Prince Harry left the UK on Friday, sources insist he’s still ‘very much on the outside’

Diana's 60th birthday

Prince Harry left the UK on Friday, about one full day after the fakakta statue unveiling on his mother’s birthday (July 1). There were some theories that perhaps he left for Heathrow immediately after the unveiling but no, he just went back to Frogmore Cottage for one more night in his old home. The home where his cousin Eugenie lives now. As Harry left on Friday, the palace aides were doing the most to kick him on his way out the door:

Particularly galling to both William and Prince Charles was, after the devastating Oprah interview, Harry continued to dish about private chats to CBS’ Gayle King – prompting the royals to refuse to have “one-on-one” chats with Harry because neither trust him enough to speak with him alone.

“Despite William and Harry coming together this week for the sole cause of commemorating their mother’s legacy, Harry is very much on the outside,” a source told the Mirror. “They put on a show, did what they had to do to make sure the day went without a hitch and said goodbye.”

[From Page Six]

Every time these sources start mouthing off about broken trust or how wary William is of Harry or how William threw Harry out of the palace, I always wonder if it’s a cover story for what really happened. I think Harry left because he wanted to leave and go home to his wife and children. He didn’t leave because William doesn’t trust him. William wants that narrative, that he (William) is in charge and is telling his younger brother when to come and go. Harry is his own man now and that’s what irks Baldemort to no end. Speaking of being irked, People Magazine had a story about how Harry and William did just fine at the unveiling:

Prince William and Prince Harry fundamentally understood the importance of setting aside their differences in paying public tribute to their late mother, Princess Diana.

“They demonstrated a constructive way of dealing with differences,” royal historian Robert Lacey tells PEOPLE in the wake of Thursday’s unveiling of a statue the brothers commissioned four years ago to honor their beloved mother. “[They were] not sweeping [their differences] under the carpet but acknowledging more important things and doing that in a way that warmed everyone’s heart.”

Adds Ken Wharfe, who led the personal protection of Princess Diana and her sons for several years in the late ’80s: “It was their idea and it was a joint effort.”

Lacey says the princes’ restraint “illustrates their public style, both on their own and individually.”

Despite speculation that William and Harry might each deliver a speech for the occasion, they ultimately issued a joint statement, saying in part: “Today, on what would have been our Mother’s 60th birthday, we remember her love, strength and character — qualities that made her a force for good around the world, changing countless lives for the better. Every day, we wish she were still with us, and our hope is that this statue will be seen forever as a symbol of her life and her legacy.”

Says Lacey of the statement, “It was a very well-judged decision not to have speeches. The idea of rival speeches could have been disastrous, but to bring out a considered joint statement was perfect and shows a way ahead.”

[From People]

I think the joint statement was probably the best idea too. I dreaded the competing speeches, because every time William has needed to make his own speech separate from Harry in the past year and a half, he’s come across as contemptuous and petty. The unveiling was about to be a repeat of that. I wonder who came up with the joint statement idea?

Diana's 60th birthday

Diana's 60th birthday

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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94 Responses to “Prince Harry left the UK on Friday, sources insist he’s still ‘very much on the outside’”

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  1. Amy Bee says:

    It’s funny how the press are portraying William as the victim in all of this when he was the one who initiated the smear campaign against Harry and Meghan. The press are also acting like Harry didn’t know that he would be ostracized by the family for leaving and for doing the Oprah interview. History would have told him, he knew but he still did it anyway and he says he has no regrets. His appearance at the statue unveiling says it all.

    • Piratewench says:

      There’s nothing more cowardly and atrocious than a smear campaign against your own family. How do people apologize for him, or let him get away with this behavior? It’s horrible.

      • april says:

        My sister did a smear campaign against me and died six months later. I’m sorry that she died and miss her but I do not miss the abuse she gave me.

