of the year. She wants to try again. [Just Jared]
What’s going on with Sam Hunt? It might be sad. [LaineyGossip]
The Victoria’s Secret fashion show has officially been cancelled. [Dlisted]
I had a shirt like Elsa Pataky’s in the 1990s. [Go Fug Yourself]
Is Greta Thunberg a time traveller? Hm. [Pajiba]
Insect Armageddon is here and it is real. [Jezebel]
Lindsey Graham has lost his damn mind. [Towleroad]
Sofia Richie wants to get engaged to Scott Disick. Ugh. [Starcasm]
Will Ferrell is done with Jimmy Fallon’s games. [Seriously OMG]

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54 Responses to ““Alec & Hilaria Baldwin say they’re trying for another baby” links”

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  1. Sayrah says:

    Her choice. I couldn’t do it after 2 back to back miscarriages and 4 healthy young children but that’s me. I hope everything goes well next time.

    • Lee says:

      Same here. Of course her body her choice, but maybe she should give her body the time to heal and recover after two back to back miscarriages, as her body is clearly sending signals.
      Surely wish her a safe and healthy pregnancy.

      • Ali says:

        It sounded to me like she is taking time to heal just saying they are not done trying.

        I only have two, so I have no idea how many is too many, but if I’d started younger, I’d probably have three at least. My pregnancies weren’t hard and my recovery only harder when I had my second at 40.

        I would way rather hear about these two having babies than Tori Spelling and what’s his name.

      • Ramona Q. says:

        Lee and everyone below who made the same comment without reading the article. They are waiting like you all suggest. Read the article.

    • Moe says:

      I read some where that in his first marriage he was a reluctant father. Could be false and just gossip butvi always think of this fact when his new wife announced another pregnancy.

  2. minx says:

    I don’t wish them ill but she just annoys the sh*t out of me.

    • Jess says:

      Me too! She’s just so desperate for attention it’s annoying.

    • Mel M says:

      Yeah it’s like take a break! Also when I saw that header pic I thought it was Gina Gershon from the nineties. Her makeup looks so dated to me for some reason.

    • Tourmaline says:

      Truth. It’s an unrelenting sharing of information. I feel like I know Hilaria’s cycles better than my own after all this

    • Christina says:

      I try not to be too judgey about people’s choices, but I cannot stand HB. I avoid the posts about her. I don’t want to hear about her. She strikes me as desperately insecure and requiring of constant praise. She is famous for marrying the most successful Baldwin, and she wants to have his fame. You are rich. Get a damn therapist.

      The bikini yoga pics pissed me off. I don’t mind yoga poses, or showing off a beautiful body because you worked hard for it. It’s the disengenuous nature of her posts. She says that they are about “health”, but they are about sex. The women who post sexy pics and say, “I love being sexy” are fine. The ones who are posting about exercising and showing how strong and fit they are are fine. Hilaría’s posts are all about her gigantic ego, and that ego seems to me to be a result of insecurity.

      • Kosmos says:

        Get over yourself, Hilaria–there are women out there who have difficulty having even one child. I have to agree, the constant pics in her bra and bikini underwear are a little bit much–does she really need to share all of that with the world, and why? About the children, they already have four. Should we feel really sorry for her that she’s had a miscarriage? I have to agree with you, Christina, that she seems annoying and privileged, as if her life is the only life that matters. I’m just getting those vibes. Early on, when she was still a yoga instructor, I thought she might be a nice down-to-earth woman, but I’m not thinking that anymore. If there is one good thing I can say, it’s that she looks way better in her natural brunette shade now than she ever did as a blonde.

      • Jess says:

        I agree, the fact that she’s in her underwear is so weird to me. She’s literally watching herself dry hump air and pelvic thrusting in the bathroom mirror wearing high heels and saying oh it’s about fitness and finding time as a busy mom….no it’s about you getting attention online. How is she not embarrassed when she watches some of those videos? Alec doesn’t seem phased by it either, yes she has an AMAZING figure but we could easily see that in workout gear too, lol.

        The video of her talking about the miscarriage with her daughter legit made me nauseous, her sad face and voice seemed so fake to me. Chick has issues.

      • incognito08 says:

        Exactly Christina! Hilaria is way too try-hard for my liking. What also grinds my gears about her is using the older children as accessories when she posted on Social Media about the losing the last baby.

    • Cali says:

      I think she’s mentally unstable, she’s obsessed with having babies regardless of his age and her body crying for a break, and the video with her daughter? Unbelievable!

