Orlando Bloom on how often he has sex: ‘Not enough – we just had a baby though’

(FILE) Katy Perry Announces She's Expecting a Baby Girl with Orlando Bloom. Katy Perry announced on...

I never crushed on Orlando Bloom, even back when he was the Hot Young Thing in the early and mid-00s. Sure, he was pretty back then, but I just wasn’t into him. His attractiveness definitely waned quite a bit over the years, as bad career choices and weird gossip moments consumed the last decade. I mean, he genuinely tried to fist-fight Justin Bieber. He started dating Selena Gomez to get back at Bieber. It was a mess!! But Orlando “settled down” and fell for Katy Perry and now they have a baby girl, Daisy Dove. He also has a son with his ex-wife Miranda Kerr. I thought he was kind of quiet and very much the ageing former heartthrob. I didn’t realize that he’s kind of a douche before now though. Orlando did “The Q&A” with the Guardian and his answers have gone viral in the worst way. Some highlights:

When were you happiest?
When I was about to embark on filming The Lord Of The Rings, prior to any kind of fame or notoriety, full of hope and dreams, and excitement of the adventures ahead.

What is your earliest memory?
Harry Bloom, my mother’s husband, came out of his office and said, “Hello, Orlando” and smiled. He’d just had a stroke and this line of drool came from his mouth, and it made me feel weird. I must have been three.

What is the trait you most deplore in others?

What was your most embarrassing moment?
When I was four, I was on stage, dressed as a monkey. I turned around so I wasn’t facing the audience and scratched my bottom, which obviously brought the house down. It mortified me. That probably gave me stage fright, which I’ve been living with since.

What is your most treasured possession?
My gohonzon, a Buddhist scroll that I chant to every day.

What or who is the greatest love of your life?
My son, Flynn, and my daughter, Daisy Dove, a dog called Mighty and then, of course, my fiancee.

What is the closest you’ve come to death?
At 20, I fell from a fourth-floor window and broke my back. For four days they said I’d never walk again, but I had a miraculous recovery.

When did you last cry, and why?
I lost my poodle, Mighty. He was out of my sight for just seven minutes; he went out on an adventure and didn’t come back, and was taken by a coyote, I think. It was awful, really painful; he taught me about love and loyalty, and how the connection between living beings can be.

How often do you have sex?
Not enough – we just had a baby, though.

What is your most unappealing habit?
Since breaking my back I have a problem with my prostate, so I pee a lot, sometimes in nature.

[From The Guardian]

I gasped a little at his “first memory” being that his father drooled after he had a stroke. In case you don’t know – I had to look it up – Orlando’s mother told him that her husband, Harry Bloom, was his father and then later Orlando learned that his actual father was someone else. So… that’s a lot to unpack and I hope he’s gotten some therapy for all of that. As for his comment that there’s “not enough” sex in his life, again… Katy just had the baby! And I hope Katy never has sex with him again after he named his dead dog before her in the list of things and people he loves. And he was happiest just before he started LOTR? His happiest moments weren’t when his children were born?!?!

Actor Orlando Bloom comes to the Astor Film Lounge to perform the Amazon series "Carnival Row". Photo: Jens Kalaene/-Zentralbild/

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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38 Responses to “Orlando Bloom on how often he has sex: ‘Not enough – we just had a baby though’”

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  1. Oh_Hey says:

    This is the laddiest lad mag version of Orlando Bloom and it just does not do him his kids or Katie any justice.

    I was cringing and shaking my head the entire time.

    • AnnaKist says:

      I’m cringing with you. Oh dear. I’ve met randy 16-year-old boys who know it’s sometimes best to keep it to yourself.

  2. Robin says:

    This celebrity questionnaire comes out every week in The Guardian. There’s always a big debate about the ‘how often do you have sex?’ question. I find it quite interesting! Says more than I’d like to admit about myself. The question ‘what do you dislike most about your appearance?’ seems to have gone. I know there were lots of people BTL saying it should be scrapped.

  3. nievie says:

    I went to school with guys like him, not the brightest. His publicist would do well not to let him do interviews on anything other than movies he’s promoting.

  4. B says:

    I don’t see them lasting, tbh.

