Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell froze up again on Wednesday. I’m sure there’s a more technical medical term we should use, like “a neurological incident” or “he sh-t his pants,” but most media outlets are going with “freezing up,” so there you go. It was a little more than a month ago when McConnell froze up and went dead-silent in front of a media scrum within the Capitol. At that time, we also learned that his health has seemingly deteriorated significantly this year and that he’s been falling a lot. He face-planted on a plane (which got covered up) and he was away from the Senate for months as he “recuperated” from a mysterious fall this spring. Well, I don’t know who’s treating him, but they’re not doing a very good job. LOL.
This was during another little press conference, this time in McConnell’s home state of Kentucky. He had apparently just met with “business leaders” in the area. That meeting was probably a mess. It feels perfect that he froze up this time when asked about reelection. The woman who came up and put her arm around him… you know she pinched him or elbowed him in some way to try to get him to snap out of it.
Anyhoodle, I don’t feel bad. This man is the reason why Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch and Amy Coney Barrett are on the Supreme Court. This man is the reason why Obama’s agenda was largely suffocated in his second term. This man is decrepit, nasty old turtle and if he wants to stroke out on national television, let him. Oh, look, a different angle!
United States Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Republican of Kentucky) speaks to the media following the weekly Senate policy luncheon. McConnell stopped speaking in the middle of his opening remarks and was escorted away from the podium before returning to answer questions and saying, “I’m Fine” in the US Capitol in Washington, D.C.
Featuring: Senator Mitch McConnell
Where: Washington, District of Columbia, United States
When: 26 Jul 2023
Credit: CNP/
United States Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Republican of Kentucky) speaks to the media following the weekly Senate policy luncheon. McConnell stopped speaking in the middle of his opening remarks and was escorted away from the podium before returning to answer questions and saying, “I’m Fine” in the US Capitol in Washington, D.C.
Featuring: Senator Mitch McConnell
Where: Washington, District of Columbia, United States
When: 26 Jul 2023
Credit: CNP/
United States Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Republican of Kentucky) speaks to the media following the weekly Senate policy luncheon. McConnell stopped speaking in the middle of his opening remarks and was escorted away from the podium before returning to answer questions and saying, “I’m Fine” in the US Capitol in Washington, D.C.
Featuring: Senator Mitch McConnell
Where: Washington, District of Columbia, United States
When: 26 Jul 2023
Credit: CNP/
United States Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Republican of Kentucky) speaks to the media following the weekly Senate policy luncheon. McConnell stopped speaking in the middle of his opening remarks and was escorted away from the podium before returning to answer questions and saying, “I’m Fine” in the US Capitol in Washington, D.C.
Featuring: Senator Mitch McConnell
Where: Washington, District of Columbia, United States
When: 26 Jul 2023
Credit: CNP/
United States Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Republican of Kentucky) speaks to the media following the weekly Senate policy luncheon. McConnell stopped speaking in the middle of his opening remarks and was escorted away from the podium before returning to answer questions and saying, “I’m Fine” in the US Capitol in Washington, D.C.
Featuring: Senator Mitch McConnell
Where: Washington, District of Columbia, United States
When: 26 Jul 2023
Credit: CNP/
I live in Kentucky. A few years ago, a very politically conservative coworker was on a tear about the liberal media and said, “And they always choose the most unflattering pictures of Senator McConnell! They want to make him look bad!” As if Mitch really looks like Robert Redford, it’s just that the photos in the paper were taken from bad angles. As we say down here when somebody says something stupid: “Oh, bless your heart.”
I usually am pretty firm about not criticizing people’s looks – Mitch can’t help it that he looks like a turtle – but in his case I am happy to make an exception, because I think he’s a selfish, cruel person and a traitor to the country he purports to love.
Mason Verger – perfect!! If this were anyone else, I could muster some sympathy.
I just think Senators like McConnell and Feinstein are showing us in REAL time how we desperately need time limits and guidelines in place to prevent this from happening in the future!!
I’ll offer the same thoughts and prayers he offered the parents that lost children to gun violence and all the other victims he created due to his policies.
I’ve had transient ischemic attacks and they looked a lot like this. I suddenly couldn’t understand what was happening around me and couldn’t speak. I was a young healthy 23 at the time – I can’t imagine how dangerous it is when it happens to a frail old man.
Yes, the actual medical term for this is transient ischemic attack or TIA. It sometimes precedes a full blown stroke so watch this space. Otoh, it could just be a side effect of medication. There may not be any thing more his doctors can do besides recommend assisted living. His Senate staff are his caretakers at this point.
He’s almost guaranteed to have contracted Covid since 2021. I don’t buy that he was only recuperating from a “mysterious fall” all that time.
Covid may have mild or no symptoms in the acute phase, but it wreaks permanent, cumulative devastation in multiple body systems. The long term immune system dysfunction that results, they’re starting to find out, is similar to HIV. Attacks on ACE2 receptors also leave the entire circulatory system vulnerable, more prone to clotting events. Sudden strokes and heart attacks become the norm. Covid also accelerates or touches off dementia (even early-onset).
What we’re witnessing with McConnell, I’d wager is a really bad case of multiple-system failure post-viral syndrome. It’s a slow moving trainwreck, essentially.
I completely understand the argument that this evil little Yertle is getting what he deserves. He is. No sympathy.
