Hillary Clinton has more stuff to say about Bernie Sanders & his ‘baloney’

Hillary Rodham Clinton at arrivals for H...

Hillary Clinton is still promoting her Hulu documentary series (Hillary) and she’s still talking sh-t. I know some people – even some Democrats – are like “give it a rest, Hill,” but I find it glorious. I mean, she’s still justifiably salty about ALL of the sh-t that went down in 2016. Guess what? So am I. So are a lot of people. What’s great is that Hillary isn’t actually trying to relitigate jacksh-t. She knows she was right about 99.9% of it. There’s no need to relitigate. So all she’s doing is telling people HOW IT IS. This week, she spoke to the Hollywood Reporter about endorsements, female candidacies and Bernie Sanders.

She’s not going to endorse anyone: “I won’t endorse. I’m going to support the nominee, no matter who the nominee is, and I’m going to do everything I can to make sure that voters know what’s at stake. We have got to defeat Donald Trump.”

Women who run: “I know how hard it is and I know how many double standard judgments still block women from really being seen as the incredible potential president that they could be. I was thrilled that so many women ran this time, but it looks like we’re not going to be successful this time but I hope that doesn’t discourage people. I still want to see a woman president in my lifetime.”

On Bernie Sanders: In the Hulu documentary, she said: “Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done… He was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him. He was a career politician. It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.” Speaking to THR, Clinton reflected on the intent behind her criticism. “I hadn’t thought about it because I said it about a year and a half ago when we were doing the film. But I stand by the comments because I think it is important when someone is putting out policies that you’re expecting them to tell you how it would work, how it would get paid for, how it would get passed, what would the coalition be, and I think that’s an important part of judging any candidate.”

[From THR]

“I still want to see a woman president in my lifetime.” Me too. As for what she said about Sanders… I mean, is she wrong? About any of it? Sanders can’t build a substantial coalition of voters, much less a coalition of Democratic (and Republican) legislators who would even start to work with him on any of the many unrealistic promises he has made. Senator Warren had a plan for everything. Senator Sanders has ideas about what should happen, but no idea about how to get there. Unless he thinks “bashing Democrats and whining about the media” is a plan. Hey, it was good enough to get Donald Trump fake-elected.

Hillary Rodham Clinton poses at HILLARY Photocall during the 70th Berlin International Film Festival ( Berlinale ) on Tuesday 25 February 2020

Photos courtesy of WENN, Avalon Red.

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85 Responses to “Hillary Clinton has more stuff to say about Bernie Sanders & his ‘baloney’”

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  1. WriterMarie says:

    Love her, and I’m totally watching the Hulu doc series this weekend. I really wish she would have run again. God willing we will have a female VP. Bc we know that Biden probably won’t make it through the 1st term (if he does, I’ll be shocked)… Heres hoping for Kamala Harris to be his VP!

    • Esmom says:

      She should be president. But I don’t think she could have run again, the propaganda is just too entrenched. I mean, an entire industry was built on trashing her.

      Not long ago on a local FB chatter page, people who I thought were normal, rational neighbors were talking matter of factly about how she’s literally, personally “murdered so many people.” And they didn’t even get much pushback, I think most people just quietly tiptoed out of the thread. It’s unreal.

      • MC2 says:

        It’s been a difficult lesson in acceptance that many of our citizens have been radicalized.

    • Mac says:

      I would like a woman to be the VP as well, but I’m not sure that is a winning ticket. Ferraro and Palin were hail Mary picks, but Warren’s run makes me think the country is still too misogynistic to put a woman in the White House.

      • Rashida says:

        Warren would’ve been OK if she’d stuck with M4A. But once she took the lead in the polls she pivoted to the right , nstead of sticking with what was working for her, and that’s when her campaign went backwards.

      • Call_me_al says:

        I think she made some bad turns in her campaign by trying to soften her image instead of showing us her fighting spirit.


        She actually had the most momentum early on and was by far the most compelling candidate. Her staff may have directed her to ease up in some of the debates and try and align herself with Bernie rather than attack him, which was a mistake. There actually was another lane, but she lost her way. I’m so sad about this.

  2. Rapunzel says:

    I got a call from the Republican party asking who I was voting for. I voted for Liz. But that is none of their business, so I said, “Hillary Clinton” just to hear the caller’s head explode. They can’t get over her or Barak Obama’s greatness.

