Anti-choice RNC speaker Abby Johnson doesn’t believe in women’s suffrage

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I’m not going to post Abby Johnson’s RNC speech because after reading two stories about this POS, I wish I had never heard of her. Abby Johnson is some kind of anti-abortion “activist,” but of course there’s a lot more to it than that. She also believes that women should be denied the right to vote and that we, as a society in the year 2020, should only allow the head of the household to vote. And they gave this a–hole a primetime speaking slot at the RNC, on the centennial anniversary of the 19th amendment. I can’t. I also can’t with this whole story:

One of the Republican National Convention’s top speakers said in a recent video that it would be “smart” for a police officer to racially profile her biracial son, because “statistically, my brown son is more likely to commit a violent offense over my white sons.”

“I recognize that I’m gonna have to have a different conversation with Jude than I do with my brown-haired little Irish, very, very pale-skinned, white sons, as they grow up,” Abby Johnson, a prominent anti-abortion activist, said in a 15-plus-minutes video posted to YouTube in late June, after weeks of nationwide protests against the police killing of George Floyd.

“Right now, Jude is an adorable, perpetually tan-looking little brown boy,” said Johnson, whose husband blogged, in 2015, about adopting their biracial son at his birth. Johnson is white. “But one day, he’s going to grow up and he’s going to be a tall, probably sort of large, intimidating-looking-maybe brown man. And my other boys are probably gonna look like nerdy white guys.”

But the fact that the police could one day view her sons differently, simply due to the color of their skin, doesn’t make Johnson mad, she said. Instead, it makes sense to her.

“Statistically, I look at our prison population and I see that there is a disproportionately high number of African-American males in our prison population for crimes, particularly for violent crimes. So statistically, when a police officer sees a brown man like my Jude walking down the road — as opposed to my white nerdy kids, my white nerdy men walking down the road — because of the statistics that he knows in his head, that these police officers know in their head, they’re going to know that statistically my brown son is more likely to commit a violent offense over my white sons.”

“So the fact that in his head, he would be more careful around my brown son than my white son, that doesn’t actually make me angry. That makes that police officer smart, because of statistics.”

[From Vice]

Do I even need to explain this one? It’s not that her brown-skinned son is more likely to commit a crime, it’s that he’s more likely to be charged with a crime. Or incarcerated. Or shot by the police. All because of the color of his skin. Someone take this woman’s children away from her, this is so depressing. I can only imagine what Day 3 of the convention will be – perhaps a phrenology expert talking about forehead slopes indicating criminality.

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87 Responses to “Anti-choice RNC speaker Abby Johnson doesn’t believe in women’s suffrage”

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  1. Ashley says:

    I haven’t listened to a minute of RNC speeches because I don’t have the stomach for it right now. This lady is insane, and what is scary is that she probably represents more conservative white women than we want to admit.

    • Esmom says:

      I think she does. I mentioned yesterday that in my predominantly white neighborhood, this family, which had a huge Trump banner across their house in 2016, have “I support the police” signs all over their lawn and — I literally stopped in my tracks while out running — a big cardboard cutout of an ape in their window.

    • Elizabeth says:

      Who wants to tell her that without suffrage she wouldn’t have been allowed to stand up in front of all those men and make a speech?

      • bettyrose says:

        Susan Faludi’s Backlash is full of stories and even interviews with women who grab public forums by claiming that women shouldn’t have civil rights. Is there an irony to women using public platforms to preach that women should be forced into domestic servitude with no public voice, or is it the most self-serving message ever that all other women besides the speaker should be denied a place in society?

      • Lemons says:

        Have any of these idiots seen The Handmaid’s Tale? They’ll all end up like Serena, surprised that all of a sudden, the men her voice protected start to take away her agency and they are wiped from the history books.

        I wish they would keep their submissive fetishes to themselves and the bedroom and kept us out of it. This is not politics.

        Horrifying how she views her adoptive son.

