Prince Harry & Meghan held hands after QEII’s procession, which is a problem…?

The history of the Duchess of Sussex’s procession coat keeps getting mixed up in the fashion reporting! When Meghan was a working royal, she wore this black Givenchy coat to two different events, months apart. We first saw this at the 2018 Remembrance Day, when Meghan was pregnant with Archie. Then later in her pregnancy, in 2019, she re-wore the coat when she visited the Association of Commonwealth Universities. I have no idea if the Givenchy coat was intended as a maternity dress coat or if Meghan simply got one a little bit bigger than she needed at the time. But she rewore it on Wednesday, for the Windsors’ big procession down the Mall. Meghan updated the look with a Loewe purse and Paul Andrew pumps. She also wore a pair of pearl earrings which were a gift from Queen Elizabeth II.

Meanwhile, people are losing their minds over the fact that Meghan and Harry left Westminster Hall holding hands. During the actual, formal procession part, Harry and Meghan stood apart and at attention, with respect. The rows of royals all took their turn bowing and curtsying to Queen Elizabeth’s coffin and the literal crown. Then, as the Sussexes walked away after paying their respects, they held hands. I have no idea how many people were actually freaking out about it, but all I saw on social media was all of the people yelling at the haters. Sometimes the Sussex Squad accidentally elevates and amplifies the hatred of just a few. In any case, there’s a whole big thing about it now, even though Mike and Zara Tindall also held hands as they exited Westminster Hall too.

I don’t know, it sounds more like Buttons’ fans were mad that William and Kate always have so much S-P-A-C-E between them?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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168 Responses to “Prince Harry & Meghan held hands after QEII’s procession, which is a problem…?”

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  1. Ronaldinhio says:

    As only white royals – like trash fire Zara are allowed to hold hands with their beast of a husband

    • Lorelei says:

      @Ronaldinhio, I enthusiastically
      co-sign this comment

    • Noki says:

      This is how they described them..” Zara Tindall received a comforting squeeze from husband Mike…was clearly a sign of comfort during todays emotional proceedings.”

    • Chic says:

      Yep.. For the “All live matter” and “I don’t see color”.. Saw folks saying that it’s because Meghan commercialized royalty that she is disliked.

      I feel at this point anyone who pretends it’s not racist is racist

      • usavgjoe says:

        I 2nd that! @ CHIC

      • Huggy says:

        What a sad birthday for Harry!

      • Debbie says:

        Why? Did Meghan sell royal milk to the Chinese? Did she try to increase her income by using palace space in a Pitch At Palace scheme? Did she get her friends to sit on the queen’s throne? Did she accept suitcases filled with cash? Did I miss something? Those actions were, somehow, okay though, right? Because they were taken by white royals?

      • windyriver says:

        @Debbie – you missed, someone shilling as “brand ambassador” for a CBD company (Mike Tindall).

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @Chic, that is a really mind boggling choice argument for “people” to make. The BRF/Firm has commercialized themselves for centuries. Originally, I was going to say decades – it is much longer than that. As far as I know, Meghan hasn’t opened up a gift shop that sells her likeness on tea towels, china, commemorative coins or sells gin, wine, beer, ketchup, biscuits, honey and whatnot under her brand. Like the Queen, Charles/Camilla and whoever else has done. (honestly if H & M were to ever partner up with a winery-I’d buy whatever type of wine it is)

        Royal warrants are a commercialization of the Royal Family by the Royal Family and their partnerships. The BRF do not pay for the Land Rovers/whatever vehicles they’re driving.

    • Anastasia says:

      My favorite are the people on Twitter slamming HM but not responding to the pictures of ZM

    • eb says:

      I wish people would stop with the fragile duchess narrative. Yes, she had suicidal ideation while pregnant, and yes, the media narrative pushed was largely responsible. Know that perinatal depression is not unusual or uncommon. Let’s remember that she is a strong person who has shown herself to be resilient. She is not pregnant now. And I dearly hope that she is amused/unbothered by whatever chicanery she may see. She knows her worth and with her perspective can take everyone’s measure with no harm to herself.

      • Merricat says:

        She had a miscarriage after. I doubt that she’s amused or unbothered by the “chicanery.”

      • Christine says:

        This. Well said, Merricat.

      • Athena says:

        According to experts in mental health, suicidal ideation is not something you just get over, it’s not a temporary passing thing that once you initially recover from it may never happen again. It’s always there in the back of the mind. People have been know to commit suicide when all outward sign they appear happy and things were going great in their lives. Telling someone, you’re strong, you’re resilient, you can take it and laugh all this off, is not a show of support. I hope Meghan and Harry are talking to their mental health coach or counselors however many times a day they need to in order to get through these coming days.

      • Debbie says:

        First, nobody here is trying to paint Meghan as a “fragile princess.” It may appear that way to you because this is one of the few places where she’s granted any grace and understanding, rather than just fed to the dogs everyday. Also, @Athena is right that sometimes acts of desperation have been made by people who seemed strong and resilient on the outside. The bulk of your post is just one attempt after another to minimize what she went through for years: Yeah there was the BM but let’s not forget she was pregnant & depression is not uncommon during pregnancy. Ok, so I guess she was bound to be depressed anyway, doctor. Then, you go on to say that she’s not pregnant now. So, I guess it’s ok to continue maligning her now, right? Black women should not have to put up with constant abuse (in this case from a whole country, no less) and just have to rely on “resiliency” and “strength” all the time because eventually, strength can run out.