    • TQ says:

      Totally agree. They’ve already broken up at least once in 2017 that we know about. During that time he hooked up with a waitress at Chiltern Firehouse who got fired for it. And there was that nude paddleboard thing. Seems like a total douche. SMH.

  5. DS9 says:

    I honestly didn’t think what he said was that bad. Your first memory is your first memory. The brain is weird. I mean I guess he could have lied but why? Kids’ brains are weird. My first memory was hungry hungry hippos. Lol

    And I’m sure he loves Katy and his children but I’m not sure why they need to be the core of his happiness or his best moment and if it’s not then omg, he doesn’t love them. That’s not how life works.

    His career didn’t pan out likely the way he expected, he’s really not getting quality, fulfilling work, why am I mad that he was happiest before fame? Most celebrities probably were.

    • ItReallyIsYouNotMe says:

      I agree, we would bash the hell out of him if he gave a trite answer and we’re bashing him for giving an honest one. It depends on what you mean by “happiest.” If you just mean a moment when you felt calm and peaceful and that everything was right with the world and everything before you is full of hope, I don’t know if I would say it was the day my children were born either. Although I did think it was douchey to list the dog before Katy Perry.

      • DS9 says:

        Yeah, I’ve got three kids and I can think of 10 instances each I was happier with them than the day of their birth. They are squishy potatoes when they are fresh. No personality.

      • Nicole says:

        And let’s not forget the trauma of giving birth whether everything went smoothly or to hell. It is literally the day that changed your life, but I don’t think it has to be your best day. Ugh, for me I remember being stuck in a hospital full of anxiety, bleeding with strangers attending to me, and having a strange squishy potato handed to me. Ha! For my husband, it was much the same (except maybe the bleeding part).

  6. smegmoria says:

    Men can be such babies after their baby is born. God, there is a baby on your tit all day and then they want to come along and get some too. So needy.

    • Emm says:

      They can and thank goodness mine isn’t. If he was “suffering” he never let me know.

      I was obsessed with him as Legolas. So sad he didn’t go the way of James McAvoy aging wise lol.

  7. Watson says:

    Ugh the comment about sex made me want to hurl something at him.

  8. smcollins says:

    The answer to the sex question sounds about right. I mean most guys don’t think they get enough sex even if they don’t out & out say so (new baby or not). As far as the happiest moment maybe he thought the “when my children were born” was too obvious and too easy an answer? Now, putting Katy at the bottom of his greatest loves list after the dog is definitely not good. He didn’t even refer to her by her name. I get his kids being first but *after* the dog? Yeah, if he thinks he’s not getting enough sex now…And I have to admit, Orlando & Katy seem like an odd match to me. I look at photos of them and I see nothing between them. No spark, no chemistry, nothing. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Edited to add: I remember those beach photos with Katy of an “excited” Orlando but I still stand by my “no chemistry” observation 😉

  9. chimes@midnight says:

    I’m not defending Legolas but what would a *good*, uncontroversial answer to the sex question be? No matter what is said, it’s going to cause a conversation. That’s the point of it.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Just say “I’m happy” or “life is good” or “I’m no good at math” and be done with it.

    • lucy2 says:

      I think my answer would be “that’s no one’s business, and why are you asking me that in a professional interview?”

    • Kate says:

      “quality over quantity”
      “as often as we both want”
      “i’d like to keep my sex life private”

  10. janet says:

    I could be wrong but his answers sound ok to me…normal even. His answer on how many times he has sex is a reality for most new parents/or parents with a new baby. Should he have lied about it? Heck even couples with no babies go through periods in their marriage when they are not having enough sex for one reason or another. Also his answer on love of his life is ok, i love my husband with all my heart but would he top the list, most likely not lol. People’s lists differ, that does not in any way take away from his Fiance

    • Hell Nah! says:

      His thoughts, his memories, his feelings are HIS thoughts, his memories and his feelings. His answers are his answers. Who are we to judge what he should have said, or where things/people should have ranked?

      I thought his answers were just fine, given the fact that I’m not him. He may well be a douche/an as*hole/a whatever but I’m not looking to rake him over the coals for thinking how he thinks. Geez, let the man live.

  11. Nanny to the Rescue says:

    I didn’t take his sex answer as a complaint, more as a joke. Kinda “I like to have sex a lot, but right now it’s understandably not possible”. But then again, I’ve never followed this dude to know if he always has these sorts of moments.