It’s being broadcast internationally. The context outside of the States is “Look what happens when so many politicians are very, very old.” In the broader context, this is a huge problem. Trump doesn’t come across as capable (he isn’t) and he and Biden are the two front runners. Diane Feinstein is being elder abused just like Mitch, because they occupy strategic political spaces in Congress. We need age limits.
I agree. Then you don’t need to bring age into it at all. Three terms for Senate seems reasonable to me. Maybe more for Congress since it’s such a short term.
There is definitely need for age limits and this should be global. There are far too many older people making decisions that they won’t be around to see the end/ongoing longer term results.
If you think that Mitch McConnell is a victim of elder abuse, then you don’t know Mitch. This is a man who has lied about his intentions and has misused the powers of his office in order to push through his agenda, and to thwart the governing party from accomplishing what they were elected to do time and time again. He knows he’s not capable of doing his job, but he would hold on to power until they threw dirt on him. That’s Mitch McConnell. The only people being “abused” are the American taxpayers paying for these Weekend At Bernie-like performances.
And after they throw dirt on him, I want a livecam in his coffin to make sure the old slimebag is really decomposing, and not a vampire waiting to reanimate. I will dance a freaking jig when this disgusting specimen of ambulatory evil pops his clogs, and I’m not even American.
I despise Mitch McConnell and think he has been an abusive elder (statesman) for far too long a time, Debbie.
That said, I do think he’s also, since this year at least, he’s also an elder being abused. He’s had at least 4 health crises if not more this year and it’s clear he’s not physically well.
However there’s a D governor who’s threatening to replace MM (if he steps down/ dies) with a D Senator. And the whacko right wingers (actually worse than MM!!) are also threatening to block the governor and get their own guy in.
Since the Senate is 50-50, the Rs do not want to risk a D replacing Mitch. And they probably don’t want another right-wing/ Tea Party/ Trumpian replacement either. I’m pretty sure the Rs are perfectly willing to prop MM up until they have to literally “weekend at Bernie” him. MM is one of the worst, yet I do see that as abuse.
Hopefully he’ll soon be gone.
I don’t live in the US but I follow US politics. A year ago or so, on a different Mitch article, I made a comment along the lines of “it will be nice to be able to vote for younger progressive candidates” or some words to that effect.
Most people who replied agreed but like 2 or 3 blasted me for being ageist and said age has nothing to do with whether a person is a good candidate or not, so saying you want someone younger is wrong.
And I just want to bring this up because…. yes, I agree that there are many 80+ year olds out there that are progressive, mentally and physically fit, and damn good at their jobs. There are also plenty of 30 year old politicians that are incompetent or just horrible humans who you don’t trust with the TV remote, let alone a country. And then a whole spectrum in between.
I am not saying that once you turn 80 you have to be relegated to a nursing home and have no say. Obviously not. BUT – on the whole, in general, for the most part…. it is not a good thing to have a government made up of octogenarians. I still believe that. If I were running a company and the average age of my management team was 80, I would be concerned. Not just for business continuity reasons but because I would worry about whether their views and decisions were appropriate for the average customer (or citizen, in Mitch’s case).
In any case, I still believe having more progressive and, yes, younger politicians in government is generally a net positive. Being young doesn’t automatically make you good at your job, but at the very, very least you won’t look like a mummified corpse at a press conference.
I agree. And with regard to what Beenie said, I’ve seen how getting past the age of 80 can change cognitive function and the decision-making process.
My mother is 87 and has declined quite a bit in the last 5 years. She has been repeating herself for years now, but still seemed mostly lucid. This week she had an incident that landed her in the hospital for two days. It wasn’t anything like what happened to Mitch, but it triggered some dis-ordered thinking and some VERY reactionary statements.
Yesterday I was on the phone listening to my progressive mother, the one with a Masters in Social Work who worked with prisoners and low-income people, who has always been adamantly Pro-Choice and wanted her three daughters to rule the world, say “I don’t having all these woman doctors who need to take maternity leave and stop to go pump. I preferred it when all the doctors were men.”
You could see his eyes roll upwards as this was happening. It happened to my dad, these little “mini-strokes”. They add up, and The Turtle’s are getting closer together. They are literally propping him up at this point.
Yertile is old AF and should’ve been put out to pasture a loooong time ago. I don’t have an ounce of sympathy for this evil old man. Not. One. Ounce.
Karma IS working hard, but not as hard as the woman in the first video practically shouting as she stood right next to him. She was busy trying to wake Mitch up and busy pretending that she was acting normally at the same time. And the writer is correct, I’m sure if there was camera footage of what was happening behind them, we would see her pinching him, perhaps stabbing him with a crooked, well-worn fork and stepping on his foot, in a vain effort to reanimate him. I mean, when she has to call the guy to come help her prod him away from the podium. Her asking him, “Did you hear the question, Senator?” and winking at the camera when she tells the reporters that “we” have to stop. All this in addition to Mitch’s response of, “What are my thoughts about what?” says it all.
That woman who was standing by his side during the first incident (in the pink blazer bobbling her head up and down in agreement with everything he said) was Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa. She’s as much a ghoul as Mitch is.
@amybee – he absolutely should retire and I can guarantee to you that he won’t because if he does that ahead of the Nov. election here in KY our current Governor (a Democrat) gets to replace him. The legislature here has tried to remove some of the governor’s power to replace a Senator by passing a law that says they have to replace the Senator from someone from the same party and off of a list provided by state lawmaker of that party. The thing is, our Governor sounds like he believes the law is unconstitutional and would take this as an opportunity to appoint someone (not a Republican) and test that law in court. That obviously has national political implications. So MMc will hold on at least through this November’s election to see if his horrifying protégée gets elected. If he does then MAYBE MMc retires.
