The Succession cast won Best Drama Ensemble at the SAGs and they were so happy. Jeremy Strong got a lot of love in the room too. [Just Jared]
Caitrona Balfe wore a black cloud to the Outlander premiere last week. [LaineyGossip]
These Schiaparelli bags are freaking me out. [OMG Blog]
Beano the cat loves dinner time. [Dlisted]
I loved how few people clapped for Jared Leto at the SAGs. [RCFA]
John Mulaney’s SNL was… good? [Pajiba]
Some pretty stuff in the new Emilia Wickstead collection. [Go Fug Yourself]
Human trafficker Matt Gaetz has an opinion on masks. [Gawker]
Volodymyr Zelensky really was a famous actor & celebrity in Ukraine. [Towleroad]
A death in the Sister Wives family. [Starcasm]
History was made at the SAG Awards! [Buzzfeed]
Ugh @ that article saying it makes sense for Robyn as a divorced single mother to want to join a plural marriage. Why aren’t we talking about the value of communal families outside nuclear family structures? Sure, it “take a village” if you want to put it that way, but American family lives are possibly more isolated from community than any where else in the world. The capitalist dream of the single family home has us living far away from grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins. Why does this discussion always have to be about sexist patriarchal structures like polygyny and not about forming communities (romantic or otherwise) that serve as extended families?
ETA: And now I regret clicking that article instead of scrolling down and being enchanted by the awesomeness of Helen Mirren with the Succession cast. I love that she and Jeremy Strong are matching, but I’m sure that’s a coincidence.
Thanks for the trigger warning, bettyrose.
Yes! It would be awesome (for example) to have a commune of single moms freed from any economic imperative to marry.
Yes! I feel like the almighty NUCLEAR FAMILY is just that: nuclear and toxic. I can’t tell you how many of my family members have ZERO friends outside of their marriages and family. And it makes it even worse if your partner or family member is a dangerous person, because they then have no resources outside that tight knit group
I read it and noted that one of Robyn’s sisters married a Jessop and had 11 of the 33 grandkids. Robyn’s first marriage was to a Jessop as well, which I know they’re a large family in that world, but still. Very interesting to read a polygamist obituary.
John Mulaney’s SNL was super funny I thought. They did a tribute to Ukraine which was beautiful and his part was funny. He owns his addiction, didn’t mention his divorce, and described his son’s legs as calzones that he just wants to eat which was very cute. I do wish him and baby the best. I get he’s a mess and he cheated, but I still hope people change for the better.
Agreed! I love those big musical numbers which they only seen to do when he’s there.
And I like the blue and black checks in the Wickstead collection!
I know how much people hate Colin Jost but he was the writer who came up with the idea for the Ukrainian chorus and the candles spelling out Kyiv. Paul Rudd came in as a guest, he is of Jewish Ukrainian heritage. Seen talking to the chorus at the closing. Tina Fey was brought in as guest writer for last week.
It was a lot better than I had anticipated, I don’t know why, I enjoyed his past SNL episodes. The subway musical number was fantastic, and I loved the tribute/homage/bit/whatever with the past hosts like Steve Martin and Candace Bergen etc.
The Ukrainian chorus in the beginning was so moving and touching. If that was Jost’s idea, then it was a good one. I was wondering how SNL would handle their opening – its hard to be funny when one country invaded another one and we’re all scared of world war 3 – but it was handled really well.
I always love the 5-Timer Club bits. I wish Paul Simon had been there; he’s pretty funny in it.
Really? I thought the monologue was good, but other than that it was one of the worst recent episodes in recent memory. When the 1st skit was Monkey Judge, I knew it was a bad sign.
Oh man, I loved Monkey Judge! I’m a lawyer, so maybe it hit differently for me, but that’s a bit I will probably re-watch several times.
I agree on all points, T3PO.
Non related to content question but does anyone else get this when scrolling down on iPhone ever since the redesign where I scroll down and it automatically thinks I clicked to leave a reply and opens a reply window to at then I have to close, it happens so often now whenever reading comments and it wasn’t a problem before. I don’t even press hard when scrolling down and it drives me nuts! Or is it my phone??
Me too and I don’t have an iPhone!
Yes – it’s been super annoying!
Yes it’s become super sensitive and I get accidental pop up reply windows so many times now when scrolling. It’s really annoying but I’m sure they’re working on it.
I have an Android. Happens constantly.
Yes! I try to scroll with my left hand so I don’t accidently touch the reply button. Something is the matter for sure
It popped up while I was reading your comments! I also find the ads that pop up on the side when I hold my phone horizontally to be very annoying—makes it impossible to read the article.