Prince Charles tested positive for Covid for a second time, he’s isolating at home

Considering how little we’ve seen of Prince William in the past two months, there was a quiet theory that he might have gotten Covid yet again, and perhaps he didn’t tell anyone. That’s what happened in 2020 – William had a bad case of Covid early in the pandemic, he hid his Covid diagnosis and he only revealed it months after the fact, framing it like his secrecy was super-heroic. What was interesting about William’s 2020 Covid diagnosis is that he was likely very sick at the same time Prince Charles disclosed his Covid diagnosis. Charles got Covid in March 2020 – following a large number of public events that month – and he isolated in Scotland, much to the chagrin of local Scottish officials.

Anyway, all of that to say, Prince Charles has contracted Covid again. The photos in this post are from Charles and Camilla’s appearance at the British Asian Trust event last night in London. I used the photos in another post (which is coming up later this morning) and I honestly almost wrote “wow, Charles looks really unwell.” I didn’t because I was trying to be nice. But yeah, he looked noticeably ill last night. His coloring was completely off, he looked clammy and out-of-it. Now everyone at that event will have to get tested and isolate. No one wore masks at the event either.

Just another reminder that this f–king pandemic isn’t over. Y’all need to still wear masks and be cautious.

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Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instar and Getty.

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113 Responses to “Prince Charles tested positive for Covid for a second time, he’s isolating at home”

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  1. Jane says:

    Meanwhile our wretched government has decided that restrictions are no longer needed and people with covid don’t actually need to self-isolate. Anything to shore up Boris’ faltering support and distract from partygate.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      ‘Wretched government’ sums it up!

      • jo73c says:

        bunch of a$$clowns works too.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        Are you guys referring to government of the UK or the government of State of Florida???

        It is really hard to tell which is the bigger group of “a$$clowns”.

      • Lady D says:

        Expecting the Canadian govt. here soon. We seriously have the most wishy-washy leader. Wish he would grow a backbone.

      • Nic919 says:

        The mandates are provincial here and in Ontario Doug Ford is rarely seen. Christine Elliot, minister of health, was asked yesterday where he was and she said he was “working hard for ontarians”.

        Meanwhile if the military needs to be called for the blockades it has to be the province making the request to the PM. As what happened when Premier Bourassa asked Pierre Trudeau to intervene. The federal government cannot send the military on Canadian soil unless specifically requested by the province.

        My point? Doug Ford has said nothing on this despite blockades now slowing the supply chain and closing auto plants. He wants to placate this terrorist group because he thinks their base will vote for him. I mean his own daughter is a vocal anti vax idiot on social media non stop.

        So yes I am tired of the cowardly premier who has hidden away while several cities in his province get taken over by the white supremacy terrorists.

      • Lady D says:

        I didn’t realize Ford was such a big problem. Does he stand a chance of re-election in Ont.?

    • Layla says:

      Cuz that’s the most important thing. Never mind that vulnerable people (including really young children) get ill and die, everyone must forget about ParTygAte

    • Andrew's Nemesis says:

      Anything to distract from setting a bunch of vicious loons on the Leader of the Opposition, partying it up numerous times when everyone else was at home and dying, and taking large sums of money from donors for wallpaper. I am immune compromised and terrified to think what it’s going to be like in a fortnight.

      • Jane says:

        Yes – I’m 36 weeks pregnant and terrified about going anywhere for fear that I might contract the virus as it’s dangerous during the third trimester. I’ve managed to avoid it for two years, unlike most other people I know, but I know I won’t be able to avoid it forever. I just hope that if/when my baby gets it, it’ll be a mild variant.

    • JRT says:

      Sounds similar to Alberta’s provincial government. All politicians are cut from the same corrupt and self-absorbed cloth!

    • Anne says:

      Why in the world are people shaking hands in the middle of a damn pandemic. Fauci said at beginning of this mess that stopping hand shaking and increasing hand washing would keep us all healthier. Sadly the shaking of hands seems to come roaring back.

  2. Lauren Too says:

    Is it really that difficult for them to wear an effing mask and social distance? All the pictures I see of these people show them maskless around adults and children alike.