The Republicans try to distract from all the good work Biden is doing by calling him old.
And yet this is who they want to lead them.
By the way, Biden is working on lowering medicine prices for old people. This administration is working on so many things that help people, but it doesn’t get talked about a lot in the media.
The American media is barely better than the British media at this point. Even our political coverage has turned into tabloid journalism with little coverage of substance and issues.
Biden has done very progressive things (which liberals say they want) as well as working to pass major bipartisan legislation (which independents say they want); staunched the hemorrhaging of our international reputation as well as stabilized the operation of the government; and has gotten more liberal pieces of legislation through and more judges confirmed than Obama (and avoided the midterm tsunami that wiped out obama’s agenda) but he STILL gets criticized and/or unappreciated. I look at his polling numbers and just think wtf? Do people want to return to the days when the phrase “in a series of early morning tweets” struck fear into our hearts?
People, as always, are stupid and have evidently forgotten how horrifying it was to have FOUR YEARS of a malignant, proudly ignorant, incurious lump of sh!t in the Oval, so they don’t acknowledge/understand that government is SUPPOSED to be boring and “just work.” Either that, or they are part of TFG’s “sizzle-brained base” (credit to my hilarious and witty 15 year-old!) and only care about libs getting owned. Joe is doing a great job for the whole country and I wish it got the attention it deserves.
As far as Moscow Mitch goes, I don’t care what happens to him. You don’t get brownie points just because you’re old and frail, and he’s still evil and disgusting and a power-hungry tyrant. He *should* retire, but he won’t because he has never and will never make any decision that doesn’t benefit himself most of all.
Finally, the aforementioned witty and hilarious 15 year-old and I were talking about ol’ Mitch in the car the other day and he said he thinks the cutoff to run should be 65, and I agree. I could get behind 70, but no older. The generations in power should be young enough to have to live with the consequences of their decision-making.
President Biden has been able to do some great things and I rest easy knowing he’s at the helm (it felt like 4 years of unending stress under trump), however, a lot of us are truly struggling right now. Everything has gotten so expensive, owning a home seems more out of reach than ever, and inflation is not coming down fast enough. I have never voted republican and never will, but I’m worried that if I’m feeling squeezed, then a lot of people are feeling even worse, and will grasp at any chance they feel will make their day-to-day lives easier, even if they’re misinformed. One of my dearest friends voted for trump in the last election and I was like, “How????” Her reason: “He helped my mom” (the cost of her medication went down under trump). I’m not sure if this is true, but if people feel that their day-to-day will improve, they may elect a criminal to the highest office. They’ve done it before. As for Moscow Mitch, I can only say KARMA. He’s an odious man who’s held his position for far too long. He’s done so much damage, so no sympathy now that he’s dwindling. F him.
@AMA1977 – while describing the prior term, you forgot about foreign policy and international relations being hastily typed via twitter from the White House bathroom.
That was definitely on the highlight reel.
The only network I trust now is MSNBC. They’re not perfect but they call out the GOP and give credit where credit is due to Biden. At least the evening crew does.
Something happened when he fell at that hotel – which was very close after he wasn’t supportive enough about Trump in public. It went downhill from there.
He’s having mini-strikes, and he’s poised to next time to have a big, final stroke in public. And we’re all going to have to witness it? Why are they trying to subject us to that trauma of watching someone die catastrophically in front of us? Albeit someone evil. Are they trying to make us upset or gleeful? Either way, no. Retire him from Congress, then feel free to take him behind the woodshed.
I couldn’t care less than less about this horrible man.
You can’t deny though, the reporting surrounding his medical issues is vastly different to that of Feinstein.
Not on this site, obviously, but overall in the MSM.
Of corse they are all for Feinstein to retire immediately but we NEED to start calling out for McConnell to retire as well!! The Repugnant’s are always attacking the Democrats and it’s high time that they start getting the same treatment!! Mitch must retire now as he apparently doesn’t have all of his faculties operating properly!! As for Feinstein, her diagnosis doesn’t interfere wth her brain function whereas Mitch DOES!!!
We need to start limiting terms as well as forcing those like Mitch to have a proper assessment and have it made public!! Mitch is incapable of fulfilling his duties.
I can’t wait for this fossil that has wreaked destruction and havoc on our country for decades!! I will be having a celebration!!
Feinstein is absolutely mentally incapable of doing her job. She is being propped up by her aids and they are having to tell her what to say and how to vote. She needs to step down but she won’t because she has a powerful position that would be filled by a Rethuglican.
The same thing is going on with Mitch. Both of them need to step down but the worship of power in order to have even more power and get richer by the Republicans and the desperate need to keep some power to stave off fascism by the Democrats is forcing both parties to turn a blind eye to this incredibly serious problem.
What this is showing us is there is a very real problem in how our government is run. This is also showing how we need every Democratic voter, independent voter, and apathetic voters to step up and vote for every Democratic candidate. We need to firmly control the House and Senate so we can get them back to doing actual work for the nation instead of the constant power struggles.
Ugh, that staffer who comes in and winks at a reporter like, “you know what this is; it’s exactly what we talked about, remember we’re not talking about it” just grosses me out.
Yep. Just keep propping him up and using him until there isn’t anything left to use. And keep attempting to gaslight all of us like we’re idiots when we can all clearly see that something is very wrong.
