Impeach, remove & arrest Donald Trump for inciting a coup at the Capitol

President Trump delivers remarks to supporters in DC to support Trump's claims of voter fraud

Donald Trump has never been *just* a sore loser, a crybaby and a man who lives in deep denial and delusion. He was always a terrorist too. His fascism has always been in plain sight, and his first instinct is always to incite violence, to agitate for terrorism and hate and murder. As long as Trump has been like this, his Republican supporters have minimized the terrorism and fascism, just as they’ve tried to stroke his ego. Either that or Republicans just shrug and ignore him, like what he does and says isn’t a reflection on them at all. My point is that Trump was never sly about any of this – Trump’s coup was not some secret plan, some scheme hatched in some bunker or basement. Trump openly planned and incited terrorist acts. He openly committed acts of sedition, and he had a lot of help from Congressional Republicans. So now that we’ve seen what a coup looks like in Washington, what now?

My answer is to arrest every redneck, every racist toad with “economic anxiety,” every white supremacist douchebag who rioted their way into the Capitol. Then every single one of them must be charged, prosecuted and imprisoned. While we’re doing that, impeach and remove Donald Trump for inciting a terrorist plot and an attempted coup. We also need to remove and arrest every Republican in Congress who explicitly – and hell, even implicitly – encouraged the coup. Let’s get all of this done in the next 12 hours.

In the midst of the attempted coup, Trump released an unhinged video, which was taken down by nearly every site. He’s now been banned or suspended from YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. Here’s a transcript of what he said:

The Capitol had already been evacuated because his terrorist thug supporters broke in, and he was still saying “the election was stolen from us” and “we love you.” Jesus Christ.

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75 Responses to “Impeach, remove & arrest Donald Trump for inciting a coup at the Capitol”

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  1. Merricat says:

    Well said. Agreed.

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      Agree wholeheartedly but they won’t. Doing that will mean overturning centuries of privilege. Not since 1812 had this sort of event ever occurred. Some are even trying to blame Antifa and BLM for last night’s seditious and treasonous behaviour by a facist section of society. America looked awful to the world before now they look far worse than we could ever imagine.

      • Indywom says:

        Kind of hard to use the excuse of establishing democracy when you are invading other countries and you have people attempting to overthrow your own. Many countries already suspected that the US was full of it but yesterday the hypocrisy was on full display. The US is no longer the moral leader of the world. Trump has made us very vulnerable to those countries that want to do us harm.

      • Midnight@theOasis says:

        @Indywom. The U.S. should never have been held up as the moral leader of the world. Given stench and hypocrisy of the U.S. in the way it treats its non white citizens no other country should ever pay the U.S. heed.

    • Implicit says:

      you know everybody holding up this white supremacy and saying nothing will ever come of it are the problem phukkkk you Elizabeth- expect better

  2. B n A fn says:

    There is a mad 😡 man in the White House, he has to go!!! No excuses, HE MUST GO today!. People, he’s has the nuclear ☢️ code. We are all in danger. What the “F” did he do to our country yesterday, OMFG.

  3. Trillian says:

    They need to check out the police as well. There is footage of them opening the gates and taking selfies with those terrorists.

    • Keroppi says:

      Thankful for the reporters who got that footage!

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      They not only opened the gates, they took selfies with these terrorists AND held their hand to walk them gently down the capitol steps. The level of outrage against the orange buffoon does not match his disgusting treasonous actions. I am surprised he is still in the White House. He should have been summarily dismissed and marched out.

    • JanetDR says:

      Complicit law enforcement is a serious problem all over the country and it is not going away. Getting Trump out of office right now would be a step. How much more would it take?!

    • BeanieBean says:


  4. Lizzie says:

    25th amendment should be enacted today so he can do no more damage. Impeachment should also happen so he can never run again.
    I’m in MO and Hawley sent out fundraising emails around 3pm- right in the middle of the terrorism.

    • B n A fn says:

      Harley, Cruz, Rubio must be voted out. Rudy, Jr, ivanka , Jared all should be jailed. They are a disgrace to America, all of them are enemy of America. 45 must’ve jailed the minute he steps out of the White House. Don’t forget about Lindsey who encouraged all of 45 delusions.