    • goofpuff says:

      Yep all maskless. And they will all not isolate I bet. They are rich and privileged so don’t need to follow the rules of those of us who can’t afford to be off work.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      That’s my question. Charles would NOT have had become positive with the coronavirus IF he had just worn a mask and was following social distancing. We will never be free from the coronavirus UNLESS everyone is vaccinated and everyone wears a mask, FFS!!!

      • Chergui says:

        Well we can’t say that for sure. I’m not defending hi not wearing a mask but it doesn’t guarantee that you’re not going to get it.

        We wear masks every time we go out and yet we are recovering from having it for the second time in just a couple of month. We are also fully vaccinated, including boosters.

        I just don’t get why he would have gone to an event without a mask when he looks so unwell, so must have been feeling it. Even if his lateral flow was negative, you’d think common sense would have dictated that he should wear a mask just in case.

  3. LW says:

    He looks so much like Harry in these pictures

    • anotherlily says:

      He does. Harry, Charles and Philip have the same central face features of deep-set eyes and a widening at the bridge of the nose. Harry also has Spencer features with his wider face and red hair. Philip was good looking all his life. Charles could never have been accused of being handsome but he’s matured into a pleasant looking older man. Harry was the ginger kid brother beside a good looking William but over the last ten years that situation has reversed.

    • terra says:

      I see a fair bit of his uncle, George VI, too, especially as he aged. But QEII and Phillip were second cousins, so that makes sense.

      The Windsor genes are strong, but sometimes they’re muted. What will be interesting is what William and Harry’s kids grow up to look like, considering who their respective mothers are. All three of the Cambridge kids fairly scream “Middleton!” but it remains to be seen who Archie and Lili will favor, although it goes without saying that Meghan is gorgeous.

      It’s actually incredibly fascinating because we’re just now beginning to see the start of generation after generation of inbreeding between the various European royal families coming to an end. I have a friend whose rather fancy family connections led to them meeting several Hapsburgs and they told me the Hapsburg jaw is still very noticeable. She reported that they were quite nice, if incredibly dull, but that the infamous trait carried as far as modern day is telling.

      British royals were still expected to marry into other royal families as late as the early 1900s, but even then, they just moved onto other slightly-less inbred nobles.

      It’s kind of crazy to think about the fact that we’re seeing a thousand-year historical sea change in real time. It’s enthralling from an anthropologic viewpoint.

      • Emmitt says:

        Charlotte will take the Windsor genes. Both boys will be more Middleton.

        Archie has Meghan’s face but Harry’s coloring. We don’t really know who Lili will take after but she has Harry’s coloring as well.

      • Lucky Charm says:

        German genes are very strong, at least in my family. My dad, uncles and cousins have all morphed into the same person and look exactly like my grandmother’s father. It didn’t matter what the mother looked like or her nationality, my male cousins, and even a couple of female cousins, all look exactly like my German grandmother and her family. Even some of my cousins’ kids are beginning to look more like that branch of the family now. Genetics is very interesting.

      • molly says:

        For her sake, I hope Charlotte is more Middleton than Windsor. (Odds aren’t looking great thus far. The boys are Michael, but she’s a loooot of William.)

        The press is going to destroy her anyway, so hopefully she doesn’t look like her father while it happens.

      • Selene says:

        George looks exactly like Diana’s brother. I believe it was pointed out in this website, and I can’t unsee it.

      • RoyalBlue says:

        When I see George, I see the Queen’s father. It’s the eyes for me. I do see Pa Middleton too with the hair and smile. Charlotte is all Windsor. Poor thing.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I just googled that Hapsburg jaw. Yikes!

      • Tessa says:

        I think George looks like Michael Middleton especially around the eyes.

      • Tessa says:

        I see some of Diana’s features in Charlotte. She looks like Carole also.

  4. Becks1 says:

    Well, at least they’re not hiding it like the Cambridges did….but I guess people would notice if Charles just stopped working for a few weeks.

    I do feel bad for the events he had scheduled bc his schedule books up so far in advance, and i think he’s getting back to that (I don’t think that was true in 2021 for example) so if anyone was looking forward to seeing him, now its going to be pushed back or completely canceled.

    And yes, when I saw the pics from last night my thought was WHERE ARE THE MASKS.

    Look I get they aren’t required in every country or every setting. But you know what? Its still okay to wear them even if they aren’t required. I wear one sometimes even outside if I feel uncomfortable.