“ Just keep propping him up and using him until there isn’t anything left to use.”
To be fair, Mitch would want them to do this. He is so desperate for the Republicans to have power he would sacrifice his health and wellbeing to help them.
Add in his not wanting Americans to have adequate healthcare, even though his world class healthcare is funded by American tax payers, and I have zero(0) sympathy for him. He deserves all of this.
I want to be able to say all the things I want to say about McConnell and these incidents and what they mean for his health and the balance of power, but I also don’t want to make fun of or make light of these incidents for others or be offensively ageist in the process. And I can’t figure out how to do that so I’ll just say McConnell Is Evil.
Mitch IS evil and vile and doesn’t CARE one iota about what is best for every American!!! Mitch only cares about using his power to wreak havoc while gleefully destroying democracy. All whilst using his power with an authoritarian rule and nothing more.
Have they started a campaign for the Turtle to immediately retire?? If not, they should!
President Biden is such a class act. That’s what stands out to me in this.
I agree with the posts upthread. It’s time for term limits. This man has a hand in every bad thing that has been happening in this country. He made it his life’s mission to obstruct President Obama and take us straight to hell, which is where I hope this turtle ends up. His judgment cometh and that right soon (name that movie)
My son overheard my husband and I laughing and making fun of the video last night, but we made it VERY clear to him that we would ordinarily never laugh at someone’s health problems— but that McConnell is an evil man who has ruined countless other people’s lives, so it was a rare exception.
Because I’m sorry, but after what this POS has done to our country, there’s no way to not enjoy watching this sh!t happen to him publicly. He is so cruel and deserving of any humiliation that comes his way.
I’ll be honest, as much I find him to be a desestable racist human, I was horrified watching that video. He assisted in ruining this country and his legacy will be nothing but darkness. They need to stop propping him up for appearences because at this point it’s elder abuse.
I also wonder if those mini pauses may be be aphasia and if so, this could be dementia. What a sad hateful life he’s lead and now this.
A former premier of our province (Texas North) who loudly and glibly shot off his mouth while doing horrible damage to our healthcare system, environment and public service unions among many other things, died of a form of dementia that caused aphasia. I didn’t rejoice in his suffering, but sometimes the chickens do come home to roost, as it were.
The GOP have made themselves the dudes from Weekend at Bernies.
Agreed that it’s too painful to watch & the GOP’s treatment of their own fellow, one of their leaders, should horrify us all. How far will someone go for their photo op & political image, even when confronted face-to-face with a dying man?
He’s made a career out of denying healthcare for many, but I’m sure that he has access to the best that medical science and money can buy. And he won’t have to wait for six weeks until he can get in to see a specialist like the rest of us do. They will get him in right away.
@OlliesMom, EXACTLY. I’m generally a compassionate person, but I do not have one drop of sympathy for this man after what he’s inflicted on other people.
Well, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, but sometimes karma works in mysterious ways. The reason he and Feinstein are still being carted around is essentially because of him. Feinstein sits on the judicial committee that appoints judges, and republicans wouldn’t let her vote remotely when she was ill, and have said they wouldn’t allow someone appointed in her stead to take over her spot. That’s her most indispensable function right now.
And he’s the leader of the republicans in the senate, telling them to hold the line on not making allowances.
No one will miss him when he’s gone, other than whatever groups are funneling him money for agenda advancement. And they won’t miss him, just the access.
With how the U.S. is skewing in age (waves at Boomers), we need to have a real conversation about aging and relative ability. You will find a lot of older Americans who think they are still as vital and undiminished at 70 or 80 as they were at 40 or 50. And they will continue working, either because they want to, or have no other choice financially. They will also keep voting for politicians who are of their generation because they don’t see them as too old to do the job, or they think older politicians will protect their interests.
I realize I sound as if I am horribly ageist, and perhaps I am, but I know from personal experience that some elders just don’t realize how impaired they’ve become over time. Has anyone ever tried to convince a parent they can no longer drive, or handle their own finances?
My father was driving 8 hours by HIMSELF to visit me in Toronto from where he lives in NY. I now moved to Ottawa to be closer (6 hour drive), but he still insists on driving up by himself. He is exactly Biden’s age, born on the exact same day, so he will be 81 in November, which is when he plans on driving up again. I rue the day where I have to take his license away. I have tried to have conversations with him about flying or taking the train, but he insists on driving. He doesn’t mind people being his age in politics because he thinks he would be fit to serve too, so I get your rationale with this. He seems to think he is invincible (my 75 year old mother does too) and I won’t have to worry about them getting sick or dying for 15-20 years. I find it very difficult as the only child to navigate this grandiose immortality attitude.
I’m surprised they’re even still letting him hold press conferences given what happened the first time around. I know they said he would consult a physician before his next press conference but I don’t think we’ll be seeing him hold any press conferences. They’ll pretend he is still “working” behind closed doors until an inevitable resignation announcement but it’ll be a long road, maybe until the man is literally at death’s door.
This is the man who picked up the phone two hours after Ruth Baden Ginsberg’s death to pack the Supreme Court with right wing losers. He also willfully and illegally denied Barack Obama a Supreme Court nomination because it was “one year until the end of Obama’s term,” which makes NO sense and is un-Constitutional. He presides over a tiny state and has FAR too much power. So let him freeze, fall and crack into a million pieces. I’d love to see it.