      • Raspin says:

        No, they all need to be kicked out. All of the senators and representatives who voted to agree with the objections yesterday need to be removed from Congress now, not wait two years for an election and give themselves time to rehab their images.

    • Merricat says:

      Hawkey should not be seated.

  5. Aurora says:

    Trump joined Parler so he’s still able to get his message out.

    • Mignionette says:

      Parler is full of ultra right wing nuts so by joining parler he just admitted to the world who he is. How any black voters can now stand by him is beyond me.

    • Lizzie says:

      and he is using someone elses twitter.

      • Mignionette says:

        This just get’s crazier by the moment – using someone else’s Twitter.

        His need to be centre stage at all times is full blown narcissism.

        Mary Trump warned us ….

  6. Josie Bean says:

    I wonder if Trump would dare to pardon those who participated in storming the Capital building???

    • Esmom says:

      That’s one reason why he can’t be allowed to be in office one more minute. If he is able to finish his term I think my head will explode.

    • H says:

      They need to be arrested AFTER Biden is sworn in. Then, round up and arrest them all. I took an oath to defend the Constitution when I joined the military and these seditious traitors need to go to jail.

  7. Angel says:

    After the elections all his social media accounts should be deleted and medias should never entertain him against unless It’ a a coverage of him going in jail.

  8. Digital Unicorn says:

    He has to go – Pence do your job and get rid of him. If not, he will entice riots like this again and again. If it happens again, more will die and I fear to Joe and Kamala – the targets on their heads from the Trump terrorists have just gotten bigger.

    GOP are fkd, they party will splinter now – Trump is def going to start a party of his own with his cultists. In his pre-recorded video you can tell he was loving all the chaos – he was probably filling his Depends in his baby bunker.

    Biden has now been confirmed and now that GOP have lost control of the Senate things aren’t going to get any calmer in the lead up to the 20th. They are planning something for inauguration day.

    • B n A fn says:

      I never believed I would see Mike Pence break from 45 but he did his job, and I thank him.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        Considering that Dump SENT that mob to Capitol to get Pence – I think we’ll all be seeing a new Pence. Dump threatened his life, he’s going to turn on him big time now.

      • H says:

        The terrorists had bombs and cars full of guns. Some had zip ties. They planned to take hostages, I have no doubt. This was planned and aided by the some of the Capital Police. I’m appalled they got that close to the Capital Building. We need a Congressional inquiry to investigate. I felt like I was watching a real live Olympus Has Fallen movie, and it wasn’t funny.

        Pence can bite it. NOW he’s gets a backbone? Those mobs were coming for him.

    • Esmom says:

      There were reports by anonymous staffers that Trump was happy to see the crazed mob get into Capitol. He truly thought they and the seditious senators and house members with their fake allegations of election fraud would prevent the votes from being certified for Biden.

      • Seraphina says:

        I still cannot digest he thought his plan would work. This is a democracy not a dictatorship. It’s just beyond the realm of possibility, yet here we are. I am sickened looking at those pictures. They need to be caught and tried and so should their ring master,

  9. Pati says:

    What happened yesterday was just a scratch of what America has inflicted in more than 50 countries for around 80 years now. I hope the current situation raises some awareness on how your representatives deal with external politics and leave the other countries, especially the third world ones, set the record on how to deal with their setbacks with no American interventionism. Learn from what has continually been happening to us, people!

    • Cee says:

      Yeah, American Governments ignited and supported coups in Latin America, which ended in totalitarism and dictatorships.

    • Anna says:

      @Pati This x100000000 This point cannot be overstated. People online and even here in comments worrying about how the US will be seen by other countries now…?!? Please. The world knows who and what Amerikka is and has been. And why are people worrying how we’re being seen–that’s the most American thing ever! To worry about image rather than the rancid rotten meat that it is. “Oh, how will they look at us now? waaaa” The world has known. The world has experienced Amerikkka’s so-called humanitarian efforts and its collusion with foreign governments to enact coups, starve people, bomb innocents, has put more Black people in prison than South Africa ever did in the height of its apartheid days, the list goes on and on. The only ones under any illusion about the “image” are white Americans who are somehow coasting on their privilege or head-in-the-sand (aka white privilege) about the reality because they *can*.

