Spoilers for season one of Emily in Paris
One of my favorite covid guilty pleasure shows just dropped a trailer for season two and I am a wee bit excited. Emily in Paris season two will begin airing on Netflix on December 22. We left last season with Emily falling in bed with her hot neighbor, Gabriel, who was Emily’s only French friend’s boyfriend. Despite the fact that Gabriel and Cami (le French friend) have broken up, Emily feels conflicted about the amazing sex and being attracted to Gabriel. The trailer looks as if there will be a ton of messy relationship drama set in Paris which is what my inner thotiana needs. Also, it would seem that Emily is also getting a new boyfriend or perhaps fling but who cares?! It’s Pair-ee. Paris is the city made for flings. Below are a few more highlights from TVLine:
But now his ex-girlfriend Cami — who is also Emily’s gal pal — is suspicious about Gabriel’s reasons for staying in Paris. “I need to explain myself,” Emily insists to her friend Mindy.
As if Emily’s romantic life isn’t complicated enough, the above video also introduces a new love interest, the charming cynic Alfie (played by Katy Keene‘s Lucien Laviscount
As far as Emily’s boss is concerned, the American transplant should be going for it all. “While you’re here, fall in love,” Sylvie urges. “Make mistakes. If you’re gonna do Paris for one year, for God’s sake, do it right.”
“Now more entrenched in her life in Paris, Emily’s getting better at navigating the city but still struggling with the idiosyncrasies of French life,” according to the official Season 2 logline. “After stumbling into a love triangle with her neighbor and her first real French friend, Emily is determined to focus on her work — which is getting more complicated by the day. In French class, she meets a fellow expat” — aka Alfie — “who both infuriates and intrigues her.”
I know a lot of folks hated this show and rightly so. The storyline is full of stereotypes but I happened to enjoy it. As someone who has lived in Italy and has spent time in France, some of those stereotypes about how Americans act and how the locals treat them are pretty damn accurate. I am also looking forward to the show because it seems Netflix gave wardrobe a better budget. Emily’s outfits look way better in the trailer than they did last season. I am starting to warm up to the French boss who annoyed the hell out of me last season. Everything she says to Emily in season two’s trailer is spot on. If I was a twenty something living in Paris I would totally live it up the Parisian way. What’s a couple of flings here and there with hot French men with cute accents, n’est-ce pas? There are several shows coming out on Netflix around the same time in December. First the Witcher, then Emily in Paris. I literally can’t wait for the holidays so I can sit around my apartment, drink peppermint hot cocoa and eat popcorn in my fuzzy socks while watching Emily in Paris. I need the sort of brainless entertainment this show offers.
Photos credit: Carole Bethuel for Netflix
Oya, I agree that the stereotypes are accurate. After all, that is why they became stereotypes. And while cheesy, it was great entertainment on a cold dreary winter Saturday afternoon. I am here for Season 2 as well.
i’ve lived in Paris and i dont understand the fascination with it, in fact in a few years ago, when my company wanted to send me back for another couple of years, i fought tooth and nail against it.
Paris is the only place that MADE me feel like a foreigner ( african woc here), even though i speak the language fluently.
Sure the architecture is pretty but the parisians are snotty as hell, and frankly most of them arent as well dressed as anglophone women magazines would like you to believe.
I do however agree with some of the American stereotypes, there is an unfortunate tendency to believe that the american way is best which most Europeans ( in the west at least) tend to roll their eyes over.
I also don’t get the cliché of “French women dress classy”, I lived in Paris 4 years and it’s, ok I guess? But you don’t see models at every corner dressed with luxury brands. I’m French and I tend to agree that Paris is not welcoming to foreigners. Parisians can be snotty, I agree. But I’ve lived in Eastern Europe as well and people are so cold there I was happy to be back home after 1,5 year abroad.
Paris is nice, with beautiful monuments and architecture, but there is a lot of poverty and it breaks my heart every time I go for work.
I haven’t been to Paris in years but I spent time there in high school because I took French. I got pretty fluent actually. Paris isn’t particularly friendly but my experience of Eastern Europe (Prague) was, like yours, much colder. People seemed borderline hostile sometimes. And that fact that I didn’t understand the language one bit didn’t help.