    • Gen says:

      I feel she is addicted to having children. Her husband is in his 6os. Enjoy the kids you have! 4 is plenty.

    • boodiba says:


  3. Keekee says:

    I am starting to think she might have some kind of obsession or disorder like this singer called Keke Wyatt she is on her tenth she being pregnant makes her feel whole.

    • olive says:

      michelle duggar has that too! she just loves being pregnant and having babies, her youngest is like 9 or 10 now and she’s STILL being pushed in a stroller!!

      • Mel M says:

        Yes! I have always thought Michelle Duggar has some sort of disorder with always wanting/needing to be pregnant. I just cannot imagine feeling like that. I absolutely hated being pregnant simply because my body just seemed to hate it. I was in so much pain in some way or another at all times, my moods were crazy, and I never felt like myself. I am grateful I was able to carry my children but you couldn’t pay me enough to do it again.

      • JAM says:

        Isn’t Michelle Duggar more because of Quiver Full, their “religion.” The “faith’s” entire purpose is procreating to grow their following…for her it be a combo of both (9 or 10 year old in a stroller? Whaaaa???) but all her adult kids are doing the same thing and popping out tons of kids.

      • minx says:

        Mel M—Same! I had HG, gained 60 pounds with each, puked my guts out, had acid reflux, and my second one sat so low towards the end…my friend called it the “bowling ball in your crotch” feeling. My pelvic joints ached. We were blessed with two healthy babies, but the pregnancy part of the deal was not enjoyable.

      • Gabby says:

        I agree with the comments about Michelle Duggar, she was never out of maternity clothes, wore a breast feeding pillow over her clothes constantly, I cannot stand her or that greasy, grinning fool she married.
        Didn’t know that about her youngest still being in a stroller, she was very premature.

    • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

      I know some women like this. They’re happiest when pregnant. Shoot me where I stand, but I think it’s a weakness, like being addicted to plastic surgery. Most any of us who have gone through pregnancies remember an escalation of attention, admiration and a kind and gentleness of those in our orbit. And even through my first two hellish ones, I still enjoyed being asked to sit and not lift a finger lmao. It wasn’t until the third I was on ladders putting up decorations and refused to sit and incubate. Babies are only babies for such a short time, and then they’re little humans with no control lol. No thank you!

    • Jess says:

      I’ve thought the same thing about her having some weird emotional thing to being pregnant or having newborns. And after that video she shared of telling her daughter she’ll try again to give her a sister I feel like she might really want another girl. They should just do gender selection through ivf if that’s the case. Or maybe it’s all the attention and praise she gets for bouncing back so quickly after each baby, who knows.

      She’s barely a week out after losing a pregnancy fairly far along and she’s already talking to the press about trying for another, personally I don’t think that’s healthy. The sad face videos aren’t either.

    • SK2 says:

      I agree. There is something compulsive about her reproducing. Yes Alec is complicit but I get the feeling he goes along with whatever she wants re: family planning.
      In this time of climate change and predicted food/water shortages no one needs this many children (4 or 5 for them)

    • jenner says:

      she also needs something to post on instagram…

    • Adrianna says:

      I think she needs to change her diet. When she was younger, she could live on vegan foods but maybe as you get older, your body needs more nutrients and especially a growing fetus. Once you have the baby, then go back to eating tofu and seeds. I don’t mind her. How many babies she has is her deal. But maybe it’s time to hang up the baby shoes if this one doesn’t make it.

  4. olive says:

    alec is 61 years old and apparently the 5 kids he has now aren’t enough. it’s ridiculous.

    • It’sJustBlanche says:

      He and his wonky old man sperm need to stop.

    • Adrianna says:

      I don’t think he wants any more children at all. But he has decided to do what makes Hilaria happy. He really doesn’t have a choice in this matter at all. What he has chosen to do is to be supportive and that is all that is expected of him. He just wants to get along and it’s working out because that’s all she wants from him…….he actually said on a t.v. interview show a couple of years ago that his job in the marriage is to be supportive.

  5. dd says:

    To each their own. I had 2 very easy pregnancies but my son’s delivery turned into an emergency C section. The cord was around his neck.😬 No prior health issues but I had postpartum hypertension, pulmonary edema and was worked up for postpartum cardiomyopathy. Pregnancy can be scary! I am on blood pressure meds now. I am for sure done.

  6. JanetFerber says:

    I do feel bad for Hilaria because she is just so obsessed with this. I don’t think it’s healthy to be this driven over producing a sister for her eldest. It’s like a monomania. I wish Alec would support her in some way and they both could talk to a professional about it. Of course, it’s none of my business, but that’s my opinion.