  2. Izzy says:

    I can’t believe they let this twunt adopt that poor child. And the fact that neither she nor the convention planners appreciate the sheer stupidity of having her speak at an event about voting for the fascist cheeto, while at the same time saying she wishes she couldn’t vote for him…

    • Ronaldinhio says:

      I feel so sorry for her children. All of her children. The descriptors. The racism.
      I am genuinely horrified.
      This has sickened me

      • CherHorowitz says:

        I really feel physically sick reading it. She not only thinks his but will trot out on national telly and say it proudly and as though she is very very clever. How can her poor child be raised by this woman?!

    • stephka says:

      Yes, if she believes she shouldn’t be voting, then why is she speaking? So weird.

    • Teresa says:

      Truly I do not understand the depths of hatred that woman must have. To even want to adopt a child you feel superior to is among the most horrid things I can imagine. Why would you adopt someone you’re clearly not capable of loving.

    • Laura says:

      This woman should not have been allowed to adopt a child and all the children should be removed from the toxic environment. The real-life living and breathing Serena Joy is what we have on our hands here.

  3. Deanne says:

    What a horrible way to talk about your own child. Her biracial son isn’t statistically more likely to commit a crime, just to be charged with one. My God, where do these people come from? She’s against women voting too because she believes in that bullshit male headship garbage too? Well F’ck you Abby. How are these religious zealots and obviously racist people allowed to adopt any child, let alone a child of colour?

    • lara (the other) says:

      Why ist it so difficult for these People to get the difference between correlation and causation?

      • Deanne says:

        Fervent religious belief seems to leave little room in their brains for actual facts or critical thought. Apparently she’s not allowed to think for herself so I imagine she takes her lead from her husband and Tucker Carlson.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      “Her biracial son isn’t statistically more likely to commit a crime, just to be charged with one”


  4. Mel M says:

    I can’t even start with this but I can say I feel terrible for that poor boy. He is obviously looked at as other in his family so there is no doubt he’s also treated that way. He won’t have his own parents to back him up if anything were to happen to him based on his looks alone. Meanwhile his brothers will be able to get away with anything. I mean…….here we are.

    • Mumbles says:

      That’s what I thought too. This poor kid’s parents assume he’s going to do something bad, I.e. that he’s genetically wired to be a criminal. And by that logic, their “Irish looking” kids aren’t. That’s even worse than the regular racists who claim it’s bad environment or lack of family values that drive POC to crime. Both are awful of course, but this psycho’s world view leads to an argument that not ensuring equal opportunities for POC in schools, jobs etc is justified because of this “genetic tendency.” A stupid, evil monster.

  5. emmy says:

    F*ck you sideways with a rusty chainsaw, Abby!!! And someone check on her poor child!

  6. Sarah says:

    I’d suggest someone sit her down and gently explain cause and effect but it would be a waste of time. She wants to believe that brown and black people are more dangerous, it’s as simple as that.

    What terrifies me more is that the orange one was very clear about who he was in 2016 and yet people still voted for him in their millions. None of this is new.

  7. McMom says:

    As a decent human being, this makes my heart hurt. As the mother to two adopted, non-Caucasian sons, this makes me mad. What adoption agency approved this woman to adopt?

    Head of household voting? WTF? Who believes this nonsense?

    • Eleonora says:

      I do believe in head of household voting from this very moment.

      If women are head of household…

      Only widowers can vote too if they pass the age of 40. Unmarried men will have their mothers vote for them. A sister if the mother has passed away. If the guy gets widowed/divorced at a young age, authority over him reverts back to the mother/sister.

      • Eleonora says:

        @Dave, do you only care to react when someone puts a mirror to what a misogynist says, as it is suddenly not convenient to you when it concerns men, but keep silent when there is a person with an actual platform saying this about women not being allowed to vote?

        Your reaction is exactly why I wrote this. It’s not nice when people advocate taking away your right to vote, is it? Good thing you almost never have to deal with that in your life. The irritation you felt when reading my post is something women deal with many times over.

        It’s nice you care about transgendered people, though, if you really do care beyond using them for an argument.

    • Laura says:

      What if the ‘head of the household’ is a mother? and what makes the ‘head of the household’ anyway? Is it the amount of money one makes in relation to their partner or just what’s swinging (or not) between their legs?
      How about if she thinks only the head of the household should vote then she can just abstain and let the rest of us do what we want. The republicans really are trying to get the least amount of people to vote as possible – even their ‘own’ voters.

