Prince William is ‘delighted’ when Kate eclipses him, he’s ‘comfortable with that’

The Princess of Wales is clearly feeling herself and she does not care one iota that she’s overshadowing King Charles and Queen Camilla. There have been rumors of a simmering feud between the two “rival courts” of Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace, but those whispers became a mainstream conversation last week when Kate hijacked the Chelsea Flower Show and dominated all of the coverage, despite the fact that Charles and Camilla went to the flower show on the same day. Even funnier is the fact that Prince William is still (largely) in the wind – since becoming Prince of Wales, William barely manages one or two events a week, and he can’t get through an event with Kate without the two of them looking like they despise each other. So how does William feel about all of Kate’s “look at meeeee” energy these days?

The Princess of Wales taking the spotlight delights husband Prince William – but there is one thing that bothers him, according to a royal expert. During William’s parents’ ill-fated marriage, King Charles is said to have grown increasingly jealous of Princess Diana’s massive popularity. In the early days of their union, Charles would often be overshadowed by his wife, with crowds shouting to talk to Diana instead of the future king – leaving him reportedly “frustrated”.

However, royal expert Roya Nikkhah says there is a “striking difference” between William’s parents and his relationship with wife Kate when it comes to their popularity.

She told True Royalty TV’s The Royal Beat: “Charles was always very upset when Diana had eclipsed him, which was all the time. William is delighted by the fact that people warm to Catherine. William is comfortable with that. I have heard him talk about Catherine’s work and how excited he is about it, and he loves that she is getting traction.”

However, the Sunday Times royal editor added there was one thing that William does not always enjoy. She explained: “The only thing I know that does slightly bother him is when he is cropped out of photos. You will find very often they will do a joint engagement and the front page of the news the next day, it is as if William was never there!”

Meanwhile, Hannah Fernando, editor of Woman and Woman and Home Magazines, said: “These two seem very much a team. Catherine has no wish to eclipse him. She is coming into her own because she is actually brilliant. She has taken on this life, opened her arms to it, and learned along the way what she needs to do. I think he is delighted by that, and I don’t think he is worried about her eclipsing him.”

[From The Daily Mirror]

I sort of agree that William isn’t worried about Kate eclipsing him because, ultimately, he knows that Kate is not (in fact) brilliant, that she basically goes around performing little keen skits and word-salad busywork. Now, William is generally a jealous, small man like his father, but William’s greatest reserves of jealousy are for Harry, not Kate. William knows that ultimately, Kate is always making an ass out of herself and that she is…um, expendable in the long-term. Now, it’s also funny that William is bothered by the fact that he is often cut out of photos when they do events together. Perhaps that’s why they do fewer events together and take pains to arrive separately, huh?? I’m sure that’s it.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.

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78 Responses to “Prince William is ‘delighted’ when Kate eclipses him, he’s ‘comfortable with that’”

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  1. Eurydice says:

    Lol, all this talk of eclipses – like the sun is going down on the monarchy.

  2. Pinkosaurus says:

    Guess he’s going to have start standing closer than six feet away from his wife at events to get in those front page pictures.

    • Jay says:


    • Nic919 says:

      The British photographers really work the angles to put them in the same frame because William is rarely physically near her. The videos of them at event arrivals really show this and more often than not we only see a few short clips hiding this distance. The Earthshot clip was revealing but that was American media, who doesn’t over for them the same way.

  3. Dawning says:

    If Do-Nothing and Still-Learning Kate eclipses you then you are absolutely a dud.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Still-Learning Kate indeed! This article talks about people ‘warming to her’ & she’s ‘gaining traction’—she’s been part of this institution for a really long time & this is it, still??

  4. Rapunzel says:

    I said it in the other post, not knowing there’d be a post on this. So I’ll say it again: the timing of this is interesting. It bothers him when they crop him out of photos like he wasn’t there. And that’s what’s happened in the “Kate and the killer” stories.

    I am reluctant to think this is coincidence. I suspect someone (Kate) got a heads up about the killer story and was trying to make sure William didn’t get cropped out.

    • Chloe says:

      Hm i don’t know. When it comes to the killer headline I would imagine William might actually be happy he was cropped out. Because why would he want to be associated with a killer?

      • Rapunzel says:

        Oh I agree Will is happy he was cropped out. I was saying I think Kate might have been using this article to encourage (someone, IDK who) to include William in the killer pic, so she wouldn’t have to bear the brunt of the negative press alone.