He had another neurological event. He didn’t freeze like a computer, lol. Either an an absence seizure or a TIA. You can clearly see that his face is drooping (unevenly, that’s a change). His eyes rolled up. To me it looks more of a seizure type of event. Also, in an absence seizure, the post ictal phase is described as the “person going on as before as though nothing had happened”. Both events are worrisome. But if a seizure , then you have to wonder what is causing the sudden emergence of events and symptoms. Just my opinion.
He looks like Mason Verger in the movie Hannibal.
Sorry, that’s all I got.
Oh my GOSH – that is what he looks like! HAHA. Couldn’t happen to a worse person!
I live in Kentucky. A few years ago, a very politically conservative coworker was on a tear about the liberal media and said, “And they always choose the most unflattering pictures of Senator McConnell! They want to make him look bad!” As if Mitch really looks like Robert Redford, it’s just that the photos in the paper were taken from bad angles. As we say down here when somebody says something stupid: “Oh, bless your heart.”
I usually am pretty firm about not criticizing people’s looks – Mitch can’t help it that he looks like a turtle – but in his case I am happy to make an exception, because I think he’s a selfish, cruel person and a traitor to the country he purports to love.
Mason Verger – perfect!! If this were anyone else, I could muster some sympathy.
I just think Senators like McConnell and Feinstein are showing us in REAL time how we desperately need time limits and guidelines in place to prevent this from happening in the future!!
Thoughts and prayers Mitch. Thoughts and prayers you soulless bastard.
Yep. This guy makes me hope there’s a hell that he can burn in. Won’t shed a tear when he’s gone.
I’ll offer the same thoughts and prayers he offered the parents that lost children to gun violence and all the other victims he created due to his policies.
Lesa, I don’t know you but I dig you. That comment was hysterical.
I’ve had transient ischemic attacks and they looked a lot like this. I suddenly couldn’t understand what was happening around me and couldn’t speak. I was a young healthy 23 at the time – I can’t imagine how dangerous it is when it happens to a frail old man.
Barbara, OMG, that sounds so scary and you are/were so young! I hope you’ve been able to recover and are now healthy! Hugs
Yes, the actual medical term for this is transient ischemic attack or TIA. It sometimes precedes a full blown stroke so watch this space. Otoh, it could just be a side effect of medication. There may not be any thing more his doctors can do besides recommend assisted living. His Senate staff are his caretakers at this point.
He’s almost guaranteed to have contracted Covid since 2021. I don’t buy that he was only recuperating from a “mysterious fall” all that time.
Covid may have mild or no symptoms in the acute phase, but it wreaks permanent, cumulative devastation in multiple body systems. The long term immune system dysfunction that results, they’re starting to find out, is similar to HIV. Attacks on ACE2 receptors also leave the entire circulatory system vulnerable, more prone to clotting events. Sudden strokes and heart attacks become the norm. Covid also accelerates or touches off dementia (even early-onset).
What we’re witnessing with McConnell, I’d wager is a really bad case of multiple-system failure post-viral syndrome. It’s a slow moving trainwreck, essentially.
I completely understand the argument that this evil little Yertle is getting what he deserves. He is. No sympathy.
It’s being broadcast internationally. The context outside of the States is “Look what happens when so many politicians are very, very old.” In the broader context, this is a huge problem. Trump doesn’t come across as capable (he isn’t) and he and Biden are the two front runners. Diane Feinstein is being elder abused just like Mitch, because they occupy strategic political spaces in Congress. We need age limits.
Agreed, and let’s take this even further: Congress needs Term limits in a bad way – would massively mitigate the need for Age limits.
I agree. Then you don’t need to bring age into it at all. Three terms for Senate seems reasonable to me. Maybe more for Congress since it’s such a short term.
I fully agree with term limits as well for all 3 branches of government: The Supreme Court needs both term and age limits as well.
There is definitely need for age limits and this should be global. There are far too many older people making decisions that they won’t be around to see the end/ongoing longer term results.
If you think that Mitch McConnell is a victim of elder abuse, then you don’t know Mitch. This is a man who has lied about his intentions and has misused the powers of his office in order to push through his agenda, and to thwart the governing party from accomplishing what they were elected to do time and time again. He knows he’s not capable of doing his job, but he would hold on to power until they threw dirt on him. That’s Mitch McConnell. The only people being “abused” are the American taxpayers paying for these Weekend At Bernie-like performances.
And after they throw dirt on him, I want a livecam in his coffin to make sure the old slimebag is really decomposing, and not a vampire waiting to reanimate. I will dance a freaking jig when this disgusting specimen of ambulatory evil pops his clogs, and I’m not even American.
@HoofRat After he dies they need to put a stake in his heart before he is buried…just to be sure.
I despise Mitch McConnell and think he has been an abusive elder (statesman) for far too long a time, Debbie.
That said, I do think he’s also, since this year at least, he’s also an elder being abused. He’s had at least 4 health crises if not more this year and it’s clear he’s not physically well.
However there’s a D governor who’s threatening to replace MM (if he steps down/ dies) with a D Senator. And the whacko right wingers (actually worse than MM!!) are also threatening to block the governor and get their own guy in.
Since the Senate is 50-50, the Rs do not want to risk a D replacing Mitch. And they probably don’t want another right-wing/ Tea Party/ Trumpian replacement either. I’m pretty sure the Rs are perfectly willing to prop MM up until they have to literally “weekend at Bernie” him. MM is one of the worst, yet I do see that as abuse.
Hopefully he’ll soon be gone.
