Jobson: Queen Camilla is in charge of culling & merging Charles’s staff

Robert Jobson’s new book, Our King, is heavily – but not exclusively – sourced from the court of King Charles. Jobson is clearly a “Charles and Camilla” rota rat, but in reading through the one million excerpts of the book, I’ve been shocked by how many stories are straight from Prince Harry’s Spare, only with a horsey royal twist. I’m also left with the impression that Camilla is absolutely in charge, and that she’s been waiting to put her mark on everything. These are some miscellaneous excerpts I found interesting, including Charles suddenly realizing that he needs to sound close to Prince William’s children and not just Camilla’s grandchildren.

Top-heavy royal staff: As it stands, his Clarence House staff have been merged with the veritable army of the late Queen’s household – which, according to insiders, he and the Queen Consort have noted is ‘top-heavy’. Some of Her late Majesty’s team are already finding the King’s way of doing things challenging. ‘When he says he wants something done, he expects it to be acted on immediately,’ said one insider. ‘Those who worked for the late Queen are finding that when they say “But that’s how we have always done it”, it won’t wash.’

Camilla is in charge: With so many new responsibilities, Charles has turned to Camilla to start the ball rolling over the staff merger, and she has already begun making subtle changes. There were raised eyebrows, say informed sources, when the Master of the King’s Household, Vice-Admiral Sir Tony Johnstone-Burt – who runs below-stairs operations – produced a ‘mission statement’ for staff. Every worker was handed a document that read: One Team, One Standard. ‘It makes working for the Royal Household very corporate, like a hotel,’ one aide complained.

William’s streamlined team: William, too, has already started streamlining his own team, saying that as heir to the throne, he will ultimately employ far fewer people on his staff.

Charles & Camilla are still living in Clarence House: For now, Charles and Camilla continue to live at Clarence House, though the King commutes most days to his offices at Buckingham Palace. Eventually, he hopes to turn the residence of British sovereigns since 1837 into more of a ‘people’s palace’. Neither Charles nor Camilla is in any rush to move in permanently.

Charles’s grandchildren: On the personal front, Charles dotes on William’s children, who call him Grandpa Wales, and an aide confirms they ‘absolutely adore’ him. When he reads to them, doing the voices of all the characters, he has them spellbound; they particularly enjoy Harry Potter books. Prince Louis, who will be five later this month, has formed a particularly close bond with his Grandpa Wales.

Charlotte’s future titles: Sensitive to the fact that nine-year-old Prince George’s future is already mapped out, Charles has been careful to reserve one of the grandest titles for Princess Charlotte – currently called Lottie by her mother and Mignonette (French for cute little thing) by her father. Although the King has made his brother Edward the new Duke of Edinburgh, the title is only for life. After Edward dies, Charles has made it clear Charlotte (now aged seven) should become Duchess of Edinburgh.

[From The Daily Mail]

“When he reads to them, doing the voices of all the characters, he has them spellbound; they particularly enjoy Harry Potter books” – we heard almost the exact thing about Charles reading to Camilla’s grandchildren. My guess is that none of it is true – I doubt Charles spends much time with Cam’s grandkids, nor his own. He doesn’t “dote” on anyone but Camilla. As for Charlotte’s nicknames… I believe Kate probably calls her “Lottie” (which is, imo, a cute nickname) but I do not believe William calls her Mignonette.

Incidentally, I’ve been surprised by how little we’ve heard about disgruntled royal staffers or mass firings. In Charles’s first six months on the throne, I don’t think he’s fired many people at all. I think he literally has two sets of staff now – his old PoW staff and his mother’s staff. I also doubt that William will streamline his office whatsoever.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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69 Responses to “Jobson: Queen Camilla is in charge of culling & merging Charles’s staff”

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  1. Moderatelywealthy says:

    After Edward dies, Charles has made it clear Charlotte (now aged seven) should become Duchess of Edinburgh.

    Once again, congrats to celebitches, many of you had been saying this, that hCarles would want want Ed´s titles for Bulliam´s spares and this seems to confirm it, thoigh it implies HE will be the one ghranting the title, it is more likely that Bulliam convicned him to have Edimburg revert to the Crown so HE could dispose of it.

    • Chloe says:

      My question is how he’s going to do that because as far as i know females can’t inherit such titles? Or is he planning to make her future husband the duke of Edinburgh, making her subsequently the duchess of Edinburgh? Providing that she marries in the future and marries a male of course.

      • Suze says:

        Anne Boleyn was created Marquess in her own right prior to marrying Henry VIII, so there is precedent. (500 year old precedent, but hey!)