Prague had the rudest, most unwelcoming people of anywhere I’ve travelled… in Eastern Europe or elsewhere. I seem to recall some female celeb (Angelina Jolie maybe?) commented years ago about how awful her experience filming in Prague was and she got totally lambasted but personally I could not agree more…
This show was my guilty pleasure too, so I’m glad I’m not alone!
It reminds me when I was 19 and moved to Germany and fell in love with a Hübsch Deutsche Mann, Sven. Sure, I was just a Canadian farm girl, had never travelled before (first time on a plane), and I also didn’t yet speak the language and was looked down on for that. I learned quick though, it was a condition of my work visa.
Stef im Deutschland was far less glamourous than Emily (I was an Au Pair turned ESL Teacher, not Marketing exec), but I realized so many stereotypes about myself, Canadians, Germans, and even Americans. We formed a group of Au Pairs from Canada, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland and then somehow ended up hanging out with the American Marines stationed there (Bonn, former capital in 99). We hung out at their Marine club house that had an English movie theatre and free bar. Since we were poor Au Pairs making 400 Marks a month (peanuts), they would treat us and take us out and let us drink all their free Marine club house beer. Such a fun part of my life, and I stayed for 3 years; even brought meine Deutsche home with me. It didn’t last, he couldn’t adjust to Canadian culture, but we are still friends today.
Sometimes, leaning into the cultural stereotypes makes for light comedy and a chance to not take oneself so seriously.
I’m not sure about the fashion for EIP season 2 from the clip. I hope it doesn’t go into Sex and The City 2 territory and ruin the show. I understand some of the same writer(s) is/are involved from SATC and EIP…
I’m jealous. Wish I’d been more adventurous at that age. I felt obligated to go right to Uni but looking back it was only my thinking imposed on my parents. Fortunately I was able to travel extensively later. I look forward to more EIP.
I’m glad to hear you got to travel a lot after college. Totally understand about your parents imprinting their desires on you after high school; most parents likely want their kids to finish university first.
For me, I grew up poor and no one expected anything of me. I’ve since out myself through a business degree and successful career.
My mother told me she wanted me to go to Germany when the Au Pair opportunity came along, and I quote:
“Go, see the world and find yourself. If you pass this up, it may hit you with a freight train of regret when you’re trapped in a bad marriage in a few years, changing your screaming baby’s diaper and daydreaming the ‘what if…’. Go!”
Sure, I see now that she was projecting her own life and missed opportunities. Damn if it wasn’t an effective speech though! 19 was young but the Germans helped me grow up quick, and be efficient.
Spent summer in Paris during college and had a glorious romance. Totally reccomend!
I didn’t get into EIP until about three episodes in- and then I binged the whole damn thing. The brother mix-up was the silliest part but also maybe my favorite?
I find something about the actress off-putting, and mentally for me she’s kind of in the same camp as Emma Roberts- pretty, pale, either wooden or over-acting. I know she’s the titular character but I think she is the weakest link.
My family was divided on this show. My mother absolutely loved this show because supposedly it mirrored her experience studying abroad in France in 1978. She didn’t study abroad in Paris, she studied abroad in Rouen (in the region of Normandy, where Gabriel was supposed to move actually) north of Paris, but it wasn’t all that far. My dad who my mom brought back to the US as a souvenir of her study abroad experience in France (he was her host brother) didn’t find it all that accurate but then he’s French so he’s biased lol. But it’s like a trainwreck you can’t help but watch. In fact I feel like watching a show loosely based on my parents’ romance would be more cute than Emily in Paris but whatever. Also in case you think lightning doesn’t strike in the same place twice, my dad’s brother/my uncle met his American wife the same way as my father, my grandparents hosted a lot of exchange students in the 70s/80s. They live in France though (they tried living in the US, it didn’t stick).
I found it to be basically Carrie Bradshaw in Paris had Carrrie Bradshaw been a millennial and moved to Paris in the 21st century, which isn’t surprising as Darren Star was also the creator of Sex and the City. I do find Emily more likable than Carrie, hats off to Lily Collins’s acting for making me like her. But the way every French guy treats Emily like they just want to sleep with her, talk about sex in professional settings, all the ridiculous fashion Emily, her French friend, and the nanny friend wear… I have friends/family who live in Paris and none of them dress like that in Paris. Everyone in Paris basically wears black.