Princess Charlene was ‘forced to extend her stay’ in South Africa, did she escape?

Prince Albert II of Monaco and Princess Charlene of Monaco at the Sainte Devote Mass

Princess Charlene hasn’t made many public appearances this year. That’s not really notable, because Charlene usually only makes one or two appearances a month, if that. For years, she’s looked completely miserable, although it’s possible that she has Resting Misery Face. It’s also possible that she’s wanted out for a really long time! Ever since Charlene tried to escape Monaco just before her 2011 wedding, we’ve been talking about how she’s basically being held in an elaborate royal prison. It just occurred to me that Charlene and Albert’s tenth anniversary is coming up in July. When people get to that decade-marker, some sh-t can go down. So here’s my question: is Charlene over it? She seems like she’s over it. The half-hawk haircut she debuted in December was widely seen as a “cry for help” haircut. And now it seems that Charlene went to South Africa (her home country) and contracted a mysterious illness and now she’s “unable” to return home. Hm.

Princess Charlene is in South Africa where she has been raising awareness about rhino poaching, and has been forced to extend her stay due to an infection. The Monaco royal was due to be the guest of honour at this weekend’s Monaco F1 Grand Prix, but she will now be unable to participate in the event.

The Palace of Monaco released a statement to share an update on Charlene’s condition and extension of her stay in Africa. The mom of two has an ear, nose and throat infection, meaning she’s not able to travel at the current time.

“During a trip to the African continent as part of a wildlife conservation mission, SAS Princess Charlene contracted an ENT infection that does not allow her to travel,” the statement read. “Unfortunately, she will not be able to attend the Monaco Formula 1 Grand Prix. SAS The Princess Charlene sends her best wishes to the Automobile Club of Monaco, organizer of the event, as well as to the drivers and teams involved in this great automobile competition.”

[From Hello]

I’m not saying she escaped. But I am saying that if she were trying to escape, it would look like this, right? It would involve a trip to her home country, a country for which she likely still has a passport. The trip would have some formal cover story: anti-poaching activities, conservation work, important stuff. And then she would concoct a cover story for why she had to stay. Keep your eye on this! And in case it is really an infection, I hope she gets better soon.

As for her work, she posted photos to provide herself with an alibi, in case Albert is checking on her ‘gram. She was working with a group which humanely removes the horns from rhinos in an effort to curb poachers from killing rhinos for their horns. People swear that removing the horns doesn’t hurt the rhinos but…????? Also: Jesus god her hair still looks bad. If anything, it looks worse now!!

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, IG.

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50 Responses to “Princess Charlene was ‘forced to extend her stay’ in South Africa, did she escape?”

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  1. lemonylips says:

    That haircut looks like Milla Jovovich’s Joan of Arc. Hope she’s ok though.

  2. M says:

    I think she pretty much has her own life in France. She does a few obligated appearances with her husband, and that’s it. They don’t even live together. No reason to run away now. Are her kids with her? If not, she’ll be back.

    • Snappyfish says:

      We see her smile once a year on the podium at the Monaco GP which was yesterday. I wondered where she was when Prince Albert presented the trophy to Max. I have always felt sorry for her as she clearly tried to bolt & was thwarted

    • Elizabeth Phillips says:

      No way she’d leaves her kids behind.

      • RoyalBlue says:

        Yea, I think she was allowed to leave, but the kids stay with the family.

        She needed a break to do her own thing. She will return to her life of luxury, living separate from her husband and only showing up for the odd appearance here and there.

  3. Oh_Hey says:

    I hope she’s ok and that your escape theory is true given what I’ve heard.

    • Mac says:

      I wonder if she has the SA variant of COVID. Presumably she is vaccinated so that would be big news.

      • Bread and Circuses says:

        Well, I had a cold once when I went on a flight, and while I’d heard that the pressure changes can hurt when your sinuses are stuffed up, I had NO IDEA. It was like knives being driven into my head on take off and landing. I had to fight to not scream.