      • Talia says:

        Women can inherit titles if that’s the rule put in place when the title is created. The Mountbatten title can pass to women because Louis Mountbatten had two daughters and no sons and wanted it that way.

        Therefore, Charlotte can be Duchess of Edinburgh in her own right and it can be set up so her eldest child or eldest son inherits from her if they want, or it can remain a life title as with Edward.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        The Countess of Buccleuch, wife of James Scott Duke of Monmouth and the eldest illegitimate son of Charles II, was created Duchess of Buccleuch in her on right with the peerage passing to HER descendants.

        The “remainder” of any peerage can be written any way the grantor (King or Queen) wants it written. See Dukedom of Marlborough, Dukedom of Roxburghe, Earl of Mar and Earl of Dumfries for examples of peerages passing to and/or through women.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Yes, well, Charles’ parents made it clear that the DofE title should go to Edward, but look how long it took Charles to finally get around to doing that. After his death, it doesn’t matter what Charles wants, Willie gets to decide & if he wants Louis to have that title, he can do that.

      • Barb Mill says:

        Unless George is already married with kids of his own and wants the title to go to his youngest child.

    • Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

      Charlotte will probably also have the title of Princess Royal after Princess Anne passes away. And Charles probably won’t be the one giving Charlotte the Duchess of Edinburgh title. Who knows if Scotland will even be part of the UK by the time Charlotte is an adult!

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Elizabeth Kerri Mahon, I think Charlotte will be Princess Royal after Anne’s death, too. I keep think that Louis will be Duke of Edinburgh, assuming Scotland isn’t a republic by then.

  2. Eurydice says:

    Oh no, another wife wants an efficient staff – oh well, at least this one is the Queen…and white.

  3. Michele says:

    That is some BAD skin. BAD.

  4. ML says:

    “ When he says he wants something done, he expects it to be acted on immediately,’ said one insider.
    Oh, and when Meghan wanted things done it was considered problematic? Now that KC does, this is okay?

    • ABCD says:

      They literally say that it’s not okay when he does it.

      • ML says:

        ABCD, the queen’s staff pushes back, but the RR does not. Meghan’s staff complained and the tone of the RR was along the lines of “how dare she!” Here, the queen’s staff is unhappy because they’ve always functioned a certain way as opposed to Charles’ staff, but no one is yelping about this being a moral failing.

    • HennyO says:

      This hole so-called biography is nothing more than 99% tabloid gossip and RRs made up, unprovable lies, that has been in the papers and other ‘biographies’ before. Jobson hardly brings anything new to the table. And nothing of any historical value here. His books are often very tin. He seems to produce them every few months and they all flop.

      That can be said of almost all of the so-called royal experts’ books written in the last 8 years. Everyone of them just writes these cheep crap to stay relevent and to book themselves (commentary) gigs on TV show, documentaries and columns.

      Wait for the next one in a few weeks/mounts.

      • The Recluse says:

        It’s all a silly fairy tale at this point and only fools would believe any of it.
        Watch for William to counter-program with his press allies in 3, 2, 1….

    • HennyO says:

      Old story, nothing new here. Rehashed in many biographies before.

  5. Camilla is in charge period! There I fixed it. King Camilla may her reign be very short.

    • Chloe says:

      The real social climber in that family is Camilla because the more i read about her, the more i get the feeling she’s been scheming and plotting since the beginning

    • The Recluse says:

      It’s a little sick how much I’m hoping the protesters cast a shadow over their party.

  6. MaryContrary says:

    So when you expect your staff to work, that could be the royal way? Oh the hypocrisy. And I call bull on the William “Mignonette” story-not like he speaks French on the regular-eyeroll.

    • Leanne says:

      I do remember him calling Charlotte Mignonette once on video. It was when he and the kids visited Kate’s garden exhibition. It stuck out to me because I lived in France for a year and am a Francophile. Saying that, I very much doubt he is fluent in French. He probably just likes the nickname.

      • harpervalleypta says:

        Yep, William called her mignonette during that video of them playing in the Chelsea garden which Kate “designed” in 2019.

        I can’t find a clip of it, but it was in the televised show. It really struck me as odd at the time, which is why I remember it. (Plus I love the Chelsea garden show.)

      • Blujfly says:

        The audio on that video was doctored and cleaned up by the stand. To other ears it’s not clear he says anything like that. To your point, it’s never made much sense given his lack of interest in other cultures or languages and the fact he probably would only be exposed to it as a condiment for oysters. Is it even used by the French as such a nickname?