  3. Diana says:

    I agree with everything she says and will Stan this queen until I die! On a superficial note- she looks gorgeous lately! Her hair and makeup are on point and love her accessories.

  4. Mama says:

    I still get pissed at people who said her and Trump were the same choice… NO THEY WEREN’T!!!

    • Stacy Dresden says:

      Yeah exactly. “You had one job!”

    • ATLMathMom says:

      Ugh This is my Bernie Bro brother-in-law. I lost so much respect for him during the last election cycle. And now somehow he has talked by Mayor Pete supporting SIL into supporting Bernie too.

    • YAS says:

      Mama, I have some radical lefties that I have had to excise from my life because they repeatedly made comments like that. At some point, you get tired of that opinion and start to question folks’ judgement.

  5. Scollins says:

    Thanks for this. People need the reminder. Glad Hillary was blunt about Bernie.

    • Jenna says:

      “Glad Hillary was blunt about Bernie.” I am too! I just want to add that, while I feel like she does want to let loose and tell the world her story, but I also feel like she is doing so strategically.

      After her quotes about Bernie were released, the media started repeating them and then the Democratic candidates were able to start saying something, too. Before that, they couldn’t say anything without being branded as attacking another candidate (although Bernie is not held to the same standard.)

      Similarly, Hillary was the only one who could call out Tulsi Gabbard. She didn’t even call her out by name and she was still able to end her campaign with just a vague reference.

      By the way, I adore Hillary…she’s accomplished so much, and against so many obstacles. Of course, I’ve had plenty of helpful men tell me I only like her because she is female and I am female but that’s the world we live in, right?

    • Nan says:

      I also want to add thanks for this, Kaiser – I love this post and love that you have these opinions which I co-sign to, every one. YES!

  6. Veronica S. says:

    I go back and forth on how I feel about her outspokenness on the issue, but there’s a big part of me that’s like, yes, let her be bitter and angry, let her be inelegant in her anger. Women are defined and denigrated by their emotional responses but then expected to rationalize every experience, to hold our anger and grief in because it’s not “attractive” enough for the camera. I have to sit here and watch the idiot this country put in office throw Twitter temper tantrums on the regular, but she’s supposed to sit down and be quiet? F*ck that noise. Women never gained anything from doing as expected or told.

    The biggest issue I have with Sanders is that his “grassroots” movement that has gotten so much airtime has never extended its hand down the line. You don’t see a coalition building up from the bottom. You don’t see it getting downticket votes. This is something I’ve tried to explain to people who keep thinking there’s a massive conspiracy against him – what you see on the Internet is not reflective of the general population. All of those promises, no matter how lovely they sound, won’t matter if Congress doesn’t flip. That’s what I’m focused on in 2020 – because really, Donald Trump wouldn’t be an issue if not for Mitch McConnell’s absolute corruption.

    • hereforit says:

      THIS! As vile, disgusting, and divisive as he is, Trump would be impotent without the Senate. We need to flip the Senate just as much, if not more, than we need to remove Trump. We can block judicial nominations if we have the Senate. We can stonewall racist, misogynist legislation. Let’s not forget this! We need at least a presidential win, or a Senate flip. Either would change the landscape. Both would be a dream come true.

      • holly hobby says:

        Exactly. Congress needs to be cleaned up. A Congress that can check him will neutralize that idiot. He’ll be a lame duck president for 4 years (if he makes it) or he’d get the hammer thrown at him and he’ll be impeached and removed.

  7. Enormous Coat says:

    Sanders entire platform is free stuff for white people. White people are 100% centered in his ideology. I cannot stand him and I cannot stand his – largely – male supporters. Their entire ‘I got a raw deal; everything should be free. Wah.’ schtick is absurd and obnoxious. Deplorable 2.0. Plus he is now and always has been a Russian asset, even when when he was mayor of Burlington.
    Tell him to give it a rest, not Hillary.

    • H says:

      I noticed at Bernie’s Super Tuesday rally 98% of the people were young and white. Which is why Biden mostly won every state besides CA, CO and UT (oh so white). Bernie needs an older more diverse base or he’s going to lose. Again.

      • holly hobby says:

        Apparently he fooled CA hispanics with his everything is for free shtick too.

  8. harlequin says:

    Hillary was right about everything (about Trump, Tulsi etc) and she’s right now about Bernie.