      • eb says:

        No one should sacrifice her to win an argument or feel vindicated. Her situation has rung a bell worldwide. We can support her without diminishing her.

    • Teddy says:

      Meghan is still breathing — that’s all it takes to set these people off.

      But there was a surprisingly laudiitory story (Daily Mail?) about her curtsey to the QE2 coffin. There is, as @kaiser points out, occasional softening of the vitriol.

      • QuiteContrary says:

        I hate the whole curtseying/bowing protocol, but Meghan’s curtsey was so impressive and elegant — how she did it in heels was a wonder.

  2. Amie says:

    I can’t wait until the funeral is over and MM can return to the States. She looks like she has detached herself from everything. Maybe I’m projecting here since that’d probably be the only way I could take being back there.

    I feel so bad for her. 🙁 Everyone else can hold hands or show emotion but Meghan, omg it’s the most offensive thing in the world.

    • Belli says:

      Her PTS must be off the charts being back in that environment. Her love for Harry to support him through this is so strong.

      • Yup, Me says:

        I’ve been thinking that she looks like how she’s described herself being all along – willing to do what they need her to do as long as they tell her what that is and as long as they’re fair (which, of course, they have never been).

        I bet she didn’t hand over her passport this time, though, so she knows she can leave if she absolutely must.

        And I noticed the hand holding, too – because it was such a huge issue before (like the incident at one of their engagements where she reached for him and he said no). Harry doesn’t give a F*** about adhering to those dumbass arbitrary rules anymore. She sees he’s going through stuff and he knows the toxicity being directed at her. I wouldn’t be surprised if he explicitly told her “You grab my hand any time you need it and I’ll do the same.”

    • Mel says:

      This! I really really hope they can come back to the US soon and leave that craziness behind. The UK papers and its people have been absolutely horrendous the past few days. They find ways to link Meghan to every single one of their stories just to get clicks and to get the comment sections riled up on hating the couple, the Cut story was insane, calling it her favorite magazine just cause she was on the cover, as if she was attacking Charles herself or approved it somehow! Ugh, also not being able to hold hands and people saying theres a time and place for it? Yes! When your showing support for your spouse during a difficult time is perfect! honestly this has just completely changed my view of British people forever and it used to be one of my favorites to visit, but now I don’t think I ever want to go back, if I was Harry and Meghan I would resign my titles and never look back, or at least make sure I’m never called by them to shut people right up! Those of us who support them know they have more class and service than the lot of them combined, I hope they themselves were the ones that decided that they dont want titles for their children as well, I wouldnt want my kids associated with that family either, they will implore upon themselves and Harry and Meghan will remain standing, history will not judge kindly the way the papers and the UK people have treated this couple, hope karma comes for them soon.

    • Eleonor says:

      My conclusion is that if you want to be part of that mess of a family you must be a sociopath, otherwise they will kill you.

    • Blue Nails Betty says:

      I agree completely. She looks like she is utilizing “grey rock” to deal with this bunch of narcissists.

  3. ThatsNotOkay says:

    I know you’re not supposed to touch people in the Royal Family, but William and Kate are taking it too far, applying it to each other!

    • Chloe says:

      Someone commented “are they walking with the ghost of grandma in between them or what” under the picture of william and kate standing so far apart during saturday’s walkabout and it made me laugh so hard.

      • Debbie says:

        In parochial school, they often admonish teens not to get too close physically for obvious reasons with the old adage, “Leave room for Jesus.” Well, I guess in the royal family W & K are practicing leaving room for the queen. I still recall a picture of those two sitting on a long log where they left plenty of room for Liz and her husband.

    • MMC says:

      I don’t know, if you watch videos of them they show eachother quite a lot of affection, with looks or brief touches.
      They’re just not into PDA the way Meghan and Harry are. And both are fine, just different styles.

      • Becks1 says:

        Most of the times that i’ve seen william touching Kate in public in recent appearances is to direct her, not out of affection (for example there’s a pic in the other post of William with his hand on Kate’s back, and its clearly bc he’s directing her to move in a certain direction.) I’ve watched the videos too.

      • Alexandria says:

        I only find WK the odd one out especially the way W leaves K behind without even looking back. The umbrella photo still makes me weirded out. The contrast with other royal couples their age at the Jubilee church service was even worse. You can see the collage on Twitter.

        Minimal PDA would be Anne and hub, Chuck and Cam, Queenie and Philip. They have minimal PDA which is fine but you don’t get a sense they don’t want to touch each other.

      • Haylie says:

        No such videos exist. They are all about S P A C E. No need to prop up their struggle marriage.

      • MsIam says:

        Those must be some old videos. All I’ve seen recently is him trying to get away from her and her giving him freeze face. And not the Botox freeze face either. But if this is the bargain Keen and PoP have made, so be it, just stop criticizing the Sussexes because they don’t roll like the Keen-PoPs.

      • equality says:

        @Alexandria Actually C&C pretty often hold hands or touch each other on the back or go arm in arm. She also usually walks beside him instead of trailing behind him like Kate.

      • Emmi says:

        I agree. I don’t understand the need to act like they hate each other’s guts, there’s always plenty of footage or pics (NOT just old ones) where there are touches and laughs etc. They’ve been together for 20 years, it’s just not the same as H&M. And of course it depends on the pictures you choose. Other websites routinely choose ones where it looks like their relationship is absolutely fine.

        You can still dislike them or their actions without acting like their marriage is a horror show.

      • MMC says:

        No, there was a bunch of recent videos, from the jubilee for an example.
        They seem like a loving couple that’s been together for 20 years.

