Will the Duchess of Sussex make any big announcements on her birthday?

The Duchess of Sussex’s 42nd birthday is tomorrow, August 4. Predictably, the British media is very, very focused on what Meghan might do and whether they’ll get some precious content. Granted, I also hope we get some new announcement, but I’m hoping for that because I enjoy the Sussexes and I want good things for them. The British media is desperate for the Sussexes to do or say anything so that they can run twenty million negative, nasty stories. So, lovers and haters are in agreement: please give us a New Sussex Era! That royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams is practically begging Meghan to announce something for her birthday:

Meghan Markle could make an announcement on her 42nd birthday this week, according to a royal commentator, who teased that she may surprise fans with her career plans. There’s been speculation about what’s next for Meghan, 41, following updates in her career. This includes her and Prince Harry, 38, having parted ways with Spotify after releasing the Archetypes podcast through the platform.

It has now been suggested that the former actor could announce her next venture in the coming days. This has been speculated by commentator Richard Fitzwilliams, who said she could unveil her plans on her birthday on Friday.

As reported by the Express, Richard told OK! magazine: “[Meghan] might well announce her next move on her birthday”. He also said: “But otherwise we’ll have to wait and see what her new agent comes up with.” Richard teased: “Don’t forget the Sussexes do have a habit of surprising us.”

[From The Daily Mirror]

He doesn’t know anything and the only reason why anyone thinks that an announcement could be packaged with Meghan’s birthday is because Meghan did that mentorship video for her 40th, in 2021. Remember how they cried about that? Remember how they said mentorship is bad and that Meghan was harming people???

I’m also curious to see if the royal social media managers acknowledge Meghan’s birthday this year. Last year, Kensington Palace acknowledged it, as did then-Prince Charles’s social media. My guess is that none of the royal accounts will acknowledge her this year. They’ve “phased out” that part after QEII’s passing.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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33 Responses to “Will the Duchess of Sussex make any big announcements on her birthday?”

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  1. aquarius64 says:

    Announce to the world BRF news in general doesn’t pay the bills unless Harry and Meghan’s names are attached to it.

  2. Becks1 says:

    Did Charles’ SM wish Archie or Lili a happy birthday this year? I can’t remember.

    Anyway…..I kind of love this. Maybe Meghan will announce something bc she did announce something on her 40th bday two years ago!! Basically they’re just desperate for Sussex content. If M does announce anything over the next few days, it will obviously be because she is trying to steal Charles’ thunder at his first summer in Balmoral as monarch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Dee(2) says:

      Nope! There were articles about how they got out of it because of the coronation for Archie. They definitely didn’t for Lili, I don’t remember which excuse they used for it. And you joke but I literally just saw an article on the MSN feed about how terrible they are for Invictus starting the day after the Queens one year death anniversary.

      • Lady D says:

        Doesn’t the British public ever just roll their eyes at these garbage headlines as opposed to swallowing every word as though it were the gospel truth? Surely they can see the ridiculous in headlines. It’s hard for me to believe that millions of people believe what’s printed rather than what is right in front of their eyes.

      • CJ says:

        @lady d – you would think but no. Breakfast TV was on at my docs this morning and they had Camilla’s ex daughter in law on to talk about how nice she is and what outfits this former DIL thinks she’s looked nice in lately.

        There’s a contingency of mindless worker bees lapping up any royal commentary and a gov/media gleeful to supply it lest they notice how awful the country has become to live in.

      • Elizabeth Phillips says:

        But Invictus was scheduled before the Queen passed. These people are crazy.

    • Ash says:

      They didn’t abs briefed happily about snubbing the kids, but complained when the Sussexes didn’t publicly wish George or Camilla happy birthday.

  3. Layla says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised though if we see something from KP. They’ve always clout chase on all the Sussex related dates

  4. Yes it would be nice to see if she has something cooking. I think she did an announcement on her 40th because that is a big one. I will wait patiently for whatever she has to announce until then Happy 42 birthday tomorrow!

  5. Dee(2) says:

    Man to have this job. Someone may do something or they may not, they may announce these plans or keep them close to the chest, we’ll have to wait and see. How do they get paid for this?!!!!

    • Eurydice says:

      It’s like middle school – How to Write a 500 Word Essay When You Haven’t Done Your Homework.

  6. Brit says:

    It’s the way they’re begging Meghan for content at this point, lol. No wonder William and Kate became bitter and sometimes I wonder if the press intentionally does this to fuel the nastiness from Team Wales. William and Kate use their kids, tap dance and leak and its stills not enough for the BM. Nobody benefits especially the media if there was ever peace and resolve again.

    • Polo says:

      Absolutely they want a constant war which is why they won’t let Harry and Meghan move on! Everything is always about disrespecting or overshadowing another royal. So much of this could have been stopped if they were an actual family that cared for each other. Smh

    • Amy Bee says:

      @Brit: As hard as William tries, he not getting the attention that he wants. His Burger giveaway barely made a ripple in the press when compared to the reaction of Harry and Meghan releasing that video yesterday. I can understand William being pissed about that.