  9. KBeth says:

    I’m still bitter about her loss, Trump is utterly vile. Wish I felt more optimistic about this election year.
    On a shallow note she looks fabulous here.

  10. ME says:

    So many other countries have had female leaders. I don’t understand why America hasn’t had one yet. What will it take? How f*cking perfect does she have to be for the majority to vote for her?

    • Blanster says:

      Hey, the majority DID vote for Hillary by 3 million votes! It was the Electoral College that messed us up.

      • ME says:

        Poor choice of words, I meant what will it take for a woman to get elected. The whole voting system is ridiculous.

    • MellyMel says:

      We did vote for her tho…

    • Rascalito says:

      Yeah I’m really sick to death of the misogyny and double standards against women. Hillary was called a weak and imperfect candidate (by even Joe Biden, and look how’s he’s performing in his speeches, and with all his baggage that’s coming up), and yet she still won the second most votes for president in history. The only one who got more, was Barack Obama in 2008.

      And in Hillary’s case, the historic massive number of votes for her was still achieved despite Russia undermining the election by flooding social media with a fake smear campaign about her, despite Trump and the Republicans lying constantly about her, despite the FBI announcement from James Comey that dragged her down, despite the media giving Trump endless free passes but hammering Hillary’s stupid email issue to death while pretending there was some false equivalency between Trump and Hillary, AND despite the millions of people who stayed home instead of voting because they just assumed she was going to win. Because of course she would win, it was unthinkable that a moronic racist clown who’s been a lifelong fraud and rapist would win the presidency. It was a joke then to even consider it a possibility, and it’s STILL a joke even though it’s the current reality. Despite all that garbage she was up against, she STILL got the second most votes for president in history. So a woman obviously CAN do it, or at least Hillary can.

      I was really REALLY hoping she’d run again in 2020 for a rematch to destroy Donald Trump, because the woman is tough as nails! And she’s learned a lot since then, about the dirty tricks Trump and his Republicans use, and would be better equipped to fight him this time around. I think she was waiting for the moderates in the race to collapse, especially Joe Biden, and would then jump in as the so-called moderate to fill that void. But Joe Biden has taken off, so that opportunity never presented itself for her. So again, we lose out to what would have been an incredible presidency from an incredible woman who has fought and fought and fought all her life. A brilliant and accomplished woman, brushed to the side. And to the fools telling her to go away and stop talking, go away yourself, because I could listen to Hillary Clinton talk all day every day, and I will love and support her for my entire life. So there! lol

  11. Case says:

    Last night I was barely holding back tears thinking about how Elizabeth Warren didn’t stand a chance because of sexism. Hillary too. It’s so effed up. Two brilliantly qualified women.

  12. MellyMel says:

    Still love her and am still pissed she’s not our current president! And she’s not wrong about Bernie. She’s very right, but people will dismiss it out of spite.

  13. Mumbles says:

    If she wanted a woman president in her lifetime, curious why she didn’t do anything to help Elizabeth Warren.

    I think she wants a woman president, so long that the woman is her. (Or her daughter.)

    • YAS says:

      @Mumbles, HRC is a very polarizing figure in the Democratic base. Maybe, just maybe Warren’s campaign was approached and Warren and her adviser’s decided that HRC had too much baggage amongst progressives within the party’s base as evidenced by the vitriol hurled at her during the 2016 primary by a certain segment of Bernie’s supporters, who then decided she was as bad as Trump. Warren’s message was that she was a unity candidate between the moderates and the progressives. Can’t be a unity candidate if you’re publicly supported by someone that engenders that much negativity within one of the groups you’re trying to bring into the fold.

    • anon says:

      What a mean comment, @Mumbles

    • Bex says:

      Warren is well to the left of Clinton, which is why people wanted to draft her to run in 2016.

      Clinton publicly criticized Warren’s wealth tax plan last fall as she got to the top of the polls.

      I don’t think they were going to help each other out.

    • GreenTurtle says:

      @Mumbles, because it’s easier to sit back and tear other people to shreds than it is to do something to help people, I guess. Wonder how long she’s going to let Sanders live rent-free in her head.

  14. Leah says:

    Reading her words and thinking about how we were cheated in 2016. A qualified woman vs a buffoon and the buffoon won.

