This is a little piece of “Where are they now?” news, but it comes with a healthy dose of schadenfreude. Does everyone remember Sarah Larson? She was the Las Vegas “cocktail waitress” who dated George Clooney for a little more than a year 2007-2008. Through the course of their relationship, George pulled a Pretty Woman on her – he bought her clothes, showed her off on every awards show red carpet, tried to give her some kind of “modeling career” and bought her some new boobs. Of course, through the course of their relationship, we sort of figured out that she wasn’t just a cocktail waitress.
Of course, Clooney dumped her rather unceremoniously after the awards shows were over and Sarah began to get some ideas. Ideas like she wasn’t just plucked out of the air and made famous just because she was screwing Clooney. Ideas like marriage. Ideas like “I’m the one who can make him settle down”. After being dumped, Sarah hung around for a little while, riding out the 15th minute of her fame. But she’s been out of the public eye for about a year now – that is, until Fox News caught up with her over the weekend. Guess what Sarah’s doing now? She’s spiritual! And she does not have any warm feelings about Clooney or his latest Italian piece.
Former Las Vegas cocktail waitress Sara Larson became a household name in 2007 when she struck up a serious love affair with George Clooney, only to find herself a notch in Clooney’s belt a year later.
But despite rumors earlier this year that Larson may have her own Vegas-based reality show in the works, it seems she has opted for a more spiritually satisfying lifestyle and is earning her keep as a private yoga instructor in Los Angeles.
“I do yoga pretty much every day. I am a certified yoga instructor, so I actually teach yoga,” Larson told Tarts at the recent REALITY CARES’ SIZZLES Charity Benefit in Los Angeles. Nor surprisingly, the stunner says “all of a sudden” guys have started calling out of nowhere for private classes, and she’s now in talks to design her own yoga-inspired clothing line.
Meanwhile Clooney has apparently found himself a Larson clone, the thin, beautiful Italian brunette Elisabeta Canalis with whom he has been spotted canoodling quite a lot of late.
However, Larson too has found herself a new love (she said we wouldn’t know him) and says she doesn’t give a hoot about her ex’s romantic relations. “Dating has its challenges and either two people connect or they don’t,” she told Tarts. “There’s a lot of other factors that are involved as to whether it will be a long term relationship or not, but everything for me right now is new,” Larson added, her expression suddenly becoming stone cold. “I’m not in touch with George at all. I don’t have any regrets.”
[From Fox News]
Meow. When someone says “I don’t have any regrets” I usually hear “My one regret is that I didn’t cut off his wang with a butter knife.” But whatever her feeling for or about Clooney, I’m glad she’s moving on, and I hope she continues to talk about her brief moment of fame. She’s funny, and the situation was funny. Keep talking, Sarah!
Sarah Larson is shown on 12/14/08. Credit:
I’m sorry…who was she again?
Sorry but who would want to marry Clooney he has a freeloader’s mentality like it the book Renters Buyers and Freeloaders
“Freeloaders are “only willing to give and receive care if it comes almost effortlessly.”
So good that she moved on and is not using that relationship for 15 minutes of fame whoredom.
And why should she talk about a pass relationship with a complete stranger when one she is dating someone else and is asked only because the ex is famous.
George is what he is.. at least he is honest.. She got over him after he made her pack her meager sh#t and leave his house. She had her 15 minutes. Now she needs to make it on her own and stop mentioning his name. He moved on like he always does. I doubt George even remembers her name.
It’s funny how the “mighty” has fallen. When she was with George People Magazine and W or Vanity Fair Magazine(or some other major magazine) had her on the most beautiful list, she was getting modeling work, and was supposed to do something with that Ed Hardy guy. Now she’s a yoga instructor. I was really amused by the Sarah/George relationship because I couldn’t believe how hard George tried to make her respectable and how Sarah completely believed in the hype.
It’s more likely that he doesn’t speak or acknowledge her. Poor call girl, she’s still delusional.
Clooney has moved on to his new hot Italian piece and Larson is probably just bitter.
I think she looks great. Good for her that she has moved on, maybe alittle bitter, who wouldn’t be? She has survived being drug through the mud and I am sure could make a fortune with a tell all book! She actually looks better now than when she was with Clooney.
That’s not how she looks now per se. This picture is from last year in November when she was at some event to push the not-happening reality sports show with some other actress.
I’m glad she’s happily moved on. GC went down about 50 notches to me when he dumped yet another one. Serial daters/dumpers are totally unappealing. So he’s just George being George? That’s not a George I’d be at all interested in.
Good for her.
GC only stayed with her a spell because she got hurt on his motorcycle.