  8. robin says:

    I wonder how smart she thinks police officers are, when they hurt her innocent son for joining a protest against police brutality in the future. Because that’s what’s been happening recently. So tone deaf.

  9. CROWHOOD says:

    They should take her child away from her. Just the one that she views as other.

  10. L says:

    Even her eyebrows are trying to run away from her sh*tty opinions.

  11. Everything is Roses says:

    Logging on for the first time to say HOLY SMOKES! That lady is an abusive POS and I can’t believe the RNC put her on a pulpit to spew her garbage.

    • Mel M says:

      It is garbage but this is who they are and have been only now they don’t even try and hide or disguise it. This is their base and this is them appealing to their base who want to go back to pre civil war days, plain and simple.

  12. ItReallyIsYouNotMe says:

    +1000000 on the point that committing a disproportionate number of crimes is different than the disproportionate number of men of color who are charged & incarcerated for the SAME f-ing crimes that white men commit. Why can’t these idiots get that point? Oh yeah, it’s because they don’t want to believe it. Anyway, One day her brown son is going to Be old enough to spill the beans on how He was treated compared to her nerdy white boys. And does she have daughters because imagine trying to take the right to vote or any kind of autonomy away from your daughters.

    • Eleonora says:


      Also, if women commited only 30% of crimes, there would be questions asked everywhere why women commit so many cries.

  13. Eleonora says:

    Only Head of Household is okay when women are head of household by default.

    • JJ says:

      I don’t want to read her nonsense, so I don’t know her specific belief structure. I work (gasp!) and make more money than my husband. Would that make me the head of household and designated voter in her system?

  14. Badrockandroll says:

    In a reverse version of the one that got away, at least someone in the GOP had the great good sense to cancel (hee hee) the Angel mom. Her police son was killed by a drunk illegal alien, and I suppose she was going to speak about that, in a predictably racist way. But someone caught wind of her tweets, which refer to a Rothschild/Elders of Zion cabal which is going to enslave all the Christians. And with Pompeo (also violating the Hatch Act by speaking in a partisan fashion while on the government dime) in Israel, that might have been a tad embarrassing. I actually wish it had happened.

    • Lightpurple says:

      They canceled her at the last minute too so it was glaring and filled the news stories for the half hour before the convention started

  15. AMM says:

    Not only is she racist and sexist and crazy, but she’s also a liar. 10 years ago a journalist from the Texas Monthly wrote an investigative piece about her claims with seeing the abortion and Her story absolutely fell apart. The journalist revisited that investigation recently and it’s still a mess of a story. The gist of it is: there were zero black women over 6 weeks pregnant that came into the office in that time frame (she claims the “beam me up Scotty” abortion was a black women getting the procedure at 13 weeks). Abby claims PP is hiding the demographic data to make her look bad. After the date of the abortion that “changed her life”, she was on the radio defending PP and talking shit about the anti abortion group. She was in trouble at work in an incident that got her friend fired and had her under review. She was super pissed about being under review and complained on Facebook about it (but said nothing about the “traumatizing” procedure she had seen that week). The friend that got fired from PP claims that Abby was in a lot of debt and mad at PP, so she took 3k from Sean Crawly to give a speech against Planned Parenthood and ended up with a career. Her and her friend had gotten in trouble for talking shit about low level employees via work email. The friend also claimed that Abby had never said anything about being upset to witness any abortions and in fact had just praised the use of ultrasound technology that made them go much smoother. No part of her story holds up to the slightest bit of scrutiny.

    • Jess says:

      Exactly. I was going to post the same thing, and add in how she had two abortions herself, but of course now that she’s changed her tune she wants to shame other women for wanting the same rights she had once. This chick is a disgusting person, a liar, and supposedly a thief as well, now she can add racist mother to that list.

    • Betsy says:

      THANK YOU. I feel like women and our critical ability to access abortion and birth control are being hung out to dry here again.

      The fact is that this forced birther is a liar and female male supremacist. I don’t particularly care if a woman wants to live in her husband’s shadow. It’s fcked up and sad and I can guarantee you has its roots in some godawful patriarchal religious beliefs, but live and let live. It’s that they want to force it down everyone else’s gullets that’s so repellent.

