Ozzy Osbourne, 72: ‘I regret cheating on my wife. I don’t do it anymore’

Ozzy Osbourne and Sharon Osbourne arrive for the Pride of Britain Awards, Grosvenor House, London, UK
Ozzy Osbourne is one of British GQ’s Men of The Year for some reason, I think because he has a solo album out. The interview is actually quite funny. Journalist Tim Jonze knows all the Ozzy lore and asks him about legendary stories, like the time he bit the head off a dove. Ozzy is super blunt about his crazy life, his family and the sh-t he’s done. I’m just including the stuff in the title and a part about how he’s shooting pellet guns inside the house now and admitted that he shot a dog by mistake. I don’t think the dog incident was recent fortunately because he said “in the past” he’d shot a dog.

How has being in lockdown affected your mental health?
I’m going super nuts now. I bought an air rifle and I’m shooting pellets at the wall every day. I’m getting through 10,000 pellets a week. Bang, bang, bang.

What are you shooting?
Just targets I’ve made. In the past I shot everything you could shoot, though. Cows, sheep, calves, pigs, all kinds of things, dogs…

Not many. A dog. One dog. Not on purpose. It was in a lot of pain and I put it out of its misery. It’s not like I go dog hunting at night.

What do you look back on with regret?
I’ve done some pretty outrageous things in my life. I regret cheating on my wife. I don’t do it any more. I got my reality check and I’m lucky she didn’t leave me. I’m not proud of that. I was pissed off with myself. But I broke her heart.

[From British GQ via Us Magazine]

A casual gossip observer might read this and assume Ozzy cheated 20 years ago or more. We know he slept with two of his family’s nannies because Sharon talked about it. She’s also said Ozzy cheated on her with six different women. That’s despicable enough but maybe it was earlier in his marriage. In fact the last time Ozzy cheated, that we know about, was in 2016. He was with Sharon and Kelly’s hair colorist for four years and the colorist went to People Magazine to blab about it afterwards. Kelly started trashing the woman and tweeted out her phone number, for which Kelly got sued – by her dad’s mistress. The dude is 72 now he was cheating until he got busted at 68. He’s been through a lot recently with back surgery last year and a Parkinson’s disease diagnosis earlier this year. However I doubt he’s been faithful for even the last four years and if he was it probably wasn’t for lack of trying.

Ozzy Osbourne with Sharon and Baby Jack At their Home Hampstead . London . 1985

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Kelly Osbourne, Ozzy Osbourne and Sharon Osbourne arrive at The Recording Academy And Clive Davis' 2020 Pre-GRAMMY Gala held at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on January 25, 2020 in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California, United States.

Photos credit: Avalon.red, Getty and via Twitter

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34 Responses to “Ozzy Osbourne, 72: ‘I regret cheating on my wife. I don’t do it anymore’”

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  1. Ravensdaughter says:

    OMG, who would cheat with him?

    • kimberlu says:

      I think he did years ago, but who cares that he regrets it now? he’s an old man and was a compulsive cheater…regret doesn’t mean much when you can’t get it up to chest anymore….shouldn’t have done it to begin with…

  2. Digital Unicorn says:

    That photo of Sharon holding a baby – Kelly looks just like her.

  3. Heylee says:

    If anyone reading this actually would want to sleep with this man now or at any point over the past 10 years, please explain to me why? I do not get the appeal.

  4. Elizabeth says:

    Geez. Hide your cows, dogs, sheep, etc.

    This isn’t punk rock. It’s dumb and contemptible.

  5. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    I grew up with Ozzy. After the Van Halen’s ushered me into the world of rock and roll, Black Sabbath’s Prince of Darkness reeled me all the way in. Ozzie went on to have a permanent place in my life’s soundtrack lol. I couldn’t care less about his wife or their marriage. Ozzie’s music transcended mainstream rock and has stood the test of time. Whether Zeppelin, ACDC or the scorching melodic sounds of timeless Chris Cornell and Layne Staley, some sounds never die. Ozzie’s voice will outlive him. Sharon’s face will not.😁

    • Dizzy says:

      Rock on. I grew up with Ozzie too but I wasn’t deep into his music. Now I have a friend who is a life long fan and he buys all the music. I have a new admiration for his music. It great. And we are not the stereotype of metal heads.