      • Julia says:

        And Kate only gets international attention when she stands next to someone famous, or brings out her kids. Her day to day engagements are increasingly monotonous. The reporters are bored.

  7. Miranda says:

    My favorite thing from the 40th birthday announcement was that accusation that she was disrespecting/mocking QEII by, um, drinking tea. Remember that?

    • Amy Bee says:

      No, I don’t but that’s just bonkers.

    • Shawna says:

      Oh yeah, I remember that. She was drinking tea while FaceTiming Melissa McCarthy, right?

    • Becks1 says:

      oh yes lol that the whole thing was mocking Brits and the Queen in particular because Meghan was drinking tea. It was bonkers like AmyBee said.

      i will confess that the outfit meghan wore in that video may be my favorite outfit she’s ever worn. It just looked like such a cozy comfy yet still chic outfit for WFH.

  8. Jais says:

    Happy almost birthday 🥳

  9. Snuffles says:

    People don’t tend to drop big announcements on a Friday. It’s kind of a dead zone.

  10. Amy Bee says:

    I think some announcements are coming but I don’t think it will be on her birthday. As I said on another post, I think People and US Weekly doing cover stories on her and Harry makes me suspect that there will be some announcements soon. As for the British press, didn’t they want Meghan and Harry to disappear? So why are they so eager to hear from them now? I agree that the Royal Family are not going acknowledge Meghan’s birthday tomorrow. The Queen is dead and Charles is in charge now.

  11. tamsin says:

    Wonder if a season 2 of Archetypes might drop this August. I believe season 1 dropped last August just before the Queen died.

    • Kel says:

      It doesn’t sound like she was doing another podcast. It said she was making archetypes content for another platform but not necessarily a podcast. I think people need to let the whole “season” thing go and just be surprised with what comes.

  12. QuiteContrary says:

    Whatever happens, I hope Meghan has the wonderful birthday she deserves.

  13. Jay says:

    Is it possible that Meghan just wants to have a peaceful quiet day with her husband and kids and friends?
    They always project onto her like she’s plotting to take over the world because that’s the image they’ve created of her. When she doesn’t live up to that image they claim she’s a failure or something must be wrong and the cycle continues. I feel like even fans do this by placing such high expectations on Meghan when I feel like she’s just trying to heal, mind her business away from the spotlight, and create positive change.

    She is not gonna be like JLO or those kinds of celebs. Meghan has always been low key and I think especially now they would rather stay in their safe bubble as homebodies. That’s not gonna change!

    • TheWigletOfWails says:

      Or she could be having a birthday bash (like she’s done before) with her friends and family and the public wouldn’t know about it because they never posted anything about it. That’s the privacy the Sussexes want and deserve.

    • AMTC says:

      @Jay, you have summed it up perfectly.

      “They always project onto her like she’s plotting to take over the world because that’s the image they’ve created of her. When she doesn’t live up to that image they claim she’s a failure or something must be wrong and the cycle continues.”

      She was a reasonably well known actress who advocated for great causes and who married a senior member of the royal family. She was monstered by the tabloids and Murdoch press (still is unfortunately) and betrayed by her husband’s family. She’s now back in her home country with her beautiful family, focussing on things she is passionate about. Where’s the story? Oh sorry, of course that won’t make the BM any money.

  14. Mary Pester says:

    I would love to see meghan announce a self help book or a lifestyle one. She has faced and is facing such crap but she still shines, and it would help so many people, and knowing how she thinks we know that profits would go to either women’s or mental health charities, orrrrrr, she could just write a short announcement, something like “I’m still here suckers, still thriving with my husband and children, so take your poison little pens and sit on them 🤣🤣🤣, but she’s a better person than me lol

  15. tamsin says:

    I think she did something big on her 40th because it is a milestone. I wouldn’t be surprised if all birthdays are private until her 50th! Perhaps we can hope for something big on Harry’s 40th.

  16. Robin Samuels says:

    Happy Birthday Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex and President Barack O’Bama – August 4. 2023
    Birthdays in the Sussex family run from May – September, with a breather in July. Mama Sussex, be busy! I’m not looking for her to make a big announcement because Harry has several projects on the agenda: summit in Japan, polo in Singapore, and Invictus in Germany. They tend not to allow their projects to clash.
    Fitzwilliams said on television that he had never met Meghan, but he believes her to be “uppity.” Anyone with Black DNA knew precisely what he meant when he called her “uppity.” So he can take his concern about what she will do next and shove it.
    As far as the Royal cult goes, Meghan has moved on. Any birthday greetings from them would wreak with hypocrisy. I wish they all toss and turn every night, anticipating what could come from the Dan Wootton fiasco and the trial where Harry will speak in 2024. The King, his heir, and their spouse are deeply involved in the phone hacking and Sussex smear campaign.