        We know they talk to each other in the press… I think if Kate knew the killer article was coming, she’d maybe use the press to talk to Chuckles/Cam/Will and try to get Will under the bus with her.

        That of course was never gonna happen. Like you said, why would William want to be part of it?

    • Mindy_DeLaCalle says:

      I think this was her defense and TRYING to drag William down with her. She’s telling the press and readers – he was there was her too! Why aren’t you talking about him meeting the murderer too?

  5. Andy Dufresne says:

    Loll the look of contempt in William’s face around Kate. 😂

    Something’s coming…he’s been very quiet while she’s everywhere. I think Wills is staying away from all this mess and what will be more to come. Just a hunch.

    • KFG says:

      Someone on Twitter pointed this out, that William is distancing himself from kkkate and his in-laws. There is some serious dirt coming out about the Midds and kkkate and I think he is setting her up for a big fall.

      • atorontogal says:

        Apparently, Party Pieces didn’t sell for enough to cover their loans, so maybe they are looking at wee willy to pay it off and he is hiding out to avoid all of their BS.

      • atorontogal says:

        Apparently, Party Pieces didn’t sell for enough to cover their loans, so maybe they are looking at wee willy to pay it off and he is hiding out to avoid all of their BS.

      • Cairidh says:

        The twitter user cantabellcitadelle whom I think is Carole, made a post about how the Queen and Prince Philip loved Carole, influenced by Williams adoration of Carole, they immediately loved her too. That account is always posting sickly sweet propaganda but usually it’s about William or Kate and their Super Special Soul Mate Love Story. At the moment its bigging up the middletons, particularly Carole.

    • Jaded says:

      I think so too. The calm before the storm of Middleton financial shenanigans. Uncle Hookers-n-Blow has gone uncharacteristically quiet too. William is staying out of the picture as much as possible but certainly manipulating things behind the scenes in his favour.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      Don’t worry, their paid shills will quote some co-called “body language expert” to say how William looks at Kate with love, pride, and lust, indicating they are still very much in love; how William placing his hand on Kate’s back shows how comfortable they are around each other — but not in that crass “public display of affection” way Harry does it, William is too classy for that type of vulgar expression. William and Kate know how to behave in public. William’s distance from Kate in the photos shows deference to her, so as to allow Kate to shine.

  6. aquarius64 says:

    I’ll veliece that when Kate is appointed to the Privy Council. That’s not going to happen soon if ever.

  7. ThatsNotOkay says:

    William loves that the future Kween eclipses him, because the press is always negative! And she takes the blame! If it were positive? Well, that’d be an entirely different story…. He’s happy to let her squirm and twist in the wind while he seeks out partners in pegging in the dark.

  8. Inge says:

    she is “actually brilliant”. WHY the constant embiggening of these two? Why can’t something be a new charity/initiative no it’s the best ever nothing like this has ever been done etc.

    Meanwhile H&M are actually changing lives(remember Harry being told that people found a will to live thanks to Invictus? That’s huge) yet they are silent about that…

    • Eurydice says:

      If she were truly brilliant, they’d come right out and say so. But “actually brilliant” sounds like unspoken, “You wouldn’t know it to look at her, but actually…”

    • Nic919 says:

      Can you taste the smell by smelling I suppose is a certain sort of brilliance.

  9. SquiddusMaximus says:

    And, I’ll speculate, he appreciates having her away and “werking” rather than in his company. He can enjoy all the gardening he wants while also benefiting from the suggestion that the couple does… something.

  10. Amy Bee says:

    I seem to remember the press criticising Meghan for eclipsing her husband. What’s the difference here? I agree William is not jealous of Kate, he can use her as a shield and as Kaiser said his jealousy is towards Harry (and Meghan).

    • dido says:

      EXACTLY. I thought the main thing royal rats/derangers loved about Kate was that she “never steps a toe out of line” and she “never hogs the spotlight” or “overshadows her husband.” So clear as day the different treatment KKKate gets vs. Meghan.

  11. I think Peg could have set her up telling her to do this. It works for him because then he has more fodder for I need a divorce just look at what she is doing to my family kind of thing. That’s why he isn’t bothered .Just my tinfoil hat theory.

  12. s808 says:

    Even though I think he *is* bothered, if he really was not I could kind of understand why. Kate’s shine is surface level only. She’s not any better at being a royal than he is. Not like H&M are, therefore not much of a real threat.