    Sanders is very pie in the sky and not realistic. All he does is shout. Seniors that I’ve talked too don’t like him because they are worried his medicare for all plan will bankrupt the country. This is after I mention that trump bailing out Wall Street and his crony’s is doing a fine job of bankrupting us at the moment.

    Biden is a grabber who is suffering from an early form of dementia (and not hiding it very well). Trump is going to make a show of trying to shame him and his son during the race so he best circle the wagons. He also should look into getting good security because trump supporters are insane.

    Trump is basically every curse word I can muster. I hate him and his klan to the very depths of my soul.

    So after all the contenders we are stuck with three old white guys (well two white guys and one orange guy). This isn’t progress. I decided that if this is what it’s going to take to get the orange menace out, I’ll vote for whomever the democrat candidate is. I’ll grit my teeth and hope that 2024 will be more progressive. Maybe Biden will take on Beto as a running mate or Sanders will take on Warren….a small glimmer of hope in the VP’s.

    • paranormalgirl says:

      You do know that Biden suffers from stuttering, right? That makes it difficult for him to speak sometimes and can make it appear that he is grasping for the proper words. because he kind of is. He’s grasping for the ability to say some words properly. I’m no Biden fan, but I think it’s important to understand why he sometimes sounds like he’s struggling to speak properly. He is.

      • Leah says:

        Stuttering and cognitive decline are two different things. You are aware of that, right? There should be a cut off for age just like there is an qualifying age. If 35 is the qualifying age what should be the cut off age? 65? 70? 75?

        I am so tired of this country being run into the ground by old white silent generation and boomer men. They need to retire and let the youth decide the future of the nation. This isn’t ageism, this is practicality. The baby boomers are retiring in record numbers, the generations that are coming up are the millennials and Gen Z. They are the future.

        Just for the record I am a Dem Gen X, I’m 48 and like most of my cohort we are in our 40’s and 50’s.

        The “face of America” from the time of the silent and boomer generations were growing up has changed dramatically. This country is not the same place that it was in the 50’s and 60’s.

        Practicality: the presidency is a four year tour. Even Obama has commented how much the job ages a person. The person has to be mentally and physically healthy to do the job for the sake of the republic. You see what we now have, an obese, angry creature in cognitive decline who is running this country into the ground? You see how dangerous he is? He has access to the nuclear launch codes which is scary as hell.

      • paranormalgirl says:

        Yeah, as a doctor (specializing in Psychiatry), I am aware of that. And like I said, I’m no fan of Biden. However, the right has gone on a a rampage about Biden’s “senility” when they are actually mocking his speech patterns. I see more decline in our sundowning buffoon of a president more than I do in Biden. Nonetheless, I want someone younger, healthier, aware, practical, smart, and preferably a woman as my President. I don’t want Biden and I definitely down’t want Bernie. But at this point, I will support the person most likely able to beat Trump in November. I can only hope they are smart enough to pick a Warren, Abrams, or Harris as their running mate, so we have someone decent when either of them drop dead.

      • Lisabella says:

        Paranormal girl
        That’s exactly what I was telling my neighbor – Biden stutters. She’s fixated on his mental health while she voted for an ORANGE PIECE of SHIT

      • JulieCarr says:

        Biden has always had a stutter, that’s not what people are noticing. He’s barely coherent a lot of the time now, and he’s making mistakes everyday that have nothing to do with a speech impediment. Compare video of him 5 years ago and video today and honestly senility is the most generous explanation.

        And sure, he’s still a better speaker than Trump, but that’s an insanely low bar. Democrats shouldn’t support someone with questionable faculties just because Republicans DGAF. That’s not going to help anything.

    • Rose says:

      I am a speech pathologist and you are incorrect. He’s exhibiting all the symptoms of stuttering disfluencies (blocks, substitutions, repetitions, and so on).

      If you want an example of what dementia looks like Trump is a textbook case. I suggest you take a better look.

  15. Chelle says:

    I like Hilary but in some ways I’m not trying to hear Hilary. Perhaps had see gone to places like Wisconsin (Racine, Kenosha, Milwaukee, Madison)—just had visited it once—the resident in the WH may not have carried that state. The current occupant won it by less than 23,000 measly votes.

    • Mumbles says:

      Don’t even get me started on the people in Michigan who voted for all Dems down ballot and left the president one blank. Those ballots would have swung Michigan. Another state she didn’t visit. And WI and MI were won by Sanders in the primary so she knew she had work to do.

