“Princess Anne’s 70th birthday portraits are not grumpy at all” links

Buckingham Palace released several new portraits for Princess Anneā€™s 70th birthday. I quite like them, she made an effort to not look grumpy. [Go Fug Yourself]
John Kasich is endorsing Joe Biden. [Buzzfeed]
Justin Theroux wore skinny jeans, a mask & a knit cap in NYC. [Just Jared]
Joyce Carol Oatesā€™ feet are beyond jacked. [Pajiba]
Russell Brand has some thoughts on WAP. [Dlisted]
A white cop wrote ā€œkill them allā€ on a news livestream of BLM protests. [Towleroad]
The background on ā€œRandy Andy,ā€ the moniker of the Duke of York. [Jezebel]
I need some of these caftans. [LaineyGossip]
I havenā€™t had the heart to listen to Madonna on Dua Lipaā€™s song. [OMG Blog]
McDonaldā€™s pro-tip: adults can order Happy Meals. [Seriously OMG]


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27 Responses to ““Princess Anne’s 70th birthday portraits are not grumpy at all” links”

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  1. SamC says:

    Years ago when I did Weight Watchers our group leader suggested Happy Meals as a way to get a fast food fix and not blow points for the day. Many, many years later I still get the kids meal if I have a craving…

    • Cali says:

      I do the same thingšŸ˜‹ itā€™s the perfect cheat

    • Ellie says:

      Yes! I did this while calorie counting. Can eat the burger AND fries and it’s still just a regularish meal (fat and salt content notwithstanding LOL)

      Top it off with a soda water on the side to cleanse the palate.

  2. Oliphant says:

    I live in London and whilst walking up the street in Camden a few months ago pre covid, saw a motorcade coming- not knowing who it was I started waving as the car came past- it was Princess Anne! Who gave me a big smile to match mine and waved back. Was a nice moment.

  3. Tanguerita says:

    I wonder if Justin realizes how ridiculously dated his look is.

  4. tifzlan says:

    That Joyce Carol Oates photo is exactly why i don’t fuck with hiking.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Ah, it’s only because she wore sandals instead of proper footwear. And that looks like an allergic reaction to something that bit her, not poison oak or ivy.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        and here I was sure it was poison oak. looks just like the reaction my friend had to it about two weeks ago.

        but yes, wear hiking shoes/boots with socks and you can avoid this.

      • BeanieBean says:

        WW: and that’s why I figured something bit her–looks like my reactions to bug bites!

      • clomo says:

        I hiked 200 miles across the Himalayas and 20,000 elevation passes in Nike running shoes. Not one blister, it was funny the westerners were so over prepared with locals in flip-flops jamming twice the speed, much love for the Nepalese, happy and kindly people. That was a long time ago but the moral of the story is if you are going on a long walk wear comfortable shoes.

  5. El says:

    That second portrait is quite horrible. It’s cropped too tightly around her face and your eye goes straight to the occasional table in the top right corner because of poor composition and blur. Honestly, I’ve seen so many blah pictures taken by royal photographers, it’s baffling. I could have taken some of them. Heck, I probably could have done better given those interiors, and I do not fancy myself a great photographer. You’d think they could afford top talent. I wonder if it’s representative of other services they pay for. Do they choose people based on loyalty/connections rather than talent?

    • Lady D says:

      She’s in a white gown on a gilded chair in front of what looks like the part of the garage used for storage.

      • Liz version 700 says:

        It does rather look like she got her portrait done in the junk room. Expensive junk surely, but so odd!

      • Blueskies says:

        I actually love the dichotomy and framing! As well as the gold accents in the chair matching her jewellery.

    • BeanieBean says:

      They used to get their portraits done by Cecil Beaton, but there are no Cecil Beatons any more. Snowdon’s portraits were pretty decent, too.

  6. Rea says:

    Her husband Tim could get it.

  7. molee says:

    What a lovely and warm smile Princess Anne has! And what a glow! Even in the green dress photo, she looks serenely content and like she could smile at any moment. What a difference from all those past sulky scowling photos. Of course no girl or woman owes a smile or “pleasant” or “inviting” expression to strangers or to the public or to anyone. She especially doesn’t owe anyone a smile if she doesn’t feel like smiling, and I always assumed (and admired that) Anne lived her life with this philosophy. I’m pleased to think that Anne is smiling now because she *does* feel like smiling, and that’s a beautiful thing.

  8. Lena says:

    I started getting 3 happy meals once my two kids were 3 and 4 and Iā€™ve never gone back.

  9. J.Mo says:

    Joyce Carol Oates foot wounds are covered in stray fur or hair. Yuck.

  10. Imogene says:

    Since when were adults not allowed to order Happy Meals? How did they know if you did/didn’t have a bunch of kids in the backseat? I always order kids food because I hate large portion sizes

  11. Shelley says:

    Princess Anne looks GOOD!

  12. The Recluse says:

    Caftans ! They are this year’s discovery for me.
    I bought some from India via Etsy: two to sleep in and one to lounge around in the evening and ride my exercise bike in. They are cotton and so comfortable, especially in this desert heat.