W Magazine’s Best Performances covers are out and they’re great! Every year, W Mag does multiple covers devoted to some of the Oscar-baity actors, even if those actors aren’t actually picking up the big awards. Which brings me to Adam Driver, the star of The Last Duel, Annette and House of Gucci. I’m not going to watch Annette (it sounds bonkers), but I can confirm that Driver is actually very good in The Last Duel. He has such a strange face, it actually does “fit in” with any time period. Here are some highlights from his interview, and yes, he talks about those infamous Burberry ads where he’s a centaur.
Filming movies in lockdown: “Yes. I went to Juilliard, and they train you to be a repertory theater actor—Chekhov in the morning, Arthur Miller at night. I like that discipline. In some ways, House of Gucci was the most difficult. I do not live in the same world as Maurizio Gucci. The way he picks up things that are valuable and discards them, the way he is the most elegant man—those qualities were interesting to think about. But after 14 hours a day of being a Gucci, I was ready for it to be over. In general, I leave jobs immediately. I haven’t been to a wrap party since Girls. I just want to get the character out of my system and go home.
On Maurizio’s glasses in House of Gucci. “Finding those glasses was a long process. The costume was important. And the walk—the Gucci walk. There were generations of Gucci in that walk. He is a man who goes from rejecting the world he knows, to reclaiming his sense of self, to falling in love with a world that is toxic. He is a victim of timing.
What it was like to film that Burberry ad with a horse: “It took me a couple of months to train! I wanted to be muscular like a horse. And horses are very lean, so I lost weight. We shot in the Canary Islands, and I found it very challenging. I don’t like to watch my films, but I actually watched the Burberry ad. I wanted to see it. Jonathan Glazer [directed it]. Mario Sorrenti took the photo for the ad. I love horses.
Well, that answers some of the questions we had about whether Adam was told about the concept behind the Burberry ad. He knew, going into it, that he was supposed to look like a horse and become a horse, and that the ad is for nice-smelling centaurs. As for what he says about House of Gucci… I honestly thought the film looked like it was fun to make, like it was fun for the actors to be in those gorgeous playgrounds of the rich and infamous, but between what Driver says here and Lady Gaga’s whole deal, the film sounds like it was such a bummer to make. Gaga practically gave herself a nervous breakdown and Driver was like “smell ya later” the second that they wrapped.
Cover courtesy of W Magazine, additional photos courtesy of Burberry.
Now, somebody interview Natalie Portman about her weird Janis Joplin perfume ads. Lol.
I didn’t mind the horse centaur thing because it got people talking, and isn’t that an ad’s job?
True story, I was so distracted by his hotness during a Bootcamp class, that I fell off the treadmill and onto the floor next to him while he was on his weightlifting interval.
Hahahaha! That’s awesome!
LMAO! TBH, I find him so attractive I never thought to ask why he was a playing a ripped centaur. Why wouldn’t he?
I never found him particularly hot in terms of looks (although those ads — whoo, the gym definitely paid off), but his voice in some of his movies I have found uncomfortably sexy. Like, twitchy-in-my-movie-seat-in-public sexy.
I’m just watching Girls for the first time – I’m on season 4 – he’s very seductive. Like a dark Keanu.
I’ll admit I’m one of the ones who also finds him oddly hot. The Burberry ad was pretty sexy to me lmao.
He’s really sexy. SWOON.
His voice is hot too and he seems like he has a very large heart…
Those pictures.. do .. things to me. *fans herself*
Didn’t Arnold Schwarzenegger already do this??
He did the ads for John Oliver, he knew he would lose his mind.
@millimollie 🤣
Dear Adam: I OVERSTOOD what you were serving…and I 💘 IT! 😝
My thoughts while watching Annette:
“This is a weird ass movie.”
“I’m gonna watch this again!”
It’s definitely different but I enjoyed it. By the end, you understand why certain elements of the movie are the way that they are. (Trying to avoid spoilers here.)
The Last Duel was very very good as well.
No to Adam Driver in any character. Emphatic no to Adam Driver as a horse. Just stop.
Scoot over on that bench.
You’re entitled to your wrong opinion.
I stan him hard even as Kylo Ren.
