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he’s a fool
Why do these newspapers write about Danes’ education as if she’s actually done something with it?
Has Claire Danes had a second rhinoplasty or is this just a flattering angle??
@Sakota- Because it pretty much the only thing they can write about her now, since she hasn’t really done .anything earth shattering on the acting front recently.
Well, they do it with Natalie Portman too. In each and every interview. Even when she is promoting a movie. I would love to see the day when they ask her what she plans on doing with her degree.
As a total intellectual snob, I really enjoy hearing about actors & actresses who further their education & realize that they may (or very well may not) have more to offer than a pretty face & an ability to emote on command.
She married one of the Geico cavemen ?
Who Cares ….
I could take them both in a fight. Danes has always irritated me for some reason though, for real.
God, this is cringe-worthy:
“He’s such a cutie patootie,” Claire told BlackBook magazine for its September issue.
Hieronymus Grex: too funny! I thought the same thing…”Let me be myself…” LOL