  13. LadyE says:

    “She is coming into her own because she is actually brilliant.” LOLOL

    I actually think Kate could be a “good” Royal if she just worked half as much as Anne at the usual ribbon-cutting, fair opening whatnots, but let’s all be honest that there is absolutely nothing brilliant about doing those functions. Kate did nothing brilliant at the Flower Show, I mean c’mon.

    The so-called brilliance of Kate is about her Early Years “work” (sigh) which despite the huge hoopla, was what exactly? A claymation, a couple hour long “listening” meetings, and a visit to a market to talk to random shopkeepers about their childhood?

    They really need to pick a lane and stay with it. Kate could be a perfectly decent Royal if she gave any effort to it, it’s really *not* hard to do. But, this brilliant business is going to bite her in the ass hard and she should drop it. Absolutely nothing of substance is going to come of the Early Years, that’s just a fact. Kate’s substantive work is not even close to William’s Earthshot efforts and that is really not saying much to begin with.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Kate would be fine if she stuck to “exercise/sports are good for kids” and meeting old people, and was out and about on a daily basis. It hasn’t happened yet and she’s 40 so I don’t think that’s changing.

      • LadyE says:

        Yep, totally agree. It would be a marked improvement if she just did the normal, not brilliant, day to day stuff. But, she won’t even do that and I agree I don’t think it’s going to change. To tack on that she’s *also* doing brilliant, important things when she can’t even be arsed to visit her patron charities more than once a decade is such a dumb strategy that is going to continue to backfire and get more obvious as the nonsense it is.

      • ales says:

        The brilliance is taking a very long time to appear, 20 years plus. She is just not interested or interesting, she would have started 20 years ago if she cared. For many years to come, she will be using the I am still learning excuse to get out of actualy doing anything. It appears all she wants is status and money, nothing else matters.

      • Lady D says:

        I hate to put this here because I know palace jerks are reading this site, but the amount of goodwill she could create by forming a mini-Invictus for children would be off the charts (for her). It could be children who have lost their home or country, children that have overcome debilitating illness, lost their family, or even fantastic little fundraisers. I doubt it will ever happen, but it’s something she could continue after the divorce. She is pretty lazy though.

      • Dee says:

        Heck, she could throw little tea parties for children or read books at libraries and she’d have an excuse to dress up, take photos and win over some young people to the monarchy’s lost cause. But that would mean several hours of hair and makeup to get ready and she just doesn’t have the time.

      • Deering24 says:

        Kate doesn’t care, pure and simple. Her entire life is about being her mom’s idea of a royal, and that leaves no room for really doing anything worthwhile, helpful, or productive.

    • Cerys says:

      I agree. Kate could be a satisfactory royal if she put a bit of effort in to it. She could do 2 or 3 events a week to boost her numbers and still have plenty of time to get her hair done, make chutney and do whatever it is she usually does all day. However, she has been allowed to do the bare minimum since she got married and is unlikely to change now.

      • one of the marys says:

        Does she have any survival instinct, a sense of self preservation? As all of you have said she could do low stress, modest events 3 times a week and start building a lifeboat for herself. Don’t waste so much money, don’t put on the high glamour but get out there regularly, meet people, give the press *something* to cover. She needs as much ammo as possible to stay out from under the bus

  14. Digital Unicorn says:

    I can kinda see this as it means he won’t get covered in the sh!t thats being flung her way ATM and also means he gets to hide behind her (while the press are fawning over her latest outfit he can carry on pegging the garden).

    He knows she’s an idiot who can barely string a complete sentence together and yeah she’s expendable, more so lately.

  15. ML says:

    You know that nasty feeling when you hit your elbow (misnamed funny bone)? William absolutely does not want to be cropped out of photos. And he absolutely does not want to share the spotlight; he does have issues with that. Every so often we get to read about his temper, his jealousy (of his brother which sometimes takes ridiculous forms like his haircut), and his tendency to throw various friends and family under the bus. He stops unfavorable articles like being caught dancing in Switzerland without Kate. I’m pretty sure Kate is very aware of this and does all that she can not to trigger his negative feelings.

  16. Chantal says:

    It’s hilarious and telling that W is making his displeasure about being cropped out of joint photos known. Will the BM stop or keep doing it? Quid pro quo, W…

    And no one with any sense believes that His Royal Incandescence is delighted when Special K eclipses him. He drove his own brother and SIL out of the country due to his jealousy And racism. And Special K seems to be ramping up the attention seeking stunts. Kate, you in danger girl….
    Speaking of, we should be getting another article about W’s anger issues soon…

    • Jay says:

      I think it bothers him, too, he’s just trying not to show it as plainly as his father did! This is a man who complained about Harry getting to have a beard on his own wedding day – petty doesn’t even begin to describe it.