    • Ainsley7 says:

      I think Harry expected to be treated like an outsider on this visit, but I don’t think history would have told him to expect it because of the Oprah interview. Charles is on record trashing the Queen and Phillip. He’s also trashed Harry and has always expected Harry to simply get over it. Andrew and Anne have also made negative public comments about Charles. family always gets forgiven. They act like it didn’t happen. They never really consider the married-ins to be family. So, they don’t get the same forgiveness as the born royals. For example, the family got pissed off at Mike(Zara’s husband) when he mentioned their Whats-app group, but William was allowed to mention it ages ago without anyone in the family having a problem with it. I think Harry expected to be treated like family rather than a married-in. I think he underestimated what an awful hypocrite Charles is specifically.

      • Fawsia says:

        Harry is on record saying how angry and disappointed he is with his father. He also on the record that he has no relationship with his brother! He freed himself from the chains and it showed!

      • Salma says:

        Harry freed himself from what exactly ?from the press,yes but not from that family..He still has his titles and he is still part of the system for me..He is just not anymore a welfare duke and he earns his money now

      • equality says:

        Sophie is a married-in and got forgiven for comments. Fergie seems to have been forgiven by the Queen for atrocious behavior.

      • one of the Marys says:

        I think he freed himself from the expectations that 1) he would work to maintain William as top dog and 2) his needs and desires would always come second

      • Fawsia says:

        He freed himself from the dysfunction and racism! They took everything from him! He is also on record saying that they can take the titles as well! Unless you wanted to take his blood from him.

      • Demi says:

        He’s free to set the record straight anytime he wants, he’s free to sue, he’s free to work on projects of his choice at any time or with anyone he isn’t dictated by the institution Charles or William when to release announcements he doesn’t have responsibilities towards the public.. he’s free to make his own money no longer reliant on taxes..And if he can get US citizenship he can vote.

  2. MsIam says:

    Are the other royals cowards or hypocrites? Either way, I’m glad Harry refuses to play the game with them anymore. He’s done his bit, he’ll go back again when necessary but otherwise its “Bye Felicia!”

    • Pao says:

      It just goes to show that they had a “william peacemaker” “william the bigger person” pr in plan and it got shot into nothing by harry confirming that the talks were unproductive. I think they’re still a bit angry about it.

      • Amy Bee says:

        @Pao: I agree the Palace was planning to use the story of the phone calls with Harry to portray William and Charles as conciliatory and reaching out to Harry and he just shot that narrative to hell by allowing Gayle to tell world that the calls were unproductive.

    • BlueToile says:

      Oh, gag! Harry is “on the outside” by his choice. He moved halfway around the world to a country where the Royal Family have no political power (as opposed to a Commonwealth Country) to get away from this toxic excuse for a family and/or firm. Let’s be real, if an actual firm ran itself the way the way the House of Windsor does, it would be shut down within months. Harry said he knew the business model and wanted no part. What more can he say to stop the-Royal-Family-is-throwing-Harry-out narrative?

      • fishface says:

        I agree with your statements about Harry – but as for an actual firm being shut down within 6 months if they did the same….the corporate world is even more dysfunctional than the BRF. Companies just get away with it more because there is less scrutiny.

  3. Merricat says:

    A combined statement really was a brilliant idea, and it ensured the words would be about Diana, rather than her sons. But I also think Harry probably had a lovely speech prepared, and William didn’t want the inevitable comparison.
    These absurd, controlling, push-me-pull-you narratives coming out about “Harry needs to stay! No, William kicked him out, that monster!” would be laughable if not for the genuine vitriol that backs them. The rota needs therapy.

    • JT says:

      I think it’s more likely that William’s speech would’ve been trash and he didn’t want to compete with Harry’s. I remember those earlier stories where KP was upset that Harry put the kibosh on a shared speech. When William says anything it seems that he is either centering himself, a la his Philip “condolences” or just straight up hateful like his speech about his mother. Harry’s speeches are always positively received.

      • Merricat says:

        Yes, that’s what I said. William didn’t want the comparison.

