Anne Hathaway & Zendaya’s Bulgari commercial should become a film

Anne Hathaway and Zendaya are brand ambassadors and models for Bulgari. What’s amazing about that is the two women agreed to do a commercial together for the jewelry company. The commercial/art film was directed by Paolo Sorrentino. Bulgari released the “director’s cut” of the commercial online this week and everyone is OBSESSED.

I would watch a whole movie of this. In fact, I’m mad that there isn’t already a whole movie of this. The movie would be like Dirty Rotten Scoundrels-meets-Ocean’s Eleven. Zendaya and Anne clearly met in their early days, hustling rich, shady men in Monte Carlo. They unexpectedly fell in love. They still grifted rich guys, but they always had each other. Then one day, they came up with a plan, the ultimate score. They would both marry wealthy Italian noblemen and “dispose” of their husbands in a comfortable amount of time. They were successful, so now they live in a huge, airy palace and all they do is strut around in great clothes, looking at all of their fabulous jewelry and writing bad poetry. It is truly the lesbian action-romance-drama we need.

Screencaps courtesy of Bulgari.

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35 Responses to “Anne Hathaway & Zendaya’s Bulgari commercial should become a film”

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  1. Joy Angela Penton Gough says:

    This hasn’t even been made and I’ve already bought my ticket. You should write a script

  2. Liz Version 700 says:

    So so cool

  3. Wiglet Watcher says:

    Gorgeous images. Beautiful women. Stunning jewelry. That to become a movie? I need substance. Both actresses are hugely talented. No quick oceans films for them. It should be better than that.

    • Isabella says:

      I love the imagery. Both of them and the jewels But the writing is bad. Even Anne can’t pull it off But yeah I’d love to see a caper movie with these two.

  4. Eurydice says:

    Add me to the obsession. Usually, I’m annoyed at voice-overs that have nothing to do with the product – I don’t associate ultimate freedom with a giant hunk of jewelry – but Anne and Zendaya have such chemistry and are so beautiful, that it doesn’t matter. And lesbian/action/romance/drama is totally necessary.

  5. s808 says:

    Kaiser you might done something here!! I would like to see it!

  6. C-Shell says:

    They could not have chosen more beautiful, elegant necks, arms, hands, ears upon which to array those gems. A perfect pairing, and I’d pay $$ to own that movie so I could watch it many many times.

  7. North of Boston says:

    I’m imagining Best Chris as their devoted housekeeper, who spends the majority of his days going from room to room dramatically opening and closing drapery for them, before he makes the rounds to collect and reorganize all the magnificent jewelry A and Z leave about on random tables, chaises and windowsills while they wander about looking glorious and delighted at themselves and the beautiful world around them.

    • Persephone says:

      I think you might have something here. Especially with the Best Chris part…

  8. Roo says:

    I would like to live in that movie and just spend my days changing out that magnificent jewelry and lounging in those beautiful rooms. Aaahhh. Sadly, off to work I go. LOL

  9. Gina says:

    Gorgeous women! Gorgeous jewellery!

  10. Amanda says:

    It’s like WAP but for diamonds. Here for it.

  11. amyb says:

    Anne has already done a Oceans movie and a female Dirty Rotten Scoundrels and I saw both and would definitely watch this so let’s get going Hollywood!

  12. N0b0dy says:

    I’ll think back and remember this add in 10 years and 100% think there was a movie. Full Mandela effect here.

  13. MellyMel says:

    I love them both and am here for this movie. Hollywood make it happen!

  14. Myriam says:

    A movie based on this commercial can and should definitely happen. Lest I need to remind ya’ll of the viral tweets that became Zola, the movie. And I’m still waiting for the Ava DuVerney directed and Issa Rae written film that was inspired by the iconic photo of Lupita and Rihanna at a fashion show:

    For the love of Beyonce, please let this happen!

    • Michael says:

      I think this movie already exists. It is called “Bound” and it is very good. The women do make off with the money but they do not have to murder anybody. It was the Wachovski’s movie before The Matrix

  15. TeamMeg says:

    Great fantasy plotline, Kaiser! I’m kinda getting Carol meets The Hunger vibes.

  16. Jo says:

    I’ll see myself out of this one. Couldn’t even watch it till the end. No worse than any other perfume add with the vaguest text about possibility, wonder, being yourself and discovering multitudes.
    There are hilarious Tik Toks about this kid of tomfoolery if anyone wants to join me in the grumpy corner.

    • mimic says:

      Yes, please!

    • Genevieve says:

      Agreed! Ha. The whole thing is kind of dystopian capitalist porn. Also, the affected Anne Hathaway voiceover was spliced to sound really weird in contrast to Zendaya’s more everyday-talk tone. Like, Anne says something breathy and hyper-performed and then Zendaya jumps in with her normal voice, which creates an odd juxtaposition. These two do not match in tone for the voiceover snd it results in a weird vibe. 😆

    • Genie says:

      Agreed! Ha. The whole thing is kind of dystopian capitalist porn.

      Also, the affected Anne Hathaway voiceover was spliced to sound really weird in contrast to Zendaya’s more everyday-talk tone. Like, Anne says something breathy and hyper-performed and then Zendaya jumps in with her normal voice, which creates an odd juxtaposition. These two do not match in tone for the voiceover and it results in a really weird vibe. 😆

  17. heygingersnaps says:

    They both are so gorgeous!! That is all.

  18. Bisynaptic says:


  19. LRob says:

    That was a gorgeous mood. Well done.

  20. Tracy says:

    I 100% need to see your movie version of this. The concept is perfection, Kaiser!

    So good. I have not the slightest idea about how to make a movie but this seems worth hoping for, haha.

  21. Christine says:

    Small private plane lands, door opens, 2 silhouette gracefully walks down, rearview struts towards the house. Walks up the stairs towards Z and A, camera zeroes on the newcomers. MF Angelina Jolie smiles, ladies and gentleman, reaches out her jewel adorned arm and fingers towards Z, “Ready?”, Michelle Pfifer turns around, bejeweled wrist and bangled arms around Anne, “They’re ready”… All 4 struts to stairs towards awaiting helicopter.

  22. TheOriginalMia says:

    Write that script, Kaiser!