Isla de Saltines has a desperate need to not only mock, smear and criticize the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, but also mock, smear and criticize California and Montecito. I think in the British press’s collective hive mind, they’re worried that British people might start to think “wow, Harry walked away and now he’s living in a seaside paradise, maybe I could move out of here too.” Or maybe the British media just has the collective hive mind of a 4-year-old, bullying and pulling the pigtails of the person they like most of all. Whatever it is, it’s gross. There’s a new story about how Meghan and Harry’s Montecito home likely “smells bad” because of a drifting wind from a local bird sanctuary.
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry may not have yet publicly congratulated the Queen on her Platinum Jubilee – but they could be a little preoccupied at the moment. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s £11million mansion is said to have been engulfed by a foul smell, leaving neighbours “disgusted.”
It is said to have been caused by the nearby Andrée Clark Bird Refuge, which is a 42-acre saltwater marsh. The area is one of the largest wildlife refuges in Santa Barbara and the water can become “stagnant” leading to an odour. The foul stink is said to have hit the area in Montecito, California, which is also home to Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry.
A local resident told the Mirror: “It smells like offal that has been rotting in the sun. It makes my stomach churn. I’ve seen lots of homeowners closing their windows when it wafts over.”
Local officials say the stench could last as long as the autumn, when improvements are in the pipeline. Cameron Benson, clean water manager for the City of Santa Barbara, said: “Water can become stagnant there. The odour issues are sporadic and sometimes they are worse in some conditions.”
Oh no, Harry and Meghan possibly smell stagnant bird-water smells every so often, paradise is ruined, they should definitely move back to a shack in Windsor so they can be under Heathrow’s flight path all day every day. What’s the point of this? To make Montecito sound bad? To make it sound like an awful place to live? This is how desperate the British media is to talk about anything related to H&M.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.
- Britain’s Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex (L) and Britain’s Meghan, Duchess of Sussex (R) arrive to attend the European premiere of the film The Lion King in London on July 14, 2019.,Image: 536655781, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR SEVEN DAYS – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact – London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 (310) 822 0419 Berlin: +49 (0) 30 76 212 251, Model Release: no, Credit line: – / Avalon
- Meghan, Duchess of Sussex in Johannesburg, on October 02, 2019, to visit a township near Johannesburg where they will meet with inspiring local youth entrepreneurs and view skills initiatives addressing the rising unemployment challenge faced by youth in South Africa Photo: Albert Nieboer / Netherlands OUT / Point de Vue OUT |,Image: 538547272, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: UK and US ONLY – DIRECT SALES ONLY – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact – London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 (310) 822 0419 Berlin: +49 (0) 30 76 212 251, Model Release: no, Credit line: Albert Nieboer / DPA Picture Alliance / Avalon
- Meghan, Duchess of Sussex – Campaign chair for the event, Global Citizen “Vax Live: The Concert to Reunite the World”,Image: 610007529, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Supplied by AVALON – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact Avalon – London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 (310) 822 0419 Madrid: +34 91 533 4289, Model Release: no, Credit line: Eric Benetti / Avalon
- Meghan, Duchess of Sussex – Campaign chair for the event, Global Citizen “Vax Live: The Concert to Reunite the World”,Image: 610007537, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Supplied by AVALON – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact Avalon – London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 (310) 822 0419 Madrid: +34 91 533 4289, Model Release: no, Credit line: Eric Benetti / Avalon
These people are obsessed with proving that harry and meghan somehow made a mistake and got the worse end of the stick
Considering these are the same journalists how can’t tell apart Santa Barbara from Los Angeles i’m not holding to much weight to this.
Wow that is so rude. These old ladies are disgusted with themselves so they are projecting on to her. Jamaica I hope you’re watching.
I wouldn’t give it much weight either. They seem to just be willfully ignorant in general, and as concerns all things California and the United States in general.
It is well documented that Harry and Meghan have a chicken coop on their property for rescue chickens. Pretty sure they don’t care about random wafting odors from a bird sanctuary.
@ superashes, I think Chloe is referring to Sources and her nonsensical comment. Which is what I was thinking as well! I think Sources is tripping on acid.