      • JT says:

        @Merricat I’m definitely agreeing with you. William can’t be decent to save his life. The dueling speeches stories reminded me of the Friends episode where Monica gives a speech and it bombs, while Ross always has everyone in tears because it was so moving. I imagine any unveiling speeches would have been the same; William’s would been awful.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        Of course Harry’s speech would have been an exemplary given his nature and how much he loves his mother and he is absolutely cut from the same cloth as her. Unlike TOB, who just a few weeks ago blasted her in regards to the BBC report of the appalling treatment of Diana by Bashir.
        Let’s face it, Harry is strong enough in his own self to understand and has empathy to his mother still to this day. Whereas, TOB must beat down everyone in his way to make them less human since he has no self worth nor does he feel that anyone is above him or equal to him. TOB is a petty, jealous and narcissistic asshole willing to destroy anyone that he deems as a threat, especially his brother Harry!!

    • PEARL GREY says:

      A joint statement was necessary, given the fact that not only was William’s words following Philip’s death and the Panorama interview inquiry panned for being petty and vindictive against Harry while Harry’s was praised for being pure class, but William’s last public speech about his mom basically called her a paranoid liar. It would have looked strange to then be giving her a glowing speech at her statue unveiling as if he wasn’t just on TV a few weeks ago besmirching her memory.

  4. Pao says:

    Even if william wanted to “kick harry out” im sorry to inform these “sources” that even the future future king william doesn’t have the power to kick him out of frogmore. Its Harry’s choice to come and go as he pleases. The only people on the outside are the “sources” in question. Harry left because he has a 1 month old and a toddler at home. And because he probably missed his wife. He came to do what he had to do and then left. Simple.

    • Miranda says:

      The fact that it doesn’t seem to occur to these people that Harry would want to return home ASAP because he missed his wife and kids is very revealing of the way these “sources” think about family relationships when it comes to the RF. It’s like they see genuine love and closeness as unseemly for a royal: “Harry actually loves his wife and kids? Gross! Love is meant to be between a man and his mistress and/or his polo pony!”

      • ArtHistorian says:

        Harry chose the well-being of his wife, his children and himself over his “duty” to the Crown – and that is anathema in this family! They literally cannot imagine not sacrificing not just yourself but also your children on the altar of the Crown. Ideally, members of the RF should be able to serve the Crown and be happy and emotionally healthy. It looks like other European royal families are able to doing that somewhat successfully. However, the Windsors seems to have made service to the Crown and emotional health incompatible!! I wonder why. But I think it has something to do with fact that the Queen’s father felt inadequate and ill prepared to assume his brother’s role. I suspect that QEII herself may have some version of an imposter syndrome (especially considering how her education was neglected because her parents were very anti-intellectual). Charles felt pressured to marry a woman he didn’t love because of duty to the Crown, i.e. securing the succession (though I do think that he is a very damaged person with severe psychological issues). The heir/spare dynamic is also incredibly damaging – when it originated in its current form (set up the spare as the failure to make the heir look good) – but that is, IMO, a form of psychological abuse. There’s something fundamentally broken with the Windsors as a royal family – the fact that they heirs can only look good by cutting the spare (and their family) down is the most damning evidence of the way that this family is broken in terms of interpersonal relationships – relationships that are very much managed by outsiders (staff) who sometimes have their own agendas.

        People who need to put others down to feel/look good are people who are fundamentally insecure about themselves and their abilities – and since this seems to be an inherited MO of the Windsors and the palace machine, it doesn’t bode well for their future when their scapegoat escapes. That is why Sussexit is very damaging to the British monarchy because he knows their MO and said NO! Add to that that in an entrenched class system that permeates Britain, the monarchy is the pinnacle of the social pyramid and when a member of this “exalted” elite leaves, they are indirectly saying that this pinnacle isn’t worth the value that has been socially invested in it.

      • Pao says:

        @Arthistorian: the sussexes leaving also poses another threat. If they can be successfully financially independent and at the same time be effective philanthropists then why can’t the rest of the windsors? Why would a monarchy even be necessary?