    • Dot Gingell says:

      Minouche would be a better nickname/term of endearment.

    • Concern Fae says:

      If it’s true, my guess it’s from a book or something they watched.

  7. Cathy says:

    Charlotte will be Princess Royal one day. She doesn’t need the Duchess of Edinburgh title. Royal Rota Rat just making up stuff, again.

    • Chloe says:

      Agreed. It all sounds very unlikely. Louis getting the DoE title would make more sense but i get the idea that they are reserving the Duke of york title for him (if andy has kicked the bucket by then.

      • Becks1 says:

        That’s the funny thing with all this title discussion, right? It’s dependent on the current holder dying. Edward just turned, what, 59? considering his father lived to be 99 and his mother 96, he may have another 30, 40 years left in him. Andrew may have another 30-35 years left. I mean I know some have said that Edward doesnt look healthy but that’s just speculation at this point.

        So there is all this talk about these titles but we dont know when the current holders will pass.

    • teecee says:

      But if they figure out a way to make it hereditary, it would be a title she could pass to her children. That’s why I don’t think it’s a lie.

      I still think it will go to Louis for that very reason and they only reason they’re sticking Charlotte in there for now is for empty GIRLBOSS points, but I bet this is a William thing.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        @teecee – They do not have to figure out a way to make The Dukedom of Edinburgh hereditary. When Edward dies, the Dukedom of Edinburgh reverts back to the crown. The reigning monarch can then bestow the Dukedom of Edinburgh on anyone he/she chooses with a “remainder” written anyway he chooses allowing any type of inheritance he/she chooses.

        Charlotte could very easily end up on the throne herself one day as history as shows with George V and George VI.

  8. Polo says:

    Yup don’t believe any of this considering he spends most of his time away from Windsor and the Cambridges spend most of their time in Norfolk.
    I can believe the few times they come together for an event is when he supposedly “reads” to the grandkids.
    As Harry and Meghan have said nothing is as it seems…it’s all PR. But nice try Chuck.

    • Renae says:

      @Polo I’m beginning to finally *get* it.
      These writers like blowing sunbeams up Charles patoote.
      Sounds like its becoming KC and (his) Sunshine Band!
      Its about right because both the band and Chuck were past their sell-by date in the 70’s.

  9. MSTJ says:

    What a load of bullocks. They’re really ramping up the propaganda ahead of the coronation. I wonder how much Jobson was paid to write all that drivel.

  10. Amy Bee says:

    If anything now that William is the PoW he will be hiring more staff. When are stories about Charles bullying BP staff going to come out?

    • Sue E Generis says:

      They’ve been out for years – that he tried to strangle someone, ripped sinks out of walls, has a quick and terrible temper, is aa relentless task master etc. etc. There are public stories about his siblings abusing staff as well. None of these are vague or anonymous. No one batted an eyelid.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        “There are public stories about his siblings abusing staff as well.”

        They only sibling with no stories about abusing staff is Anne. Anne saves her abusing ability for royal reporters and tabloid media personnel she does not like. This is well documented.

      • Rnot says:

        @BayTampaBay There are stories about Anne abusing staff. She reportedly called one a “fucking incompetent twat” in front of other people.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        @Root – Thanks for the update. I have never read anything about Anne verbally abusing staff. Being demanding yes, but not verbal abuse.

  11. lleepar says:

    I thought I read somewhere that Camilla also was going to be in charge of who gets which Crown Estate property and at what cost (if any) to them.

  12. Tessa says:

    I hope he can be especially close to all his grandchildren. Grandpa Wales should not play favorites. Do Charles has tome to read to them now. I doubt it. I doubt Charles will give Charlotte that title. Camilla s grandchildren probably spend more time with their granddad Parker Bowles

  13. Tessa says:

    Both Camilla and keen play to the cameras

  14. Over it says:

    How nice it must be for the white chucky the king not to be called king difficult. Like I can’t begin to imagine what the difference between him and his son biracial wife was. Hummmmmmmmmm. Aww well back to the black board I go .

  15. Beach Dreams says:

    “On the personal front, Charles dotes on William’s children, who call him Grandpa Wales, and an aide confirms they ‘absolutely adore’ him.”

    LOL sure Jan. Could’ve fooled me with how they always look so awkward and stilted when greeting each other, like at Kate’s flop Christmas concert last December.

    • BeanieBean says:

      And why would they call him Grandpa Wales anyway? OK, I guess when they first came to know him–if they did–he was still he POW, but why would kids attach a last name?