I don’t live in the US but I follow US politics. A year ago or so, on a different Mitch article, I made a comment along the lines of “it will be nice to be able to vote for younger progressive candidates” or some words to that effect.
Most people who replied agreed but like 2 or 3 blasted me for being ageist and said age has nothing to do with whether a person is a good candidate or not, so saying you want someone younger is wrong.
And I just want to bring this up because…. yes, I agree that there are many 80+ year olds out there that are progressive, mentally and physically fit, and damn good at their jobs. There are also plenty of 30 year old politicians that are incompetent or just horrible humans who you don’t trust with the TV remote, let alone a country. And then a whole spectrum in between.
I am not saying that once you turn 80 you have to be relegated to a nursing home and have no say. Obviously not. BUT – on the whole, in general, for the most part…. it is not a good thing to have a government made up of octogenarians. I still believe that. If I were running a company and the average age of my management team was 80, I would be concerned. Not just for business continuity reasons but because I would worry about whether their views and decisions were appropriate for the average customer (or citizen, in Mitch’s case).
In any case, I still believe having more progressive and, yes, younger politicians in government is generally a net positive. Being young doesn’t automatically make you good at your job, but at the very, very least you won’t look like a mummified corpse at a press conference.
Term limits not age limits.
I agree. And with regard to what Beenie said, I’ve seen how getting past the age of 80 can change cognitive function and the decision-making process.
My mother is 87 and has declined quite a bit in the last 5 years. She has been repeating herself for years now, but still seemed mostly lucid. This week she had an incident that landed her in the hospital for two days. It wasn’t anything like what happened to Mitch, but it triggered some dis-ordered thinking and some VERY reactionary statements.
Yesterday I was on the phone listening to my progressive mother, the one with a Masters in Social Work who worked with prisoners and low-income people, who has always been adamantly Pro-Choice and wanted her three daughters to rule the world, say “I don’t having all these woman doctors who need to take maternity leave and stop to go pump. I preferred it when all the doctors were men.”
Karma working hard. He froze when he was asked about running again and he couldn’t form a word.
You could see his eyes roll upwards as this was happening. It happened to my dad, these little “mini-strokes”. They add up, and The Turtle’s are getting closer together. They are literally propping him up at this point.
Yertile is old AF and should’ve been put out to pasture a loooong time ago. I don’t have an ounce of sympathy for this evil old man. Not. One. Ounce.
Karma IS working hard, but not as hard as the woman in the first video practically shouting as she stood right next to him. She was busy trying to wake Mitch up and busy pretending that she was acting normally at the same time. And the writer is correct, I’m sure if there was camera footage of what was happening behind them, we would see her pinching him, perhaps stabbing him with a crooked, well-worn fork and stepping on his foot, in a vain effort to reanimate him. I mean, when she has to call the guy to come help her prod him away from the podium. Her asking him, “Did you hear the question, Senator?” and winking at the camera when she tells the reporters that “we” have to stop. All this in addition to Mitch’s response of, “What are my thoughts about what?” says it all.
That woman who was standing by his side during the first incident (in the pink blazer bobbling her head up and down in agreement with everything he said) was Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa. She’s as much a ghoul as Mitch is.
He needs to retire. He’s not well.
@amybee – he absolutely should retire and I can guarantee to you that he won’t because if he does that ahead of the Nov. election here in KY our current Governor (a Democrat) gets to replace him. The legislature here has tried to remove some of the governor’s power to replace a Senator by passing a law that says they have to replace the Senator from someone from the same party and off of a list provided by state lawmaker of that party. The thing is, our Governor sounds like he believes the law is unconstitutional and would take this as an opportunity to appoint someone (not a Republican) and test that law in court. That obviously has national political implications. So MMc will hold on at least through this November’s election to see if his horrifying protégée gets elected. If he does then MAYBE MMc retires.
Do you know if he’s up for re-election in ‘24 or ‘26?
@ roan inish, 2026. So not even next year.
He’s not going to make it to 2026.
Here’s hoping nature intervenes.
The Republicans try to distract from all the good work Biden is doing by calling him old.
And yet this is who they want to lead them.
By the way, Biden is working on lowering medicine prices for old people. This administration is working on so many things that help people, but it doesn’t get talked about a lot in the media.
The American media is barely better than the British media at this point. Even our political coverage has turned into tabloid journalism with little coverage of substance and issues.
Biden has done very progressive things (which liberals say they want) as well as working to pass major bipartisan legislation (which independents say they want); staunched the hemorrhaging of our international reputation as well as stabilized the operation of the government; and has gotten more liberal pieces of legislation through and more judges confirmed than Obama (and avoided the midterm tsunami that wiped out obama’s agenda) but he STILL gets criticized and/or unappreciated. I look at his polling numbers and just think wtf? Do people want to return to the days when the phrase “in a series of early morning tweets” struck fear into our hearts?
People, as always, are stupid and have evidently forgotten how horrifying it was to have FOUR YEARS of a malignant, proudly ignorant, incurious lump of sh!t in the Oval, so they don’t acknowledge/understand that government is SUPPOSED to be boring and “just work.” Either that, or they are part of TFG’s “sizzle-brained base” (credit to my hilarious and witty 15 year-old!) and only care about libs getting owned. Joe is doing a great job for the whole country and I wish it got the attention it deserves.
As far as Moscow Mitch goes, I don’t care what happens to him. You don’t get brownie points just because you’re old and frail, and he’s still evil and disgusting and a power-hungry tyrant. He *should* retire, but he won’t because he has never and will never make any decision that doesn’t benefit himself most of all.