Same!!! Adam Driver is hot to me always 🔥
His two SNL Kylo Ren in “Undercover Boss” sketches are always a hoot. 🙂
I’m here for all of the Adam Driver coverage and any flimsy excuse to show photos of the centaur photos.
The centaur ad just feels so right for him as someone who is both admired for his physique and yet is quite meme-able and quirky. It got people talking so I think this did it’s job well.
Add me to folks who think he’s gorgeous. It was definitely not love at first sight for me (I thought he was, uh, quite the opposite of attractive at first), but his immense talent and generally low-key and lovely personality really appeal to me. Now I can’t NOT find him hot.
I’m glad he’s proud of those ads. They’re HOT.
I know from inside info that he is very generous with his support of US military veterans.
He also stars in my favorite SNL skit of all time—as Pete Davidson’s dad, an oil barron, visiting school for career day. https://youtu.be/t7HD2xG92-0
I love it when he does SNL – my fave is when he played the dad with teenage girls and a blocked toilet.
Yes sir, I like him. I like him a lot.
Love every interview of him I have seen, love his strong non- pretty but gorgeous face, love him in every performance I’ve seen, love that voice! 💗💗💗💗 And the centaur commercial 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
A coworker told me that she didn’t see it and I spent a Saturday texting her pictures ala Green Eggs and Ham- not in a boat? not with a goat? Etc. And if you don’t know the goat photo, give yourself a treat and search for it 🥰
She kept saying Nope, but I enjoyed the process very much!
Glad I’m not the only one who finds him to be a very sexy man, horse, centaur, or otherwise.
Every role I’ve seen him in, he really takes on the character. Makes me wonder how he is in real life.
As for House of Gucci, I didn’t think Adam and Gaga had mich chemistry. It felt forced somehow, even when I watched it a second time. *shrugs*
He’s an excellent actor and good looking in an unconventional way, but eh…he’s always kind of gave off weird vibes and I kind of buy the rumors that he’s difficult. The W magazine covers were supposed to be goofy as h*ll, playful, and everyone except Denzel…and Adam…played along with the art direction. Denzel I get, he’s old and a legend and if he doesn’t want to be goofy that’s his right, but Adam…. it went viral on film twitter (the fact that Denzel and him wouldn’t play along when Benedict and others did) because they thought it was funny as h*ll that they wouldn’t be “foolish”…..but as someone who works in a related field I can say I would find it obnoxious, especially as he was willing to be a goofy centaur for a perfume ad. I mean, it’s possible they just wanted him in this regular suit he’s wearing on the cover but considering how every other actor (except Denzel) was styled…doubtful.
Then again, I’ve always kind of side eyed him after the whole Terry Gross thing when his PR team tried to slander her so maybe I’m being unfair. His team tried to spin it as “she sprung a clip on him even though he has anxiety and hates hearing himself perform, what a b*tch she doesn’t respect mental illness” when in reality she a) always play clips on her shows and b) the producer specifically said they offered to let him take his headphones off so he wouldn’t have to listen and they would tell him when the clip was over so he wouldn’t have to hear his performance at all.
This is…a completely inaccurate recitation of events regarding the Terry Gross story. It’s blatantly obvious that his PR had nothing to do with leaking the story and that someone from NPR or an acquaintance of someone how works at NPR leaked it instead. If his team had leaked it, there would have been some sort of comment from them. Instead, the take-away is that NPR actually had no idea why he left but were just speculating as to why based on his past appearance there. I also have to say that the lionization of Gross is a bit odd. In the wake of that story, so many people came out saying that she’s one of the worst interview experiences they ever had.
With regard to W Magazine, you’re also just speculating about the direction. It’s entirely possible that he was available last-minute for the photographer or there otherwise with an issue with clothing so he wore his own.
Could he not be muscular…like a person? 😑
I saw Annette, The Last Duel and House of Gucci. Annette was weird but I really liked it and IMO it featured his best 2021 performance. I liked The Last Duel too and he’s really good in it. Jodie Comer is the MVP and should have gotten more awards love. As for House of Gucci…I thought he was bland and forgettable. Easily one of my least favorite performances of him. Gaga and Leto were terrible and I’m glad the Oscars shut her out. The entire awards campaign was annoying and she became insufferable with her method acting and “I did it for ancestors” comments.