I think they’re attempting to associated the ‘bad smell’ to the Sussex names with these repetitive ‘Foul Smell’ articles.
@Chloe … A ‘former’ royal correspondent, Richard Mineards, now lives in Montecito and works at “The Montecito Journal.” So all of the recent sourced articles from Harry and Meghan’s ‘neighbors’ are most likely coming from him. He was a named sourced for the recent “Harry and Meghan are Money Driven” DM article. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn he was paid to moved to Montecito.
He moved there 13 years ago, apparently….
@Surly Gale … Thanks! Good to know he was a resident prior to the Sussex move to Montecito. 🙂
Richard has been a self important snob in montecito for many, many years. No conspiracy there.
The obsession with Harry and Meghan is rather frightening but sometimes hilarious.
What I find funny is that the majority of people in the USA and UK really do not care about the Sussexes. Royal watchers (people who care about the Royals) are a small minority of people in the USA and UK.
The only “Royal” that could on any way claim a “majority” interest of both countries was Diana.
What I find funny is that the majority of people in the USA and UK really do not care about the Sussexes. Royal watchers (people who care about the Royals) are a small minority of people in the USA and UK.
The only “Royal” that could on any way claim a “majority” interest of both countries was Diana.
This story must be aimed at Dim & Fail readers only.
100%! I only know from this site but ya no one really cares that much anymore, at least in the US. H and M seem like decent people but I don’t think anyone I know (I’m 35 so close to their ages) would care about a podcast or would read their books. I’m kind of confused who this elusive podcast they keep talking about is for and why anyone cares when it comes out. They have a huge mansion and cute kids and lots of money so I’m sure they’re fine! I don’t really get what any of the royal people do here or in the UK other than release statements and show up to events here and there. It’s just another level of celebrity culture which can be fun to read about but not really important to most people.
@BayTampaBay and @Luna17 … Respectfully, isn’t it a rather broad generalization to assume ‘no one really cares that much’ about any given subject? I mean, just based upon the number of negative and positive Blogs, Twitter accounts, and YouTube channels alone would sort of disprove that notion either way, whether in favor of or not in favor of the Sussexes.
@Yvette We have much more to worry about at present than H&M, no matter how lovely they might be. Our Prime Minister is up to his neck in lies, scandal and corruption, the head of the Metropolitan Police force was compelled to step down because of misogynism and hate crimes happening on her watch, inflation is running at 6%, war is about to break out in Ukraine and around 250 people are dying of covid every day. I’ve been trying to figure out how many hours more I have to work a week to counteract a 54% rise in gas and electric bills. We are having a massive crisis, partially Brexit induced, of fuel, food, living costs. So – no; those of us who work for a living really don’t care. My country is going to hell. That’s what is worrying the general population right now.
I was struck by the “obsession” angle too. I also counted 2(!) references to someone who “is said to have been” by the reporter, which to me is SO speculative as to be the subjunctive form run amuck! That in itself tells me this story is a wild stretch; they’re trying to connect the Sussexes to something that happens miles away in Santa Barbara. And the “local” source offering the nugget that they have seen residents close their windows sometimes. Wow! This “local” who is “said to have been” there at a time when a “foul wind” blows in Santa Barbara, at which time the same local simultaneously observes someone (in which town?) close a window in a large, set-back residence in a neighboring town. But this local is so talented that they can determine the exact reason why someone behind their own closed doors decides to shut a window. Unbelievable.
I would love to measure the pulses and watch the faces of these English “journalists'” when they manufacture these Sussex stories, it must be something to behold.
oh, how awful! they actually have to *close their windows* uggggggggh
I think the stench coming from England is far worse. it’s the stench of desperation!
Notice they didn’t say the sanctuary is in Montecito. Hint: Santa Barbara consists of more than just Montecito.
First it was bears, then it was their lawn and now it’s a bird sanctuary. Honestly it is ridiculous.
excellent point. and isn’t the Scum currently being sued by Harry? so of course they want to smear him, and this is apparently the best they can do.
That line made me snort almost loud enough I was worried I’d wake the baby. “I’ve seen some people closing their windows” does not a problem make.
Or if they do, I’d like to have a talk with whoever invented gas-powered lawn care equipment bc it’s why I have to freaking close my windows all the time even on nice weekends.