        Harry and Meghan are a bit more showy, which is also fine.

        For Charles and Camilla I’m honestly not sure, I rarely see articles about them.

      • Josephine says:

        hilarious that anyone thinks that holding hands makes meghan and harry “into” PDA. it’s a super basic, human gesture that should cause no one discomfort. that’s not PDA, that’s simple kindness and support of each other. it’s disgusting that so many of the basement-dwellers lurking on daily fail are falling apart over it.

      • MMC says:

        Maybe it’s a cultural thing? It’s not excessive or anything but I would say holding hands so often is PDA.

      • C says:

        They are colder to each other than every current royal couple, British or no, that I have seen. It’s not like this is new. You see it even in their wedding.
        Maybe it’s just their style. Although we have actual footage of Kate recoiling from William’s touch when she knew she was on camera (Mary Berry special)…so…
        And I agree with Josephine. The idea that hand-holding is PDA is just silly.

      • MMC says:

        Really? I pretty much never sense coldness between them. I remember that time with Mary Berry, I guess she was annoyed at him, but that’s normal for people thar have been together for so long lol.
        Other than that they seem really solid.

      • C says:

        Come on. Even if you look at video them together after his RAF graduation in 2008 he is ignoring her and she is running to keep up. Their wedding -he didn’t look at her while she walked down the aisle, he didn’t help her into the carriage. There’s always a foot of space between them. Even in the early days of their marriage he would get out of the car on joint engagements and ignore that she was with him. The Mary Berry thing. That video of him leaving her behind during the Jubilee.
        None of this stuff needs to necessarily mean anything about their marriage intimately because we always present ourselves differently to the public. But to pretend there’s always been some kind of palpable warmth between them in public? Nah.
        And Harry and Meghan are not “showy” for holding hands, lol.

      • MMC says:

        So interesting how we can see the same events and interpret them differently! I’ve seen most of those events and they seemed really warm yet appropriate.
        Maybe it really is a cultural thing?

      • C says:

        Maybe? Depends on the culture. The particular culture clash that’s presented in this discussion is always UK vs US, but I’m an American who lived in England and it’s not all that different in reality. Maybe a cultural difference in that Kate and William act quasi-Victorian a lot.

        As others have pointed out, Charles and Camilla, Zara and Mike, Beatrice and Edo were all holding hands at various public events the past week.

        Also – someone else mentioned the collage of royal couples from different countries, many older than the Waleses, from the Jubilee, and all were holding hands. So, yes, they stand out, even if it doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        Regarding the cultural thing, there are Brits who have commented on the perceived coldness between W&K. And who don’t think holding hands is an example of excessive PDA. Goodness, the king and his queen consort hold hands from time to time.

      • Steph says:

        @Haylie the video does exist from the walk about in Saturday. He touches her back repeatedly but like @becks1 said it’s to encourage her to keep moving down the line.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        I’m with you, C. William never loved Kate. I will die on this hill.

      • Beach Dreams says:

        Lol. Guys, this poster (MMC) is definitely a Cambridge fan. She’s insistent that they’re a loving couple and also that Kate looks young (extra lol). She minimized W&K’s attacks against H&M as “recent troubles” in another post.

      • usavgjoe says:

        @MMC …Right

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        Can you elaborate more on this “cultural thing” you keep mentioning in a lot of your pro Kate and William comments?

        Like, what culture makes you see Kate so differently than others? A quick google search brings up articles from years ago about how annoyed Will always looks with her. He’s always leaving her in the dust. What culture translates that to true love that’s just cooled off with time?

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        @beachdrems thank you. It’s getting super annoying, especially after having to get off social media yesterday due to the Kate fans hating on Meghan so much that Harry even acknowledging her sends them over the edge.

      • Jaded says:

        @MMC — the tension between W&K is palpable. Did you not see the big shrug-off Kate did to him when they were visiting a school somewhere and he touched her shoulder? This was during the Rose Hanbury days. Furthermore, I lived in England off and on for several years when I was in a relationship with an English fellow and he was always affectionate with me in public, holding my hand, arm around me, opening doors for me, etc. These two can’t stand each other and you’re blaming “cultural” differences? GMAFB.

      • Nic919 says:

        Harry is British. His actions are part of British culture. There is no cultural difference here. Just spinning to cover for two people who can barely restrain their disdain for each other when the cameras aren’t around.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @MMC, you’re funny. It’s not a ‘cultural thing’ or even a royal thing. Holding hands isn’t some brazen act of PDA-haven’t seen anyone accuse Zara & her husband of behaving inappropriately. LOL..I recall just a couple of months ago when the Peggington’s of Wales were at a polo tournament and “fans” were gushing about their PDA (which was very performative). The barely kiss on the cheek was

        What people are writing and acting outraged about is hilarious. I’m waiting for the story about Meghan revealing her ankles at this point. Ya know, against “protocol” even though the white others have done it.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        @ MMC, I have been married this November for 25 years and not once have I, nor my husband winced back when one of us has touched the other. KHates entire body language during that exchange is NOT normal for any marriage!!

        And it’s NOT a culture “thing”, it’s an apparent disgust on both parties but KHate keeps up the facade, whereas Bullyiam doesn’t.

  4. Laura-Lee MacDonald says:

    Will and Kate have a C-H-A-S-M between them!

    • Noki says:

      Kate…One of the things that must grind her gears is the fact that Harry is so openly in love and lust with his wife,while her own husband treats her like a second cousin.