      Even the phrase “he’s delighted that people have warmed to Catherine” reminds us again of her outsider status, and frames it as really a favour to himself that people are nice to her.

      I could see him knowing that he kind of needs her to get attention but also resenting it at the same time.

    • Shawna says:

      Yep. This could be William setting up a “better” divorce story than his father’s. Establish that he’s fine being outshone while also okaying bad press against Kate and the Middletons so that seems like those bad stories are the reason he’s divorcing her.

  17. ales says:

    She doesnt bother William, thats why he has been absent lately and when he is around generally looks like he does not want to be anywhere near her in public. He eventually chose her, he could have said no. Did he pay no attention to the fact that she is basically a vacant space but has limitless street cunning to promote only herself. Comparing her to those who have come before her and all the European Royals, it must be embarrassing, 20 years later, still barely able to string a few words together, even with it written down for her, created a bizarre accent which is also an unintelligible mumble at times, seems devoid of empathy, her constant I am still learning statement, how long does it take to learn simple caring and showing interest in others, her only interest seems to be to have her photo taken. Her major life skills seem to be shopping and being mean girl.

  18. Becks1 says:

    LOL for days at “she’s actually brilliant.” Ah yes, we see that all the time with the well thought out questions she asks, the follow ups to the answers, her knowledge about her charities and patronages, etc.

    I do think this article is telling because it says William doesn’t mind if she gets attention as long as he’s not cropped out of photos. So that tells us he DOES mind being overshadowed and eclipsed by her in the press if he gets mad that he’s not included in pictures.

    But, I don’t think he’s as obsessed with it as Charles was with Diana, mainly because as we all have said on here for years now……Kate is no Diana. And if the press is talking about her coatdresses or her hair, they’re not talking about what’s going on with William.

    • Nic919 says:

      He isn’t jealous of Kate because she doesn’t have charisma so that is not a threat to him. He is jealous of Harry because Harry can easily overshadow him, even a continent away.

      Also a passing comment I heard in the podcast She Wakes up at 5 am has me curious. They were discussing the coverage of the car chase and how bad it was and one of the hosts said that her UK friend had told her some tea about William but she would mention it only off pod to the other host.

      So what is going on with William?

      • Becks1 says:

        He’s called divorce lawyers? IDK. What could be tea that would be relatively new? New mistress?

    • Shawna says:

      I floated the possibility above that he’s putting it out there that he’s fine being outshone just to stick it to his father. Establish he isn’t jealous like Daddy but also still forge his own, “better” divorce narrative in different media threads.

      • Harper says:

        Laying the groundwork that it is absolutely not jealousy or envy that’s causing trouble in House Wails. William is nothing like his father and he is just fine if Kate is out there smiling like a hyena and getting her picture taken. Of course, Kate should remember that she is not the heir, and William doesn’t like to always be cropped out, but he won’t go so far as to squeeze close enough to Kate to be in the pic with her. He’s above that.

  19. The Old Chick says:

    Is Willy even smart enough to know Kate looks like an arse? He seems happy to contribute to their bizarre antics, like the Caribbean tour of doom, the white power antics, clearly designed by kkkate but agreed by willy. Given all his lazy ‘jobs’ or event , he seems pretty stupid so I don’t give him much credit here.

    • LadyE says:

      I actually think that the white power, colonial cosplay of the Caribbean tour was arranged with great enthusiasm by KP staff, not the brainwave of Kate or Will (though they were all in). I really think that the courtiers and palace staff are just absolutely incompetent and are the ones cheerleading if not coming up with a lot of these terrible ideas. I don’t think any of these people have any idea of what makes K&W look like asses because they are just as elitist and out of touch as them

      • BothSidesNow says:

        I happen to disagree as we have seen CopyKeen take great care and investment in creating a cosplay at most events. CopyKeen drove this narrative in the Caribbean Crash Tour as evident in her copying QEII and PP’s visit, and Baldimort happily agreed and played his part as well. They both thought that it would cement the love and admiration of the Caribbean counties.

      • Nic919 says:

        Kate is the one who picked a racist painting for KP and didn’t remove it when the obamas visited. She’s racist and loves the colonial imagery because she sacrificed her dignity to become a part of the chief colonizer family.

        And William is bored with racism.

        It’s not the staff. It’s them.