  10. Lightpurple says:

    At the height of the violence yesterday, Ivanka tweeted a message of support for the “Patriots” breaking down the doors to the Senate chamber. She quickly deleted it and then tweeted arguments at those who challenged her. The Trump family actively plotted this attempted coup.

    And Tiffany tweeted “Happy Birthday” to Eric.

    • Nikki* says:

      Barf. They are so vile

    • Angel says:

      ivanka is her father daughter’s, she is truly the worst of the worst. She needs to go in jail along Kailey Mcennay, Jared and Trump.

    • Esmom says:

      Yeah. I noticed all the Trump kids and close associates were silent on Twitter all day and night after their first backpedaling pleas for a “peaceful” breach on the Capitol. How they can all pretend that they weren’t all on stage screaming for people to literally fight for Trump is beyond me. I honestly wonder what they are all doing right now.

  11. Pati says:

    Ps: if this mess had happened in Venezuela, your president (and this is not only on Trump’s account – history has a lot to say about Democrats as well), they would have sent people to ensure a coup was on the way (if benefits America somehow, obviously) and started economic embargo if it suits them. America must start a real conversation on what democracy truly stands for in all fronts and respect other countries sovereignty.

    • Becks1 says:

      For sure. We have a lot of blood on our hands in terms of how we have treated other countries and their elections and transfers of power (more than just that, but for these purposes, lets focus on that.) Yesterday was an important reminder of the flaws in our own system and the flaws in our international approach.

    • Villern says:

      @Pati This mess happens every day in Venezuela, when colectivos chavistas raid, terrorize and intimidate the opposition. And no one bats an eye. We have people raped, killed and tortured because of doing something as inocuous as a tweet and there is no “couping” as you said. True apathy.

      As a Venezuelan immigrant, I wish for both the right and the left to stop using my country of birth as a straw argument to support their politics, especially when they know little about our history and the process that made this dictatorship possible. As someone who saw the rise of Chavismo, I am chilled to the bone by the rise of Trumpism – so many parallels because right or left, authoritarianism is the same.

      • Cee says:

        Any latin american see this for what it is.
        Trump has really turned the USA into the same backwaters they so hate.

        Biden’s term will not be an easy one.

      • Pati says:

        @Villern. I see your point and you are absolutely right. What I meant to say is that there is always a profitable reason when the USA mess with Latin America political scene and the worst effects are felt by us every day. As a Brazilian who suffers greatly from the effects of the liberal politics for years (worsened now that we have the worst president in the world who happens to be a Trumpist), I can easily argue that what America saw yesterday is just a sample of what this very own country helped to make possible, normalized even, in countries like ours.

  12. Merricat says:

    Fecking trash.

  13. Becks1 says:

    I was most shocked at the Republicans who were surprised yesterday. Like they realized their enabling and tolerance for Trump’s rhetoric (and adding their own to it) actually had consequences. No, you cant just get up and rant and rave over the election for months and then be surprised when people genuinely think it was stolen.

    • Esmom says:

      Yeah, it was crazy to for them to be at all surprised that the monster they’ve been feeding had gotten way, way too big to control.

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      They were not surprised. I think they were surprised that the rest of the country did not join their evil and unconstitutional movement. This was planned and on social media for weeks. They even wore merchandise emblazoned with yesterday’s date on it. The Republican Party need to face some tough questioning from congress and the people of America.

      • Becks1 says:

        I think they were surprised that the mob actually came into the Capitol building. I think they completely underestimated/misread how much control (zero) they have over the Trumpers at this point. Trump told them to storm the capitol, so they did.

  14. Emily says:

    Looking at the pictures of these guys goofing off, putting their hats on statues of former presidents, standing at the podium. They have zero respect for the United States and it’s democracy. These are people who worship Trump and get off on anarchy. No “patriots” to be seen.

  15. Nikki* says:

    Kaiser, I really wish you were in charge of our country. Or I really wish the people who ARE in charge of our country would listen to you. They’re talking about using the 25th Amendment, but I’m so afraid it’s just talk. Rump seems to weasel out of everything, largely due to the scumbag Republicans who have indulged him all along, and his misguided, ignorant, & racist followers.