GC sickens me anyway, so I’m glad botox Larsen (look at that forehead) has an actual career.
I hear John Gosselin is looking for a date.
Orangejulius –
I too, am tired of George just being George. I think he dropped 100 notches and apparently is still falling.
Nice blue.
From what I read Fox News found her, she wasn’t looking for any media attention. And Clooney did bust her up in a motorcycle accident. She may have started yoga to help herself heal. Sounds like she has moved on and is justifiably proud at having turned her life around. I hope she does well.
Botox??? She’s 30, not 50.
i have never thought she was even remotely cute. what is it. do i need glasses am i a jealous bitch, nope shes just a skank
she’s classier than some people thought. good that she got on with her life.
i adore her. she got to live every girls fantasy and she came out of it with a clear level head.
how do we know she is moving on with her life? I mean, she could be crying herself to sleep evry night… also, that comment about “people all of a sudden wanting personal sessions with her” sounds really clueless… it’s like she doesn’t quite grasp why that is the case…
Love her dress and shoes, and overall I think she looks gorgeous, but I just want to take oil-blotting sheets to her face. Glowing is good, shiny is not.
I never cared about her and I’ve never been a Clooney fan, but she seems to have a little more class than I initially thought either way.
GC is not every woman’s fantasy. He’s a gross old guy who becomes more cartoonish as he ages. Hopefully she’s dating someone closer to her own age. Women, stop dating old men. It’s gross and they’re using you.
George Clooney does not shit gold so why do people act like he’s some kind of royalty? I think he takes himself too seriously. He’s an actor, so why do people act like this girl was never good enough for him in the first place?
I think she’s very pretty and I’m glad she’s moved on too.
“When someone says “I don’t have any regrets” I usually hear “My one regret is that I didn’t cut off his wang with a butter knife.” HILARIOUS!
Ain’t it the truth?!
Clooney sucks balls. I think he gets these women all psyched up that they’re gonna have a relationship and then gets off on dumping them. The perpetual bachelor act is a bit tired. He’s skeezy.
George was a debonair playboy for a while. Now he is, indeed, gross. His new teeth are way to big for his mouth/face, too.
I’m glad this girl is working on a new career; one that is much more respectable than cocktail waitress/model/party girl in Vegas. Yoga = good. And give her some credit — she was quite young when she met GC. I’m sure she learned from the experience, as most of us have from our romantic debacles.
P.S. I have a super smooth, often shiny forehead & at 36, I’ve never had botox. And I grew up on the beach — don’t be so presumptuous.
Darn Beth, the way you described how she was & is treated now , plus when you typed “I was really amused by the Sarah/George relationship because I couldn’t believe how hard George tried to make her respectable and how Sarah completely believed in the hype.” Hell, it makes me feel sorry for her. Now I’m wondering what lies, or dreams did George really sell her?
She’s better than me when it comes to being dumped in public. If he had did me like that & and sent me back to the ppoor house, I would not have hesitated to write a tell-all. The world would know his sex secrets & everything I could think of. If she ever writes it ,I’m buying it 🙂
Well said Raven
interesting views MDF – after all he really is just another man whore. If he weren’t rich & famous, no serious woman would give his azz a second thought. I hope she does have someone better too. Someone who respects her & encourages her to respect herself. She’s better than arm candy & a beauty prop. That’s how George treated her. Hell, he didn’t even let her talk.
She could’ve made big bucks posing for Playboy and didn’t and that made me think she wasn’t such a slut. His new piece can’t keep her clothes on, but he’ll cover up her ho past.
for some reason i think it’s funny that there is a picture of her with the Burger King sign in the background.
I think George’s new girlfriend is not pretty at all…Sara has it all over her and she has proved herself a class act by not doing Playboy or writing a tell all book which everyone would buy. George’s worst decision was ending his relationship with Sara…she is true blue and sweet and loyal and GORGEOUS…he’ll never find that combo again…I hope she is happy
i totally agree !!!Sara has prooved herself a class act…she had conducted herself admirably after a devasting break up …we think she is adorable, and has the best figure ever…sooo much prettier than the one he is dating now …she looks like Steven Tyler…yuck
Hmmm, “cocktail waitress” – wasn’t Matt Damon’s wife a “bartender”….somehow, though, I think Damon’s wife is the real deal – it was just a job, not a lifestyle,and she’s shaping up to be a dovted wife and mom. Some of these ‘cocktail waitresses/bartenders’ have a partying lifestyle that explains some of their appeal to the pretty boys of Hollywood.
I’d like to see one of those men bring home a rocket scientist. How about pretty Michael Weatherly – got himself a doctor, an oncologist….FO’ SURE they can’t all be shallow! Or can they?