      Yes people are sexist. But she and her team ran an exceptionally bad campaign.

      • paranormalgirl says:

        Yes, it was a strategically terrible campaign.

      • Christin says:

        This was definitely part of the problem. Her competitor kept going until Election Day, even though polls were not in his favor. It’s as if she thought it was a done deal, and she did not have to visit those key states.

        I don’t think HRC came within 150 miles of my town, but Orange did (and has since then).

      • anon says:

        American electiosn are then a popularity contests? Because to get Hillary’s message in 2016 you just had to.. you know… watch a debaye on TV or read reports on newspapers and magazines or go to the campaign website or listen to her radio interviews… Demanding a freaking rally or you won’t vote shows just how poorly informed and vapid some voter can be.

      • Christin says:

        When painted as an “elitist”, uninterested in blue collar areas, a candidate probably ought to invest a little time in those areas. Just a quick, staged visit here and there would help.

        When your last big campaign move is to have a televised concert-rally in Philly (IIRC) with celebrities, it just supports the narrative.

        I voted for HRC, but don’t think she ran a strategically smart campaign to get on-the-fence votes.

      • GreenTurtle says:

        They did indeed run a terrible campaign, that’s for sure.

    • Chelle says:

      @Mumbles, I’m going to slightly disagree with you re: work to do. I had actually moved to WI about 13 years ago but moved back home (Chicago) in 2017. I voted for Bernie in the primary while in WI—knowing that he wasn’t going to win—but voted for Hilary (my real chosen candidate) in the general. Many in my circle did that in a feeble attempt to send a message to the establishment wing of the party to simply say “excuse me, excuse me but you need to recognize that you do have poor, working class, middle class, and only on paper slightly upper middle class folks out here crashing under these neoliberal policies.” I swear, most people in my circle were like “I’m going to vote for Bernie in the primary but for Hilary in the general.” It was a given. No one was conflicted by that in the least. We/I didn’t even think Bernie wanted the presidency but was simply instead trying to draw attention to areas the National Democratic Party had/has seemingly forgotten. Did she have work to do? Yes. There were lots of disengaged voters. However, just gracing a stage (any stage), visiting a Boys & Girls club, or just stopping in a grocery store at peak hours to buy BS snacks for her team would have gotten her some positive coverage even if she didn’t make a repeat visit. Big sigh. She conceded it before even trying to win it. SMH. Just SMH.

      • anon says:

        “We/I didn’t even think Bernie wanted the presidency but was simply instead trying to draw attention to areas the National Democratic Party had/has seemingly forgotten”
        LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL at Bernard not wanting to win! Please!

  16. SM says:

    I was heartbroken to see Liz Warren get no love from the democrats. And she did seem like the only good candidate, someone who would truly return to civilised political discourse and would treat the law of the land with respect. Too bad. Now it’s all old men. Hillary is right who ever gets to run against Trump needs to be supported. No debate about it. It is the goal. Yet, in some ways I am not sure Bernie is much better. He is a fanatic. So it is not far fetched to see how he would just like Trump prioritize power over rule of law. Biden on the other hand. At this point in this era is like putting a band aid on an abscess. Yet, again, Hilary is right here.

  17. Texas says:

    I will ALWAYS be salty about Hillary. And how the Bernie supporters acted last time, gave us Trump.

  18. PPP says:

    At this point I think we really need to tamp down on the hostility towards either candidate. I have seen so much hostility towards Bernie because of his bros that I honestly wonder if these people would vote for him if he turns out to be the candidate. If he is our candidate, we still really really need to vote for him. If Biden is our candidate, we still really really need to vote for him. We need to stop infighting. The goal now is to remove Trump, and if we don’t, I am fucking as done with the Democrats as I am with the Republicans.

    • YAS says:

      I think the majority of people are pragmatic enough that they will vote for Sanders should he be the nominee. That being said, the margins matter and his refusal to compromise or admit past mistakes are going to make it difficult to make sure EVERYONE in the Democratic tent votes for him. And make no mistake, we need EVERRRRRRRYONE come November.