      • asdfghjkl says:

        In that family, treating her like a second cousin would mean something entirely different lol

      • tuille says:

        Marriage between 2nd cousins isn’t rare in BRF. QE and Philip were 3rd cousins.
        News to me via Lucy Worsley: QE was a direct descendant of Mary Boleyn, Anne’s sister, through her mother’s side.

      • HeatherC says:

        I don’t think Kate’s gears are being ground because Harry is openly in love and lust with his wife while William treats her like a poor relation sprung on you at a family holiday to show around.

        I think Kate’s gears are being ground because Harry is openly in love and lust with his wife while Harry won’t even spare an accidental glance at Kate.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        @ HeatherC, well, she certainly doesn’t deserve any acknowledgement from Harry for what she did to his wife. I am actually impressed by how composed Harry has been around her but he is certainly showing his disgust with her, as he should.

  5. Chloe says:

    I hope they never stop holding hands.

  6. equality says:

    At normal funerals people hold hands, hug, and touch all the time. It’s comforting. This funeral and grief as performance art with “protocol” and rules is sick. It’s just one more example of the toxicity of the RF.

    • Alexandria says:

      Someone even reproduced Chuck holding Cam’s hand during her brother’s funeral.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Agree. ” Studies have found that the brain quiets in response to stress when a person’s hand is held. The effect is greatest when the hand being held is that of a loved one, but it still works even if it’s just a stranger.”. from Psychology Today

      Apparently it’s something else in the world of British Media/derangers.

  7. Noki says:

    Zara and Mike were also squeezing each other hands during the service. I was watching CNN and the reporter mentioned the Sussexes holding hands but thats what they always do.

    • ML says:

      Thanks for pointing that out @Noki.
      In fact, according to Buzzfeed, H&M let go of each others’ hands, but Z&M did not. Also, *barf* Paedrew held Eugenie’s hand as well.

    • Anastasia says:

      The more I see of Andrew towards Eugenie the more I have QUESTIONS and wonder.

      Especially since she and Jack peaced out

      • Lady D says:

        Same. Just a whiff of trauma in the air.
        OT: How do they feel about being taken to pedo island to vacation as children, now? Do you think they question their parents?

      • Jaded says:

        @Lady D — oh gawd I remember that story. There’s something very wrong about fondling your daughter’s behind. My father was very huggy and affectionate but JFC not like THAT!

      • Feeshalori says:

        Seriously? I never heard about Andrew’s wandering hands with his daughter at all! OMG!!

      • booboocita says:

        @Feeshalori — there’s video of Andrew and Eugenie walking about viewing the flowers for QE2 outside of Windsor Castle (Balmoral? I forget). At one point, Andrew, who had his arm around Eugenie’s shoulders, crouches down to inspect a bouquet or something … and his hand travels down Eugenie’s back, around her waist, and over her buttock and hip. It was a downright weird move for a father to make on his daughter, although it wouldn’t have been amiss between a husband and wife, or a boyfriend and girlfriend.

      • Feeshalori says:

        I didn’t know that, Booboocita. I saw pictures of the handholding but not the other stuff. He’s disgusting.

      • Liz Version 700k says:

        That video of Andrew groping his daughter’s butt my god not enough bleach in all of the Walmarts!

  8. Miranda says:

    Supportive spouses helping each other through grief and/or anxiety? Ugh, how plebeian. What’s next, marital fidelity?

  9. Lexistential says:

    The obvious loving and supportive Sussex body language triggers a lot of unloved people in loveless bubbles. That’s all I got– oh wait, and racism too.

    Harry and Meghan should hold hands till they leave the UK and get home to Montecito.

  10. Louise177 says:

    I don’t think it was supporters. I saw a lot of articles commenting on it people attacking Harry and Meghan for it. It’s really bizarre.people were

  11. Eurydice says:

    Yeah, I don’t get it. The “idea” is that there be no PDAs when royals are working. Except H&M aren’t working royals. But it’s OK for Zara because she’s not a working royal. But it’s not OK for H&M because they’re senior royals, but Harry is banned from wearing a uniform because…I don’t know. And don’t think that W&K aren’t lovey-dovey in less formal occasions – there’s a picture of them holding hands in 2011.

    • equality says:

      Exactly. Some of these people should have whiplash from defending their positions.

      • BothSidesNow says:


        And my eyes are permanently stuck rolled back into my head with these disgusting articles and unrelenting outrage!! My gawd, you racist twits!! Get over it!!

    • Seraphina says:

      I think this is a British thing among the royals with regards to PDA. I think Ive seen pics with Spanish and Swedish royals holding hands.
      The idea of no PDA was passed down probably from the cranky men who were kings who had to marry for country and didn’t LOVE their wife. So no PDA. It was also a different generation too. I know I’m generalizing but it’s an archaic believe of no PDA. Time for much of the old to be thrown out and done away with.

      • MsIam says:

        Charles and Camilla have held hands. There is no PDA rule other than for the Sussexes.

      • Becks1 says:

        It’s archaic but not accurate. Charles and Camilla touch each other in public. I mean their holiday card two years ago was Charles helping Camilla to adjust her mask, which I thought was cute. The Queen and Philip touched in public.

        I know that H&M are more tactile than most other royal couples, but its not as if there was always that chasm between even W&K.

      • Seraphina says:

        I’ve seen pics of Will and Kate touching. I put them on the same level as the others. H&M consistently show affection. And Harry is very protective Meghan. As he should be.
        Plus, we all know how the human touch helps people in so many ways. Meghan’s touch is consoling Harry and his touch is giving her strength to deal with this nest of vipers.