    Anyway I hope this is a good lesson for people but you know it wont be – he had COVID, is fully vaccinated, and still got it a second time. Having COVID once doesn’t mean you’re safe and people should still take precautions.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      The Brits are particularly annoyed about masks for some reason. When my husband and I go around some people totally stare at us. I stare back and shake my head

      • Lady D says:

        Our weekly farmer’s market covers most of one block and attracts 3-4 hundred people or more each week. You should see the looks I get wearing a mask, but I don’t care. We’re all crammed into that one little stretch of street. I grab my fruit and bread and leave as quickly as I can. I’m afraid of Covid. I’ve been a non-smoker for eight years, but smoked for 33. I did a lot of damage to my lungs, and Covid could likely kill me.

      • Nic919 says:

        My mom’s cousin has a place in Michigan and when they go they try to bring most of their supplies because if they show up to stores with a mask on they get ridiculed and called “liberals” , “democrats” and “Canadian” I mean it’s white people doing this of course, but there is a serious problem doing this to others.

      • Chergui says:

        I’d just ignore those who give you looks for wearing a mask. as a Brit and a mask wearer, tbh I haven’t really had any of that. I do notice when I go out, mask wearers are the minority but there are still many of them.

        Personally I love the fact that it also hides my horrible skin!

        I do get annoyed with those who don’t wear them ever though. I get that some people feel comfortable in some situations which maybe others don’t but I know people who refuse all the time and have from the start. I even know someone who got a disability lanyard, just so she didn’t have to wear one. My son who has a disability pointed out that it doesn’t seem very fair because lots of people probably do the same and soon the lanyards will be worthless, so people like him won’t get help when they need it.

        The same person isn’t fully vaccinated and hasn’t caught covid once. Meanwhile, I’m full vaccinated, had my booster and take all precautions, yet I’ve had it twice.

    • Songs (Or It Didn't Happen) says:


      “Well, at least they’re not hiding it like the Cambridges did….but I guess people would notice if Charles just stopped working for a few weeks.”

      Lol, I see what you did there.

    • CC says:

      Don’t worry, no one was looking forward to seeing him.

    • liz says:

      They are starting to let mask mandates expire in some states in the US. NYS is letting some of the rules loosen, NYC hasn’t made any announcements, yet. I’m not inclined to change my behavior – I wear a mask indoors at the grocery store or my kid’s hockey games. I will wear it walking the streets, since I’m going to be in and out of stores. I don’t wear one to go running in the park or to walk the dog – both outside and both with a lot of distance from other people. But I’m in NYC. People DNGAF what someone else is doing, unless they are getting in the way.

      • Becks1 says:

        Oh I know. My state hasn’t had an indoor mask mandate in ages, but some counties some stores do and where I live, in a pretty red county, even in a store without a mask mandate I still see a lot of people wearing masks. I feel like for some of us its just going to be part of the norm now, especially in cold and flu season. I wish mask-wearing hadn’t been so politicized from the get-go in this country.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        You see lots of people wearing masks in stores (medical providers require them in their facilities) in Florida too!

      • Jan90067 says:

        CA is losing indoor masking on Monday, but the County of LA isn’t (and that encompasses the area where I live (and most of the Westside of L.A, Santa Monica/Malibu, Beverly Hills), as far as I know. It’s going to be a patchwork shit show here. We have the Super Bowl the day before, and we’ll have a LOT of the unvaxxed attending. Even though masks ARE still mandated for that event (inside the stadium), how will they enforce it? They won’t, that’s how. The Super Bowl will be a Super Spreader for the City of LA.

        Supposedly, it’s about lifting INDOOR mask requirements for “the vaccinated” (except for public transportation and places like hospitals), but once again, you’re on the “Honor System” (HA!!!). We all know how that works!

        We may *never* get to an endemic stage!

      • Eurydice says:

        We’ve had a mask mandate for practically 2 years, it was lifted for just a couple of months until delta hit. And we have to show vaccine cards for any indoor venue or restaurant. Plus, a lot of the offices are still closed, you still need to make an appointment to go to a museum and pretty much every lecture and meeting is on Zoom. I haven’t gotten covid, but the isolation’s been difficult.

      • Feeshalori says:

        Even though New York has just dropped its mask mandate today for indoors except for schools, I will continue to wear mine when l go into stores and other public places. I feel the risk is still too high and I’m not taking any chances.