(HARRUMPH! This is the one issue I get very Karen-y about lol.)
Imagine that, the great outdoors can sometimes smell. I’m with you, Anony83, leaf blowers are a blight on the landscape (the aural landscape). Have you seen them used on windy days? Drives me nuts.
I wish someone would do a comparison to Salty Isle. Let’s see.
Santa Barbara: No humidity. No bugs. Open doors and windows, live inside and out. Great food. Privacy. Sunshine. Oh, and no Bill and Cathy, no Cheap Cheater Dad.
Salty Isle (no insult intended to those who live there, this is obviously what’s wrong not what’s great): grey. Humid. No privacy. Being hunted. Being lied about. Backstabbing “family”. Food options not as fresh or great. Told they can’t do the one thing they enjoy: helping others.
Let’s not forget raw sewage being dumped into UK waterways.
Let’s face it they think that their 💩 doesn’t smell, literally. I’m sure the bird sanctuary is just fine, most residents are probably unaware it is even there.
No Andrew, either. 🙂🙂
@SomeChick: Exactly, the stench in England and everything the Sussexes went through there has GOT to be far worse than anything described above.
(I think this was posted in the wrong place).
The bird sanctuary can smell terrible if you’re directly next to it. That’s why there are no houses next to it. Like most of these stories…this is dumb and easily disproven.
Too funny. Love how they’ve worded the first paragraph to make it sound like only H&M’s home has been engulphed and all the other neighbors are disgusted with them. And Oh, No! The homeowners have to sometimes close their windows!
Um, didn’t we find out that last year several companies dumped raw sewage into several British waterways? That can’t be pleasant.
I’d take a harmless odor over that any day.
Yep. The people are drinking shit water while their royals are dripping in diamonds that taxpayers funded.
First, we had the ancient burial ground the property was built on,
Then there was the weed farm, then the grass wasn’t green enough and now its the Bird sanctuary smelling 😂🙄
Wonder what next week will bring?
Isn’t there a weed farm in Berkshire they could write about? 😆
Yes please! 😂
The odor has been an issue since the 1930’s (according to website) and hasn’t run all the celebs out of town yet. I’m sure H&M were aware before buying. They should do a netflix documentary about how great the refuge is.
That would be amazing if they highlighted the sanctuary in some way, good idea!
I feel a little sorry for the British tabloids, they are so starved for Harry and Meghan content they are literally combing through business registrations in Delaware and ( I assume) message boards about southern California to come up with this stuff.
Salt marshes in coastal areas smell sometimes. It’s not weird or abnormal or something to clutch pearls, rattle your jewelry about. It’s the nature of the thing depending on tidal currents, water levels, time of year, wildlife, vegetation and previous tens of decades of vegetation.
The are also great for supporting the young of many species, providing food and habitat and filtration and breaking down material to feed the next generation of plants and animal.
On the climate change front, they protect human interests through their ability to absorb vast amounts of overflow water in the case of massive flooding, reducing damage to roads, buildings etc, as well as through carbon sequestration.
Not a bad trade off for a bit of stinky wafting sometimes.
It occasionally smells bad in the immediate vicinity. There are no homes in the immediate vicinity. There is even a restaurant next to the refuge.
I literally lol’ed. How juvenile. They could just write “Hey Megan and Harry – nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah!” and it’d be the same thing.
Really. Does it actually make these tools happy to think that somebody else’s life might be unhappy? That’s pathetic.
It stinks where I live in the UK because of bin (trash) collections being delayed due to council cuts and sewage in the river systems, but you don’t see the British Press reporting on that!
You should report it and make a big stink about!!! Contact the Sun or some other rag, and fill them in. Hell, grab some friends with posters and PROTEST!!! That you have trash sitting around, I wonder if it violates laws.
Stewing garbage bins and sewage in rivers. Sounds delightful. /s Meanwhile, the royals & pedo prince manage to drive around in new cars. An investigation into whether the palaces garbage gets taken away on a regular basis isn’t a bad idea. Tax payer money well spent. I can say this easily as someone that has to pay their own trash removal. Our home yearly property tax dollars do not include garbage removal fees in my county. Do not want garbage stewing around.