      • Eurydice says:

        I’m only summarizing the arguments on line. In real life, there seem to be hundreds of exceptions to the rules, except when it comes to H&M. But my favorite bit was the DM showing proof that W&K have actually held hands in the past – See? Here’s a pic from 2011! And here’s another one from 2014!!

  12. Belli says:

    The same people would be squealing with delight if William and Kate held hands.

    • Erin says:

      Exactly! They would be tripping over themselves in their rush to show everyone how this proves how solid and amazing their marriage is.

      And honestly can you imagine being so unhinged that you are personally outraged at someone holding hands with their spouse at their own grandmother’s funeral??? It’s complete effing bonkers and the fact that they are completely ignoring Zara and Mike, who by the way held hands WHILE bowing/curtsying, tells you all you need to know about these ghouls.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      Exactly, and the more strained/separated the Cambridge marriage becomes, the more their stans will be offended by Harry and Meghan’s love for each other. It’s jealousy by proxy.

    • Nic919 says:

      They bring up the staged photo from the polo event to try to hide the obvious space between them. William did not wait for Kate to finish her curtsey. He turned and walked away immediately. That’s just rude and disrespectful of your spouse.

  13. Merricat says:

    Honestly, what a asinine complaint, that the Sussexes were holding hands and it was somehow disrespectful. Lol, and there’s sewage on the beaches, but the Sussexes held hands!

    • Ginger says:

      We all know that if Will and Kate were holding hands the racists would be so happy and screaming about how in love they are, etc… They hate that Will doesn’t give Kate the time of day unless he has to.

      • Christine says:

        I am legitimately interested in a fan of the Wails explaining what it is about their relationship that speaks to them, on a personal level. Zero BS, I just want to know when and where they became a fan.

  14. LW says:

    Only tuned in to see Meghan and babygal didn’t disappoint. She looked GORGEOUS!

    • Fairyweather says:

      I concur, she looked absolutely beautiful, and was every bit the dignified Duchess that she is.

    • Jais says:

      She is so beautiful and photogenic. And as we’ve said before, her make-up game is on point and all I want is a list of her lipsticks. Everyone mentioned a few diff colors the other day that I’m gonna try. But yeah she looked so elegant and full of poise and grace.

  15. fairyweather says:

    Anti-Meghan twitter accounts were in full force yesterday, fixating on her makeup, creases in her dress being mics, blinking too much, etc so your average person who isn’t a royalist and mainstream journalists are starting to notice the unhinged nature of the criticism towards Meghan and began responding to some of the trolling/hate. It’s honestly become more unhinged than ever, to the point where outright conspiracies are making their way into the mainstream. I fear for Meghan, but she and Harry are clearly each other’s rock.

    • Merricat says:

      It’s pretty apparent to the rest of the world.

    • Ginger says:

      It’s been nice to see everyone calling out these deranged Kate Middleton fans. The world is really seeing what Meghan went through and they are sick of it. The smear campaign isn’t working.

  16. Ann says:

    Also in fashion news, Sophie would benefit from a more supportive bra. I’m her age and size so I’m going to say that.

  17. Becks1 says:

    My favorite comments were the ones like “they’re acting like TEENAGERS with all this hand holding!!”

    you know what, my oldest is 10, if in a few years, he’s only holding hands, I’ll be a happy momma, LOL.

    And yes people were freaking out and then the responses were bigger than the freakout. But I think it was important to shut down the nonsense about “protocol” and how touching is forbidden.

    There was room for Sophie between W&K (in the one picture it looks like she is walking between them even though she’s in front.) That’s not protocol. That’s two people who don’t want to be near each other.

    • Merricat says:

      My husband and I have been married for 26 years, and we hold hands everywhere we go. I like him, as well as love him. I think Harry and Meghan don’t care what anyone thinks about their hand-holding.
      The Isle of Salt is jealous, jealous, jealous.

      • equality says:

        There were some responders on twitter saying the same who had been married even longer. I think it’s sweet.

  18. Amy Bee says:

    I can guarantee that if William and Kate had walked out holding hands the royalists would be fawning over them. It happened when a picture was seen of them holding hands on their Caribbean tour. Plus I don’t think Sussex Squad can be blamed for this blowing up it was mainly blue ticks and non-royal watchers who pointed out the ridiculousness of the royalists.

  19. C-Shell says:

    The hypocrisy and faux outrage is silly and stupid. Yes, the Squad amplified the ridiculous trend yesterday, but blue checks jumped in with both feet. I can’t wait to see what train wreck we’ll get to watch today. This fakakta mourning period cannot end soon enough. Harry needs to get Meghan OUT OF THERE.

    Superficial notes — Meghan gets major points for style and grace, and her curtsy was freaking awesome (in those stilettos, no less!). Sophie looked like a NUN! A dour nun. The stony, face-forward pics of Sophie and Meghan in the back of the car going to Westminster were hard to see. All in all, the royal women’s facial expressions were hard and bitter; they needed to practice their Solemn Face.

    Meghan looked young, sad, and her focus on Harry was beautiful to see.

  20. Abby says:

    Made the dubious decision of looking at photos at The Mail so I could see how yesterday Meghan was the FRONT PAGE photo curtsying. Interesting choice. In the comments, holding hands is literally the only negative thing any of the critics can say about M&H.

    Interestingly, the caption on a photo of Will touching Kate’s back IN THE SAME ARTICLE says he “placed a comforting hand” on her during the proceedings. That PDA was all fine though. 🤔

    • Moxylady says:

      People on Twitter are pissed that she curtsied saying she did it only for attention.
      These people are dangerous and insane

      • Merricat says:

        Yep, they are sick.