    • Jess says:

      Exactly, and I’m sure her 4 boys won’t appreciate that when they get older, like she only had them to keep trying for a girl.

    • olive says:

      plus, she already HAS a sister – ireland baldwin!! or does alec’s daughter not fit into hilaria’s picture of her family?

    • qtpi says:

      Exactly. It isn’t out business but she makes sure we know every little detail that we feel like it is out business!! I’m surprised she doesn’t share what position they were in when they conceived.

  7. JanetFerber says:

    I guess it’s off the table to adopt a baby girl?

  8. Nancypants says:

    This is going to sound hateful but I wonder about some of these much younger women who are desperate to have a baby with a rich, old dude.
    I know!
    Maybe she really, really wants a baby but it WOULD BE kind of a place holder/future investment in case they divorce, ya know? Grammers anyone?

    Also, I worked with a woman who just kept getting p.g. and having miscarriages and finally discovered that her uterus just couldn’t support the weight of a growing baby.
    The doctors sewed her up (!) and she still miscarried. Five babies later.

    I remember thinking, “Those aren’t Kleenexes. Find out what the problem is.”
    I ran into her years later and she had adopted the cutest baby boy.

    I had one miscarriage and we had planned it all out and went out of our way to time it and had two healthy children already and the miscarriage tore me up. I was already thinking of names, so, I do feel badly for a woman who goes through this and the dad too but more the woman.

  9. What. . .now? says:

    What’s the rush? Has Alec said “No more kids once I’m 62?” I don’t understand why she can’t just let her body rest and then try again?

  10. DS9 says:

    I don’t want to smack talk a woman who had dealt with major trauma like this.

    I’m just…tired for her I guess.

  11. Bia says:

    Reminds me of the book The Man Who Loved Children.

  12. Marianne says:

    Is she addicted to pregnancy or something?

  13. Sam the Pink says:

    She can do what she wants, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have our own opinions. My take, since I have 4 too: she needs some perspective. She has been blessed with 4 children – many struggle to get one. She can mourn for what is lost, but she seems desperate to keep going. I have to wonder why. She says she wants to give her daughter a sister, but that’s….uh, not well planned. What if she births Number 5 and it’s a boy? Does she “have to” have Number 6? My son is currently the only boy we have (he has 3 sisters). Have we failed him if we don’t have another boy? Would his life be less with just sisters? I don’t think so, I think he is a happy kid and maybe having a bunch of sisters will help him be a better man in the long run. I think their daughter will be fine with or without a sister.

  14. Cara says:

    I’m annoyed that her body looks like that after 4 kids and the year she has had. WTF?
    Good for her I guess.

  15. ooshpick says:

    actually, i don’t believe having so many children is not my business given the state of current affairs both environmentally and politically. it is a gross kind of arrogance that assumes your progeny are more important than the many unwanted children in the world who could be served by your need.

  16. Moonstone says:

    What is really odd about her is her pretense of being from Spain. She doesn’t lay it on so heavy now, but in the beginning of her relationship with him, she even affected a Spanish accent with reporters. She was born Hillary Thomas and raised in Boston by two very white bread Americans. Her wealthy parents frequently vacationed in Spain and retired there several years ago.

  17. Bunny says:

    We had three, and couldn’t have more. I wish we’d had more. The number of children one wants is a very personal decision, and I think it is wrong to judge or criticise.
    That said, I wish she’d talk about “trying” a lot less.
    A pregnancy is news. A baby is news. A miscarriage is (sad) news. “Trying” and “planning” is too much information.

  18. Cinesnatch says:

    How about her body, our planet. There are enough people on here. 7.5 billion.

    And they already have four? Ridiculous.

  19. CharliePenn says:

    The world has enough of your DNA, Hilaria and Alec.
    Don’t take this personally y’all, but the planet is crying out for a break. Replace yourselves if you must and be done. The world does not need four, five, six replicas of yourself and your partner.

  20. wombat1 says:

    I wish I didn’t know as much as I do about Hilaria Baldwin’s fertility issues. Understandably, she has been thru a tough time, but how about a little privacy? Seems thirsty for attention – I’m surprised it doesn’t drive Alec crazy (he’s notoriously prickly about his privacy).

  21. Emily says:

    Can we also insert James Van der Beek into this conversation? He announced a miscarriage on Dancing with the Stars and they have five kids. I appreciate the awareness these couples bring to miscarriage but it also feels attention-seeking, especially Hillary’s underwear pics.