I know it’s more about the hate boner they have for M&H than any actual journalistic standards, but what is the point of this story? It continues to boggle me the just absolutely pointless stories they write about them, and you know they wouldn’t have written this if Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry were the only ones that lived in Montecito. I don’t think half these people even knew it existed even with the amount of A list people that lived there before the Sussexes. And to they surely weren’t writing about their lawns and potential bad smells. It’s pathetic.
If there was an Academy Award for pointless stories, I would think this one would be a frontrunner.
It’s so whenever people think about the Sussexes mansion in Montecito, they think about the cost, the number of bathrooms, and now how it must stink there all the time.
“Some people who live near-ish to H&M have complained about an occasional bad smell!” — who cares????? I guess this has to be some sort of intentional distraction from Charles’ covid status, but really, the idea that since the Sussexs have moved to Montecito, everyone who pays attention to royals coverage must now be interested in the local politics of Santa Barbara is bonkers! I don’t see why even Sussex haters would care about this!
I agree @ e. Let’s be honest, do they truly take time out of their day to read these stories? No.
@E “ this has to be some sort of intentional distraction from Charles’ covid status”. EXACTLY! They don’t have them under their thumb in the Uk with spies giving more detailed leaks so they grasp at anything related to H&M to 1-distract from other royals (which is really why any royal would be upset-Harry’s job as the spare is to elevate the monarchy/heir, take one for the team, roll over and play dead when they need a distraction but being with Meghan and what that meant for her wasn’t working for him so they left instead of playing the game) this was made worse when the allowed attacks from Team Not-Meghan turned racist and weren’t addressed bc their MO is stiff upper lip and that just wasn’t something they had dealt with previously or truly considered a relevant and timely fight, 2-make sure the Brits don’t get too sympathetic and keep them polarized (the whole if you like one you have to hate the other drama is ridiculous and further fueled the racist attacks).
It’s sad because in this day and age with media, with Meghan having her own charm & charisma, AND H&M minding their business, and their earnest and productive attempts to help others meaning the stole the spotlight (the most devilish and offensive thing when the stage had already been set for polarization), it really made them stand out as rebels when truly no one really paid attention to the spare in the past. Meghan had too much going on for her and she and Harry’s star burnt too brightly. It’s sad W&K couldn’t find a way to work with them but I suspect they would always have been less popular and that just won’t do for the heir. The firm didn’t know what to do with that or how to use their presence to the monarchy’s advantage when everyone else was used to following the script. The BM feel they’re due their access to H&M, are used to using Harry to distract and so this is just how it’s going to be. Thankfully H&M have exited stage left of this horrible drama and can live unbothered.🤷🏾♀️
Personally, I am pleasantly pleased and a little surprised that the wealthy residents of Santa Barbara are willing to tolerate a few bad smells to ensure the protection of salt water birds – birds that are very vulnerable and need protection in the modern world.
There was a bird sanctuary near where I lived as a kid. It was a lovely place to visit sometimes and see the birds in their natural homes.
I feel sorry for the ratchets stuck with the Sussex beat. Will they send someone to California to sample the air? (Notice I said California–they could attribute anything happening in California to the downfall of the Sussexes).
They haven’t hauled out Bad Dad in a while. So here’s the formula:
Something bad about Meghan’s “behavior” (How dare she not just take our abuse. If she took our abuse for 20 years, maybe she’ll get to wear one of the collection’s lead and nickel Starter Tiaras!
Something bad about California:
Bad Dad going “why can’t I see the daughter I sold out? I wanna sell out them babies too!”
Something speculative about their businesses. (I don’t know what they’re doing, but I’m sure they’re gonna FAIL FAIL FAIL).
These people are absolute nutters.
Rinse, repeat
you know what stinks? Their desperation.
I am enjoying it actually!! It makes them look more pathetic each day!!
Same. I have given up predicting what will set them off next. This one is particularly hilarious.
Face it, the rr LOVE Harry and Meghan. They just cannot quit them.
Nope it’s just the stench of the rotting monarchy that wafts in every so often.