Finally, the aforementioned witty and hilarious 15 year-old and I were talking about ol’ Mitch in the car the other day and he said he thinks the cutoff to run should be 65, and I agree. I could get behind 70, but no older. The generations in power should be young enough to have to live with the consequences of their decision-making.
President Biden has been able to do some great things and I rest easy knowing he’s at the helm (it felt like 4 years of unending stress under trump), however, a lot of us are truly struggling right now. Everything has gotten so expensive, owning a home seems more out of reach than ever, and inflation is not coming down fast enough. I have never voted republican and never will, but I’m worried that if I’m feeling squeezed, then a lot of people are feeling even worse, and will grasp at any chance they feel will make their day-to-day lives easier, even if they’re misinformed. One of my dearest friends voted for trump in the last election and I was like, “How????” Her reason: “He helped my mom” (the cost of her medication went down under trump). I’m not sure if this is true, but if people feel that their day-to-day will improve, they may elect a criminal to the highest office. They’ve done it before. As for Moscow Mitch, I can only say KARMA. He’s an odious man who’s held his position for far too long. He’s done so much damage, so no sympathy now that he’s dwindling. F him.
@AMA1977 – while describing the prior term, you forgot about foreign policy and international relations being hastily typed via twitter from the White House bathroom.
That was definitely on the highlight reel.
The only network I trust now is MSNBC. They’re not perfect but they call out the GOP and give credit where credit is due to Biden. At least the evening crew does.
Something happened when he fell at that hotel – which was very close after he wasn’t supportive enough about Trump in public. It went downhill from there.
I think his past drug use (and possible tobacco use, is he a smoker?) damaged his vascular system and it is finally catching up with him.
But the idea that someone speeded his health problems up in service of that clownish buffoon that Moscow Mitch hates so much is funny.
Don’t forget – his ex wife fell down the stairs……………….
He’s having mini-strikes, and he’s poised to next time to have a big, final stroke in public. And we’re all going to have to witness it? Why are they trying to subject us to that trauma of watching someone die catastrophically in front of us? Albeit someone evil. Are they trying to make us upset or gleeful? Either way, no. Retire him from Congress, then feel free to take him behind the woodshed.
I couldn’t care less than less about this horrible man.
You can’t deny though, the reporting surrounding his medical issues is vastly different to that of Feinstein.
Not on this site, obviously, but overall in the MSM.
Of corse they are all for Feinstein to retire immediately but we NEED to start calling out for McConnell to retire as well!! The Repugnant’s are always attacking the Democrats and it’s high time that they start getting the same treatment!! Mitch must retire now as he apparently doesn’t have all of his faculties operating properly!! As for Feinstein, her diagnosis doesn’t interfere wth her brain function whereas Mitch DOES!!!
We need to start limiting terms as well as forcing those like Mitch to have a proper assessment and have it made public!! Mitch is incapable of fulfilling his duties.
I can’t wait for this fossil that has wreaked destruction and havoc on our country for decades!! I will be having a celebration!!
Feinstein is absolutely mentally incapable of doing her job. She is being propped up by her aids and they are having to tell her what to say and how to vote. She needs to step down but she won’t because she has a powerful position that would be filled by a Rethuglican.
The same thing is going on with Mitch. Both of them need to step down but the worship of power in order to have even more power and get richer by the Republicans and the desperate need to keep some power to stave off fascism by the Democrats is forcing both parties to turn a blind eye to this incredibly serious problem.
What this is showing us is there is a very real problem in how our government is run. This is also showing how we need every Democratic voter, independent voter, and apathetic voters to step up and vote for every Democratic candidate. We need to firmly control the House and Senate so we can get them back to doing actual work for the nation instead of the constant power struggles.
Ugh, that staffer who comes in and winks at a reporter like, “you know what this is; it’s exactly what we talked about, remember we’re not talking about it” just grosses me out.
I thought that was horrifying, get this man to a hospital!
It’s vile right? I agree with you. But it pretty much sums up their party – no empathy, no dignity, no compassion. A den of vipers.
Yep. Just keep propping him up and using him until there isn’t anything left to use. And keep attempting to gaslight all of us like we’re idiots when we can all clearly see that something is very wrong.
“ Just keep propping him up and using him until there isn’t anything left to use.”
To be fair, Mitch would want them to do this. He is so desperate for the Republicans to have power he would sacrifice his health and wellbeing to help them.
Add in his not wanting Americans to have adequate healthcare, even though his world class healthcare is funded by American tax payers, and I have zero(0) sympathy for him. He deserves all of this.
This incident was worse than the first one. It lasted longer and he seemed to be more out of it.
I want to be able to say all the things I want to say about McConnell and these incidents and what they mean for his health and the balance of power, but I also don’t want to make fun of or make light of these incidents for others or be offensively ageist in the process. And I can’t figure out how to do that so I’ll just say McConnell Is Evil.
Mitch IS evil and vile and doesn’t CARE one iota about what is best for every American!!! Mitch only cares about using his power to wreak havoc while gleefully destroying democracy. All whilst using his power with an authoritarian rule and nothing more.
Have they started a campaign for the Turtle to immediately retire?? If not, they should!
President Biden is such a class act. That’s what stands out to me in this.