        One of the main arguments the BRF bases its existence on right now is the argument of duty, which takes the form of charity work. But if harry and meghan can do the exact same (even more effective) without taking money from the public purse. Then they show the public a counter model. A model that might look more and more appealing to the brits as the consequences of brexit loom as well as the economical losses of the pandemic.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        The only one who has a constitutional duty is the monarch – a duty that the heir will take on eventually. Constitutionally, there is only a need for the monarch, the heir and the heir’s heir, etc. Since they are going to eventually take over. The charity argument is just a pretext thought up because Queen Mary and George V were afraid of being abolished like their Russian cousins. The problem is that the British RF in particular has a large number of relatives on the public purse (they have been forced to partially reform that). That is really a glaring comparison when compared to their European peers – in Norway, on the King, Queen and the CP couple perform royal duties (the CP’s sister gave up her HRH ages ago to have her own business), in Sweden one of CP Victoria’s siblings only does royal stuff very occasionally since she lives in the US with her wealthy husband. In Denmark, CP Frederik’s brother was never meant to be a full-time royal since he inherited a farming estate. However, since he sold that estate it seems that conflict has erupted because he feel’s phased out of the public aspect. I think the issue is that he doesn’t have a primary career anymore, such as managing a working estate. The RF encouraged him to take a very prestigious military education and the Danish government found him a job as a military attachée in Paris. However, he and his wife has been running to the tabloids complaining. All this, while the couple still have their patronages and their public money – and they never did that much in terms of royal work. I think Joachim is a lot like his father in that he holds on to grievances, imagined or real.

      • ennie says:

        Even with he monarchy at the pinnacle, these Windsors (as far as I understand), have been liked but somewhat derided for their German origins, and they kept marrying German relatives. I am not a master on British history, but maybe some part of it had to be with maintaining the protestan religion, and other they really had an inkling to be inbred, as other monarchies were, and that kept them from being regarded as more British until later generations.
        Add to that the whole change of last names, and the King Edward VIII mess. I think that the monarchy in the UK was reinforced by how the RF behaved during WWII, that helped them a lot, but now they behave like a continuous reality show. It is crazy. They let Harry and his family go, well , fine, they parted ways, then LET HIM and his family GO. Stop harassing him, stop your failing (typo and it stays) moneys from harming them anymore.

      • windyriver says:

        @Pao, the Cambridges can be said to illustrating a model as well – that of RF members being fully, even indulgently (47 helicopter trips?) supported by the public purse, while providing precious little in the way of that supposed duty/charity work.

        Despite palace hype and media spin, my theory for some time has been people on the ground who interact with Will and Kate are perfectly aware of how basically useless they are: they don’t know the background of the event (Will boasted about not reading his notes); clearly show up only for the PR event photo (especially Kate); do relatively few engagements overall, or spend very little time while there, or just don’t show up (like Kate with EACH and other patronages).

        As you say, for how long will this be okay in the current economic and social environment?

        @ArtHistorian – always interesting to read what you and other commenters say, coming from a much more extensive knowledge than I have of both the British and other royal families.

      • Nivz says:

        @miranda this is the second time today you’ve cracked me up. The first was “W paid someone with covid to interact with K so he could avoid her.”

      • fishface says:

        @Miranda LOL….

  5. Chic says:

    There are no leaks from Sussex and it’s more that Will, CH and KP are on the outside. There were too many competing narratives about what would happen last week. Wasn’t Harry supposed to stay for drinks and chat with William for hour? He bounced after 20 mins. Harry who was sad and heartbroken shows up light and happy for charity and at the unveiling. William is disgruntled, angry and sullen in public. See pics of WillIiam today for NHS service, he is clearly unhappy and uncomfortable with any kind of public service even though he has the public spotlight. Do not forget that RR story about Harry and Meghan returning in September for another Diana service.

    • Snuffles says:

      What is this September Diana service people keep referring to?

      • Sofia says:

        According to Richard Kay, apparently they’ll be a bigger celebration to Diana in September and that’s when Kate and the other spouses and possibly even nieces and nephews will show up.