      • Angelica Schuyler says:

        I’m in NYC and I dread the lack of a mask mandate. I just ran to grab lunch and the maskless woman next to me at the counter just coughed all over the place without covering her mouth or exhibiting any type of common courtesy. I regret that I was wearing only a surgical mask and not my N95… At least all the workers behind the counter were wearing masks. I can only imagine how vulnerable they will be now that customers are no longer required to wear a mask…..

    • Nic919 says:

      It’s so obvious Boris is just dropping restrictions to cover his ass, but the numbers in the UK don’t justify it. And the most ridiculous one is dropping the need to isolate if you test positive. I mean wtf. This just means employers can force you to work while sick and spread it to others.

      It seems others at the event last night also tested positive.

  5. beff says:

    I lose my sh*t everytime I see Waity in little children’s faces with her mouth agape. Oh, it’s cool kids can’t even get COVID, right??? Ugh.

    I will say that is a GORGEOUS outfit on Cams. Double ugh.

    • Julie says:

      Was he not with the keen piano artist/children’s story reader days ago?
      Then she went shopping in her favorite store?

    • Roo says:

      BEFF, I agree with both of your points. The children shouldn’t be exposed just so she can get her crazy eyes photo. Also, I need that emerald necklace that Cam has. I shall wear it to work and the grocery store and Target. LOL

    • BayTampaBay says:

      @beff – Agree 100%. Cams looks great.

      @Roo – I have a friend who posts on another royal board under the name “Stephen” and he thinks family heirloom tiaras are totally appropriate for grocery store excursions.

      • Surly Gale says:

        I’ve been wearing my best Calvin Klein to the grocery store..and what my son calls my “Diva” dress (from Drop Dead Diva) which has rhinestones just under the bust. Because otherwise, what’s the point of having pretty things in my closet? Church was closed (I like getting cleaned up for church) so when else would I wear some of my favourite clothes? Groceries, walking the dogs and work (interior landscaper) are the only times I’m out, so dressing up for groceries reminds me of small pleasures.

        I would wear an heirloom tiara w/my Calvin Klein in a heartbeat!

      • CourtneyB says:

        @baytampabay is that our AllyPally friend ‘Martyn’?

    • Eurydice says:

      The full-length photo looks like it’s a long velvet tunic over chiffon pants – kind of daring in a secret sort of way.

  6. girl_ninja says:

    At least he’s isolating. What raggedy family.

  7. Red Weather Tiger says:

    These two ghouls should be ashamed. He trots out looking like death warmed over and without a mask, putting everyone’s lives at risk? What a leader! Jubbly ventilators, anyone?

    • Babz says:

      And in the pictures from inside the event, they are all practically in each other’s faces! There will be more than one person testing positive as a result of their refusal to mask and social distance. The same thing is happening here in the states – the numbers go down a bit, the mandates are lifted, everyone goes back to business as usual, and then there’s a surge. There are still over 2000-2500 people dying each day from this wretched virus. We’re never going to get away from this mess.

    • Tessa says:

      When he dresses up in those black tuxes he has a Dracula look about him IMO. And it’s worse when he wears medals with black tuxes.

  8. Snuffles says:

    The only place my mask comes off is in my house (and when I go to the dentist). I don’t step outside even momentarily without a mask.

    • Tee says:

      Same! Just walking to get something out of my car and I have a mask on.

    • Nancy says:

      Not even off in your car when you are alone? I have to confess I get a chuckle out of folks who wear their masks when driving alone. My state did away with mask mandates last year but I still wear one all day at work and when I am in public places ( stores, library, etc. ) even though I’ve been vaccinated and boostered. It’s really not that difficult royal family.

      • Mich says:

        There are lots of reasons people keep their masks on when driving. I find that masks like the Aura that have straps that go over the head instead of behind the ears are easier to just keep on when running errands. Same for when I have to use a toggle to tighten some masks.

        Some people might be trying to protect immunocompromised or other at risk people who also share that car. Just because someone is driving alone when you see them doesn’t mean that they are going to be alone all the time in the vehicle.

      • The Hench says:

        Also keeping the fiddle faddling with your mask to a minimum is just good sense. If you’re somewhere that needs a mask, then in the car for ten mins then somewhere else that needs a mask, leaving the damn thing on makes more sense than taking it off and shoving it somewhere then putting it back on again – a process that can only add to its bacterial load.