      • Lady D says:

        They’re beyond pissed because she did it so well. I wonder if she practiced? I would be practicing in my sleep if I knew I had to do that in front of such a critical audience. She was grace personified with that curtsy.
        Forgot to mention Lady Louise who I thought showed the same grace and grief.

  21. Pumpkin (was Sofia) says:

    It’s an extremely emotional time for them both. If they find comfort in holding hands then so be it. They’re not having sex in front of the queen’s coffin or whatever, god.

    • Lorelei says:

      Seriously— my definition of “PDA” is vastly different from that of whoever is writing these articles and complaining.

      They’re just holding hands! To me that isn’t even PDA, it’s just normal behavior for a (happily) married couple, especially in an upsetting/stressful situation like this one. It’s not as if they’re blatantly making out next to the coffin, in full view of everyone paying their respects, which is what these articles and pearl-clutchers make it sound like.


      • tuille says:

        ITA. Holding hands is not PDA. Children do it, with each other & with adults. Mothers & daughters do it. Anne held her mother’s hand during Philip’s funeral. I saw a picture of that somewhere.

  22. Carmen says:

    Same old crap double standard. You should see the tabloids fawning over poor Chucky having a meltdown over some leaky pens; it’s not his fault he acted like a spoiled brat, he’s distraught because he misses Mummy. Never mind that Mummy was never a particularly doting parent. It won’t matter what Meghan does or doesn’t do; the tabloids will spew hate on her for simply being Meghan. They’ve demonized her to the point where they wouldn’t know how to stop if they even wanted to. The sooner she and Harry can escape from that place and fly back to California the better for them.

  23. Islandgirl says:

    Dear Harry when I saw your engagement interview, I said to my husband, who knew Meghan from Suits “I hope that she really loves Harry.”
    Well yesterday I said to to him “Meghan really loves Harry because I have been married to you for over 20 years and I would have left you and gone back to Montecito with my babies.
    These people are horrible. The press, enabled by the firm and the family, has created an environment that Meghan can do no right.
    The only good thing is that the world is seeing and understanding exactly why they left.

    • Merricat says:

      The once-fine reputation Britain had is in tatters, and they have no one to blame but themselves. Embarrassing.

  24. Amy Bee says:

    On a fashion note, Meghan wore her coat buttoned for Remembrance but only buttoned the top button when she wore it again later. So I think don’t think she had two sizes of the same coat. The royalists used to complain that she didn’t button her coats and jackets and showed her bump. She didn’t buy a lot maternity clothes and just wore a lot of clothes that could accommodate her growing bump.

    • Lucky Charm says:

      Charles probably had her on a strict clothing budget. Can’t have her buying maternity coats and clothes when she’s only pregnant for a few months and won’t be able to wear them afterwards, you know! /s

  25. Tessa says:

    Imagine all the fawning over cambridges if they had held hands

    • Debbie says:

      I remember the fawning every time they struggle to replicate H & M’s umbrella photo — even when it’s from two separate umbrellas.

  26. Queen Meghan’s Hand says:

    That picture of the two couples makes me feel so bad for Kate. Harry and Meghan are looking at each other, sharing their grief. And Kate and William both so sad but each alone in theirs. The Wales need to get their ish together. It’s TOO OBVIOUS.

  27. tamsin says:

    There was also a lovely picture of Beatrice and Edo holding hands as they were leaving.
    I think the image of Meghan’s curtsy is going to be iconic. It reminds me that some cameera person or director twit cut out her curtsy to the Queen at her wedding, and this rather makes up for it.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Is it picture of Beatrice and her husband holding hands where they were wearing masks? If it is that picture is from Philip’s funeral but the point still stands that there’s no protocol against royals holding hands.

  28. Megs says:

    I went with my future husband to his grandmother’s funeral – it was fairly similar feeling in that he is estranged from his father (her son), and there were all kinds of awkward interactions to get through. We’re not touchy feely people, but when he sat down after being a pall bearer, he grabbed my hand and held it for dear life and that’s all I can think about now when I see Harry and Meghan (yep, same name). You’re there for that person against the world, and sometimes a touch is the only way to communicate that

    • Anna says:

      Their hand holding looks so subconscious and automatic – this is what they do and they probably didn’t think twice. It’s comforting.

      Sadly my husband had go through two funerals of close family members recently and also didn’t let go of my hand. He could keep his emotions inside but needed this physical contact very much.

  29. girl_ninja says:

    It’s all projection with these racist trash fire trolls. They see Will and Kate w/ all that constant distance between them (save for a pat on the back from Willy every now and then) and are jealous. The Sussex’s are naturally affectionate and like to hold hands. They love the comfort of it and do this constantly. MANY couples do this. Will and Kate barely tolerate each other and it shows. Their fans cannot stand it and and are in denial.

  30. Snuffles says:

    They are enraged at the sight of Harry being so loving in public towards Meghan. It’s just another reminder that Harry is in love with his wife and will leave the UK again to be with her and their children. They want to see cracks in the facade so they can proclaim trouble in paradise.

    • lanne says:

      Meghan isn’t good enough for them. That’s all.

      I was listening to the Evita soundtrack and reminded of this song:

      “We wouldn’t mind seeing her at Harrods
      but behind the jewelry counter, not in front.”

      Meghan said it herself in the Cut–her mere existence is the problem. For the life of me, I knew that class culture existed in the UK, and that it was a big thing. Meghan has really peeled back the polite facade and shown how truly racist British class culture has always been.