        Whether it’s real, completely faked or something to make Kate feel like she totally wasn’t pushed out and told to stay at home is something we’ll see in September

      • Snuffles says:

        Thanks. If true, I don’t think Harry and Meghan would show up for that. I think it was important for Harry to come for the statue unveiling because the statue is literally engraved with the words “unveiled by her sons”.

        All that other fluff isn’t important.

      • Amy Bee says:

        The fact that the Wellchild awards were moved up to coincide with the statue unveiling tells me that Harry and Meghan are not going to be at that event in September. This new event is probably for the press because they were banned from the statue unveiling

      • Ginger says:

        Plus, WellChild moved their awards from September to June 30th for Harry, so I doubt he will be back in September.

      • Moxylady says:

        I doubt children will be able to be vaccinated by September. With the delta variant…. Why do people think they would risk it?!? It’s as though the world collectively had written off everyone under 12. As a mom of two littles it’s frustrating and so sad.
        I trust they will do what is right for them and take all the precautions necessary for their family’s safety.

      • (TheOG) Jan90067 says:

        The July 1 unveiling was supposed to be the BIG unveiling, with celebs, RRats, Diana’s personal friends and staff that were close to her. All that was cancelled due to Covid restrictions. So it’s been pushed to Sept.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        (TheOG) Jan90067, if they couldn’t have a BIG unveiling until September, why didn’t they move the unveiling from July 1st? That would have made a lot more sense and would have ensured H was there. By having the statue unveiling now, they’ve taken away the importance of the one in September. I have no idea if H&M will be there or not, but if it was me I wouldn’t be rushing over in September.

        Moxylady, it seems the last I read that drug trials are on going for little ones like yours. I agree that September doesn’t seem likely for vaccination. I would like to believe that parents are being quite careful with their 12s and under. However, I know realistically there are parents who are anti-vaxxers . . . so! I hope you are able to get your babies vaxxed soon.

  6. S808 says:

    Harry looks just fine being on the “outside”. I’m sure that annoys them to no end. I can’t get over how happy and great he looked. He seems to have found his own slice of happiness and it shows.

    • Pao says:

      They were counting on a rigid, stiff and tense body language between the 2. William definitely looked the part but harry gave them all smiles and a relaxed attitude. They are visibly upset that once again their plans failed.

  7. truthSF says:

    Harry comes to his relatives hometown. After the required self isolation, he does his business, then leaves immediately to go home to his family! RF and BM: we kicked him out! We still don’t want him here! Then immediately speculate that both he and M will be back in September for some made up Diana’s extended celebration! They just can’t quit them!!😫

    • Laugh or Cry says:

      IKR, they are supposed to be soooo insignificant and unimportant but they sure are sweatin Harry and Meghan hard like the thirst buckets they are. I’m so glad they managed to escape this death cult, and they still need all sorts of protection from these ghouls.

    • Myra says:

      He hadn’t even landed and the speculation of his next visit had already started. This is pretty much a “you didn’t break up with me, I broke up with you” mindset. It must feel good to be away from the toxicity though. Every time he goes there, he is reminded why he left.

  8. Sofia says:

    “We’re so worried Harry would leak about personal conversations and feelings!” cried a source as they leaked to the Mirror about how William feels about Harry.

    • sunny says:

      Exactly this! There is no story here- the statue unveiling went off well and Harry went home to his wife and babies. The end.

      The only people who want to make this a thing are William and the royal rota. They need to stop trying to make fetch happen.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      Yeah, they are doubling down hard on this narrative, despite the hypocrisy. I think they’re really just pissed that Harry immediately nipped the ‘reconciliation’ narrative KP was trying to push in the bud with Gayle’s ‘not productive’ comment. The fact that the Sussex’s can and do push back to correct lies coming out of KP, and the loss of control that entails, enrages Elegant Bill, the courtiers, and the RR.

  9. Rapunzel says:

    Harry’s very much on the outside because he chose to be, when the family showed their toxicity by refusing to accept him, his wife, his child, and their needs.