    • Beverley says:

      It’s them.
      William is likely the Royal Racist, with Kkkhate coming in a close second. They were undoubtedly concerned about the optics of their kids interacting and been photographed with Harry’s children. They were really worried about how dark Prince Archie would be. Of course, they see themselves as better than the Caribbean islanders. This was to be their triumphant colonial tour.

      And yeah, their staff and courtiers are probably of the same mindset.

  20. jane says:

    kate the most boring woman in the world even a bee can eclipse her

  21. Jay says:

    Ooh, Kate is “coming into her own” once more! I haven’t heard that one since the last time she was “finally coming into her own”, which was every year from 2011 – 2018. Are we absolutely sure they don’t mean that she’s “on her own”?

  22. equality says:

    He isn’t worried about her eclipsing him because all the praise for her is shallow and made up “brilliance”. Most of her attention is for her fashion and Will doesn’t seem to care about fashion. He probably does like it if she draws attention from the other royal ladies.

  23. TheOriginalMia says:

    William isn’t worried about being eclipsed by Kate because he knows she isn’t actually brilliant but is good for deflecting attention from him. He can be stealthy and cheating and she’ll not only accept it, but will go and work every now and then for baubles and vacations. Now, I find it funny he’s saying all of this when Kate & the Middletons have been roasted all weekend in the papers. Where was Will wielding his power to protect his beloveds?

  24. Snuffles says:

    TRANSLATION: William is delighted that the royal rota have started to train their knives towards Kate and not himself. He hopes they continue to cut her down to the point where he can easily divorce her without him taking any of the blame.

  25. Lizzie says:

    Okay, it seems they are conflating the huge popularity Diana had and the recent manufactured tabloid coverage of Kate. Diana was a phenom, and in real life people came out in droves to see her in person. That made Charles nuts, people would say to his face they wanted to see Diana. that’s not the same thing at all as the df running photoshopped pics of every one of Kate’s photo ops. Yes, the photoshopped pics of Kate might push coverage of Chuck off of the front page but Kate’s popularity is in no way comparable to Diana’s. Also, the coverage of Kate is meant to disguise the missing prince of wails. who is likely vacationing with his gf.

    • dido says:

      Yup. People loved Diana for a reason. She was pushing boundaries, breaking stigmas, and she completely changed the royal game. She was actually brave in a dusty institution. She cared and loved the poor and the sick, and immigrant moms (like my own) related to her heart. People did nOT only like Diana because she wore nice clothes.

      Nice clothes and nice hair is ALL Kate has going for her (if even that). She is completely superficial. The only way KKKate can get relevance is if she’s modeled as “the next Diana” or “the next Queen Elizabeth” or by copying Meghan’s style and initiatives and trying to pass that off as her own. She has no originality and brings nothing new of her own. It’s absolutely pathetic that she has to copy other women.

      • HeyKay says:

        dido, All of this!
        Diana showed she cared, she brought star power to charities but also brought her own kindness and good heart. Her charity work was genuine.
        Kate comes off at her charity events as “Look at me!”

        Diana will always be popular to those of us who saw her in action. 💕

      • Shoegirl77 says:

        @Dido, absolutely all of this. Reading your comment made me immediately think of Tyler Perry and the reason he reached out to M and H in the first place. Because of the effect that Diana had on his mother. All KopyKate has going for her is her expensive (nice to some people but not my personal taste) wardrobe and the famous hair which is now mainly wiglets anyway. People who are coming from a place of genuine kindness as Diana did don’t need to advertise their brilliance or need endless media talking them up because their actions show it. When you’re just faking kindness, empathy and compassion for others, it’s painfully obvious to anyone that it’s just fakery.

    • Nic919 says:

      Diana has been gone for over 25 years and she still looms over that family. Her legacy has lasted. No one will remember kate beyond being married to William.

  26. L4Frimaire says:

    William isn’t bothered by Kate doing whatever she does because it’s directed at his father, is generally silly and meaningless, and he does not care. She can grin around a sea of kids but no one remembers why she’s there and what the cause is for because the goal is the photo. However, if Harry and Meghan, but mainly Harry, does something in California thousands of miles away, we’ll get 3 days worth of whining incandescent articles about it from Tom Sykes or some Rota hack. What a joke of an institution. Keep cropping his dour highness out of the pictures

  27. Flying fish says:

    Speaking of William, where is he?

    • Jaded says:

      In the background with Pa quietly building a case for jettisoning Kate and the Midds.