      • Wiglet Watcher says:

        Depending on your mask the more you use it, the less effective it becomes. So, if you don’t need it while in the car… don’t wear it or replace it frequently with a brand new mask.

      • goofpuff says:

        Sometimes it’s just more of a hassle to fuss with a mask in your car when you’re driving. If I don’t remember to take it off, I’m not going to bother.

  9. OriginalLaLa says:

    No masks in large social gatherings, getting loads of us peasants sick – people who won’t have access to top of the line treatments, people who may not be able to afford to take sick days, people who may live with vulnerable populations. The BRF is disgusting.

  10. Jay says:

    ….but I guess people would notice if Charles just stopped working for a few weeks.

    @Becks1 yes! We can say a lot of things about Charles ( and I have), but he does put in the events. I wonder if we’ll get a flurry of stories about the Cambridges dealing with the stress of trying to shoulder some of his workload, or if Charles won’t want to share. In theory at least, this is a chance for William to trot out his “ready to be king” act. I guess we’ll see if he puts his foot in it abroad.

  11. Songs (Or It Didn't Happen) says:

    But, how is the BM going to make this Meghan’s fault?

    • Eurydice says:

      Clearly, Charles has been so upset and hurt and angry by H&M’s betrayal, and at the same time heartbroken over not seeing his grandchildren, and at the same time living in fear over what Harry might write in his memoir, that he’s been too distracted to wear a mask. Either that or Meghan, with her sorceress ways,, managed to send him Covid through Zoom.

  12. Linda says:

    Camilla should have been in Harry Potter…

  13. iforget says:

    Lord please save Prince Charles, as republican (in the British sense) as I am, a truly scary thought is William being king sooner rather than later :/

    • FC says:

      I still think about how Diana said Charles will never be king. It’s definitely a possibility given his age and that there is a global pandemic going on.

  14. Harper says:

    Yet Camilla is out this morning breathing maskless all over some poor volunteers at a London charity. I would have wanted to know that Charles had Covid before she showed up and it’s indefensible of her not to have masked up.

    • Nic919 says:

      This is crazy. Camilla should be masked up and really isolating for a few days. In theory she lives with him and she was at the same event where others have tested positive.

  15. Smices says:

    After all this hullabaloo about Queen Camilla, he’s gonna mess around and die before it has a chance to come to fruition.

    • Mslove says:

      Someone get a body double of Chuck, quick, or Baldimort will be crowned…

    • Feeshalori says:

      It’s so irresponsible that C&C are still playing fast and loose with their health and endangering others. I’m sure Kate is chomping at the bit that she might still have the chance to be the next FQC.

  16. FancyPants says:

    Queen Margrethe of Denmark tested positive yesterday too. I wonder how that will affect Kate’s trip.

    • ArtHistorian says:

      This does mean that Daisy won’t have to deal with Katie Keen, which is a tiny positive. She was supposed to receive Kate – so now Mary will have to take on all the hosting duties.

      All restrictions have been lifted in Denmark, which I’m not happy about as I have to very vulnerable elderly parents who had to move into a nursing home last year and early this year. However, the staff there all wear masks/visors and test regularly and the home hands out home tests + masks to visitors. Still. My sister and I wear masks in stores and public transport.

  17. CuriousCole says:

    And Kate now has an excuse to disappear until her Danish tour. I’m sure she’s thrilled to be able to play the isolation card, she must be exhausted after working nearly four hours in two weeks.

    • Harper says:

      Don’t forget the work she put into picking out a casual outfit to get papped in while out shopping. That should go on the Court Circular as well for last week.

  18. Tee says:

    I remember looking at the pics from the joint outing with Kate and thinking “where the hell are the masks??”. NO ONE there had any masks on. Like how, Sway?!

  19. Amy Bee says:

    How is Charles at home isolating and Camilla is still doing engagements? Shouldn’t she have cancelled hers for today as well?

    • Lizzie Bathory says:

      They really need to get their sh*t together. Charles is not a young man & Camilla has health issues. For all the talk of the Jubilee & Charles preparing to take the throne, they’re courting disaster with these maskless engagements during a pandemic. We’ve seen with Elizabeth that they’re prepared for a monarch to die, but not to be in ill health. What happens if Charles gets long COVID?