  10. Scorpion says:

    I’m sure he is heartbroken about being on the outside and crying in his porridge in one of 16 bathrooms 😂🤭

    • Liz version 700 says:

      Haha with his pool and play area and chicken coup. Harry and Meghan are doing pretty well they are taking the entire firm on and winning by simply living their life…freely

  11. Ginger says:

    The press and William are so salty that Harry left the next day. Harry’s demeanor really shook them and their pre written narratives. They are trying to spin this to make Harry look bad and it doesn’t. Harry came, did an event for WellChild and then unveiled the statue. And looked very happy the whole time. He isn’t the one incandescent with rage.

    • Merricat says:

      Yes, exactly.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        And again we are left with the same outcome of every visit Harry makes, as he sashayed into Britain to do his duty and left, all while smiling and showing the public that he is perfectly happy and content with being on the “outside”, as they say. The one that is truly bothered is obviously TOB and all of the royal 🐀 who were hoping for a a solid two week campaign of creating this narrative of how miserable Harry is and how much he misses the royal family. Except he doesn’t and the fact that TQ quickly trotted down to Frogmore Cottage to see her favorite grandson has everyone, especially TOB, will their panties all in a twist and all engorged with more rage than he knows what to do with!!

  12. Jan says:

    As if Harry cares, it’s not like Charles is still controlling the purse strings.
    All of a sudden it’s Princess William kicked Harry out of the Foundation, now kicked him out of KP, where did Wikileaks find the courage?
    Not his style, he is just simply a backstabbing weasel.
    Sara Whine Dailyfail liar who is friends with Rose Hanbury maybe out for blood her husband (Politician) ran off with a bloke.
    Piers can’t get a job.

    • Chic says:

      Yes and Vine after terrorizing HM had the nerve to ask for privacy!


      Princess William……..?

      • (TheOG) Jan90067 says:

        Snide referral to William.

        Actually KATE’S title IS actually “Princess William” 😄

    • Scorpion says:

      I don’t like to take joy in someone’s else happiness and misery but I hope Sarah Vile’s dirty laundry is exposed with quickness. Horrible woman prattled on about public figures regarding H&M not deserving privacy then went a protected her tweets but still got dragged on Twitter. Such a hypocrite.

      • swirlmamad says:

        Sarah Vine deserves every bit of ridicule she may get. Such a hateful person.

      • Jaded says:

        The karma bus hit her full force. Now it’s looking for its next victim. Any bets on who it is (or they are)??

      • MsIam says:

        Hopefully @Jaded its Dan Rotten-Wootton.

      • Curious says:

        from what i read, they announce their separation and is in the process of getting a divorce. so i am guessing they been separated for some time, cause i thought one had to wait like 2 yrs after separation to get a divorce? so all this time while her marriage had already broken down,it seems she had time to put Meghan on blast,while keeping her broken marriage a secret.

    • SomeChick says:

      isn’t it just so much more peaceful now, with Piers out and quiet?!

  13. Eurydice says:

    Well, he’s on the inside now with his family.

  14. Lili says:

    If i was Harry I would postpone this years anniversay of her passing and do it next year for the 25th anniversary.

  15. Islandgirl says:

    Are they so blind that they cannot see how their leaking about Harry being on the outside because he can’t be trusted not to leak looks?
    These people!
    Take me back to the days when I wasn’t interested in them and what they did….right now all I feel is disgust and disappointment at who these people really are.

    • Carmen-JamRock says:


      (Except the ‘disappointment’ part.)
      Substitute ‘disappoinment’ with ‘satisfaction’……satisfaction that I was right all along: theyre exactly who I thought they were…..nasty, unscrupulous, completely sold on their own hype, self-entitled liars, hypocrites and monumentally pretentious.

  16. Laugh or Cry says:

    As usual, the BM are stirring up strife. Anything with Rupert Murdoch paws in it will be based on pure lies from start to finish. Why make speeches with a handful of relatives there, short and sweet statement to go with the short and sweet unveiling. If anything, they have plenty of fodder with brexit.

  17. ABritGuest says:

    I think the statute unveiling was handled nicely & lack of drama meant there was more focus on Diana despite the press’ wishes. The joint statement was good too. I’m sure that was nice for those closest to her

    Hopefully fans who were worried about his attendance feel reassured now he’s back with no drama.