    • FYI says:

      Plus she marched in the Million Women March — against Trump.

  16. AMM says:

    Not only is she racist and sexist and crazy, but she’s also a liar. 10 years ago a journalist from the Texas Monthly wrote an investigative piece about her claims with seeing the abortion and Her story absolutely fell apart. The journalist revisited that investigation recently and it’s still a mess of a story. The gist of it is: there were zero black women over 6 weeks pregnant that came into the office in that time frame (she claims the “beam me up Scotty” abortion was a black women getting the procedure at 13 weeks). Abby claims PP is hiding the demographic data to make her look bad. After the date of the abortion that “changed her life”, she was on the radio defending PP and talking shit about the anti abortion group. She was in trouble at work in an incident that got her friend fired and had her under review. She was super pissed about being under review and complained on Facebook about it (but said nothing about the “traumatizing” procedure she had seen that week). The friend that got fired from PP claims that Abby was in a lot of debt and mad at PP, so she took 3k from Sean Crawly to give a speech against Planned Parenthood and ended up with a career. Her and her friend had gotten in trouble for talking shit about low level employees via work email. The friend also claimed that Abby had never said anything about being upset to witness any abortions and in fact had just praised the use of ultrasound technology that made them go much smoother. No part of her story holds up to the slightest bit of scrutiny.

  17. Feedmechips says:

    Those eyebrows though…😶😶😶

    • Mel M says:

      If you click on the link there is a pic of her and they obviously gave her a big haired republican makeover for this thing.

  18. grabbyhands says:

    Every time that I think I can’t hate his supporters any more than I do, another evil dipshit rears their ugly head.

    That she is anti-women’s suffrage sadly isn’t as big a shock as it used to be, although I will never understand any person who stands up and says they literally want to have no rights and no control over their own body.

    What really earned my hatred is that someone handed a vulnerable child over to this racist trash and that she feels fine going on national TV to tell the world that she is fine with her biracial son being a target for the cops. She’s okay that at some point he might just be existing somewhere and a cop or some other deranged racist lunatic decides his existence is suspicious and guns him down. Because apparently he has it coming because he’s brown and probably would do something bad someday, I guess. I can’t even get my head around that. And that poor kid is going to grow up knowing that and having that self hate instilled in him from his own parent.

    This woman should not be a parent period, let alone a child of color.

  19. E.D. says:

    What this woman spewed out of her mouth at the RNC was so graphic and so inappropriate for the format, I was genuinely shocked.

    I actually hope no Trumpers allowed their children to watch/listen because no one deserved to hear that – not even the worst of the MAGA twats.

  20. Lightpurple says:

    They chose to have a woman opposed to women’s suffrage speak on the night they were trying to lure back suburban housewives

  21. Swack says:

    She’s right that she will have to have a different conversation with her biracial son but not the one that she thinks she has to have. A friend of my daughter is fostering and hopefully adopting two little boys 6 & 4. Right now she has to have conversation that the police are there to help (and not that they will be racially profiled) because they were taken out of their horrific home life by DFS and the police. She has said that one day she will have to have an entirely different conversation with them because they are black and most likely will be racially profiled and it breaks her heart to have to do that. On another note, why would she speak at a national convention for the nomination of a candidate if she doesn’t believe that women have the right to vote?

  22. Daisyfly says:

    This woman just admitted that she believes her “brown” son is going to be more violent than her white sons just because he’s “brown”, and anything that happens to him will be his fault because he’s “brown”.

    She also revealed that she doesn’t know how to parse statistics at all. Not surprising given how little she even understands about anything.

    “Women shouldn’t be allowed to vote or speak out, and let me use my right to vote and speak out to tell you why” is nothing new for GOP women. It’s a message to evangelical women specifically, to encourage them not to vote just – JUST – in case their vote is in opposition of their husband’s.

    • Mel M says:

      Exactly! She saying that even if he’s raised by the right type of family (white) he will still be a more dangerous person and it only has to do with his skin color. This is exactly the thinking they used to defend slavery. She is up there saying whites are superior to brown and black skinned people and they WANTED her to and then you have Melania talking about race relations lol. This has got to be an effing nightmare I will wake up from right?