    • DS9 says:

      That’s exactly how I took it, like no, we’re not but we also have a new baby so of course we’re not.

  12. Myra says:

    It’s the questions that I find more problematic rather than the answer. He shouldn’t have answered but gross for the interviewer to ask such an invasive question.

    Mighty died such a tragic death, there’s probably lots of guilt there.

    Smh at The Guardian for those questions.

  13. Ragna says:

    Given how Mighty disappeared and the fate he’s likely suffered, I think the pain on that’s pretty raw and that’s why he’s coming before Katy?

    I feel like if he got that question next year it probably would’ve sounded different, but he’s probably grieving still and that takes time.

    As long as Katy knows were she stands, then that’s the most important thing, right?

    • Elizabeth says:

      You can love your children and your dog that you just tragically lost and your fiancée all at the same time in the different ways that apply, and if you don’t list your fiancée first in a dumb interview question off the cuff, it doesn’t mean you don’t adore her or that you loved the dog “more.” It is not that deep that we have to parse who got mentioned first in one interview response. Obviously kids and dog and fiancée are three different categories of love. I don’t think we need to trash him for this one thing when he just obviously suffered the loss of his dog and is feeling grief.

  14. Tinnie says:

    I don’t have a problem with his happiest moment, doesn’t mean he doesn’t love and cherish when his kids were born. It sounds very sweet and understandable what he noted pre-fame and the excitement of something you’ve wished for happening in such a big way.

    He does say and “of course” re: his fiancé so I don’t think it’s really a diss. And I’m sad for him about his dog, Mighty.

    Entitlement is a good answer too.

  15. Hyperbolme says:

    I don’t really have a big problem with these answers. If they’re honest, fine. Should he have lied? I totally get having a bizarre first memory and how weird things stick in your mind. I don’t think a child’s birth is my happiest moment and I’m a mother. Does that make something wrong with me? Likewise, I know lots of people who would put their kids and dogs before their partners, who are fine with that. I didn’t read anything negative into him saying, “not much sex, we just had a baby,” that’s a universal thing.

    I am no OB fan at all, but I don’t think that we should make it seem like an honest, from the hip answer isn’t ok.

  16. Mina_Esq says:

    I know what he meant, but it’s still kind of telling that his first thought was that he was at his happiest before both his kids and Katie.

  17. Jess says:

    Eh, he was honest and doesn’t seem mad about the little sex thing, hopefully he understands things change for awhile right after having a baby.

    There’s almost nothing funnier than when I hear men complaining in public about how their wives or girlfriends don’t have sex with them. Many of them truly believe some women just don’t like sex or we’re frigid prudes. Wrong, lol

    • Andrea says:

      I didn’t get enough sex from my boyfriend in my 30’s. His sex drive was way down and I felt constantly miserable, unworthy, and deprived. It doesn’t just happen to men! My next boyfriend needs to promise he can manage at least 3 times a week at the bare minimum or I just can’t.

  18. Case says:

    I feel like these answers are…fine. Orlando doesn’t come across as the sharpest tool in the shed but I don’t think he meant the sex answer to be malicious toward Katy. Saying “we just had a baby, though” is the qualifier there, like he understands why. IDK.

    • Valiantly Varnished says:

      Exactly. He has always struck me as slightly dim but I don’t think any of his answers are bad.

  19. Chipster says:

    Eh- I don’t know. If I had to list my greatest loves, my dog definitely ranks above my husband.

  20. Valiantly Varnished says:

    Meh. I dont think what he said was bad. He literally acknowledges that they just had a baby in his reply. It would be different if he had said “not enough” without acknowledging the big life change of having a child. His answer was honest but it wasn’t disrespectful to Katy.

  21. Valiantly Varnished says:

    Meh. I dont think what he said was bad. He literally acknowledges that they just had a baby in his reply. It would be different if he had said “not enough” without acknowledging the big life change of having a child. His answer was honest but it wasn’t disrespectful to Katy.

  22. Fuzzy Crocodile says:

    I have listed my dog before my partner before. I don’t think it reflected the order of my love, just my dog was top of mind.

  23. Bobbie says:

    “And he was happiest just before he started LOTR?”
    Yeah, he was young and free and could do whatever he wanted. That was my happiest time, too.