  28. QuiteContrary says:

    “Catherine has no wish to eclipse him. She is coming into her own because she is actually brilliant.”

    Sure, Jan.

  29. Susie says:

    I find this topsy Turvey Opposite Day world the tabloids are describing very interesting. They’ve basically swapped the wales and Sussex’s lives. They don’t have enough imagination or creativity so they just write down what’s happening with one couple and swap out the names. Harry is very visibly and obviously proud of Meghan. He wants her to succeed and doesn’t mind standing behind her. He loves any moment she shines. William and Kate’s are so unable to hide their disdain for each other that despite knowing they will receive major international attention they look meaner towards each other than even Charles and Diana on their worst days.
    The media wishes Harry was William and Kate was a silent version of Meghan and so have decided to make manifest their version of reality by speaking and writing it out. They probably also create vision boards and everything.
    Even if Meghan and Harry were divorcing tomorrow no one in the British press would Know cuz the Sussex have their circle locked down tight. While the wales leak like sieves but the media just can’t write about it.
    I just wonder how this will run long term. Their are no positive narratives about Charles Camilla will and Kate. And they have no credibility when it comes to the Sussexes (the big American media are rolling their eyes at those divorce rumours). The current fab 100 old royals story isn’t interesting and the media is sitting on some pretty big and salacious bombs about the British royals esp will Kate and her family . How long will the media keep up the perfect white royals before they decide there is more money in battle of the wales 2.0 and budget game of thrones. And how long will William maintain his bruised and dull but still working diana shine that’s supposed to help prop up the monarchy for the uninformed? Really interesting to watch long term

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      I do believe these tabloids live in bizarro opposite world. They swap out Cambridge and Sussex stories, and they will print the exact opposite of what is happening. I guess if one were to recognize that, we can get a pretty good glimpse into what the Cambridge marriage is really like.

  30. Alexandria says:

    Oh yeah his face when they do joint events, totally shows comfortable. I’m convinced.

  31. HeyKay says:

    William is so damn lazy.
    If Kate gets more attention, then he has even less work to do.
    The man has zero ambition or work ethic.

  32. tamsin says:

    I do get the feeling that Kate is feeling her oats these days with the tiara hat and the Chelsea Flower show hijack, showing up late, and I read that she didn’t curtsy (?) somewhere when she was supposed to. However, her “overshadowing” is of the petty and childish type, and if one is charitable, a bit rebellious. Told not to wear a mini skirt- well, I’ll wear the miniest I can find; be home at 12? Well, I’ll come home at two sort of thing. She is not overshadowing by doing something substantial to wow people or by forging a new path. She is just being a “brat” as far as I can see. Diana didn’t “stage” moments to overshadow Charles- she just did her job with sincerity. Same with Meghan- she genuinely helped the women at the Hub, and genuinely connects with people. Kate seems to have none of that. If she just put her head down, and cut ribbons and opened village fetes continually, and showed up at villages and towns frequently, she would be making herself known to the country and doing all the institution expected of her. She seemed content to do just a fraction of that until Meghan came along and actually connected to and tried to help people. Meghan had the mistaken idea that a princess is someone who serves the people, and tried to do that. For that, and for being accomplished and beautiful, and liked, she was driven to near suicide and forced to return to her own country.

  33. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    I don’t think William cares what Kate does, as long as it doesn’t harm his own reputation (for example, the “Kate the Kingmaker” narrative went too far, and Kate was banished from the Diana statue unveiling and denied a 40th birthday party). But otherwise, I think William is happy with making Kate go to events as the “face” of the royal family while he does his rose gardening. Plus, William is the type of person who will never, ever, admit to making a mistake or being wrong about anything — so he will never admit that marrying Kate was a mistake, or that Kate isn’t the absolute best pick for a wife. William will embiggen Kate (as long as it’s not at *his* expense) because he wants people to acknowledge that *he* made a good decision in marrying her. Kate is basically “Mrs. William” who exists as an extension of him, and not as her own person. So even if William doesn’t respect Kate, he will expect everyone else to.

  34. AC says:

    Even my own mother who hardly follows the BRF think there’s something wrong with W&K marriage just by showing photos of them. Words cannot hide body language and expressions.

  35. Eve_Maire says:

    You’re not allowed to edit news images, crop people out or even enhance them in any way. Journalism 101. But you can cut an image if you have to – to fit it in, so especially if they stand far apart, someone has to be cut. Since he always has that constipated look on his face, and she’s a perfect product/clothing brand placement advert, they pick her. Small wonder.