Celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson has taken another hit, this time with a $1 million lawsuit. It was just this past weekend that news broke about Madonna allegedly firing Tracy. Something about Tracy no longer being welcome on tour with the Madge Vadge, or about Madge being tired of everyone criticizing her gristle. The other theory is that Madge wanted to get away from Tracy’s drama – a pretty smart move, albeit one that came a couple of years too late. Tracy is a noted fraud who has been sued and investigated for financial shenanigans half a dozen times. Now the creditors of Tracy’s ex-boyfriend Glynn Barber (who was defrauded by Tracy) are suing Tracy for $1 million:
AN ex-boyfriend of Madonna’s former trainer, Tracy Anderson, claims she swindled him out of $1 million and drove him into bankruptcy. Anderson — who has been ditched by the Queen of Pop — is being sued by creditors of Glynn Barber, who was persuaded to invest in her company.
In court papers, Barber alleges that during his yearlong relationship with Anderson, he plunged a fortune into financing two fitness studios, a DVD and a Mercedes. But he claims she refused to pay him a return on her profits, forcing him to file for bankruptcy after they split in June 2007.
“She used her female charms to manipulate me to invest $1 million in her company,” Barber told Page Six yesterday. “I was an easy target. She told me she was a Power Ranger. She told me she was in the musical ‘Cats’ for four years. She said her ex-husband, Eric, played for the Knicks . . . None of this turned out to be true.”
When Anderson started training Gwyneth Paltrow and Madonna, the two split up, “and she elbowed me out,” Barber said.
Barber, an engineer and machinist, also told us, “I made Madonna’s fitness equipment for $13,000 and Tracy sold it to her for $26,000. She made a fortune from using Madonna’s name.”
Barber said he felt sorry for Anderson’s new boyfriend, Philippe van den Bossche, who quit his job as head of Madge’s Raising Malawi charity to live with Anderson in New York: “I wish there was some way to inform her new boyfriend that he is playing with ‘The Cobra.’ Tracy absolutely has some voodoo capability.”
Anderson denies all of Barber’s allegations in court papers. Her lawyer, Peter Moulinas, didn’t return our call. Her publicist, Julia Van Nice, didn’t return e-mails. When we reached Van Nice by phone, she said, “I am too busy. I am on a conference call.”
[From Page Six]
Okay, I actually feel for this Glynn Barber guy, but he needs to cool it with the whole “she’s such a sexy, manipulative voodoo priestess, I was putty in her hands” crap. She’s a chipmunk-cheeked con artist who sells a daily regiment of 800-calorie diet and two hours of exercise. She found people who wanted to buy the horsesh-t she was selling, and it worked for a short time. She’s not a genius. She’s just like any other con artist who knows her audience.
Photos credit: WENN.com
That dress!!!!!!!!
That face!!!!!!!!!!
Damn, does her diet consist of eating one’s neck? anyways, now we know why Vadge cut this midget loose.
I’m laughing too much from the article to properly respond. This is just funny. ROFL.
those plastic booby sacks!!!!!!!
yuck, she is SO unattractive.
You could fry an egg on that greasy mug.
Yikes, she’s hideous!
Kaiser, well written. Tracy is a bulemic butterface starf*cker. I’m so mortified for this guy falling prey to a butterface.
I just imagine how I could have taken him for a ride.
“She told me she was a Power Ranger. She told me she was in the musical ‘Cats’ for four years. She said her ex-husband, Eric, played for the Knicks”… This guy gave her a million dollars without finding anything out about her, other than what she said? These are really easy to find out lies. Why would you, if you were completely inventing your life, choose to be a Power Ranger?
greasy is right. She’s not even a butter face.
i just read glynns huge long open letter in february 2009 on gabsmash’s website. holy crap there is a lot of information there about the stuff he did for her and her husband (she was trying to marry glynn without even divorcing her husband). she is a 100% scam artist.
fool me once et al…glynn take notes!
Two words. Overrated and Fraud.
Her bolt-on implants look like they’re trying to escape.
There are quite a few women who would LOOOOVE to be called a “sexy, manipulative voodoo priestess.”
Hell, that’s why I’m going to the health club right now (I’m looking at you Gerard Butler…)!
Her breasts look like they’re eating her neck…
Based on her saying she was a Power Ranger and in Cats, I would havew run screaming away from her!
Talk about Grisabella! *shudders*
omg the boobs! That dress! The shoes! The wierdly colored shiny face! AAAAAAAA!
I agree with what you are saying, Kaiser, about calling her wares “horseSh*t” with the exception of the machines that her ex crafted. I read the article that explained how they were engineered and it sounded like they were the real deal. The guy really invested a lot of design/engineering expertise into them and it is so sad that she was able to make a profit off someone else’s design. It’s about time that she got sued over basically stealing his invention.
She looks so cute in her videos, and truly scary hideous here. Bizarre!
Power Ranger :@
Ps… What do you do about breasts that are ascending towards your jugular? Maybe she could sue her plastic surgeon for those hideous tits, and those Bag Puss chops!
Damn, I wanna meet Glynn Barber. Glynn, I think I can get the Brooklyn bridge for you, but it’s gonna take a couple mil up front…..
You can just notice where Gwyneth and Madonna got their semi-emaciated look from.
I am with “Bete”. They all belong to each other.
call her whatever you want she did her job just look at the results.
The girl looks like a BobbleHead/Gumby combo, hey maybe someone can use her as a prototype for a new toy. I also briefly viewed her video: Lighting and digital enhancement, people, never forget this. The red carpet photos are more realistic. The shiny face could be from Botox and heavy pancake face makeup; the short neck is genetic and the fake boobs ridiculously out of place on a tiny adolescent body.She is short waisted and actually has no waistline definition. Her whole hackneyed workout routine is from the Suzanne Sommer days; and we know she was caught getting lipo. At least Sandra Bullock admits lipo is part of her life. I really like honest celebs. For Emmi above: what results? Skinny Gumby arms, no hips, no butt, baseball boobs and a Bobbleheaded skull on top of teensy shoulders? And now a bad rap to boot? I don’t call that ‘results’. I see women at my gym every day who can blow her out of the water, including me. And need I mention the stripper shoes to boost her from 5’0″ to 5’5″? That dress looks like it came from Bizarre Bazaar, a store that sells over-priced, ill-fitting and tasteless clothes to topless dancers.
I don’t care who she is. Speaking from a regular fitness nut who used to run (and still do from time to time) 15 miles a week in the gym AND lift, I have changed my routine to her mat&cardio videos upon recently hearing her “theory”. She may be a freud but she know what’s up when it comes to how to look like a tiny freak. I love the exercise, it gets at muscles in my body I don’t ever feel. Don’t knock it until you try it. If you want to loose weight you have to do the work. No matter what it is. Her routine in my opinion is very effective if you want something different and want to look tiny. Best 60 bucks I ever spent (on both dvds)!!! And I agree she wears too much make up but I have issues too. I don’t think any of us are perfect and not all of us figure things out as quickly as we could. Give her a break and stop hatin’.
Go back even farther to her very first husband, Ty…he has some interesting stories about the people she swindled back home in Indiana before she headed west. She definitely has a long history of taking what she can get and running when things don’t turn out.