        So I can buy that she just has a bad ENT infection and they don’t want to risk her eardrums or something. It might be an excuse, but it’s potentially a valid excuse.

  4. Stacy Dresden says:

    But I like the hair. It’s a giant FU to the public expectations of royal cultural norms.

  5. Snuffles says:

    Are her children with her?

    • Chaine says:

      No, they are not, they made an appearance with Albert dressed in matching “Monaco” sports jackets.

  6. Cecilia says:

    Maybe she’s going through a mid life crisis? I have absolutely no idea how old she is but it seems like she’s trying to discover her inner punk/rock? Also, if i were married to her husband i would want out too. If this is her escape then good for her.

  7. Watson says:

    Love the hair. Much prefer her being herself rather than the enforcement of stupid royal rules like wiglets, sausage curls, and stepford wife long hair. Freedom of expression > scripted gender norms for royal women!

  8. Rise_Above says:

    That’s what a mohawk looks like when it’s not styled to stand up.

  9. MerlinsMom1018 says:

    IF they divorce, does she have to give up custody of the kids?
    I’m just curious
    Side note: I dig the hair. Like Rise_Above said, she’s flipping off the husband

  10. NotSoSocialButterfly says:

    So, covid, then?

  11. Merricat says:

    I hope if she does want to escape that she’s able to pull it off.

  12. Nashville Girl says:

    There were pictures of the kids with Albert at the event. I don’t think she will leave without them.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      Unfortunately, Albert has a clause that should she divorce him, he takes custody of the children. We all know how hard she tried to escape before the wedding and I would imagine she is still miserable. I hope she does escape his clutches one day as he is a bully and a masochist. The way they took her out of France when she made a run for it before the wedding was upsetting. Albert had to have her even though she didn’t want him then and probably still doesn’t. She is a prisoner of Albert.

  13. DuchessL says:

    It is an attempt to run off. Harry and Meghan truth telling episode is running is Charlene’s mind because she is also trapped and probably helped her escape because she would probably threat to expose albert and his all his BS. Albert retaliated by showing off the kids at the grand prix reminding her not to pull anything stupid because the kids are still in monaco. I never see Albert with the kids. Weird time to get them out during grand prix, not so designed for kids…

  14. Lovesitinnm says:

    This is how I left my first husband. I was living in his country. His family had threatened me and I didn’t have reason to believe I could amicably divorce him. He had control of all our money. I started a yoga training in the US where my family is. Went once came back, things were worse than ever. I was so scared. Went for one more session of the yoga training without any intention of ever returning.

    • DuchessL says:

      So sorry you had to go through this abuse. Hope you healed and are doing well.

      • Lovesitinnm says:

        Thank you. Yes, doing very well. Feels like another lifetime, 10 years later.

    • Robin says:

      I’m really glad you made it out. That sounds awful and it took guts.

  15. TheOriginalMia says:

    She’s not escaping. She wouldn’t leave her kids behind and he would never let her have them. Probably caught COVID and is too sick to travel.

    • notasugarhere says:

      Agreed, she’s not going anywhere. She has the life she chased for a decade, a handful of royal engagements a year, and the freedom to travel whenever she wants. She’s not leaving Albert, nor would she leave the kids behind.

      • RoyalBlue says:

        now reading through and I agree 100% nota, I wrote something similar above..

    • MaryContrary says:

      This 100%.

  16. Amy Bee says:

    What about the children? Would she leave without them?

  17. Jumpingthesnark says:

    I love the hair and the FU to Royal norms that it represents!

  18. Golly Gee says:


  19. Amelie says:

    I doubt she will ever leave her kids behind. Plus I believe her nuclear family (parents/siblings) now live in Monaco? I thought I had read somewhere they had all moved there. But I could see her wanting to extend her stay and maybe she is sick but she’s exaggerating how sick she is so she can stay for a few more days. Plus with COVID19, everyone is being super cautious and she knew if she told them she was sick, they would advise her to stay in South Africa until she felt better. I doubt anyone in Monaco would want to be around her while she’s sick.