      • PunkyMomma says:

        Exactly. He looks like death warmed over in that pic and Camilla needs to be isolating with him. What is it with these Royal superspreaders?

    • The Hench says:

      She apparently tested negative today. However the news didn’t specify what kind of test. I had a friend who tested positive on a PCR then continued to test negative on lateral flows for five days afterwards. Apparently LFs are very accurate for positive tests but only around 48% accurate for negative ones meaning false negatives are quite common.

      • Jais says:

        She did indoor maskless events today so I really hope she doesn’t test positive in the next few days. She was just with him!

  20. ME says:

    This is the reason we can’t get rid of mask mandates and act like the pandemic is over.

  21. Likeyoucare says:

    Karma is that you?
    The queen must be laughing her ass of.
    “Trying to use me to make Camilla a queen my boy?”

    Isnt it funny after his hard work, they can’t enjoy their coronation because of long covid symptoms. They didnt die but have to live with so many complications. Karma bitch karma.

  22. chloe says:

    I hope all those people in those pictures realize that they now probably have Covid, he looks ill in these pictures, he should have never attended this events. My workplace has horrible Covid protocol, one department let 4 women call in sick with Covid with no test proof and paid them to work from home (their jobs is outside sells so there was no way they could work from home), one admitted that she wasn’t sick and just didn’t want to come into work, then we have other departments where people have Covid and they were making them use their sick time, so then we had a couple say they didn’t feel sick and didn’t want to waste their sick time so they let them come on into the office telling them to just wear a mask. My workplace is also not requiring anyone to show positive or negative test results, it’s crazy, I wear my mask all the time in the office.

    • Truthiness says:

      Charles was being a vector all over town. Talking really close, shaking hands. Now he gets to expose his household staff and take up medical care from those less fortunate. What a horse’s ass.

  23. Elvie says:

    A perfect example of why this pandemic is never ending. Charles KNEW he was sick and went out last night anyway. He waited to test until today and probably just said “oh its a cold” or “just my hayfever”. Now everyone there has to test and isolate. FFS.

    • L4Frimaire says:

      He was all up in those peoples faces breathing on them and glad handing. Turned that reception into a giant Petri dish. I bet everyone who went there is panicking today.

  24. Kyliegirl says:

    It has just been announced that Charles met with the Queen this week. This just keeps getting worse. So worried about getting his Queen Camilla that he doesn’t care about anyone else. This is what the media messaging should be, not trying to make Camilla happen. The royals are truly the gift that keeps on giving.

  25. L4Frimaire says:

    From the beginning of this pandemic, the royals have been very casual and dismissive of Covid. They rarely and reluctantly wear masks, try to act as though it isn’t a real risk,make insensitive jokes, and go around people shaking hands and getting in their face. How many people were exposed to them in the last few days? Shouldn’t he have tested before his event last night? When was he actually tested and if he didn’t look well why go out at all?

  26. Just Me says:

    But it’s ROYAL COVID, don’t you know! So they actually do bring something to give to others when they mingle with the young, the old, the common folks! Those who are DYING to meet the so called ROYALS (?) might actually get their wish!

  27. Athena says:

    If Kaiser can see in the pictures that he looked unwell he must not have felt well, so you would think a rapid test would have been done before heading out to a crowded event. But no, this was his first public outing to gloat about his queen consort, this was his victory lap and he would not be denied. He had a speech in which he shared his nickname for her, which really was tmi. So if he tested positive yesterday prior to the event by the time he came out of isolation people would have moved on from the queen consort news. In 2022 if you look sick, if you feel you have a cold coming on, assume it’s Covid and take an at home Covid-test.

  28. Tym123 says:

    I think this is a made up distraction … in response to Harry’s video
    Honoring Princess Diana and vowing to continue her HIV legacy..
    The royal family wants to bury Harry’s video.

  29. RoyalBlue says:

    I won’t put it beyond them to do such.

  30. HeyKay says:

    So, Charles is down with Covid 2x.
    At his age, I’d be a bit concerned. But, he can afford the best medical care.

    Did anybody else have the thought that if Charles kicks it, QE is already 1/2 way retired, can you just picture the hot mess the BRF would be if William became King in the next 6 months? 😀

  31. Rosa says:

    Well done to the prince for isolating.

  32. Tessa says:

    I think Camilla spends a lot of time at Raymill.