  16. Keroppi says:

    I mean, I know the answer, but why were there no arrests made of all these rioters/terrorists as they left the building? Now the FBI is looking for footage? Let the criminals escape and then try to find them after the fact. It’s like they are deliberately being slow and obtuse about it!

    • H says:

      @Keroppi There were 52 arrests made last night. Compare that to the 400 made the first night of the BLM protests and you see LEO is so biased.

  17. Sofia says:

    I’m not going to praise Republicans for condemning this. I mean great that they don’t support thugs and rioters but they sat on the sidelines for over 4 years while Trump built his base so they could do something like this. If their lives had to be threatened before they could follow the constitution, they don’t deserve praise.

    • BearcatLawyer says:

      THIS. And several Republicans said on record yesterday they could not believe these were MAGAts storming the Capitol. They deserve only scorn and condemnation.

    • HoofRat says:

      Precisely. They were fine with it until they were personally endangered by it. And all those Trump associates and staffers resigning now? Don’t try to claim the moral high ground when you were fine with children being caged and white supremacists running rampant. Sit down, traitors.

  18. Keroppi says:

    One of the more worrisome photos that I saw was in Pelosi’s office. People had left so quickly that computers were left unlocked. If the terrorists were smart enough, the government could have a serious data breach on their hands. It only takes two keystrokes to lock the computer, Why was this not policy or part of some automatic security system?

    • Christin says:

      I don’t understand that, either. It literally takes two seconds to lock a computer. It could be done simultaneously as one stands up from his/her desk chair. I would imagine desks were left unlocked as well.

    • Mads says:

      I had this concern as well. However, my octogenarian mother, a retired executive secretary for the State of California reassured me. She unequivocally stated everything that is sensitive or confidential is locked up rigorously. Locked with a breach in mind and probably only one or two people with access. Decoys galore. Nothing important is ever left just lying around or accessible at a computer. Ever. She was rather definite about it, and made me feel dumb as rocks for not realizing this truth. So you have to assume the Speaker of the House’s office is seriously protected. The lunatics just pawed through the stuff that is inconsequential. Probably defiled her photos of her grandkids. The ba$turds.

    • HoofRat says:

      The only solace in this situation is that the knuckle-draggers who broke in are probably incapable of reading words of more than one syllable.

  19. heygingersnaps says:

    I was watching the live feed of congress certifying Joe Biden’s electoral votes and watched in real time as they move to secure the chamber. Along with reading tweets about the domestic terrorists breaching the barrier. It was worrying to say the least and the inaction from the police, fbi, national guard and all the other agencies was baffling and disappointing. They are either incompetents and or complicit.

    After I put my son to bed, I was surprised to go down to our lounge and find that my partner who is British and rarely follows American politics had the telly on CNN whilst there was a football match!!
    45 needs to go otherwise, there will be more trouble to come and it will just get worse.

  20. osito says:

    When the NAACP tweets “And you thought taking knee was too much??!!?” it just really drives home that the problem is never *how* we (BIPOC) protest, it’s that we protest at all. Then to see that the FBI is “looking into” seditionists being allowed to commit acts of treason by the DC police (which they have been doing for weeks now…this time just involved the capitol building directly), while the majority of congress is still trying to pretend that we can have a “peaceful transition” — Uh, guys? That ship sailed when *you had to be evacuated from your office while you were in the middle of doing your jobs.* I’m at a terrified loss for words at this point.

    • JanetDR says:

      It’s all I could think of when watching the footage -for a peaceful BLM protest they had armed officers shoulder to shoulder. Where were those officers when it really mattered?! Heads should be rolling.

      • Mignionette says:

        They have those officers shoulder to shoulder precisely to create their own narrative that BLM protesters are looters, rioters and terrorists. That is the point.

  21. Carol says:

    Trump should be ousted, but it won’t happen. They will talk, discuss, whine etc but like the last four years….nothing will happen. All these rules, laws etc are a joke. Trump has broken everyone of them, AND NOTHING happens to him.

  22. grabbyhands says:

    Spoiler alert – nothing is going to happen to 45 or the seditionists who sided with him.