      • Becks1 says:

        That’s funny you mention Evita, bc I just said to someone that all of this *waves arms* reminds of the song, Oh What A Circus….”falling over ourselves to get all of the misery right….”

      • SomeChick says:

        hi Evita fans! (I got to see the B’way touring production with Patti Lupone and Mandy Patinkin when I was in HS theater!)

        I often think of some of those songs when reading about the brf antics. High Flying Adored sometimes reminds me of Khate. “you won’t care if they love you, it’s been done before – you’ll despair if they hate you, you’ll be drained of all energy…”

  31. Over it says:

    On another note, I know sophie was close to the queen, but her face doesn’t look sad, it looks like a face of thunder like who the heck is she so livid with? These people really need to control themselves in public. I also saw another picture of Kate looking at the crown like someday my crown will come , someday I hope very soon. Lol.

    • lanne says:

      She’s probably mad that she’s not a Duchess. She’s probably wondering when she and Edward are going to be named Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh

    • tuille says:

      @ over it – ITA! Covetousness & cupidity in Kate’s face.

    • Lady D says:

      I saw that rage on her face yesterday too, and I saw the same face on Kate when she was standing by Sophie. I wondered what transpired to have the two of them so pissed. I thought they must have gotten marching orders to straighten up for the press.

  32. HeyKay says:

    I see no problem with it.
    The tradition is stiff upper lip and military formation during these things.

    I saw last night that one of the guards had fainted while attending the casket.
    Poor man, he was in military uniform and appeared to be mid aged or so.
    He went down hard onto the stone floor, I hope he is OK.

    The stress, anxiety, heat, standing for hours or marching in formation + grief.
    It’s ALL bad.

    After they were out of the grand hall, I noticed W reached out to take K arm. Sophie has reached out to Anne several times to offer a comforting arm.
    But, I think the general idea is “duty” to hold it together, get thru it.

    I honestly don’t know how they can preform these rituals.

    Please don’t come at me, I’m just saying how it feels to me.
    I know this is a celeb gossip site, and I do generally click here with my AM coffee.

    I hope everyone has a peaceful, good day. 😀

    • Prairiegirl says:

      I agree. Who cares who was holding hands and who wasn’t. These people are grieving privately in public and holding it together far better than I would be in their shoes. Better than the people complaining about it, too.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Prairiegirl, well obviously many in the UK care or there wouldn’t be so much conversation about it everywhere. What does that say about the people who are up in arms about it?

  33. Brassy Rebel says:

    And people need to stop conflating Westminster Hall with the Abby or church. That’s just to make handholding seem sacrilegious. But Westminster Hall is the place where Charles I was put on trial and sentenced to be beheaded. That’s more sacrilegious than handholding by a bit.

  34. Elise says:

    On a lighter note, just want to wish “Happy Birthday” to Harry today 🎂

    • girl_ninja says:

      Oh wow. It IS Harry’s birthday today. What a challenging, sad and stressful week.

      Yes indeed. Happy Birthday Harry! 🎂🎁✨🎉🙌

  35. Babz says:

    Twitter was an absolute cesspool yesterday, to the point that all the vitriol and abuse towards Meghan made me anxious, and I had to get off the site for awhile. Then I felt like a coward, because this is Meghan’s life, every day, and she gets through it.

    The two comments that sent me over the edge were one old lady wondering why Meghan is “always clawing at him!” and another one bitching because “she did nothing but smirk all through the ceremony!” The “clawing” comment was so out of line, and disgusting. The “smirking” comment got picked up and became a thing all of its own, but the irony was that every picture included in the comments showed Meg calm, but grieving. I don’t know what they think a smirk is, but there wasn’t even the hint of a smile on her face until one picture taken outside, I believe, and it was obviously directed towards someone. The clawing comment was degrading enough IMHO – likening Meg to some voracious, grasping animal – but the fact that the smirking comment was picked up and spread showed the herd mentality of the haters. All of them were made by women, and they were like jackals separating the weak impala from the herd for the kill. No humanity, no civility, no gentility, just a bunch of bitter, hateful women determined to otherize Meghan and attack her for showing love and support to her grieving husband. You can almost understand it when men attack someone verbally, but women are supposedly there to uplift each other, defend each other, and support each other. Unfortunately, we can be the worst examples of womanhood and sisterhood, and those examples have been on full display against Meghan from the very beginning. At this time, following the loss of someone she loved and admired, this behavior is unconscionable. No wonder she and Harry always hold hands – they’re each other’s strongest defense against the hate.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      I blocked and reported over 50 racist anti Meghan accounts yesterday because the hate was so out of control.

      I don’t think that the issue is Sussex squad amplified it so much although it looked that way by the end, because it was trending all day no matter what. it’s that SS did hit back and those tweets were picked up more so by the end of the day the “top” under the trend was SS. But the “latest” under the trend is where you see what got everyone so upset. The racist trolls were swarming and it was so ugly.

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        I did a ton of reporting and blocking yesterday as well! It was insane how crazy some of the haters were getting.

    • Jais says:

      The smirk comments were petty racist jealousy. Saw some good clap backs about how it’s not a smirk but just full lips and only a lipless person wouldn’t get that. Meghan is grace and beauty personified and there’s just a lot of anger over that. It’s supposed to be their thing.

    • L4Frimaire says:

      I was also feeling anxious and in fight mode yesterday because of all the toxicity directed toward Meghan. It’s next level. Lots of blocking and cursing fools out.