      For instance, he was asked if he would be open to a VP candidate who doesn’t support Medicare for All, and he said no because Medicare for all is already a compromise (a compromise from what? No one knows). As another example, I know 2 dozen Cuban democratic voters in Cuba who are split 50/50 about whether they would still vote for him because of his Castro comments and refusal to walk them back. I’m from the former Soviet Union, so I don’t love what he said, but am willing to put it aside. But I also know a lot of young Ukrainians who are pretty grossed out by them because their family members were sent to Siberian labor camps or jailed (but aren’t the youth culture programs nice?). He just refuses to build coalitions with anyone who doesn’t agree with him and that’s not the way you get things done. The democratic party is more demographically and ideologically diverse than the GOP and compromise is inevitable. If he wants to be the nominee and then he wants to win, he needs to show he’s open to it right now so that people can feel like he can get things done and govern instead of just constantly being contrarian and playing the insurgent.

  19. Dee Kay says:


  20. Lisabella says:

    Warren would have been the superb choice for the FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT. HRC had too many skeletons in her closet – and that’s a FACT. No one’s promises can come to fruition without Congess and the Senate…HELLO!!!

    • SoCal_Sam says:

      ITA. That you for reminding those who have forgotten about the oversight powers, which let’s face it, many people have.

  21. Eugh says:

    I’m so glad this is the place that can see her greatness. It makes me really happy to read these comments

  22. June says:

    I already voted for Warren here in CA. My vote in the Primary. I am not into either of the two guys but I will vote for the Nominee like Hillary. As she says we must defeat TrumpPutinGOP.

  23. Bookworm1858 says:

    I still love her so much! I did vote for Warren in the California primary but people who acted like she would have been the best first female president possible rather than Hillary are insane in my opinion. Hillary has the credentials reaching out to a broader coalition of Dems vs. Warren who was a Republican for half her life and pretended to be a WOC.

    • Sass says:

      I voted for Hillary too. My daughter adores her. She has an autographed picture book that she signed for her when she campaigned in our city in 2016. I agree, Warren was the best option this go around but Hillary is better than her – and that’s why Warren didn’t run in 2016, nor make any statements about ever intending to run until last year. It sucks.

    • ans says:

      I voted for Clinton and then Warren (also in California). Your comment is interesting to me because while Clinton certainly on paper was the most qualified candidate to ever ever be elected president, I find Warren’s energy and background much more appealing and refreshing. And, it’s become clear to me, Clinton didn’t have baggage for no reason. Unfortunately she made moral sacrifices throughout her life with the end goal in mind, which is something women are forced to do, but I don’t see Warren as having nearly the same kind of baggage.
      i would have been appalled if Hillary tried to run again.

  24. songbirds_thrive says:

    Right on Hillary! I’m here for Hillary speaking the truth! Shine on Madame President!

  25. Gabriela, tired Brazilian says:

    YES QUEEN!!!

    I’m sure Berta Cáceres and the Lybian people are cheering on this girls boss


  26. Sass says:

    I have one friend who is a straight up Bernie Bro and I knew today that he was beyond help when he referred to NPR as being moderate/right wing propaganda. You know, because they pointed out that Warren was the best candidate.

  27. SJR says:

    I still find the idea that people think USA is “not ready for a female” POTUS unbelievable.
    Hillary WON the POTUS by 3 Million votes, Gore (a male) also won the popular vote, it’s not the sex of the candidate, it’s the issues/plan/insider bs that is killing the candidates.
    Hillary should have been running this country for 4 years already.
    Educated, hugely experienced, known internationally, well-spoken, rational, clear-minded, etc., etc. She is no ones fool. And she clearly can play the game of politics.

    If Biden gets the nom, he should ultimately realized that he is going to need every experienced Dem that he can get on his team to put the BS aside and get their asses to work to rectify the shambles Trump has brought upon us.
    I plan to vote straight down the line Democrat. Got my childcare in place, I will be at the front of the line early in the AM to cast my vote.

  28. Bettyrose says:

    I can’t even click the Warren thread because I’m not okay yet. The hurt of Hillary’s loss has dissipated but I still think she was the one we needed to shatter that ceiling. She was a total insider. Like Biden but with a functioning intellect. Misogyny gave us Trump …and our best hope now it will give us Biden. But there are no criticisms of Hillary that don’t apply to the other old rich establishment candidates with y chromosomes. If you hated Hillary but were willing to let Trump win, you’re a misogynist. You hate women more than you love the environment or rational thought.