    • Tessa says:

      I think the Wales children spend a lot more time with the Middletons. Charles does not have “time” or that only applying to Harry and his family.

  16. HeyKay says:

    No wonder Phil and Liz tried to hang on forever, they both knew Cam was hard at work plotting, plotting, plotting to run the show.

    William better get his team on Full Alert before Camilla starts working to replace him with one of HER kids.
    I’m not kidding either.

    • Sue E Generis says:

      She knows theres’ no way she can do that. She can, however, get titles, property and money for her family. She has already begun, but it’s clear she is reaching for much more.

      • Renae says:

        Not being British, I wondered about that. I mean if you’re the king….can’t you do almost anything you want? You just change the rules. Like divorced people can now be sovereign or marry into the family? Duke of Windsor couldn’t marry Wallis but king chuck roast can? They just change the rules.
        I can see Cam the leech getting her kids put in line of succession.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        Parliament decides the Line of succession. Cam cannot get her kids in the line of succession and the chances of hereditary titles are slim to none.

        Charles can pull out his personal check book and issue a check for any amount that does not exceed his bank balance to whomever he chooses. Charles can give a lifetime “Grace & Favor” leasehold on almost any property with any amount of rent he so chooses (see QEII and Margaret Rhodes) to whomever he chooses.

        What KFCIII cannot do is transfer the freehold of any property controlled by him by right of being the Monarch. However, if KFCIII actually tried to to privately purchase property for any of Camill’s brood, the tabloid media (in the UK and USA) would have a field day.

  17. Amy Bee says:

    The press doesn’t seem to have a problem with Camilla being in charge why was it such a problem when they believed that Meghan was in charge?

  18. equality says:

    He’s too busy to speak to PH but has plenty of time to read to the grandchildren? So either false or shows PH that KC can’t be bothered with him. The Wales who want to make it Catherine, not Kate, are okay with Charlotte going by a nickname?

  19. Becks1 says:

    alright it’s really funny to me that we are hearing pretty much the EXACT same thing about him with William’s children that we did with Camilla’s grandchildren – reading Harry Potter, using voices, etc. its clearly something being put out by the palace to try to soften Charles’ image as a grandfather.

    I can believe that there are headaches with staff. I know that no one wants to lay people off, but when you had two large sets of staff and now maybe only need one, one and a half (figuring that a lot of the event planning type people at BP are going to stay – everyone involved in the plannings of state dinners and things like that) – you’re going to have to lay some people off, and not just Angela Kelly.

    • Becks1 says:

      To add – downsizing the staff is what “slimming down the monarchy” actually means. The monarchy has lost 5 working members in the last 3 years, the costs associated with it should reflect that.

    • Lady D says:

      Truly hope A. Kelly is still fuming and throwing things in her (unexpected) new digs. Being in a low-level fury looks good on her pinched features.

  20. Laura D says:

    So with the money Camilla will save merging the staff, she’ll probably have enough money in the budget to employ that Diversity Tzar. You know the one they were going to employ with great urgency after the Oprah interview! 😉

    • Sue E Generis says:

      That money is going straight into increasing her children’s monthly allowances.

  21. QuiteContrary says:

    Charles is such a coward that he cannot even streamline his own staff — he has to get Camilla to do it for him.
    Camilla’s ruthlessness is clearly coming in handy.

  22. Mary Pester says:

    So could someone please explain to me how, the king of turds can read bedtime or any other story to his white grandchildren when they don’t live anywhere near each other! /and the only funny voice Charlie the turd uses is when he is talking to his surrogate mother Camilla!! I have never read such absolute rubbish in my life. Stop trying to make Charlie the turd out to be a family man, he can’t even spell the word, let alone grasp it’s meaning

  23. HennyO says:

    I few days after the queen died and before she even was buried, there was a tabloid story that about a 100 staff members of the QEII had been served layoff letter, while they where contributing to the 10 days long funerial. Some of the staff were very angry and terrified to lose their jobs, according to the tabs.

    It was also reported that Charles’s private secretary (the wasp) would replace Edward Young (the bee), who was the queens private secretary, within 3 mounts, in that new rol to king Charles. (they both would work together during the 3 mounts of transition).

    So, if Jobbo is to believe, what happen to that ‘layoff a 100 of QEII’s staff’ plan?

  24. Renae says:

    Thank you TampaBay

  25. Andrea says:

    The Harry Potter shout-out is absolutely throwing some catnip to the TERFs. Ugh.

  26. tamra says:

    He could not organize a game of musical chairs with one person and two chairs! LOL