Golfer Jack Nicklaus endorses Donald Trump, acts like Trump is the victim

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I always forget that the last few weeks of a presidential election cycle brings a silly season of political endorsements. I didn’t have Ice Cube-going-MAGA on my 2020 Bingo Card, but I probably could have predicted that rich old white guys are MAGA. I mean, show me a photo of famed golfer Jack Nicklaus and I would say “yeah, he looks like Trump’s base.” He didn’t *have* to publicly endorse Trump, we just would have known. It would have been implied. But here we are. Nicklaus posted this on social media:

First of all, white letters on a red background will ALWAYS be terrorism. Who does that?? I stopped reading at “I have been very disappointed in what he’s had to put up with from many directions,” to be completely honest. There’s something about that Trumpian-wallowing in self-pity which is just repulsive to me. These are old white Republican men who are actively oppressing people and marginalizing people and yet they always adopt this air of aggrieved self-pity, like they’re the true victims in any situation. But yeah, Nicklaus also writes some other dumpster fire sh-t. Cancelled.

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44 Responses to “Golfer Jack Nicklaus endorses Donald Trump, acts like Trump is the victim”

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  1. minx says:

    He’s still alive?

    • Sa says:

      That was my first thought too.

      I will never understand why people choose to broadcast their stupidity and bigotry.

    • (TheOG) Jan90067 says:

      Old, white rich men will always protect old white rich men, particularly when they are protecting their money and position. No big surprise here…other than yeah, he’s STILL alive?

  2. Caroline says:

    Breaking News: Rich White Man Whines

  3. Milkweed says:

    So canceled. I wonder what my golf-loving husband and father-in-law are going to say about this…

  4. Bluj1515 says:

    He was always a miserable jerk and the media covered it up bc that’s what’s sports writing was back then, and they needed the pure hero against Palmer’s emotion, etc

    • LeonsMomma says:

      Exactly. My grandfather, who dealt with the bigs such as Nicklaus and Palmer, in their early years, couldn’t stand Nicklaus (LOVED Palmer). My father dealt with them too, not sure what his thoughts were on Palmer, but my dad also had issues with Nicklaus too. Ergo, I have never been a fan and am not surprised.

  5. Tiffany :) says:

    He tried to sound reasonable, and then he gets to the last paragraph and reveals he’s living in crazy town. Biden is not a socialist.

    • Jo73c says:

      According to the Trumpists anyone left of centre-right is flirting with communism

    • Esmom says:

      They all end up at that place, it seems. It’s their desperation talking. They have no idea what they are talking about but they think it seems scary so they go with it. So exhausting.

    • josephine says:

      He lost me immediately with his lie that Trump has delivered on his promises. No wall built with funds from Mexico. No voluntary release of his tax records. No Republican health care plan to replace our current plan. No advantage for the US on tarriff agreements. No elimination of the national deficit (even before Covid he did nothing but drive it sky high like every other Republican president before him).

      This man is seriously out of touch, but I wouldn’t expect otherwise from a man like this.

      • Traveler says:

        All they see and care about is tax cuts for the rich and packing the courts with far right conservatives.

  6. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Polishing turds should be done in private not dropped with white lettering on a red background.

  7. Sparky says:

    And Trump managed to find $20 million for a hospital project of Nicklaus.

  8. goofpuff says:

    Surprise Surprise. Old White Rich racist endorses Trump for his own gain at the expense of everyone else.

  9. Lemons says:

    Well, I’m glad that he has ruined his legacy before he kicks the dirt.

  10. Wickster says:

    And Jay Cutler just endorsed Nicklaus’ letter on his IG.

  11. Lurker says:

    I saw Jay Cutler reposted this as well. So you can put him on the list as well.

    • molly says:

      Jay going all in hurt. I probably could have guessed he was MAGA, but I really enjoyed his post- split instagram. He was funny! Charming! Interesting! (And keeping up with his excellent skincare routine to an impressive degree!)
      I’m not sure if he ever had plans to monetize or become an influencer in his own right, but he was clearly putting time and thought into his Ranch Guy brand. He liked the attention, if nothing else. He had to have known his audience was a lot of suburban, white woman left over from the Kristen days. And he had to have known the political trend of suburban, white woman right now. Why light that all on fire? What’s the upside? I’m certain neither Jack nor Trump care about Jay Cutler and his mini cows.

      • Jodi says:

        it was a huge tell that Jay was MAGA when he was associating with Tomi Lahren. i unfollowed. gross.

  12. Sara says:

    How much do we want to bet he gets paid well for appearances at Dump’s golf courses?

  13. K.T says:

    Old man yells at cloud, “it’s not white enough!” :p

  14. MsIam says:

    Isn’t Tiger Woods a Trump buddy? He’ll probably post something next. Cheaters of a feather flock together. As for Jack, I guess integrity doesn’t matter much to some people any more.

  15. Kathryn says:

    No surprise but yes, Nicklaus is completely and utterly cancelled. I suspect there are many MAGA idiots in the US pro circuit

  16. heygingersnaps says:

    White man posts a load of absolute bollocks.

  17. Sarah says:

    Well he has a point, how dare anyone criticise the actions of a (maybe) rich white man? What is the world coming to? I’m clutching my pearls right here.

  18. Christa says:

    Of course. He is for Ohio. I recall the state of Ohio primary once voted for Rick Santorum one year so this does not surprise me.

  19. Amy Bee says:

    Not surprised. He got Trump to give government money to his charity and most PGA golfers are MAGA anyway.

  20. Traveler says:

    I can’t stand golf and golfers. Talk about a sport that attracts a 1950’s white country club, polyester pant wearing mentality. For some strange reason years ago I used to follow it until I listened to what the likes of Phil Mikelson, Tiger Woods, et. al. said and did.
    The majority are a bunch of self-centered prigs. For them it’s all about the money.

  21. Jodi says:

    another rich white guy endorsing Trump. how original.

    • Alex says:

      Kinda like the rich old white dude running against him? How are the dems on such a high horse, their candidate has been in public office 40 years and never had a real job.

  22. HoofRat says:

    My eyes are a bit foggy this morning; I thought the banner in the first picture said “F**k Nicklaus”. So disappointed now that I have my glasses on.

  23. Ksweet says:

    Poor Trump. After what he did to Obama he should never, ever complain about his treatment. What a pathetic endorsement by Jack Nicklaus. White male victimhood in these current times is more than disturbing, it’s abhorrent.

  24. lillyfromLilloet says:

    I am sad. My dad was a (Black) golfer in the 1950s-1970s, placed in an amateur tournament (about 5 seconds after our US midwestern city allowed Blacks to play on the municipal public course) and loved the sport. I took lessons and would watch tournaments in the 1970s on TV with my dad and Nicklaus was someone we both loved to watch and bond over. Jack, Jack, please say it ain’t so!

    • Deering24 says:

      Nicklaus is racist. Back in the ‘99s, he made a dazzlingly-stupid remark that there were so few blacks in golf because “their muscles work differently.” Fuck that entitled pig.

  25. Mel says:

    Anyone surprised by this? Anyone? Anyone? One of the biggest stars of a sport that is not welcoming to POC unless they’re carrying their bags? Who didn’t know?

  26. JanaTHING says:

    Jack Nicholas grew up in a privileged, country club environment. As someone who worked for 10 years managing a country club in blood red Ohio, I can tell you that nearly every man over 40 that belongs to a country club shares this same stupid fucking opinion of Trump, and you know why? They’re just like him, the most obnoxious, overbearing men you will ever meet in your life.

  27. Leah says:

    Rich, white, elitist guy endorses broke, corrupt orange guy who he’s known for years.