      These same people that think brown and black people are inherently bad and can’t control themselves also don’t think white men can control themselves around a woman and that it the woman’s job to protect the man from himself. The white man is not to blame for anything. It’s everyone else at fault and they will do anything to keep that going. They are also the people who don’t seem to understand that Jesus was NOT a white man.

  23. SM says:

    The biggest perk of having a zombie campaign for you is that they have no brains to understand what they are preaching. If there was no women’s suffrage then she wouldn’t be allowed to speak on stage. Nor would she have that almost charmingly delusional sense of self importance. Is that so hard to connect two dots?

  24. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    I have no hope. I lost it 2016, and deranged evil keeps it buried. This bitch belongs in the dark ages on a rack. She’s a witch. She has no business speaking for anyone yet she has the stage and ears of a major political party and millions of voters. We are, and forever will be, doomed because there will always be blind worshipping delusional.

  25. Ariel says:

    If she does not believe women should vote- why is she on stage?
    She needs to sit her ass down on the floor at her husband’s feet and wait for him to snap his fingers for her if he needs something.
    Can’t have it both ways.
    She doesn’t believe women shouldn’t vote, she just believes women should only vote for racist criminals. And other women don’t count.
    I’d bet she’d get her daughter an abortion, to save any embarrassment for herself.
    But she would keep you or me from having one.

  26. Enis says:

    This makes me angry on multiple levels.

    As a white woman married to an ambiguously brown man, we have struggled to adopt for 10 years, but get turned away because we are non-Christians. Yet this white supremacist, racist piece of garbage was able to adopt a biracial child.

    • Eleonora says:

      You get turned away because you’re not Christians? What kind of crazy dictatorship do you live under?

  27. Betsy says:

    Tell you what, Abby: how about you just don’t vote this year? You and all the other women who think women shouldn’t vote, put your money where your mouth is and don’t vote! It’s the only way to walk the walk. That way, your “head of household” gets to cast the ballot for your home just as you wish!

  28. Teebee says:

    I don’t think she believes a single thing she said. She’s just willing to represent the lowest common denominator voter the Republicans have left to court. Maybe she’s being paid, seriously someone should investigate, because money before morals.

    There’s no way this woman would be anywhere near a public event, let alone a party’s national convention, in 2020, with those backward ass views, if the Republicans weren’t absolutely desperate. They have gone all in as the absolute opposite of the Democratic ticket. They are throwing everything they have at what is left of their support. But they’re going to find out the hard way that their beloved base is a wee minority of whacko assholes.

    I swear I am getting more and more optimistic that Trump is going down in November. And that his desperate tactics will result in his total rejection come Election Day. This RNC is a circus, and everyone sees it. Even his Neanderthal base shooting their TVs know it. They might still love Trump for being such a cut up, but the majority of Americans are so embarrassed. They are dying to redeem themselves. So Biden will win, if not just because Americans are tired of being a global laughingstock.

  29. Nina says:

    Well. I certainly hope this means her and her ilk won’t be voting then. Since, you know, she doesn’t believe she should have the right.

  30. phaedra7 says:

    What I’m going to say is MPHO and take on all of this–> Since this Crabby Johnson is a racist already/from the giddyup-jump, she no doubt adopted this biracial child for these 2 reasons:

    (1) As a racist, she would project her hatred towards him at any given personal time, and
    (2) For the $$$ she would receive from being an adoptive parent.

    And the above reasons are what categorizes the GOP from the Dems and made her one of the “perfect” choices to speak at their fuggly “event”.🤬

  31. Lizzieb says:

    This woman makes me ill. Am sick and tired of people judging others for what they do themselves. See also Jerry Falwell. Have absolutely had it with them pretending that they speak for God and Jesus. Am tired of having to defend my faith because of prats like this who give it a bad name (see also flat earthers, generally racist misogynistic people). Thanks everyone. Will stop my rant now.

  32. Merricat says:

    The GOP should just go ahead and rename itself the KKK.

  33. Queen Meghan’s Hand says:

    She doesn’t believe white women should have the right to participate in politics (because come on that’s who she’s really means) but speaks at a political convention to encourage people to vote for Trump. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE.