  36. AmelieOriginal says:

    Harry and Meghan have been holding hands since Harry introduced Meghan to the world, he confirmed they were together when she came out with him at the Invictus Games in Toronto in 2017. And in those viral photos they were holding hands. This isn’t new behavior for them and they know when to hold and not hold hands. They did not hold hands while in the church during the ceremony, only when they were exiting. The haters are so exhausting, they will nit pick and make up things such as Netflix cameras, hidden wires, stressing out the Queen and causing her to die, etc. What are they going to come up with next, that Meghan plans to abolish the BRF and anoint herself as dictator of the UK?

  37. William and Kate have a loveless marriage. Theirs is a marriage of convenience ( you scratch my back… I’ll scratch yours). That’s why it manifests in their actions toward each other. They don’t want to be beside each other and don’t want to look at each other. But that’s their choice. Harry and Meghan choose to show how much they love each other come high or hell water. They hold hands no matter if all Brits die of them being cheesy and disrespectful. They couldn’t care less.

    The British media and the British haters hate Harry and Meghan because their idols William and Kate couldn’t be like the loving couple Harry and Meghan. They would always excuse William’s detachment from Kate in public as “following protocol.”

  38. Case says:

    I love that they hold hands a lot. They’re clearly very in love and are each other’s comfort. This is a difficult time for many reasons for them, and it’s awesome that they have such a partnership that they can lean on each other.

  39. L4Frimaire says:

    This really blew up into something it didn’t need to because Harry and Meghan are the most scrutinized people at this event. A lot of people online thought it was disgusting how she was being attacked, because they were being so nasty about it, questioning her right to even exist. I also get tired of people comparing them to Kate and William in this regard. The Sussexes are very consistent in how they are with holding each other’s hand, and it was very brief during this event. As for people saying the others are space, they’re always this way as well but most people aren’t reading anything into it or putting it all over the news. A lot of the comments were offensive and over the top about Meghan holding her husband’s hand, and people pushed back because it was really alarming after the way she’s been attacked in that country all week.

  40. Well Wisher says:

    What can be wrong about this scenario??
    A married couple united in grief publicly hold hands …
    Protocol , maybe misplaced (fill in the emotion), the Duchess of Sussexes???

  41. Vanessa says:

    The Karen’s were in fully meltdown mode yesterday seeing Meghan and Harry hold hands like they do triggers such jealous . The sight of seeing Meghan looking gorgeous and having Harry hold her hands trigger such evil disgusting behavior for a bunch of racist woman who can’t stand to see a black woman hold hands with her husband they have to come up with looney theories to why their favorite couple can’t stand to be around each other . We all know if William even looks in kate direction the stans go crazy . It’s bothers them so much that Kate And William behaved likes two people who can’t stand to be around each other it obviously to everyone that their Relationship is the one with problems .

    • QuiteContrary says:

      Christopher Bouzy responded to one of the derangers perfectly: “Harry was never going to hold your hands, Lainey. Find someone who looks at you the way Harry looks at Meghan, and stop sharing your bitter thoughts on Twitter.”

  42. Gem says:

    I love that these two are genuinely affectionate with each other. Also, Meghan’s face was gorgeous at the funeral. It was quite a contrast to the drawn faces of Kate and Sophie. She’s definitely aging better than the fair skinned women.

  43. Jaded says:

    M&H are in a VERY stressful situation with the very family that led to Meghan’s suicidal ideation, constant death threats, prison-like living conditions, hurtful remarks about Archie’s skin colour, lies, leaking and a family who didn’t give a sh*t and actually condoned it. Holding hands is comforting and it’s clear she and Harry derive strength and support from being in physical contact during such a re-traumatizing and public event. And it’s not like they’re in and out in a few days, they’re there for a long time with b*tches like Khate glaring them down every time they have to be together. I’m convinced Khate snapped at Meghan in a big way prior to the walkabout because Meghan was visibly rattled. I’d want to cling to my partner if I had to run a gauntlet like that.

  44. Beverley says:

    The RF, the British media, and many Brits genuinely seem to want Meghan dead. They know the world is watching, yet they can’t even pretend they aren’t seething, frothing racists.

    I can’t wait until M&H are safely back in the US.

  45. Bisynaptic says:

    I’m going to go out on a limb and say: QEII does not deserve the respect Meghan and Harry are paying her.

  46. blunt talker says:

    The question I have-if they are so concerned about the focus being on the queen’s funeral-why bring up something that would cause the focus to not be on the queen-stuck on stupid as always-as one commentator stated if you are going to criticize one couple holding hands then do the same for the other three couples-they keep proving Meghan and Harry’s points about existing in a racist unfair system that is being used against them. all that fronting before they got married is just that a front-I read he told his family if they interfere with him and Meghan being married that he was leaving immediately -i guess to Canada-that is reason they pretended like they wanted Meghan in the family to keep Harry in the fold-and plot to torture Meghan and make her leave Harry and the UK-but they did not think he would go with her and their baby. being human in the UK is becoming unnatural and evil in itself.

  47. blunt talker says:

    ps-when Harry wiped the tears from eyes or face-his spouse saw his distress and gave comfort after leaving the church by holding hands which I felt gave both of them some comfort for a sad and stressful day-my aunt and uncle have been married for 47 years and they still hold hands and walk sort of close together.

  48. Benna says:

    Most gratifying commentary ever: James O’Brien skewers ‘vicious, vile individuals’ complaining about Harry and Meghan holding hands
    O’Brien said yesterday, that Meghan is the most attacked person, attacked far more than even child killers are in the British press. He points out e-v-e-r-ything we feel about this, from his heart.