@kaiser The point of all of this is to show the media’s obsession with Harry and Meghan. Because you are right, collectively the do have the hive mind of a four year old. But for them, they do it on purpose, not just for the money but so that people here who have to deal with this bullsh*t every single day become rolled up and annoyed at them for no reason. But the jokes on them because I’m pretty sure their obsession is increasingly evident across the pond, which means that America will continue to side with them more and more.
I’d take harmless bird sh-t over racist bullsh-t any day.
All of this preoccupation regarding Harry and Meghan–Meghan, particularly–reminds me a great deal of how Take-A-💩 Trump is fixated on President Obama. He, just like the obsessors about H&M, have been badly fascinated to the degree that he started that Birther Debacle (putting President Obama’s birth certificate in question and making a very large stink about it). All of the above from both damn parties on the basis of: RACE! End. Of. Rant!
It just shows that the British press are desperate for any news about Harry and Meghan.
This is so stupid lol. It’s just birds smell and I’m sure the house has land that surrounds it, it’s not like it’s right under their noses.
Remember the article that the Sussexes want to sell the home, of course they would write something to stop a sell. These people are so transparent.
Nothing nice about them.
“It smells like offal that has been rotting in the sun. It makes my stomach churn. I’ve seen lots of homeowners closing their windows when it wafts over.” Offal? Churn? Wafts? Yeah, sounds just like a local…
Ha ha good catch CC. Those words are more commonly used in british english than American parlance 🤔
The only time I’ve ever heard “offal” used in conversation is Top Chef, where it admittedly comes up at least once a season.
I was thinking the same thing. I think the last time I’ve read the word “offal” was in Shakespeare in high school? Or maybe its in the Bible, lol, I don’t know! Plus, we’ve read of people moving to Montecito after the Sussexes (Ariana Grande I think?) , surely they would have been warned about the smell and stayed clear?
It came up in Wordle one day and that was one of the days I struck out … because I don’t usually hear that word in the course of a year in the US. Maybe people who work in meat packing and food provisions use it regularly, but not folks in non-meat processing regular conversations. We’d say “it stunk like rotten eggs” or “rotten food” or “#*¥?!?*@$#”
But, yeah, no, that doesn’t sound like American on the street commentary, even for Santa Barbara,
My thoughts exactly. The word choice doesn’t sound like a local.
And ‘autumn’. Pretty sure us west coasters tend to use ‘fall’ instead of ‘autumn’.
Yea, fall is what is used most often in the US/North America. Autumn is more commonly used in the UK. Can’t think of anyone I know that would say something ‘is going to last as long as the autumn’. More like, it’s going to last through the fall.
I swear something could be happening in San Francisco or something (which, according to google maps is a good 6+ hour drive from Montecito) and the British Media will twist themselves trying to link it to the Sussexes.
I’m a Bay Area local and I almost posted: it’s like saying if some smell happened in SF we could smell it in Richmond! Lol
British Media digging up an older story as if it’s current. Like someone else said, the sanctuary smell situation is something that has been happening for years. I’m guessing this story from Sept. 10, 2021 is the one being revamped based on the Sun’s line ‘the stench could last as long as the autumn’. It’s obviously winter now. A few seasons to get to autumn again.
Did Camilla T. help the Sun’s writer with this?
They keep chickens. I’m sure they’re more than familiar with the smell of bird shit and don’t have a problem with it.
Good point!
When I was in college, I worked one summer in the warehouse for Urban Outfitters. I worked on the loading dock. Not fifty yards from the truck doors was a cow pasture. On windy days, especially when it was hot as AF, the whole warehouse smelled of cow manure. You got used to it after about a week, and by the end of summer I actually kinda liked it.
Point is, if the smell is as ever-present as the British media suggests, it will become normal to the Sussexes, and most of the time they won’t even notice.
I used to work in an office near a chicken plant and certain days the smell was rank, but most of the time didn’t notice it. However, it was really close to our building. It seems the Sussexes are in a residential area surrounded by other residential properties so who knows how close this sanctuary actually is or how directly it affects them. I think the silence from Montecito is what’s bothering the UK press more.
A local resident told the Mirror:
“It smells like offal that has been rotting in the sun. “
I seriously doubt a “local resident” would use the word offal.
Good point. Totally fabricated. #desperation #thisisnotjournalism
The depth of their ridiculousness has no end.