    All these anti-choicers don’t want abortion banned; they want to entrench their white husband’s power and restrict reproductive justice for single white women and all non-white women.

    And trans-racial adoption should be banned!

  34. Sparky says:

    This is the link to the Texas Monthly article which delineates her dishonesty.

    • A says:

      I’m thoroughly convinced at this point that all right wingers in our current political climate are grifters and liars of the highest order.

  35. smcollins says:

    What the eff did I just read?? Was this actually a mother talking about her own son? That poor boy. When he’s grown I hope he runs far FAR away from this obvious next-level dysfunction of a “family” and never looks back. Holy shit.

  36. Libellule says:

    WTF did I just read? I need to bleach my eyes and erase my memory. Or something

  37. Abby says:

    She has also posted terribly racist remarks on her twitter, calling a black minister a thug at one point I think.

  38. Alarmjaguar says:

    What in the actual hell!?

  39. vesper says:

    Somebody needs to call CPS on this useless cow and get those children away from her. This is negligence, child endangerment and emotional abuse. It is all there, I hope the ACLU and NAACP come together and get parental rights stripped. She is absolutely unfit!

  40. Lindy says:

    Y’all, it feels like letting my hatred for these people fill my whole soul is somehow letting them win. I want to believe that love is stronger than fear, that succumbing to hate for these hatemongers lets them gain ground.

    But I f#*!ing hate this woman, and my heart breaks for her son. I. Hate. All. Of. These. People.

    And I can’t understand how any sane human being with a shred of decency can watch the RNC and think this is the right direction for our country, and these are the right people to lead it.

  41. L4frimaire says:

    This woman is an absolutely horrible person. I truly fear for her adopted son and the damage she will do to him with her racism. She’s also virulently anti-abortion and lies about a lot of facts. Dr. Jen Gunther was calling her out last night. If she believes so much in head if household voting, why is she even up there spouting her nonsense instead of letting her husband speak for her, since she doesn’t need to vote. She really is a “Wife” character out of the a Handmaid’s Tale.

  42. Cate says:

    What she said at the RNC about abortions having a sound and a smell and baby body parts good lord I was like am I in hell is this really happening on National TV?! My husband and I were eating dinner horrified wondering who the hell this woman was. She is disgusting.

  43. JRenee says:

    Human trash, she probably adopted this child so she could say she’s not racist.
    This poor child should never have been adopted by someone with those views. Sickening as hell!

  44. Mina_Esq says:

    What a psychopath. I have no shame in admitting that I’m now looking forward to the inevitable cheating scandal involving her darling husband. Women like this romanticize traditional gender roles until their husbands leave them and they become the social pariah of their social circles. Once they no longer benefit from those roles, they then suddenly need the support of other women and the services and rights that they claim to oppose. You really have to be selfish and short-sighted to think like this woman does. I’m not even gonna get into her cruel comments regarding her children…

  45. Amy says:

    What an ugly, evil soul she has. Also eyebrows. Evil, ugly eyebrows.

  46. Veronica S. says:

    First thought: Holy shit, that poor kid being raised with what will likely be racial trauma from such a garbage set of white parents.

    Second thought: What the f*ck is she doing on stage if she’s got a kitchen to clean and fifteen babies to punch out for the republic? Get off my television.

  47. Faye G says:

    This is beyond horrific. I have no words.

    And why can’t brown people be considered ‘nerdy’ again? Oh yeah, bc of evil racist bitches like her.

    Also, can we pass a law that white people be required to complete an intensive, two-year anti-racism course and be able to pass a stringent exam with flying colors before they are considered eligible for adopting a child of color. Because, Christ.

  48. lise says:

    this racist monster should have never been allowed to adopt a biracial son. that poor child.

  49. Mel says:

    Is it too late for CPS to get involved and remove the bi-racial child from her home? That child in the hands of this whacko who has no respect for his life. I can’t stand it.

  50. JT says:

    And we have found our Serena Joy everyone! Time to be alarmed if you haven’t been already!😒

  51. Jen says:

    Ugh. This is why we have compulsory voting in Australia.