  20. Scal says:

    She’d never leave her kids. They pretty much only live with her and visit dad. There’s no way he’d let her have them if she did leave.

    I think she’s actually sick

  21. Lizzie Bathory says:

    Charlene was famously zonked out at the Princess Grace awards in 2018 & really irritated the organizers. If this isn’t COVID, it could be cover for a drug issue.

    I don’t see her leaving her kids.

  22. Julia K says:

    An ENT infection means you cannot fly. My eustasian tubes and sinuses were inflamed as after effects of a cold I thought was over. I flew home, swelling caused nerve impingement, and as a result, have hearing loss which gets worse with age. Smart for her to stay out until she is medically cleared to fly.

    • Anne says:

      I flew with a sinus infection once. Worse than childbirth.

      • Bread and Circuses says:

        Indeed. I can’t compare it to childbirth since I’ve never experienced that, but when I flew with a cold, it felt like knives being stabbed into my head.

  23. NoNoK says:

    My sister had a MRSA infection in her sinuses while she was studying abroad in Australia and she couldn’t get home until it was cured. It was a nightmare for her and for my parents because she was a 19 year old trying to navigate foreign health care systems and the times were all off for trying to get people on the phone. She had to stay longer than planned, IRC, bc the infection was so tenacious. What’s worse is she went mainly to dive the Great Barrier Reef and she couldn’t because of her SI. Long story short it could very well be a non-covid ENT illness that is keeping her from flying.
    I always wonder with princess charlene how much is real and how much is rumor. The gossip is just so salacious, and i feel like, if true, the international community should be horrified and steps should be taken against Monaco. The idea of a prince taking a foreign National’s passport to force him to marry her is 😳

  24. NoNoK says:

    My sister had a MRSA infection in her sinuses while she was studying abroad in Australia and she couldn’t get home until it was cured. It was a nightmare for her and for my parents because she was a 19 year old trying to navigate foreign health care systems and the times were all off for trying to get people on the phone. She had to stay longer than planned, IRC, bc the infection was so tenacious. What’s worse is she went mainly to dive the Great Barrier Reef and she couldn’t because of her SI. Long story short it could very well be a non-covid ENT illness that is keeping her from flying.
    I always wonder with princess charlene how much is real and how much is rumor. The gossip is just so salacious, and i feel like, if true, the international community should be horrified and steps should be taken against Monaco. The idea of a prince taking a foreign National’s passport to force him to marry her is 😳

  25. nicegirl says:

    Hope Charlene is ok

  26. Gwendolyn says:

    Since no one addressed the rhino question at the bottom of the post. No it doesn’t hurt to remove the horn. It made if keratin like hair or fingernails, so it’s like cutting either of those. What’s more traumatic for the rhino is the process, so they’re sedated. Until the market for horns dry up this is the best defense against poachers. If you ever get the opportunity through a zoo to have an up close experience with a rhino take it, they are sweet and funny individuals. It’s a shame they’re being lost to poaching.

    As for Charlene I am starting to think she has really poor taste in hair styles and/or stylist that just isn’t honest with her how it looks, though she’s clearly going for a wash and go style.

    • Audrey says:

      Thank you for explaining. I wasn’t sure what was going on with the rhino, and didn’t want too look to closely for fear of being triggered.

  27. TeeMajor says:

    Ahhh, the good ole days, I remember when all of us on here would try to hatch an escape plan for her. LOL like “blink twice, if you need help”

    hope she feels better–winkwink.

  28. Mia says:

    The haircut is hot, not everyone gotta look like Disney you guys.

  29. Thirtynine says:

    I like the hair too. Maybe this is who Charlene sees herself as. But I’ve also had this hairstyle heaps of times.