    • H says:

      I was a hard rock nut in middle and high school. AC/DC, Bad Company, Zeppelin and Ozzy. His Blizzard of Oz is one of my all time favorites albums besides Back in Black. When Randy Rhodes died (Ozzy’s guitarist), I cried. Ozzy is a character, nothing about him surprises me.

  6. jules says:

    Lol. Not to sound rude, but I doubt he’d be able to anyways.

  7. Desdemona says:

    I’m sorry, but why on earth does a woman stay married to that piece of trash.. 6 women, at least??? ….

    • Mrs. Peel says:


      • Sienna says:

        You can say all you want about Sharon but not that she’s a gold digger. She has worked hard to promote Ozzy and other similar acts over the years. I think it is like the Beckham’s that their business and personal are so intertwined that often women look the other way if he’s discreet.

        Didn’t he try and kill her though?!

  8. Jordana says:

    He says he won’t cheat anymore, probably because he’s not physically able to at this point in his life…a real prize. Now Sharon gets to take care of him in his poor health. Again, a real prize.

  9. Cryptkeeper says:

    Not for all the money in the world.

  10. Kay Dozier says:

    It’s not like Sharon did it know he’s a cheater. He cheated on his first wife with Sharon, so I don’t know why she’d be surprised or shocked he’d do it to her.

  11. Arb says:

    He has a ton on money so it’s probably pretty fun to be around him. I’m sure he buys his mistresses gifts and pays their bills. Honestly, if you are okay with whoring, one very rich old man is probably the way to go. Most of us are not okay with prostituting ourselves because it’s a psychologically damaging thing to do. I’m sure that gets minimized with a different title and a single client.

    As for his wife staying with him… She clearly gets something out of the relationship. Again, I wouldn’t but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to understand. She probably loves him and loves the title and privileges that being married to him afford her.

    • Sera Quill says:

      “Honestly, if you are okay with whoring, one very rich old man is probably the way to go.” – totally agree! I say, if it’s all involving adults and consent, then, each to his own and live and let live.

      “I’m sure that gets minimized with a different title and a single client” – lol yes. “Single client” – lol love it!

  12. olliesmom says:

    First of all, EW.

    I don’t think that he’s even capable of cheating anymore.

  13. Lyli says:

    Hmmm ok, you forgot to mention how he shot calves and cows and pigs and other? What a despicable person.

  14. Josie Bean says:

    I read one of Sharon Osborne’s books years ago. She mentioned that when staying at a posh London hotel when they were younger, as a joke Ozzie defecated in a pair of shoes that had been left outside someone’s hotel room door (the shoes were to be picked up by the porter for cleaning). Sharon and Ozzie seemed to get a big kick out of this. Sharon showed no regret for the poor hotel employee who had to clean Ozzie’s poop from the hotel guest’s shoes. Sharon and Ozzie are disgraceful.

  15. Chaine says:

    As others have said, his music was a soundtrack for my teen angst. I still enjoy it. But now that I’m an adult, I’m really appalled at his cruelty to animals and that’s giving me pause about the music. There is nothing funny about shooting at innocent vulnerable beings that have done nothing to him.

  16. Dragonlady sakura says:

    WTF did I just read?!
    I don’t care about him cheating, it’s not my marriage, but he’s shooting effing animals with a BB gun! Where Is the outrage?

  17. Lauea says:

    Ozzy is my all time favorite musician. His music touches me in ways others’ has never. I spent $400 for tickets to No More Tours 2, which was canceled.
    That being said, he seems to be an awful person, although I do believe his worst acts are pretty far behind him, and I give him credit for always acknowledging his shitty behavior.

  18. Trillion says:

    This is the equivalent to holding up your empty drug bag and displaying it to all your friends at the party while declaring, “THIS ENDS NOW!”

  19. Amando says:

    Sharon really takes those marriage vows seriously… He does these things because he knows he can. She will always take him back.