    I think the press wanted Harry to stay longer or have more interaction with the family & are upset they didn’t get briefings from the palace. Also they are mad as they were shut out of the unveiling AND Harry’s WellChild event. They saw he means business about no more dealings with the rota.

    • Merricat says:


    • Lady D says:

      It’s been what, a year plus, since Harry announced he wasn’t working with them anymore? It might finally be sinking in that Harry meant every word he said.
      Which publication will finally see the light and start printing the truth about them?

    • BabsORIG says:

      The rota 🐀s see the writing on the wall and are very concerned. They will be shut out of the Invictus Games from hence forward and that is a very big deal.
      Plus I’m ROTFLMBOing at the palace leaking to the tabloids that “Harry can’t be trusted to not leak”. Very very funny. I mean they could have chose to put out a statement, say this with their whole chest, but they decide that leaking is the best option? SMH. Meanwhile, Harry is the one that can’t be trusted to not leak? 🙄🙄.

  18. says:

    I think all this dishing and briefings and opinions and leaking from the aides to different media and tabs look really bad and unproffessional.
    In Sweden the royal family have one press/spokesperson. When questions arise, the press turn to that person and they either make a statement or answer the question or they deny as in no comment. Thats it. Its unheard of all this gossipping coming from inside the court! It would never be accepted they would be fired on the spot!

    • equality says:

      Much more professional. The BRF likes to think it’s a firm so this would be a much better model for them to follow.

    • Demi says:

      I never thought that a monarchy would need cheap rag tabloids to justify its own existence till the Oprah interview.. apparently, the tabloids hype them up& print their photos

    • fishface says:

      You have to remember that the PR people who work for the BRF earn a pittance compared to their peers in the private sector. And I think that the BRF has got what it paid for.

  19. Nina says:

    I do have to notice, Will’s jaw was noticeably more relaxed at the unveiling

    • equality says:

      He looked more relaxed at the NHS event and tea posted today also. W&K seem to look more relaxed when they are doing events solo.

  20. Lorelei says:

    Not particularly relevant, but I was wondering how weird it must have been for Harry to celebrate his first Independence Day in the US 😂

    • Sofia says:

      They moved to the US last year, no? So this year would be his second one, not the first

      • Lizzie says:

        Not much celebrating last year though, most celebrations were cancelled.

      • BabsORIG says:

        But celebrations were only cancelled in public spaces, so Harry and his family might have celebrated the 4th of July in their own home. This is not Harry’s first independence celebration.

  21. lanne says:

    The only commodity the royals hold is interest in themselves. They have the power to grant people proximity to their own persons. That proximity could buy prestige, fame, public interest to those who receive it. Harry and Meghan leaving has fundamentally damaged their power. Closeness to the Sussexes is the new hot commodity, not the Windsors minus the Queen. The Cambridges don’t get the public engagement anymore, and they can’t simply attach themselves to the Sussexes to get attention and ride their coattails. They, stupidly, have defined themselves against the Sussexes, creating an Us Vs Them conflict that they don’t have the work ethic, charm, or global appeal to win.

    All Harry and Meghan have to do to swivel the eyes of the world their way is to release a picture of their children. Which I hope they do on the very day that Cain and Unable pretend to promote a cause they don’t really care about. The Cambridges still haven’t learned that just showing up and being royal isn’t enough. The curtain has been pulled back on the “mystique”. I think William still believes he’s the teen idol he used to be. There’s something grotesquely Baby Jane about his delusions of grandeur. Like Baby Jane, I wonder if he looks in the mirror and shrieks at who he has become (I’m not even talking about looks—I’m talking about his rotten character).

    • Angelica Schuyler says:

      Ianne, as usual your analysis is spot on! The fact that Harry can divorce himself of the toxic power dynamic that exists in and around the BRF has them and the RR very scared. Add to that the fact that he appears to be quite happy outside of their system, the jealousy and fear are eating TOB from the inside out. The more William tries to portray himself as being in charge of anything that Harry is doing, the more obvious it becomes that the exact opposite is true. The RR shows their hand every time they write about the number of bathrooms in Montecito. How dare H&M be wealthy, happy, AND perform service without taking handouts from the British public. The nerve! But as they say…Living well is the best revenge!