    The right wing retconning of what happened started last night and by this afternoon there are going to be more false equivalencies being made, not to mention too much credence by the more dedicated of his water carriers being given to the lunatic notion that the rioters were in fact Antifa in disguise. And the Democrats “just want to move on”.

    Anyone hoping for major changes is just setting themselves up for disappointment.

  23. vertes says:

    They won’t impeach the a-hole. That would make him a martyr, further fueling the maga-maniacs. Invoking article 25 might also do that but to a lesser degree.
    They need to kill his twitter accounts asap, and change the codes for all security-related items & communications & ground AF One & its clones until the toilet gets flushed. I wish it were possible to yank the passports of anyone surnamed Trump + Jared & Ivanka.
    I also expect these creeps to attempt to vandalize the White House. Let’s hope that the security folks aren’t secret trumpists.
    Anyone who’s watched the PBS series on how Hitler & the Nazis came to power will see a lot of parallels with Trump’s behaviors.

    • Cee says:

      People seem to conveniently forget that Hitler won a democratic election. People VOTED for him. Same with so many other dictators. So why believe Trump is not one of them, too? His rhetoric is so similar I am amazed at how he has any kind of following at all. Ignorance and hatred are dangerous.

  24. LaUnicaAngelina says:

    This racist, anti-democracy, tyrannical dictator wannabe, orange piece of shit can go straight to hell. He needs to be gone today. He has the fcking nuclear codes. He doesn’t want to go but since voters and the electoral college said he must, he wants to go out in a blaze of terror(ism).

  25. Sandra says:

    Pence needs to invoke the 25th now. I seriously thought he would after yesterday and the reports going around that he’s the one who was speaking with the DoD to finally get the National Guard in and that he’d cut off communication with Trump. And maybe he still will, but he’s still asleep. Because he was in Congress til 3am ratifying Biden’s win because his boss incited an attack on Congress earlier that day. If they don’t remove him from office now, they’re saying there are no consequences for a president to attack another seat of government. Impeachment will take too long. Get him out now.

  26. February-Pisces says:

    I really don’t know what to say. When will enough be enough? What has this man got to do to face the consequences of his actions? He blatantly incited this attack, where 4 of his own supporters died. He’s dangerous and unhinged and still people support him, and I’m not talking about those crazy trumpsters who are loud, I’m thinking about the 70 million who voted for him and quietly support him in the dark. Shame on them.

  27. BeanieBean says:

    Every single one of these jackasses can be identified by the cameras; I hope each & every one is arrested & jailed. And wishful thinking: all trumps are removed from DC forcefully, to jeering crowds.

  28. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    It was disgusting. Despicable. All of it. Including the, ‘you are special, but go home,’ nonsense from our loserest loser in the history of losing.

  29. Saucy&Sassy says:

    I just finished watching Nancy Pelosi call for the Vice President and the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment. She said that is the fastest way to remove Trump “who is dangerous” from the Presidency and Pence would take over for the next 13 days. If that doesn’t happen, then they’ll go the impeachment route (which takes longer.) The possibility also exists that they could “contain” Trump and Pence would take over leadership until the 20th. Frankly, I don’t think the last one is Constitutional, but they may not care at this moment. Also, there is talk from others that law enforcement (FBI?) will be identifying the domestic terrorists over the next little while, e.g., facial recognition. I think they will all be charged once identified. Fortunately, that will be under President-Elect’s choice for AG so that will happen. I firmly believe that the Republicans who continued with their objections in the House and the Senate last night should all be taken out of office. If the House and Senate can’t do that, then their states should. But, it sounds like there are a lot of discussion going on with leadership in Congress and Pence and the Cabinet. I have a feeling we will see this settled today. The man is dangerous. I can’t believe it took them this long to figure that out.

    • Mignionette says:

      Narcs are really good at hiding behind their flying monkeys. But once they feel they have been humiliated, all bets are off.

  30. Valerie says:

    What a douche. I hope at least some of his sorry -ass followers have the good sense feel betrayed by this. I think they fully expected him to be there and lead the charge. He was nowhere in sight. He was hiding out and saying nothing. Maybe this will change their minds. He did not have a plan, he has never had a plan, and he isn’t going to pop up with one in time to save the world before the 21st.