I agree with the posts upthread. It’s time for term limits. This man has a hand in every bad thing that has been happening in this country. He made it his life’s mission to obstruct President Obama and take us straight to hell, which is where I hope this turtle ends up. His judgment cometh and that right soon (name that movie)
Someone on Twitter called him Glitch Mcconnell and that is all I am calling him from now on 🙂
That is fantastic! I feel bad for laughing, but given who it is, not that bad.
My son overheard my husband and I laughing and making fun of the video last night, but we made it VERY clear to him that we would ordinarily never laugh at someone’s health problems— but that McConnell is an evil man who has ruined countless other people’s lives, so it was a rare exception.
Because I’m sorry, but after what this POS has done to our country, there’s no way to not enjoy watching this sh!t happen to him publicly. He is so cruel and deserving of any humiliation that comes his way.
I’ll be honest, as much I find him to be a desestable racist human, I was horrified watching that video. He assisted in ruining this country and his legacy will be nothing but darkness. They need to stop propping him up for appearences because at this point it’s elder abuse.
I also wonder if those mini pauses may be be aphasia and if so, this could be dementia. What a sad hateful life he’s lead and now this.
A former premier of our province (Texas North) who loudly and glibly shot off his mouth while doing horrible damage to our healthcare system, environment and public service unions among many other things, died of a form of dementia that caused aphasia. I didn’t rejoice in his suffering, but sometimes the chickens do come home to roost, as it were.
The GOP have made themselves the dudes from Weekend at Bernies.
Agreed that it’s too painful to watch & the GOP’s treatment of their own fellow, one of their leaders, should horrify us all. How far will someone go for their photo op & political image, even when confronted face-to-face with a dying man?
If he’s had two of these “incidents” in public within a month it makes you wonder how many he’s had behind closed doors.
First thing I thought about. You have to assume it’s several times a week at this point.
He’s made a career out of denying healthcare for many, but I’m sure that he has access to the best that medical science and money can buy. And he won’t have to wait for six weeks until he can get in to see a specialist like the rest of us do. They will get him in right away.
@OlliesMom, EXACTLY. I’m generally a compassionate person, but I do not have one drop of sympathy for this man after what he’s inflicted on other people.
Well, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, but sometimes karma works in mysterious ways. The reason he and Feinstein are still being carted around is essentially because of him. Feinstein sits on the judicial committee that appoints judges, and republicans wouldn’t let her vote remotely when she was ill, and have said they wouldn’t allow someone appointed in her stead to take over her spot. That’s her most indispensable function right now.
And he’s the leader of the republicans in the senate, telling them to hold the line on not making allowances.
No one will miss him when he’s gone, other than whatever groups are funneling him money for agenda advancement. And they won’t miss him, just the access.
With how the U.S. is skewing in age (waves at Boomers), we need to have a real conversation about aging and relative ability. You will find a lot of older Americans who think they are still as vital and undiminished at 70 or 80 as they were at 40 or 50. And they will continue working, either because they want to, or have no other choice financially. They will also keep voting for politicians who are of their generation because they don’t see them as too old to do the job, or they think older politicians will protect their interests.
I realize I sound as if I am horribly ageist, and perhaps I am, but I know from personal experience that some elders just don’t realize how impaired they’ve become over time. Has anyone ever tried to convince a parent they can no longer drive, or handle their own finances?
My father was driving 8 hours by HIMSELF to visit me in Toronto from where he lives in NY. I now moved to Ottawa to be closer (6 hour drive), but he still insists on driving up by himself. He is exactly Biden’s age, born on the exact same day, so he will be 81 in November, which is when he plans on driving up again. I rue the day where I have to take his license away. I have tried to have conversations with him about flying or taking the train, but he insists on driving. He doesn’t mind people being his age in politics because he thinks he would be fit to serve too, so I get your rationale with this. He seems to think he is invincible (my 75 year old mother does too) and I won’t have to worry about them getting sick or dying for 15-20 years. I find it very difficult as the only child to navigate this grandiose immortality attitude.
That Beyonce tweet has me crying! 🤣 I wish this man all the worst.
I’m surprised they’re even still letting him hold press conferences given what happened the first time around. I know they said he would consult a physician before his next press conference but I don’t think we’ll be seeing him hold any press conferences. They’ll pretend he is still “working” behind closed doors until an inevitable resignation announcement but it’ll be a long road, maybe until the man is literally at death’s door.
I just read that he did see a doctor who has already “cleared” him to go back to work. It’s a joke.
Ugh. One of those guys who can’t die fast enough, given the heinous amount of damage they’ve done.
No sympathy. Adios, #MoscowMitch Don’t let the door of hell hit you on your way down.
This is the man who picked up the phone two hours after Ruth Baden Ginsberg’s death to pack the Supreme Court with right wing losers. He also willfully and illegally denied Barack Obama a Supreme Court nomination because it was “one year until the end of Obama’s term,” which makes NO sense and is un-Constitutional. He presides over a tiny state and has FAR too much power. So let him freeze, fall and crack into a million pieces. I’d love to see it.
These “spells” and the way his mouth hangs open reminds me of my dad, who had Parkinson’s.
He had another neurological event. He didn’t freeze like a computer, lol. Either an an absence seizure or a TIA. You can clearly see that his face is drooping (unevenly, that’s a change). His eyes rolled up. To me it looks more of a seizure type of event. Also, in an absence seizure, the post ictal phase is described as the “person going on as before as though nothing had happened”. Both events are worrisome. But if a seizure , then you have to wonder what is causing the sudden emergence of events and symptoms. Just my opinion.