  22. aquarius64 says:

    These press releases make the BRF more unhinged. Harry is free and he got his family away from that mess. Although this is the 2nd 4th of July for the Sussexes, Independence Day has a new meaning.

    Look at what has happened this year:

    Piers Morgan was fired from GMB.
    Sara Vine’s husband of 20 years dumps her for someone else.
    Bad Dad’s 60 Minutes Australia interview was a ratings bomb.
    The TOD’s hit book on Meghan tanked.
    The Cambridge marriage is suspected to be on the rocks.

    I predict this is the year the Sussexes’ bullies, stalkers, and harassers are getting the karma the richly deserve…and it’s just beginning.

  23. Pat Gaddess says:

    There is some history that people are forgetting Edward and Sophie attempted to be independent and made a mess. She left millions of pounds in bills and his film business failed. I think the RF thought that H&M were just as incompetent. Never did they realize that they would be winners kn every level

    • Kkat says:

      The difference is S&E were never made to leave, they were full time royals AND were doing business.
      So it’s nothing like what H&M did

  24. Jaded says:

    Revenge is a dish best served cold and the revenge Harry got was that he looked wonderful — relaxed, smiling, healthy and clearly happy to see his Spencer relatives. William, on the other hand, looked sour, tense and unable to unclench in Harry’s presence. Jealousy and resentment was oozing out of him like bad breath.

  25. tamsin says:

    I wonder if the duelling speeches was a figment of the royal rota’s imagination to start with. That is how they imagine things would be handled. Obviously someone knew how to handle things with respect and grace. Mmm, wonder who that was?

  26. Lizzie says:

    I think Harry knew he was on the outside during the queens Christmas speech where she prominently displayed members of her family except for H&M.

  27. blunt talker says:

    The poster Lizzie said it best-Harry knew he was on the outside when the Queen displayed the photos-Harry and Meghan deserve so much credit for standing up for themselves against the FIRM-I read an article saying Meghan was trouble when the royals first met her-Remember when Biden said his mother told him no bowing-this is what they have trouble about Meghan-she probably looked them straight in the eye when talking to them-something they are not use to coming from a person of color.

  28. Curious says:

    Harry always knew he was on the outside, he saw what happened to Andrew the spare. Harry was a spare too.Don’t know what they told Harry when he was a little boy growing up.but i read Diana told him or wanted him to be his older brother keeper,or wing man. I thought a spare was born in case the heir died or have issues on other things and not fit to be the heir. In Harry case maybe he was just waiting for William to have children, then he won’t be the spare anymore.then he can choose his own life path .when Charles had children ,Andrew went on to do his thing.Andrew was not asked to use his life to help and support Charles. Harry must have asked himself a million times, why is he doing all these events ,its not his job ,Its William job, he is the next heir after Charles, he should be supporting Charles .With the queen protecting Andrew the spare, Harry don’t have his mother next to him to protect him. so they could have told Harry anything to keep him to be William fall guy.using Harry to cover William faults.Harry grew up,Harry said,when the press used that he was in rehab,to make Charles look like a good father,,harry said ,that the rehab happened long ago, and Charles just dug it up and made it look like it just happened. So harry knew what they was doing to him,he just didn’t have anyone on his side to take the steps to walk away. the queen, Phillip,Charles, the aides ,courtiers all was brainwashing him to support William, sort of like your life belongs to William. .none of the women Harry dated was strong enough, till he met a strong woman called Meghan. I think Meghan saved Harry life in a sense. together they made a family and Harry learned family values, cause in his royal family world he hardly knew family values.. not much warmth and hugs in that family,everything seems to be business for them. doubt they use words like, i love you, i missed not having you around. or words like, oh when you coming to visit, i miss talking to you. and so on.Harry is on good path .