As someone familiar with the area, there is NO WAY they can smell it at all because the sanctuary is very near the SB coast, outside of Montecito, and the large estates where Oprah, etc. live are further up in the foothills. Not to mention that you can’t even smell it right now, or most of the year.
I live in Santa Barbara. I was in Montecito yesterday dropping off dry cleaning and going to the market. There was no smell of anything and I have never smelled or heard of this issue before. I mean it’s 80 degrees and sunny so maybe British press could whine about all the nice weather…
Meanwhile, the Sussexes are peaceful under a tree.
Sucks to be you, BM.
As IF the absolute richest celebrities in America/THE WORLD would all decide to spend millions upon millions of dollars to make their homes in an area that smelled so horrible. Yup, Ellen and Oprah and all the rest, with more money than God, are all walking around in gas masks because the smell is so bad and yet somehow, with all their money and resources, wouldn’t move if it were really a problem. The british media needs to get a GRIP.
When I was a kid and hated anither kid, and had nothing to use against that kid I was saying: you stink!! Sounds like similar situation, only I was a stupid 7yo and those are grown up “reporters”
When I was a kid and hated anither kid, and had nothing to use against that kid I was saying: you stink!! Sounds like similar situation, only I was a stupid 7yo and those are grown up “reporters”
And they say Americans don’t understand geography… how would they know what it’s like out there? This is beyond laughable.
Journalism school rejects the lot of them. When the US tabloid press won’t rerun your mess you know you are a joke.
Still smells better than that old petty family who keeps on spouting bs on Salty Island.
Um…er…Montecito has three beaches. And every now and then you get some smells from the ocean. So one doubts H&M are particularly pressed by this…
Don’t their aristocrats live in dilapidated smelly mansions and walk in horse sh*t every day? You’d think that they wouldn’t consider this a big deal.
There is a thing in America called tortious interference with business. If these tabloids interfere with a potential sale of the Sussexes’ property . . .
Seems tht someone has swallowed the koolaid tht the Sussexes are looking to sell their property, AS HV BEEN SAID BY THE BRITSHIDTMEDIA.
Why wd anyone believe tht the Sussexes are looking to sell their “forever home” less than 2yrs after they moved in?
Do such persons believe tht the Sussexes bought their forever home on a whim & didnt do their own due diligence?
Um who said they were selling their home??
My goodness why do people fall for the crap from the DF especially when it’s about Harry and Meghan. They are literally writing up stories their lawn, bird smell, sewer smell etc because they have nothing else.
Stop giving the Daily F so much power. They may control the royal family and Boris but they clearly don’t control Harry and Meghan as they have clearly stated with their whole chest multiple times.
I’m pretty sure that the property sale story was debunked already and attributed to an over zealous real estate agent trying to generate interest. I believe he was told not to do that again.
The majority of the British media are pretty ‘offal’ when it comes to fact checking and reporting on the Duke & Duchess of Sussex.
It’s a multi layered attack
First of all they don’t want anyone questioning why we should be paying for the royal family. If Harry can walk away. & pay for himself then why shouldn’t they. So it’s the little British approach of let’s distract & make the public hate them so they ask less questions.
Secondly by the time the royal family started the smear attack on Diana it was too late. The country loved Diana & to this day Diana’s legacy still haunts them. They started smearing Megan way earlier & successfully managed to get her out.
Thirdly they are just bitter miserable people who don’t like to see others happy.
Hey, if California doesn’t work out, there is a great big country out there they could try out instead from the west coast to the east coast. Heck, they could move out to Hawaii.
Named sources in tab story = 0.
Unverified sources ~ ?? (neighbours, officials, resident).
Pointless story. Unless it motivates you to enjoy outdoors, donate to local estuaries, wetlands & parks or think about human’s relationships to birds and ecosystems. (Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul. – Emily Dickinson)
To donate to Andrée Clark Bird Refuge, managed by SB Parks: time, talents and/or money greatly appreciated –
Similar, but unrelated, to Andrée Clark Bird Refuge is the Santa Barbara Bird Sanctuary that rescues unwanted and displaced companion parrots – which calls to mind the lovely movie “The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill,” in which unemployed musician is supported by community while caring for San Fran parrots.